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Messages - Drakilian

Pages: 1 ... 85 86 87 [88] 89 90 91 ... 103
Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:05:46 pm »
Sylvain is a commoner.  Unless Drak is saying we can just assume nobility for our mortal lives with no point cost? 

I forget, I think Lucien might have something like that?

It's assumed that that's where his money comes from. Thing is, doesn't matter if you were nobility before the embrace, you can't rule over a mortal family as a vampire, it would be obvious you're not aging and then you'd be killed. You don't get to keep your old family here. So if he was a noble, he isn't anymore, simply enough. Just a travelling rich dude, living off whatever funds he took with him when he left.

Resources / Re: Languages
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:03:47 pm »
It gives me as much knowledge as my knowledge of English gives me of German, which obviously makes me able to speak German as long as I succeed an intelligence+linguistics rolls.

Huh. Strange. I seem to keep on failing all my rolls... Oh well, i'm sure the characters will do better.

Resources / Re: Languages
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:57:23 pm »
French and Latin do not default to one another.

Old French you said!

Resources / Re: Languages
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:44:45 pm »
See: Rolling for different dialects.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:11:52 pm »
Enough successes on a Mask of a thousand faces roll can make you pretty as can be

Resources / Re: Languages
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:52:17 pm »
Hey, Odi had 4 knowledge points to burn, he dumped them all in Languages and Medicine XD

Resources / Re: Languages
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:35:07 pm »
Aldric speaks Greek, German, Romanian, Hungarian, Baltic, Turkish

Odi speaks German, Romanian, Hungarian, Baltic

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:05:11 pm »
Also I still need my armor and weapon stats added in ^-^

I still need you to at least make a thread with your character's name with four empty posts.

Resources / Re: Languages
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:03:23 pm »
Yep, Bo (and his ghoul) will be translating everything for you guys automatically. If you guys ever separate though, then i'll have to use your own languages.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:59:39 am »
Why am I carrying not one, but 2 shields? haha!

Because you can! You can get rid of one if you'd like, but you said you had a variety of shields, so I gave you the only two types available.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:58:56 am »
Also, picky picky I know, but apparently Kindred invented gender equality.  Not to mention, at this time literacy shouldn't be a given. 

It's one of my pet peeves, I know, when 11th century characters, or fantasy races, or whatever- have the mindset and worldviews of modern day people. It's just ingrained in most people, the assumption that our current sense of aesthetics has always been, that what we find ethical and moral is the way people have always thought-- or that that's the way they should have thought.  (Like how the hero characters always embrace feminism instantly once it's pointed out to them that women are people.)

The whole point of a chronicle spanning 800 years shouldn't be just "get more powerful."  It's that the world changes.  Not just enemy types, or new weaponry.  Aesthetically, ethically, the world now isn't like it was 800 years ago.  Being a vampire should be about things like whether you change when the world does, or hold on to your old self- and that should and would affect what happens to you.

Well, yeah. I'm pretty sure the kindred don't consider themselves in terms of gender since they're no longer human, they've all been granted the abilities of these dark angels, they're all cursed and blessed with these powers. The elders especially don't care, since they usually just alter themselves over the centuries for some variety (see: every Tzimisce ever. Yorak was embraced as a woman, her preferred form is a feeble old man).

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:48:09 pm »
Silly Drak, you don't drug them at your own party, you do it at someone else's!

Ps need to know how long is vamp blood viable for once out of the body?

It spoils at the same rate as normal blood, unless you have a blood pouch (enchanted artifact that preserves blood).

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:21:28 pm »
Okay. Now, start your character thread - empty posts, like Berka's

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:08:22 pm »
THough I only have two levels...

You have precisely 0 levels of Auspex XD

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:06:15 pm »
Oh, and if you are known as a vampire, don't expect mortals to willingly eat/drink your food anyway XD

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:05:50 pm »
Yep, though you'd have to be careful that your blood doesn't get too diluted (in which case it would have no effect) and that no one notices you bleeding into their drinks (obviously).

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 11:00:22 pm »
Already have the sweet blood perk. Gonna use the hell out of it (also, look out all you allies who don't actually know about my trait <-<)

He can have it too.

Also, not hard at all to blood bond people here - if you want you could beat them up or drain them into unconsciousness and keep feeding them blood until they're permanently bound. Sweet blood is to make sure they don't know about it.

Vampires simply don't eat (and if they did, they would notice the taste of blood).

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:30:46 pm »
It's like saying you're a necromancer because you can see spirits, or that you're a Master of wind because you can carry your whispers.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:29:32 pm »
See, just because you have a single level in something doesn't mean you really "have" that discipline.

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:19:30 pm »
huh, so yeah, you're pretty much done except for Possessions, which you haven't listed at all except for a melee weapon and armour. You have tons of other stuff you know XD (Like art equipment, possible vehicles, etc)

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:11:10 pm »
Oh no, I handle all of that, it's why you would want to join a cotterie besides your sire making the undeniable request of you.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:39:00 pm »
Now, very important Q here:

Can you pass blood bonds? The example would be (An I have no intent of doing this) Aman has bound a Ghoul who I sneak blood too over 3 nights. Does that now bind the Ghoul to me and override Aman's bond?

Nope. Someone (vampire or human) can only be bound completely to a single person. The most you could get to someone who already has a full blood oath is a 2 Rating bond.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:30:04 pm »
Oh, dammit, the possessions aren't here. Can you list the ones you wanted again?

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:27:09 pm »
Ghouls can only go up to 5 in anything. But vampire blood bonded slaves work too.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:13:49 pm »
That would make it way too powerful for a mere level 4 ritual... Unless 5000 square yards isn't as big as it seems in my head? I'm not good with square measurements of space, but it seems like you could take out an entire village or army with a single lucky casting of this ritual.

It would be much easier to judge whether or not this is acceptable if I knew how long the ritual was supposed to last too.

EDIT: Yeah, re-reading it it's everyone in the area of effect.

I think i'd be willing to accept it anyway as long as you're fine with it only lasting as many turns as the number of successes you roll, however.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:59:54 pm »
Machine blitz is basically worthless except for a siege situation (so far there has only been one siege situation, and there were no siege weapons). I'd suggest taking something else instead of that.

Note that Peace of the dead only affects a single enemy, though it IS very useful.

Drawing upon the Bound looks the nicest though, you can train ghouls/bind enemy vampires specifically for their disciplines and then never bring them anywhere dangerous, just leave them at your haven or someplace and take advantage of the increased power.

Resources / Re: Languages
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:46:15 pm »
The Ventrue basically own the Holy Roman Empire, they would be the germans. It's said there that Tzimisce enjoy a variation of Romanian called Vlach (just knowing Romanian is good enough). Remember that Eastern Hungary is Transylvania, and thus the primary language spoken there is Romanian.

Kievan Rus is the name of a region in Lithuania dominated by the city of Kiev (which is also home to a very dangerous and generally hostile vampire's territory - the Butcher of Kiev, Darvag Grozny the Terrible). Language spoken there is Baltic and, in Kievan Rus, Slavonic.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:05:46 pm »
So, Romanian and Slavonic do default to each other, but it isn't called Vlach. My bad.

Resources / Languages
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:04:37 pm »
Languages and Language Groups

As you can see from the descriptions in this chapter, there is a rather broad range of languages in Transylvania. Serfs speaking Vlach, pea-sants speaking Slav, Magyar-speaking Hungarians and German-speaking Saxons can offer many complications to a chronicle if the characterscannot converse freely with them.Some Storytellers may choose to downplay this aspect of the game. After all, the number of Cainites and ghouls in the story ensures that if afew characters can’t hear what a local Transylvanian is saying, someone can translate for everyone else. Storytellers who prefer a dark fanta-sy feel to the game may prefer this “Hollywood” approach to foreign languages. Players who stress realism, however, may find that this ideastretches credulity. Thus, a few optional rules should help represent the role of languages in the campaign. Customize them as you see fit.

Each dot in Linguistics represents one language a character speaks (but doesn’t necessarily write – this is the Dark Medieval world, after all),and a character is considered to be absolutely fluent in his native tongue (which is declared during character creation). As such, the Storyteller should make sure that everyone in the coterie has a method of speaking fluently with everyone else. (In one of the playtests, for example, the members of the coterie only shared one language in common: Arabic. This was suspicious, to the say the least, but gave the coterie a big edge over other Cainites.) The Storyteller may instead assume that a character fluent in an European language may be somewhat familiar with other tongues in that language group. For the purposes of this chronicle, there are five main groups of East-ern European languages. (We apologize for this gross simplification, but it is much easier than making each language a separate Knowledge specializa-tion.)

The languages are:


Actually a collection of dialects, Slavonic is well on its way to-ward becoming the vernacular of Eastern Europe. West Slavonic is spoken inthe regions of Bohemia and Poland. East Slavonic is spoken in the wastes of Kievan Rus. South Slavonic is spoken in Bulgaria and Macedonia. A Slavonic-speaking character must select a specific dialect with which she is familiar, though each dialect may be understood by anyone familiar with any of the other Slavonic dialects on an Intelligence + Linguistics roll at a difficulty of 6. This inter-dialect translation is considered automatic if the character in question has an Intelligence + Linguistics Dice Pool of 6 or greater, naturally.

Hungarian, unsurprisingly, is spoken in Hungary, as it is the native tongue of the Magyar people.

The language of what will one night become Romania, this tongue is currently spoken by inhabitants of eastern Hungary (specifically, those who live in the province of Pannonia)

Like Slavonic, Baltic is actually an “umbrella” term for the polyglot tongues spoken in the regions of Lithuania and along the BalticSea. Several dialects exist, but for game purposes, it is easiest to treat them as a common language. An Intelligence + Linguistics roll (diffi-culty 5-7) may be required to comprehend spoken communication with someone from a different region than where the character learned Baltic.

Actually a Western language, German is spoken by the increasing influx of settlers, merchants and drifters from the Holy Roman Empire. As it is spoken more widely than the other tongues of the region (and even outside the region!), German makes an excellent lingua francs
for the Transylvania Chronicles

Under this system (which Storytellers of Western European chronicles may choose to overrule), French, Italian and Spanish all default to each other at a difficulty of 7. Likewise, Turk and Finn default to each other at a difficulty of 7. The language referred to as “Arabic” defaults to Kurdish, Armenian and Persian at difficulty of 7. Greek and Latin default to each other at a 7 difficulty. Oddly enough, Slavonic and Romanian default to each other at a difficulty of 8, even though they have different origins. In addition, most of the Tzimisce in this story share a variant of Romanian, referred to as “Vlach.” This is considered to be a somewhat archaic form of Romanian; any simple peasant fluent in Romanian overhearing it is at a difficulty 7 to understand it.If this system seems overly complex, go Hollywood: Simply supply the coterie with several ghouled translators and assume everyone canunderstand everyone else (for everyone’s sake, though, don’t kill them off), or assume that some sort of common pidgin exists. If, on the oth-er hand, you do choose to adapt these rules, there are a number of interesting story ideas that can result from miscommunication and false translation in the Transylvania Chronicles

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:51:58 pm »
Should probably get Vlach and Hungarian, they're the most common ones here. Though if you come from Constantinople then Greek is also extremely important.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:25:18 pm »
If Bo's ghoul ever dies you're all screwed. (not just because of this, he's also the only thing in the entire group with auspex.)

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:59:20 pm »
Oh, and Greek, Greek is in there somewhere.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:58:30 pm »
Hey, is linguistics necessary? How "real world" are we being with the setting, as in are we assuming we can all speak each other's language?

Thats a point, what is the most commonly used language in Transylvania?

The book explicitly states that there are, just, so many languages to be used.

Specifically: Romanian, Slavonic, Hungarian, Baltic, German, French, Italian, Latin, Kurdish, Armenian, Persion - among others - and even these are umbrella terms, where if you're speaking to someone from a different region or who's using a different dialect than you then you'll have to make a roll to properly understand/reply to them.

If we're trying to make it easier (which I am, because i don't like keeping track of languages), then Slavonic and Romanian default to each other (turning to a language variant popular among the Tzimisce known as "Vlach"), French, Italian and Spanish all default to each other (so if you know one, you can roll to reply with all the others), Kurdish, Armenian and Persion default to Arabic; Hungarian, Baltic and Slavonic remain as is.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:05:00 pm »
So, what are the Shadowlands and would I want to travel through them?

Aman's got it down, land of the dead. If you were skilled in Necromancy/ the path of spirit then yeah, but right now you would be basically helpless there. The only benefit you would gain would be an escape from most danger (since very few enemies can follow you into the shadowlands), but it's not guaranteed you wouldn't be confronted with greater dangers once in the shadowlands.

Also, I haven't memorized the names of these rituals, doubt anyone else has, so, uh, names please? XD (if you want help, anyway).

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:02:13 pm »
I... Did not notice that. Totally not a valid demeanor Bo XD

Pick something like architect or bon-vivant for that, haha.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:01:30 pm »
So, i'll review your sheet for, like, the 10th time after you're done with all of this (want to make sure you're done switching stuff around first)

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:59:52 pm »
My wife says I'm not allowed to quit. XD

My wife also says "an 11th century nobleman can kick your ass.  Sophistication isn't associated with aristocracy at this point.  Especially in Eastern Europe."

Anyway, For Lucien:

Why does he know so much about finance? How did he get into flesh crafting, was he always interested in medicine? Or is it more like sculpting? One the one hand you've got this "mad scientist/tortured artist" vibe, but on the other hand, his path is about survivalism, hunting In civilization.  Kinda like a serial killer? XD did he always have those tendencies?
You've also got a cool dichotomy between being skillwd in brawling and combat-like stuff, but also having crafty skills.  And why did he want to be super sexy-looking? XD
How do you reconcile common sense with having a short fuse?

Crafty skills is for bodycrafting (Vicissitude rolls). Who doesn't want to be super-sexy looking?

Common sense is for me to save his ass if he does something incredibly stupid ("I have my character insult the antediluvian!"), short fuse means he gives in easily to the Beast.

Path is, well, that's D's thing XD

My wife says I'm not allowed to quit. XD

Your wife is a beautiful and wise woman possessed of impeccable reasoning.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:57:45 am »
Pffffffft, True Faith can't be that ba-



1   Any character with Faith may attempt to ward off vampires by branding a holy symbol or uttering prayers. (This is the Hollywood cliché of the vampire being held back by a crucifix.) The person rolls Faith against a difficulty equal to the vampire's Willpower. The number of successes indicate the number of steps backward which the vampire is forced to take. If no successes are scored the vampire need not step back, but may not advance. A botch indicates that the vampire may advance unhindered.

Further, if the cross, Bible, or other symbol is placed against the vampire's body, each success causes an aggravated Health Level of damage, burning into the flesh.

2   A medieval person with a Faith rating of 2 or more is a "neutral," immune to Dominate.

3   A person with a Faith of 3 or more may sense the presence of a vampire. She need not consciously try to sense a vampire's presence, but must be in peaceful, quiet surroundings -- perhaps alone in thought, praying, reading pious books, meditating on the Bible, et. The person will not sense the vampire's presence if she is preoccupied or in a crowded, noisy place . This ability need not be infallible; the Storyteller should let the person sense the vampire only when it is dramatically convenient. Note that the person cannot know exactly what she senses through her faith; all that she will know is that something unclean or evil is nearby.

4   The person may not be turned into a ghoul and is unaffected by any mind-affecting Disciplines like Presence and Obfuscate.

5   The person is so pure, so holy, that she can fill a vampire with self-loathing, disgust, terror, even physical pain. Any vampire hearing the person pray, preach, or recite psalms, or being touched by the person, may be forced to flee immediately by any available means. A vampire who is unable to flee is reduced to a gibbering wreck, flailing on the floor and screaming, sobbing, or begging forgiveness. To avoid fleeing, the vampire must either expend one Willpower point per scene, or must make a Stamina roll each round (difficulty of 5 + her own Intelligence). That's right -- the higher the vampire's Intelligence the higher the difficulty, because the more tortured and guilty she will feel.

Faith Level 6:

Sanctify an area, temporarily granting a location a +1 to its Faith rating for the next 24 hours. If the location didn't previously have a Faith rating, then the area has a temporary 1 Faith.

Create an area of tranquility: The difficulty of reaction rolls are reduced by 1. Werewolves' difficulty to Rage rolls is increased by 1 while in this area.

Feel God's faith in you: You get an extra Willpower Point for the rest of the scene.

Laying on Hands: Wounded mortals will heal at twice their regular rate, provided they rest according to standard healing rules.

Banish any demon or summoned spirit.

Faith Level 7:

Cause a creature with murderous intent -- vampire, werewolf, or even mortal -- to be overcome by guilt. You may be kind-hearted to the individual, or a stern disciplinarian, but you won't take advantage of the creature's temporary collapse.

Provide "countermagic" against any mage's magic use in your vicinity, whether directed at you or not.

Add three dice to any reaction rolls made toward you, even with animals. "Calm yourself, Brother Wolf"

Cure a serious -- but not terminal -- disease.

Bless a religious icon so that if put into contact against a supernatural being (including mages) it does damage. Characters using such weapons need not have Faith. Such "weapons" will do one level of damage (non-aggravated) every Willpower Point you spend during the blessing. The icon must be representative of your faith and used by someone of your faith.

Receive a sign which inspires you and your allies. You each receive an extra Willpower Point for the rest of the scene.

Bring a werewolf out of frenzy.

Faith Level 8:

Conversion: Temporarily or permanently change someone's nature, depending upon how well you roll your Charisma + Empathy versus the target's Willpower:

Successes   Effect
1   One day.
2   One week.
3   One month.
4   One year.
5   Permanent (more or less; people's lives do change).
Reduce the level of vampiric Disciplines by one per success on a Faith roll. This only lasts for the rest of the scene.

Faith Level 9:

Exorcise demons and evil spirits without the recourse to ritual: Your Faith versus the demon's or spirit's Willpower.

Lay a ghost to rest: The wraith reaches Trascendence.

Permanently set an area of tranquility (as described in rating 6). The area will become more kind and caring (crime will drop, people will show the better facets of humanity): Your Faith has left its permanent mark upon the world.

Become completely immune to and protected from supernatural evil (or whatever supernatural force that would cause you harm), provided you remain passive and concentrate. You can take no violent actions, and may protect others as well, but only if they remain peaceful.

Cause an evil being to realize that it truly deserves death, provided that this is the absolute truth. Hahaha, run Anton This takes five successes on a Faith roll (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower roll). The target can't have more than a Humanity 2 (or similar behavior, if using one of the systems that doesn't have Humanity), and must be truly guilty of atrocities. If successful, the creature will remorsefully commit suicide or submit to execution, which must be humane: Quick and as painless as possible.

Awwwww shiiiiiiit.

Add in the Holy ground and Holy Water....

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:48:16 am »
Hmm, just checked, you're over by 3 now.

Brawl 4 = 2 freebies

Stealth 5 = 4 freebies

Discipline point = 7 freebies

Backgrounds = 5 freebies

Willpower = 3 freebies

Merits = 7 freebies

2+4+7+5+3+7= 28

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:44:21 am »
My thinking is that after choosing Heldric as his successor, he sent him out to prove himself in Transylvania and to gain lands for his sire/the Nosferatu. That means when they travel to Constantinople he would be well placed to 'Report back' how he has done and to have the obvious 'increase mentor score' sidequest

That works really well with the principles of "The Dream" -essentially the idea that Cainites can build something beautiful, pure and everlasting - it was introduced by the Patriarch Michael, a Toreador who believes he is an archangel (and who's about as powerful as one), and his two lovers the Dracon (an equally powerful Tzimisce Methuselah) and Antonius (equally powerful Ventrue Methuselah), who formed a trinity to rule over the greatest city.

Malachite could have sent you and your servant back to your homeland to spread the ideals of the Dream - he wanted you to try and make another Constantinople. Which becomes significant, later on in the Bitter Crusade.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:00:45 am »
Ohhhh yeah, that's totally true.

You just need to send me, like, the other half (where you describe your new life with Seth).

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:54:16 am »
Pfft, you're estranged brothers (which toats makes sense because unless Seth made a copy of your character his char would never keep in touch with you given everything).

Backstory is the longest part Aman, everyone knows that XD

It's why you left it dead last.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:49:34 am »
I can't start until you guys finish all your stuff though XD (And so far only Berka's done this quickly - and he had a pre-made backstory and character all ready here).

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:45:58 am »
So, I know backstories take a while but damn guys! I'm ready to start.

Hmm... I should update Mage...

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 08, 2015, 09:49:51 pm »
So Berka, you can choose 4 level one rituals, three level 2 rituals, two level 3 rituals and one level 4 ritual for Thaumturgy (find the list here at the bottom: )

After that you're basically done and you can make a thread titled with your Character's name. Then make, like, 4 empty posts just for fun (and for me to format all the info you have here in a way that makes it all nice and easy for me).

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 08, 2015, 09:39:09 pm »
3 freebies took it to 6

Where'd you take them from?

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 08, 2015, 09:38:46 pm »
Please don't start the game with only a 3 in Willpower haha!  ;D


Spoiling my fun.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:20:54 pm »
He'll be residing in Constantinople, as for where you're residing, find a reason for yourself to currently be living in Transylvania.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Brother (by seth)
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:20:13 pm »
Who are you vengeful towards, who is your bigotry directed towards?

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:08:45 pm »

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