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Messages - Drakilian

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Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 08:29:38 pm »
Sylvian, not deigning the animals worthy of his fangs, moves along with the rest of the coterie.

None of the hungry dead manage to slake their thirsts in the cattle market - and so they move past the area and goes westwards to the central market area

Just before passing through the central market, the characters hear the sound of a small crowd ahead. In the center of the market, a slave auction is in progress. The characters can see a paunchy man standing atop a platform. He holds a chain linked to a collar attached to a roughly clad, miserable looking captive, who is forced to kneel before him, hands bound behind her back. A line of other captives is chained to a large stake driven into the ground nearby. Two men stand guard over them.

Several people stand before the platform; a few call out bids. Torches illuminate the stage, but leave most of the crowd and nearby streets in shadow.Some members of the crowd appear to be little more than brigands, bearded, heavily armed men drawn from the nearby taverns to watch the entertainment. A few look as though they might be merchants in search of slaves to help in the workplace. One man stands out from the crowd. Obviously a nobleman, as evidenced by his fine clothes and jewelry, he seems bored by the current offering, yet is clearly agitated. Perhaps he is waiting for something better to be offered.

Aldric's eyes settle on the nobleman - who then says, in a curious tone - "He is so pale, and tinged with red. Impatient, uneasy and bored."

Sylvian gathers from Aldric's comment that the nobleman is a vampire.

Steeple and Lucien both hear this comment, as Aldric does not make any attempt to speak in a low voice.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 08:18:18 pm »
Okay - since Sylvian is well fed i'll just post that he moves right on past the place along with the group.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 08:10:53 pm »
At first you had me interested, now you have my attention.

Just post what you do in the animal market already dammit.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 08:07:50 pm »
Did they have slaves here? xD

Funny you say that...

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:40:21 pm »
So, meeting first, then castle?

Just shaddup and wait for it to actually get to that point Aman XD

The two places are literally right next to each other, it won't make a difference whether you intend to meet the prince or your sires/Patron first, you have to go to the same place before the decision is made.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:37:53 pm »
Depends on if you have enough time by then.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:36:30 pm »
You go to the castle and he greets you once he's made aware of your presence.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:34:39 pm »
Are the Prince and the meeting two separate things?

Yep. Vencel Rikard isn't your Patron and isn't one of your sires, so he isn't a part of the meeting.

We are! XD

You're the one who had us play it out, and referred to Steeple & Heldric as having "skipped right through."

No, see, I said that they skipped through the cattle herd - not taking the time to feed off of any of the animals. There are more events to interrupt you on the way to the castle XD

You guys definitely aren't, Steeple is heading for a tavern and heldric is doing something similar (not that they'll find one before the event happens).

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:21:49 pm »
so, we should or should not assume our characters knew that?

Cause it's kinda unfair you're concealing info our characters logically ought to have been aware of unless it occurs to us to specifically ask about it.

that combined with how you were pushing insistent need to feed makes it feel like the designer of this adventure was trying to trick players into pissing off the prince.

not complaining!  Just discussing!
Aw. . .  :'(

No, i'm pushing the need to feed because you're hungry vampires and you have a need to feed XD.

Killing animals is fine.

Thought you guys already knew, honestly.

In case you're wondering, the whole host thing extends both ways. When you see a prince, it's rude of them not to offer you blood or lodging for at least one day. At least in current times.

You aren't supposed to waste time going to other parts of the city, honestlt, you're supposed to head straight to the prince and the meeting you have set up, haha.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:01:44 pm »
Is it rude to feed on humans in a vampire's domain without asking?

Yes. In general, it's rude to enter a prince's domain without announcing your presence - it's ruder still to enter their domain and feed from "their" humans without being welcomed into the city, and if you kill humans and generally behave like an asshole AND don't announce yourself, the Prince will be super pissed.

Think of it as someone coming to your home - if you invite them in, things are cool. If they come in without you knowing though, you'll be angry - if they start touching and rubbing your stuff (Feeding on your humans), you'll be angrier, and if they start breaking your shit (killing your humans) then you'd be furious.

Yay!  Can we still be BFFs?

He tries to murder all of you XD

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:52:30 pm »
Anyway, giving you all until tomorrow before I move on to the next event. Anton is basically done, Steeple and Heldric also skipped right on through, Carinus will bring Kiril a cow, a boy and an old man later on, and that leaves Lucien and Sylvian for me to play through here with.

Well [redacted redacted redacted]

So we have about 2:30 hours to find food?


Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:50:50 pm »
[redacted redacted redacted]

What's the time?

What? XD

It's around 7:30 PM now.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:48:41 pm »
I <3 Ennius.  When Lucien dies, I call dibs.  XD

If Lucien dies, Ennius becomes a full vampire as strong as any of the PCs XD

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:33:23 pm »
"My lord, I believe from his initially disgusted expression that he believes you to be the pigFarker." He says, smiling.

Lucien also might want to reconsider his orders - it would be extremely rude to have his men seizing people in the city, especially when he is a very memorable figure. Indeed, if Ennius took two men, and those men died or were never seen again, it is unlikely Lucien would see the next night - whether it be mortals that kill him or Prince Vencel Rikard who stakes him and puts him away into a dungeon to spend the next few millenia in torpor.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:26:06 pm »
I assumed Anton spent a willpower point to prevent frenzy, unless you want to leave the game early just ride it out?

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:25:19 pm »

Anton looks away from the animals, but continues to ride onwards, hoping to keep his beast calm, until he can find proper feed.

The press of warm, human bodies and his ravenous hunger has the beast raging within Anton - so much so that he needs to bring his strong will to bear lest he enter a frenzy right then and there.

As Anton moves through the various animals atop Fantoma, they begin to panick - pigs squeal in a sudden panic and fight their owners to get away, horses viciously buck at the servants holding their reins, cows bellow and struggle to escape their leashes.

Luckily for Anton, none of the animals here are predatory - or he would have been made rather quickly as they would have all flocked to him.

The market is temporarily thrown into disarray as Anton passes it.


"That's up to you, of course," Kiril replies. "You know I trust your judgement."

Carinus nods and gets off the wagon, disappearing into the crowd.

"Should we wait for him?" Fernando asks.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:49:32 pm »
"Would you be able to discreetly take one of them?" Kiril asks Carinus.

"Which one?" Carinus asks, as he begins eyeing the crowd.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:27:59 pm »
I feel like Lucien is a wildly misguided, Zohan-style immigrant in Transylvania.

*Lucien gets off of horse and goes up to old servant taking care of cattle.

*Lucien gets off of horse and goes up to old servant taking care of cattle.

"You, yes, you, old man with the pigs, tell me, where are all the sexy womens at?"

*Said while playing around with a bunch of coins.

Then again, the bestiality angle works very well too:

*Lucien gets off of horse and goes up to old servant taking care of cattle.

"You, yes, you, old man selling the pigs, I want to have some sexy time."

*Jingles coins around.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:27:01 pm »
Andreas nods silently and then gets out of the back of the wagon stepping out and stretching his legs, following from outside. They're forced to move at a slower pace now that they're out in the crowded market anyways.


"Stop" Lucien orders his ghoul. He then jumps off and makes his way to one of the older servants.

"You there. where might a man find some... female company for the night?" he asks as he plays with some coins in his hands.

The man looks at Lucien, confused (and slightly disgusted) - but at the sight of the coins, he smiles readily enough - offering Lucien one of the pigs. Lucien notes that it is a female pig.

Ennius discreetly smiles.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:18:52 pm »
I assume my pet mauling humans would be rude but in the likely event that Heldric has to feed and doesn't want to cause a plague warning he is going to have to kill the human... And Mr. whitey is happy just playing with severed limbs anyway. Can always feed him the remains to hide any trace...

Erm I assume dHeldric was inside his wagon calling out, if he is rising up from can we say he used Obs 3 to look less scary (when just going for a not scary face he pictures a fairly forgettable and plain boy from his old village that he knew well as they grew up, he doesn't try for any voice or mannerisms but keeps the boys face (when he was 20) in mind when he tries for Obs 3

What about Andreas? Heldric could actually get away with just wearing aheavy cloak if he wanted to, since he's fairly discreet, Andreas can't go around the city though (hence his request to be made "pretty").

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:15:20 pm »
I feel like Lucien is a wildly misguided, Zohan-style immigrant in Transylvania.

*Lucien gets off of horse and goes up to old servant taking care of cattle.

"You, yes, you, old man with the pigs, tell me, where are all the sexy womens at?"

*Said while playing around with a bunch of coins.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:04:30 pm »
but are they all just prequel versions of batman villains?

Yep. But, like awesome ones.

Well, okay, some are sketchy, but penguin rules.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:44:56 pm »
The guards keep the gate open once they see the travelers speeding up - and the vampires and their servants enter the city of Budapest.

Immediately inside the gates the characters find themselves in the city's cattle market, where young boys and older servants are watching lines of livestock. Everyone (except for Anton) feels that, if they are careful, they could likely feed from some of the cattle (or maybe even the servants watching them).

Otherwise, if they are unwilling to take such a risk, signs indicate that the main road through Pest leads westward through the city and into the central market.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:39:11 pm »
Since the majority sentiment is to get inside the city quickly, i'll go with everyone doing that.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:36:47 pm »
is that show any good?  one of my friends *loves* it, one *hates* it.

I'm waiting for my boss to come back so we can discuss why I'm not making my sales goals.
(hint: it's because I suck at my job!)And we've been talking to each other all this time while sitting on these wagons?
So, you just assumed we were riding horses/sitting next to our drivers (in which case, how were we conversing with one another?  While sitting on wagons?) but you won't just assume we didn't decide to be idiots and get trapped outside the city?

I'll stop. . .

The actual protagonist is boring, and his wife even moreso (though she's hot as hell), but the villains are awesome, especially Penguin's parts.

No, when you were conversing with each other you got out of the wagons. Your servants stopped the wagons and then woke you up, then you posted leaving the wagons. You didn't post getting onto your horses and sitting next to your drivers, but you had to if you wanted to enter the city. Stop complaining about this Seth, it's whiny and annoying.

I needed to know because there are events scripted if you don't do it.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:32:54 pm »
Andreas nods briefly, then a series of growls and low rumbles escape his throat.

Mr. Whitey translates for Heldric - "He wants you to make him look pretty."

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:30:51 pm »
Ennius. It's not a hard name D XD

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:24:05 pm »
Forge: Note that having your pet crocodile maul humans in another person's city is considered rude.

Also, remember that you can use Obfuscate 3 to look like someone else so that you don't get insta-attacked by everyone the second you're seen.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:22:38 pm »
I'd like to point out that we were all standing around outside the carriages talking.

We seem to be simultaneously outside and inside the carriages- which are exactly as spacious as we feel like pretending they are.

(we went from 'you have the next four days irl to introduce yourselves' to 'tell me this exact second if you're hurrying up to get into the city or not.')

Hey, I need to procrastinate studying on my math exam and I already finished watching Gotham yesterday while procrastinating for my English exam.

They're not carriages, they're enclosed wagons. Full-on wagons. Big enough to fit Heldric, Andreas and the unnamed crocodile without anyone having to sleep atop one another.

We seem to be simultaneously outside and inside the carriages- which are exactly as spacious as we feel like pretending they are.

No, right now i'm assuming you're all riding a horse (if you have one) into the city or sitting next to your drivers outside. Stop complaining Seth.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:05:59 pm »
Can't we just assume we all went inside? XD

Nope. I need to know if you guys actually speed up or if you continue going at the current pace.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 27, 2015, 02:55:43 pm »
The group makes their way to the city's gates - where the town guards are beginning to close the gates for the night. One guard motions with his lantern from afar and calls out, “If you wish to enter the city tonight, you had best hurry! The gates are closing!”

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 02:51:12 pm »
Edited Bo's post to reflect the current situation. Trying not to go into too much detail here in case I get your char wrong.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 02:47:54 pm »
Then feed it chili and wait for the fart-shotgun...

Wonderful mental image.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:57:20 am »
Wonderful mental image.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:41:47 pm »
No, see, it makes no sense with the prelude intro post either. Odi is downstairs and Aldric never gave Sylvian the message

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:13:12 pm »
Bo, I have no idea what you're doing XD

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:13:54 pm »
So rude Lucien, not introducing yourself to the crazy one-armed dude.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:08:12 pm »
Also, events that throw you all off-track are just waiting to be triggered in the city!

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 26, 2015, 02:50:25 pm »
Rocks are notoriously good boxers.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 26, 2015, 01:53:53 pm »
Anton looks at the man.
"Anton Petrov Veranin. You were just talking to the rock, correct?" Anton asks. Insanity is also a sign of damnation.

Prince Maurice replies to Anton (though only Steeple can hear him).

"The rock? The rock?! Young man my name is Maurice! And that's Prince Maurice to you! I cannot believe you dare treat me like a simple, mindless object of no worth! Behave yourself lest I challenge you to a bout of fisticuffs!"

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 26, 2015, 01:52:25 pm »
"Kiril Petrov Veranin, Lord of Vitosha, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."  The polite reply is practically a reflex. 
As always, he checks to see if there's anything useful he can deduce from their appearances, the one-armed man and the ugly one.

Ugly one is obviously a Nosferatu and appears to be exceedingly well fed. The one-armed man is an albino and extremely pale - and yet his veins do not stand out against his skin. He is clearly completely filled with vitae.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 26, 2015, 01:34:26 pm »
"I do believe that one of those men is a women." Prince Maurice states confusedly.

Barrabas groans under Steeple's feet.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:48:06 pm »

"A jolly good idea," Steeple replies to Prince Maurice - though the rude driver could be forgiven for thinking Steeple was talking to him.

Activating Elemental Strength, Steeple coils around the man like a python - yanking him into the carriage and sinking his fangs into the man's face to feed!

(Don't intend to kill him though)...

Steeple quickly casts his spell, strengthening himself, and then immediately sits up, moving faster than any man has a right to move, wrapping his arms around Barabus' neck and then coiling around him, forcefully pushing his face into the ground and immobilizing him while Steeple begins eagerly drinking the man's blood.

He tries to break the hold - and probably could have managed to, being surprisingly strong, but Steeple's bite drains him of the will and strength to fight. His struggling grows weaker and then stops - before Steeple stops, his Beast sated and his hunger satisfied.

Steeple then dumps the groaning man out of the cart - the others, who up until now would have only heard a mild scuffle - see and hear the body fall, as well as Steeple exiting the carriage, stepping onto the man as he does so, and coolly stating "You are the servant; I am the guest; Make sure you get that straight from now on."

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:21:21 pm »
Bruh, i've got this bruh.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:18:34 pm »
So anyway, you guys basically have the next 4 days (irl) to introduce yourselves to each other.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:16:40 pm »
#0 means they didnt even show up to the race, fool

Only because they felt it wouldn't be fair.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:12:49 pm »
Tsk, Heldric, the Schlatza and Andreas all have you beat at #0

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:09:25 pm »
You mean Anton's disgraceful sexiness right


Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:07:49 pm »
Lucien cannot help but note Anton's disgraceful ugliness.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Chapter 1: Dark Tides Rising
« on: January 25, 2015, 08:54:22 pm »
"Certainly - though I think it might be better to wait till we are inside the city. It would look suspicious if I led anyone out and then returned with this group without them."

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