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Messages - Drakilian

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Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:54:33 pm »
Oh, and in case you're wondering, this isn't anywhere near all the characters or all the info on them - just what I think you might know, have heard of or have guesstimated.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:53:28 pm »
I'll post the Tremere and Tzimisce characters tomorrow. Good night guys.

Resources / Re: People of Note
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:52:41 pm »

Bulscu - The Mastermind: Is revered by some for his heroism and reviled by others for his cowardice. As the founder of the Magyar Ventrue, he has built a family of kingmakers. In his early days overseeing Hungary, he ensured that his domain would enjoy independence from the Ventrue who created him. Despite this, he has slowly been ensnared by others.

In his mortal life, the Man of Blood was a charismatic chieftain who rallied Hungarian warriors against their enemies to the north. His appetite for life was fierce, but after he learned of the existence of the undead, his taste for vitae became even fiercer. In a communion with the unliving, he knelt before the Brujah who instructed him. In reverence, he drank of their blood and was intoxicated by the strength it brought him. Bulscu realized the power these creatures could give him, and he religiously submitted to them. He was chosen to receive the honor of serving Dominic, a Brujah held in great esteem for his role in the clan's revenge against the Ventrue.

Beyond the veil of sleep, though, another Cainite called to the depths of his mind. Bulscu dreamed of power. The triumph of a strong warrior was not enough for him. He desired the absolute power and influence a true king could command. Heady with the thought of such a fate, Bulscu drove his warriors westward to a fortress he had seen only in his dreams. Dominic's prone body was carried with them to witness the storming of the castle firsthand.

On the eve of battle, Dominic sluggishly arose from his well-secured and heavily guarded coffin. Before he could fully come to his senses, Bulscu drove a spike through Dominic's heart, plunging him into torpor. The Brujah's body was buried in a glen in the shadow of the fortress. Within the castle later that night, Bulscu knelt before his new Ventrue master. His taste for blood became more refined, and his thirst for power grew even stronger. When he at last left the castle, he did so one of the Damned. The betrayal of Dominic was complete. The armies of Hungary traveled onward without Bulscu. Lacking the
guidance of either their mortal or Cainite leader, they were defeated within a fortnight.

Bulscu's body was returned to Buda-Pest via a separate route, and he took up residence deep within the castle of Buda. He rapidly infiltrated the politics of the Arpad family, and the kingdom's collusion with the West was at last assured. In the centuries to come, Western Hungary would no longer acknowledge the authority of Byzantium, but would instead become a Western nation.

Since then, Bulscu has carefully maintained control over the mortal Arpads. Each week, a mortal of the Arpad family is brought before him. After a lively discussion of politics and a delightful evening of psychic abuse, Bulscu dines on aristocratic blood. This is the central act of his existence. He is content to have his childer support him and uses his power over them sparingly so long as his hunger is appeased.

Unfortunately, Bulscu has gained other hungers. His chambers are home to an entourage of beautiful men and women kept for his amusement.  His monstrous depredations are becoming legendary among the Cainites of his kingdom.

Since his betrayal of Dominic, Bulscu has created three childer. His involvement in politics gives him opportunities to watch the aristocracy very closely. Bulscu had one mortal child prior to his Embrace. Zombar Arpad was a cunning diplomat to the court of Byzantium and a promising king. Bulscu rewarded him for his long life of accomplishment by baptizing him in blood. For Zombar, however, the thought of serving his father for eternity was too great a burden to him. After manipulating the mortal Arpads for 100 years, he ended his unlife in a violent suicide.

He has also sired Geza Arpad, the "Archbishop" of Eztergomas.

Bulscu's third childe is not of the Arpad family, but, curiously enough, is the most loyal. Vencel Rikard was a Bavarian knight in life and is now a devoted childe in death. He regularly seeks audience with his sire for advice, even as he watches Bulscu's degeneracy increase. Though he knows his sire lives a tortured life, he holds a great love for him and would struggle until Final Death to save him.

Geza Arpad - Archishop of Eztergom

In his mortal days, Geza engineered a brilliant deception as King of Hungary. While helping to spread Christianity and break the control of rural shamans in his kingdom, he also practiced pagan rituals in secret. When he at last stepped down from the throne and into the shadows, his secretive activities became more elaborate.

In old age, Geza was recruited by Bulscu into the world of the undead. Bulscu considered the Embrace to be a reward for a lifetime of service to die kingdom.

While Bulscu and Vencel control Buda-Pest, Geza has retreated to Esztergom, where he reigns over the city. Esztergom was once the center of Hungary's government, but it has since become a religious capital controlling 10 bishoprics. As with other cities in the East, the mask of civility hides the visage of barbarism.

Roland - Master of Slaves:

Encountered in Buda-Pest when rescuing the Revenant Sherazhina Basarab, Roland is a fairly powerful Ventrue who claims to serve a monstrously powerful being. He was forced to escape after entering into combat with Kiril and Heldric, when Anton, Sylvian and Lucien appeared, scaring the Ventrue off. He swore terrible vengeance against Kiril.

Rudolf Brangl - Prince of Prague:

Occupying a sumptuous suite in the interior of Prague Castle, the Ventrue prince rules the area's Cainites.

To combat the Brujah's support of heretical sects in the city, Rudolf not only supports Christian churches, but has instituted the cult worship of Mithras among soldiery stationed in Old Town. He propagates the worship of the Ventrue known as Mithras rather than the real rites of the ancient deity, which greatly annoys those who worship the god.

Nova Arpad - Hungarian Overlord

The feudal system that brought peace and prosperity to Western Hungary has taken a darker tone in Eastern Hungary. Szekler settlers act as the nobility of Transylvania, while Vlachs and other Romanians who settled the lands over a thousand years ago now live as their serfs. The Hungarian Ventrue have sent a brilliant member of their family to oversee this system. While the mortal aristocracy holds power by day, the sinister hierarchy of the night emerges after doors and windows are barred at sundown.

Nova Arpad hasn't developed that system alone; if anything, she echoes the cruelty mortal Szeklers have visited upon the Vlachs. When she first arrived in Transylvania, she was an idealist. By her mind, the actions of the Hungarians were perfectly understandable. Hungary was a Christian kingdom, and mortals who followed the dictates of the Pope possessed a humanity that surpassed what even the Ventrue could hope to accomplish, The western lands of the kingdom were a challenge to the civilized nation. Transylvania was a land of barbaric pagans, and the very earth was tainted with a primitive evil. Only the civilized could tame it.

As a mortal woman, Nova was the daughter of an Arpad noble. Her education was exquisite, consisting not only of languages and literature, but also of music and horsemanship. The Embrace allowed her unparalleled opportunity. Politics fascinated her, and her acumen attracted the attention of her elders. Her ambition and eloquence won the respect of her elders, and soon she was honored with the chance to serve them in the untamed lands of Transylvania.

The Tzimisce also learned of this brilliant woman, and they countered her ambition with their own treachery. Any powerful leader needs strong servants, and the Fiends had bred one who was ideally suited to such an impressive leader. Olithio Szantovich knew much about the treatment of servants and slaves, and as a member of his infamous family, he had powers unknown to the West.

Once Nova's estate had been built in Mediasch, he traveled there and humbly petitioned to serve her.

Nova became reckless. Her revenant ally also lacked caution, and his cruel treatment of the servants invited retribution. Olithio was killed by one night by a mortal exacting revenge.

Vencel Trikard - Prince of Buda-Pest

Background: The product of a Christian knightly education, Vencel Rikard came to the city when King Geza invited a contingent of Bavarian knights to become his personal bodyguard. Embraced by Bulscu as a reward for his excellent service, Vencel is most concerned with retaining his position, maximizing the profits he reaps from his mercantile interests, and keeping the peace in a city that is potentially a battleground for warring clans. He believes that the best way to do so is to make Buda-Pest the largest, most important city in Hungary (thereby attracting the king back and making it the capital of the kingdom).

He sees the war in Transylvania as destructive, unnecessary and ultimately stupid.

Resources / Re: People of Note
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:40:28 pm »

Adrojai - High Priest of Kretuva:

Heavily involved with the Unseelie fae from childhood, Adrojai is was caught stealing from a Gangrel how priest and taken to the Krive of Lithuania - at the time a Malkavion known for ingenious methods for settling disputes.

The Krive sat and listened to the boy's life story, and the young man tried to blame the Unseelie for driving him to an unkind fate. So exquisite and imaginative was the story he fabricated that the Krive decided to take him as his own servant. A clever ghoul with a vast knowledge of the fae would be a useful tool.

Ten years of service followed. Adrojai acted as an emissary for the Krive, and he was especially skilled at negotiating treaties between the Unseelie and mortals. He grew confident — indeed, overconfident— in his abilities, and the benefit of never aging was a great reward. On the night that he rescued a young woman from the clutches of a marauding band of Unseelie, thereby averting a violent war between her parent's tribe and the fae, he was rewarded with the Embrace. Before he was at last accepted as one of the undead, however, he received another reward. Stealing the young woman's virginity, he left her with a bastard child.

Within a year, another major event occurred in his life. A caravan of merchants made an encampment not far from the sacred village where the Krive made his home. In the middle of a holy glen of oak, they celebrated their good fortune in the last village by quaffing their way through a cask of mead. The drunken Westerners were unknowingly committing great blasphemy, and the Krive himself decided to intervene.

Four crossbow bolts later, the villagers had defended themselves against an allegedly premeditated attack from an unarmed diplomat. The following night, Adrojai sought revenge. The caravan had moved on another league to the south, and they encamped by a seemingly tranquil glade. Four beautiful young nymphs ran out of the forest into the waiting arms of the merchants, crying that they were being pursued by a terrible monster. Adrojai moved silently through the woods and, aided by the fae, he led the merchants on a Nightmare Ride that would last until they were slain by the Unseelie at dawn.

The story of Adrojai's revenge spread throughout the domains of Lithuania, and the Cainite high priests were so impressed that they accepted Adrojai into their order. He is now the high priest of the terra of Kretuva. His alliance with the fae is so strong that tension between Cainites and Unseelie has abated for a time, and his quick wit has assisted him in mediating countless other disputes.


Zelios - The Master Mason

Throughout Eastern Europe, Zelios has gained great renown. After being raised by wealthy merchant parents in the 11 the century, Zelios turned away from pursuing a life of comfortable privilege in favor of developing a useful craft. He traveled Europe and beyond, learning the art and science of architecture, At first, his passion was more of an avocation than a vocation. His insight displayed his talent, for with a few words of advice to an architect or engineer, he could improve both the safety and aesthetics of any design. Soon he was knowledgeable enough to serve as an advisor to wealthy nobles and expert architects.

Zelios's acumen attracted the notice of a Nosferatu with an appreciation for his art. Many Nosferatu lairs were sorely in need of improvements, and the thought of employing an architectural genius to assist the clan was irresistible.

The Embrace affected Zelios in a most peculiar way. To begin with, he gained a talent for subtly influencing the designs employed by mortals, elevating their achievements from mere competency to brilliance. With eternity set before him, Zelios expanded his travels to learn from the greatest architectural artists of the age. Through his influence, a great many castles have been built, and a great many have been drastically improved. Zelios has traveled all over Europe, building fortresses for Cainites whose wealth or whims appealed to him. Moreover, Zelios specializes in constructing hidden rooms, allowing Cainites to remain in torpor by day and avoid the few places frequented by mortals at night. This gives him unexpected advantages over powerful Cainites. He is always aware of weaknesses, secret passages and hidden places, ones of which even the castles' owners remain oblivious.

For the last few decades, he has been traveling throughout Eastern Europe, undertaking several projects in Hungary and Transylvania. There is seemingly never enough time to fully realize his passion for creation, yet Zelios is indefatigable in his efforts. Slowly, the walls of the greatest Transylvanian castles rise.

Marusca - Wild   Woman   of Hermanstadt: Childer of Zelios, Marusca holds a wide domain patrolled by loyal wolf packs, she resides in the fortress that overlooks Hermanstadt. The fortress was originally commissioned by the Ventrue for a Szelker overlord, and was built by her sire, Zelios. Zelios judged her to be a better caretaker, however, and did not stop her when she chose to kill the Szelker overlord and take over the territory for herself.


Vassily Taltos - Diplomatic Advisor and Spymaster

Vassily Taltos is a skilled politician who has served as a diplomatic advisor and spymaster to many Ventrue in the western Balkans. His glib tongue assisted him in negotiating peace between the rampaging Gangrel, the proud Brujah and the elitist Ventrue. By 1180, he hovered around the undead court of Bulgaria. He has recently taken up residence in the court of the Hungarian king.


Arianne - Instigator of Tragic Romance

Arianne was turned in the year 1120 in Paris by an unliving lover. Though she fell madly in love, her sire saw her as a mere amusement. He began to school her in the ways of courtly love, educating her in its intricacies. From there, the couple critiqued the failings of many mortal romances, fascinated by the mysteries of the heart.

Her sire mysteriously died not long after her embrace, his murder was never solved. Suspicion has never been cast on Arianne, she truly loved her sire.

She has often preached the two of the most important rules of courtly love: "jealously increases love" and "love revealed is love diminished."

Returning to the Kingdom of Hungary, Arianne quickly became an important addition to the Hungarian Cainites. She is quite willing to travel, and she regularly visits the courts of Buda-Pest and Esztergom. As an expert on Western culture and fashion, she helps to raise the standards of Hungary, bringing the court to a cultural par with the West.

She has retained one vice: an amusement with courtly love. She has taught the 22 rules of this mortal enterprise to many members of the nobility, including mortals, revenants and Cainites. When she plays this game, however, she does so with a vicious edge. The rules are always twisted to her advantage. The loss of her first love forces her to see flaws in any budding romance, and driving such alliances to destruction fulfills her. Thus is her taste for romance consummated. As the Romans have said, all is fair in love and war.

As time has passed, Arianne's courtly love has became far from fair. Her jaded sensibilities have turned her so-called love into bestial depredation. As she falls further from noble ideas of romance, her suitors are made to suffer more. A lover eats little, sleeps little and, when Arianne is involved, suffers greatly. The greater the love, she reasons, the greater the suffering.

Her latest tryst involves playing two revenants of the Szantovich family against each other. She has been disappearing for months at a time to continue her cruel game, and both she and her lovers are learning more and more each night they play.

She sired Sylvain Bastien Beaulieu - one of her many trysts, abandoned not long after being embraced.

Resources / Re: People of Note
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:19:04 pm »


Husayn Al Fatin: Husayn Al Fatin is a charismatic Assamite who has become close friends with Basilio. He helps the Lasombra Prince of Sofia in running the city and works with him to help keep the peace, increase trade and stay in power.


Dominic - Mercenary Overlord: A legendary methuselah and one of the greatest warriors of the Brujah, Dominic is one of the few remaining survivors of Carthage. It is said that he once led the armies of Carthage against the roman legions and the Ventrue as a ghoul to Samal, himself Brujah Methuselah of importance in the ancient city.

When Carthage fell to Rome and the city lay burning in flames, Dominic went to report that the city had fallen. His vampiric master, it is said, stared blankly as roman armies destroyed his beloved city, the world he had known was ending. The impassioned Methuselah threw Dominic against the marmorean walls of his bedchamber as conflagrations consumed the city. Dominic had served the Ancient One well as his slave, and on that night, their union was violently consummated in blood. Dominic received his Dark Gift, a thirst for revenge against the Ventrue, and a burning hatred that would reside in his breast forever. Mourning, his sire lacked the will to survive and threw himself from the balcony into the destroying fires. Dominic suffered through the rest of that night alone.

The flames sent Dominic into a spree of destruction that lasted for days. Like many deranged Brujah childer, he wantonly slaughtered Roman soldiers, but even these violent acts could not quiet his grief. For Dominic, the epic carnage ended in his violent impalement on the pila of Roman centurions. He descended into torpor and his body was carried to a tomb by Carthaginian soldiers, where it remained for several centuries.

Dominic awakened in the fifth century with a thirst for the blood of the living and a stronger thirst for revenge against the Ventrue. He slowly gained a subtle influence over a small force of mercenaries; this handful of soldiers would be the agents for his vengeance. Following the example of the barbarians, he drove his warriors to Rome. The opportunists sailed across the Mediterranean and pressed to the north. The glory of destroying Rome, however, would belong to Odoacer, the leader of a stronger barbarian force.

Within a few years, Dominic's mercenaries witnessed what Odoacer's troops had done to the city. Rome had been sacked, but many Roman Ventrue had survived. Dominic's quest for revenge had merely begun.

Dominic became a master of military exploitation over the centuries. He sought out Ventrue with power over civilized nations and guided small units of mercenary scum to wealth. Living the life of a renegade, he set the strong against the weak, and he profited by exacting his rage. He had led private campaigns throughout Eastern Europe by the 10th century.

He yearned for a larger triumph. So, the ambitious vampire lord traveled to Constantinople to gauge the threat of the Ventrue there. The Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael of Clan Toreador, realized the threat that Dominic posed, yet he did not want to dismiss such a useful tool. While the Ventrue of his city were an integral part of its growth, the Methuselah bore an ancient grudge with a Ventrue far to the north. The Holy Roman Empire was becoming too powerful, so Michael made an alliance with Dominic to strike against this rival of Byzantium.

Dominic traveled north, gathering mortals and setting them against the empire. He had already learned of the fate of Hungary, a kingdom where barbarians had settled in the Carpathian Basin after rampaging across the steppes of Russia. They had reached a stalemate against the Holy Roman Empire, and Dominic could sense the barbarians' hunger for further conquest.

Through direct intervention, Dominic made the Hungarian armies even more formidable. He enlisted several Brujah to aid him, as they were eager to Embrace the most promising warriors. Ghoul soldiers gained preternatural prowess in battle by consuming Brujah vitae, and their fervor terrified their mortal enemies. Dominic planned to Embrace the Hungarians' mortal leader, Bulscu. His chosen one was a willing ghoul who rapidly gained a fierce addiction to Cainite blood and seemed eager to become one of the seemingly invincible undead.

Bulscu was ready to accept the Embrace — but not from Dominic. During one of Dominic's absences, Bulscu had been Dominated and seduced by the very Methuselah who bore such hatred for the Patriarch Michael. Bulscu drove a wooden spike through Dominic's heart on the eve of a great battle, again sending him into torpor. The betrayal was expertly timed.

Dominic was, as well as for his intense martial prowess, known for his immense beauty. Many considered his handsome demeanor overpowering. Even death had not robbed him of his olive skin, soulful eyes and impressive physique. Success on the battlefield resulted in many statues sculpted in his honor. The Patriarch Michael seized several of them from a Roman Ventrue general centuries ago, and he treasures them.


Kazimierz   the   Silent: Of the cotterie, only Steeple has any knowledge of Kasimierz the Silent. Having been sent to Krakow to inspect the salt mines which his family wished to aquire the rights to, he encountered Kazimierz, who believed that something was wrong dangerously wrong there and sought assistance. Unfortunately, Steeple had to depart before he could investigate the issue any further.


Arnulf - Bestial Force of Nature: Arnulf was once a simple soldier of a Goth army who was turned for unknown reasons by an unknown sire nearly a thousand years ago. He has made good use of his Embrace, bestowing the gift onto many Gangrel throughout the Balkans.

The Shadow Lords both fear and despise him for the barbaric raids he sometimes conducts against them for his amusement, frequently destroying many of their kin folk.

The ascendancy of the Hungarian Kingdom fills him with wrath. Fanners live like grazing cattle, content with the same fields year after year. Organized villagers set up elaborate defenses, waiting to kill the beasts that stalk in the night. The days of tribal glory are gone. Arnulf constantly seeks information about surviving barbarian tribes for this reason. He longs for the night when the kingdom falls and the villages bum. Then the old ways would return, and the simple life of predator and prey would be possible once again.

To this end, Arnulf is beginning to stir up his fractious childer. His message is simple: Prevent the cities from becoming too complacent. Although raising armies is difficult, Arnulf commands great influence over the members of his clan. If the cities are allowed to grow too fast, they will pose a threat to the territories of the Gangrel.

He is powerful in old age - almost god-like, and he commands great influence among the gangrel of Transylvania (many of whom are his childer). Indeed, with but a word half of the Gangrel in the East would rise to his call.


Basilio The elder - Prince of Sofia:

The Lasombra Basilio the Elder has ruled Serdica since Bulgaria came under Byzantine rule. Originally attracted to the area by his interest in the Eastern Church, Basilio left his comfortable surroundings in Rome and traveled to Constantinople. There he established close ties with its Cainite rulers, allying himself with the Magnus family of Lasombra and gaining their favor. When the Byzantine Empire established itself in Bulgaria, Basilio was given the city of Serdica in return for his services.

In order to claim his prize, however, Basilio had to overcome the opposition of Gabor the Bulgar, a Tzimisce voivode who, with his brood, claimed the area as his own. Gabor did not count on Basilio's inherent cunning or political skill. Basilio managed to rally other Tzimisce in the region to his side, playing on their   fears of Gabor's ambitions. A savage battle ensued, which resulted in the death of Gabor's brood. Gabor fled to Constantinople, where he sought to lose himself in the vastness of the greatest city in the empire.

The Tzimisce who had driven Gabor from Serdica returned to their own fiefdoms, leaving the city in Basilio's hands. Although he has shown himself to be a capable leader of Serdica's small Cainite community, he has not fared well under the resurgence of Bulgarian nationalism.
In an attempt to create other alliances for himself, Basilio has welcomed an Assamite known as Husayn al Fatin. He has found much in common with this polished and cultured Cainite. Both Basilio and Husayn support order and work toward civilizing the rowdy Bulgarians.

He has sired both the Ashen knight Anton and his brother.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:45:12 pm »
Done with the characters.

Character Creation / Re: Daedalus fleshcrafter Tzimisce
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:41:43 pm »
Fleshcrafting is a specialty of Crafts. Just write Crafts (Bodycrafts): XX

Character Creation / Re: Daedalus fleshcrafter Tzimisce
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:37:42 pm »
Nope, sorry - same rules for everyone.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:30:51 pm »
This also means you have access to 6th level disciplines, and you can raise your attributes and abilities to 6 - so if you want to change your stats, go ahead and do so now. I'll review your char sheets later.

Character Creation / Re: Daedalus fleshcrafter Tzimisce
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:29:17 pm »
Yeah def taking that merit.

Which one?

It's basically a better version of Naturally supple, no point in taking both.

Don't think i'll allow the path of Metamorphosis.

Skills. You haven't spent all your points there - you have 13, you spent 12.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:27:38 pm »
Oh, everyone! Due to the Dark Ages difference, a 5 in your generation background means you're a 7th generation vampire, not an 8th.

Character Creation / Re: Daedalus fleshcrafter Tzimisce
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:25:23 pm »
Dunno. You should definitely get Promethean Clay though.

You're missing a point in skills

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:20:48 pm »
So how much will Lucien know of the Tzimisce stuff?

Pretty much all of it. He is one of them, after all.

Resources / Tremere Setting info
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:05:29 pm »

Ceoris was once a simple chantry held by House Tremere of the Order of Hermes. Existing under a common set of laws, but divided into various groups (or Houses), the magi wielded great power and extended their life spans through imbibing magical elixirs. Their studies and magical workings took them all over Europe, and wherever they found access to large amounts of magical essences (called vis), they built chantries to house their covens. Due to the highly magical nature of many spots through¬ out Transylvania, several Tremere chantries were founded there — including Ceoris. The magi realized that they shared the land with supernatural creatures such as werewolves and faeries, but most chantries weren't too close to such creatures' lairs, so they felt secure from attack. Rather than building castles, they constructed houses of learning, more like universities than fortresses.

Most relied on their magic to protect themselves. Lack of central authority in the region allowed the magi to locate their chantries near several small villages, offering the folk there protection and assistance in return for supplies, guards and the right to search for apprentices. Many folk readily agreed, glad for any protection against supernatural threats and human marauders. Others were too apprehensive of the magi themselves to deny them, fearful that the "agents of evil" would harm their loved ones or raze their villages if they refused.

Ceoris, too, encompassed several villages under its dominion, but in all else, this singular covenant house proved the exception.

This main chantry of the Tremere was constructed as a fortress meant to defend against the werewolves and vampyrs who frequented the area. The magical emanations near Ceoris made founding the chantry there worthwhile, despite the threat. In fact, the whole of the region known as Transylvania throbbed with mighty magic, as if the land itself was a nucleus for power. Although Ceoris fell nominally under the control of the powerful magus Tremere, a founder of the Order ofHermes and head of the House, actual leadership and much of the daily work fell to two trusted lieutenants: Goratrix and Etrius. Goratrix, the senior mage in charge of Ceoris's defense, recruited experienced fighting men to guard the exterior fortifications. Furthermore, he oversaw extensive tunneling into the peak on which the fortress rested, opening new rooms and caverns for the chantry's use. Indeed, most ofthe edifice was built inside the core of the mountain itself.
More elaborate precautions were suggested by Etrius, a cautious and conservative young magus from Sweden. At his command, magical workings created a cleft hundreds of feet deep in the ground before the gates — a cleft spanned only by the fortress's drawbridge. Towers carved from the rock served as lookout posts to give warning of impending danger. Goratrix, acknowledged as chief architect for the chantry's defenses, became the butt of snide comments from the magi of other chantries, who accused him of lacking faith in his powers to defend his covenant.
The   Tremere-Tzimisce   War

Still, such defensive measures proved prudent. Certain Transylvanians were less than pleased with the magi's encroachment on lands and villages they considered their own. The Tzimisce resented the chantries and punished the arrogance of House Tremere by making raids on their villages, on their supplies, and occasionally on the chantries themselves.

Although annoyed and at times frightened by the attacks, the magi were not unduly worried. Their magick held off the worst depredations without great harm to themselves or their chantries. They were able to ward the whole area in some cases, denying access to the Tzimisce and their ghoul servants. Embittered by their inability to drive House Tremere away, the Tzimisce vowed to find some way around the wizards' magic.
They finally got their chance. The Order of Hermes, in the year 1000, noted that reality itself was changing, disturbing the workings of magic as it did so. Investigation indicated that magic was dying, making the casting of great enchantments far more difficult (if at all possible) and destroying much of the vis on which the mages depended to help power their spells. With such a lack of power looming on the immediate horizon, mages were faced with the loss of their greatest gift — their immortality.

Tremere and his followers began experiments immediately, searching for some way to halt the inevitable change or at least to preserve their immortality. They tried rare herbs, parts of mythic beasts, virgins and even infant's blood, but were unsuccessful. Then Goratrix, reasoning that they had evidence of other immortal creatures in their midst, began studying the undead. He discovered the haven of a Tzimisce elder and, with Tremere's blessing, captured the creature.

Bound with strong chains and spells of binding, tortured with fire, threatened with an even more dire fate, but promised its freedom if it cooperated, the Tzimisce answered the questions Goratrix asked of him. When he believed he had learned enough, Goratrix forced the Cainite to Embrace two young, unsuspecting apprentices. Once changed, Goratrix made them prisoner and carried them back to Ceoris. He slew the Tzimisce.

The   Becoming

Many experiments later, Goratrix told Tremere he had discovered the secret of the vampyr's immortality. Tremere and six of his closest followers joined Goratrix at Ceoris, where they performed exhausting rituals. At the close of these rituals, the magi slaughtered the apprentices and drank their blood. They collapsed in agony as the magical transformation occurred. When they regained consciousness, they were immortal.

They were also Cainites.

Some were shocked; and some, like Etrius, were appalled. Tremere, however, philosophically accepted the change. Sending his followers back to their chantries, Tremere commanded them to begin slowly changing the rest of the House while keeping their natures hidden from the majority. Tremere, Goratrix and Etrius remained at Ceoris, learning what they could of Cainites, to better fit in with their new society. Etrius began to doubt Tremere. The pious mage was convinced that they had made a dreadful bargain in gaining immortality at the cost of their souls, and that Tremere had known it would
happen. Nevertheless, as Tremere's most faithful disciple, Etrius continued to support him.

The Tzimisce soon discovered that the hated Tremere had become Cainites. The Fiends allied with the Gangrel and Nosferatu, fearing that the wizards would move to gain complete control of Transylvania, and outraged that mere humans dared steal the Embrace rather than earn it. Together they attacked House Tremere's Transylvanian chantries, determined to destroy them. Magic was becoming unstable and undependable. Chantries that had thrown off attacks with ease now fell before the fleshcrafted servants of the Tzimisce.

As more and more covenants disappeared, the few survivors fled to the fastness of Ceoris — their one fortified chantry. Reeling from their losses, House Tremere faced another crisis from within. The Cainite members of the House were slowly spreading their curse throughout the covenants, yet certain magi suspected that something evil was happening.

Goratrix, ever impatient, argued for the immediate Embrace of all members of the House; Etrius, concerned with learning the limits of his powers and the extent of his magical abilities, counseled stealth and slow change. Opposition erupted into hatred and Etrius became the target of numerous magical attacks. Magi took sides, and war within the House threatened to erupt. Such animosities attracted the attention of other Houses in the Order, and House Tremere soon had to defend itself from charges of diabolism.

Tremere called the seven together to end the quarrels. Although they have vehemently denied it since that time, Tremere forced his seven followers to accept Blood Bonds to him, the first step in creating what would come to be known as the Tremere pyramid. With the internal disputes put aside, ifnot solved, Etrius left with Tremere to try to discover more about Cainite society.The magi within Ceoris, alone and under siege, turned their attention to war with the Tzimisce. Frantically searching for some way to protect the chantry, Goratrix sent out suicide squads to capture Tzimisce, Gangrel and Nosferatu.

His research was again fruitful. He learned how to craft a new type of creature from the captive Cainites after feverish experimentation. The tide of war began to turn after the unleashing of Goratrix's creations — the Gargoyles.

Hideously ugly and imbued with hatred for the Cainites from whom they had been created, the Gargoyles proved fierce and able servitors. The siege was broken, but the war continued, as each side made lightning raids by night and sent servants to battle one another by day. No quarter was asked or given, and the mortals caught pity in between.

Amaranth:   The   Slaying of   Saulot

Seeing the Gargoyles' success in dealing with the Tzimisce threat, Tremere and Etrius studied the beginnings of the Cainites. They discovered that each of the clans claimed descent from a progenitor, an ancient Cainite known as an Antediluvian. Further research revealed that drinking the blood of a vampire closer to Caine gave the imbiber the victim's strength and powers. Despite his misgivings about further blackening their souls, Etrius assisted Tremere in his research, miraculously uncovering the resting places of several of these sleeping ancients. In a series of adventures, Tremere and his disciples attacked and slew several resting Methuselahs, ancient Cainites that had existed since the world was young. In this manner, the fledgling vampires became close to Caine, and their newly developed blood magic increased in potency.

This was not enough for Tremere. He believed that assuming the powers of an Antediluvian (and thus, becoming on himself) would put his new clan of Cainites on an equal footing with the other clans, therefore, allowing them to take their place in Cainite society.

Accordingly, he chose Saulot — enigmatic founder of the strange and mysterious Salubri — as his victim in 1133. Though the elder seemed lightly guarded, Tremere gathered his seven assistants together and brought them to Saulot's tomb. Surprised by the lack of real resistance to their attack, they found Saulot's sleeping form within a great sarcophagus. Tremere leapt on him and began to drink. The Salubri founder barely fought, soon surrendering to the Amaranth and dying, apparently peacefully. When Tremere pulled away from the body, however, he saw that a third eye had opened on Saulot's forehead, an eye that peacefully gazed at the Antediluvian's murderer. Although none spoke of the third eye, Etrius found himself trembling with fear, for it had long represented the seat of all magical power. Tremere began slipping into long periods of slumber soon after this. Knowing he might be trapped in torpor in the near future, Tremere split his seven disciples and assigned each a portion of the world to oversee.

They were to be the guides and overseers of the new Clan Tremere, their first duty being the Embrace of the remaining House Tremere magi. Goratrix went to France, Meerlinda to the British Isles, and the rest spread throughout Europe. Etrius, the cautious and trustworthy one, was put in charge of the administration of Ceoris and Transylvanian affairs. Further, he was to become the guardian of the sleeping Tremere. Ever faithful, Etrius holds that position against the Tzimisce and their allies, even as the other members of the Order of Hermes begin to realize what their fellow magi have become.

That discovery lies just over the horizon. House Tremere's ruse will be over in 1201. The other Houses in the Order of Hermes will discover House Tremere's Cainite nature, and war with their former fellows will begin. It will not end for almost 80 years, when attrition from the Inquisition (whose attention is attracted due to the ongoing warfare) forces the cessation of hostilities.

The fortress of Ceoris serves as one of House Tremere's main chantries. Maintained under the pretense that the magi within are still human, the Cainites of Ceoris slowly carry out Tremere's commands and infect those still unchanged. Meanwhile, the war with the Tzimisce drags on and Ceoris must maintain itself. Ceoris has assumed an importance far beyond its original purpose in the wake of the war. Even now, enlargement of the mighty fortress and improvements to its defenses continue.

Ceoris must somehow accommodate the influx of magi fleeing destroyed chantries in the region while providing secure resting places for its Cainite inhabitants. Other improvements are also being made, such as turning Ceoris's caves into lairs for the Gargoyles; creating new laboratories for experimentation deep in the mountain, where the "unturned" will not stumble upon them; and providing a secure and warded area to hold Tremere's helpless form as it lies in torpor.
Although much of the chantry is finished, ongoing work makes it an ever-changing environment, one that few of the residents have fully explored. Interestingly, because most of the chantry lies underground, few of the magi ever have the chance to spend much time in the open air. This lends them a pallor that the Cainites among them take full advantage. Their pale faces don't stand out quite so much in this environment. Aside from their Cainite enemies (and the occasional foray by misguided Church emissaries who seek to destroy the "demon sorcerers"), the magi of Ceoris must keep an eye trained on Bulgaria and Constantinople, watching for attempts to conquer Them and their highly strategic stronghold. Additionally, though their main focus is on Cainite foes, the Lupine Sept of the Night Sky can prove to be a nuisance. Thankfully, the wizards' defenses have taught the werewolves to keep their distance.

The  Key  to  Power

Magi are inquisitive and scholarly folk who might stumble upon almost any information in the course of their studies. Therefore, no one has thought to question how Goratrix discovered a ritual that would grant mortals immortality by drinking Cainite blood. Drinking Cainite blood merely turns mortals into ghouls in most cases.

Drinking from the same Cainite three times enslaves the ghoul via the Blood Oath- How, then, did Goratrix invent a ritual that went so far beyond the usual effect? Furthermore, how did Tremere and his followers power such a ritual when magic was dying all around them?

When Tremere and Etrius discovered the resting places of various Antediluvians, how did they do so? Why had no other Cainites ever fell upon such knowledge and used it to their advantage?

The answer to both questions may lie with the source of Transylvania's powerful magic, the heart of the demon Kupala. The influence of the demon has spread madness and chaos throughout the region for centuries. Madness is sometimes accompanied by incisive thought and penetrating insight. Perhaps Kupala's heart triggered such revelations, gifting Tremere and Goratrix with knowledge they could have discovered nowhere else.

Are the Tremere mad, then, just as the Malkavians are? Or is the demon content that the' Tremere'S existence alone has spread chaos and warfare over the whole of Transylvania? Do the Tremere ultimately serve Kupala ? Or is Clan"Tremere ultimately destined to destroy the demon and assume its power for themselves? How many members/of the Usurper Clan even know of the demon's existence? And if most members know nothing about it, who will tell them?

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:43:42 pm »
There will be another info dump (courtesy of the Tremere).

Your characters will know approximately none of the information present, except for the general knowledge (diablerie of Saulot, stolen vampirism). I hesitated to even put it up but it's important if you want to understand much of the fighting, the factions in Transylvania and even jut WoD lore in general.

Fortunately, it will be much shorter than the one with the Tzimisce since I will be keeping a lot of the information about Ceoris and its population secret.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:05:56 pm »
Done with the Tzimisce. On to the Tremere - once i'm done with them then I can post the NPCs. After that I just transcribe the possible sidequests (there are tons of really cool ones) and then I read the rest of the books, which should take me another couple days. By then we can start.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:34:25 pm »
Hmm, changed my mind, you guys won't be serving Tzimisce. Patron will either be Radu (Tzimisce prince of Bistritz) or Vencel Trikard (Ventrue Prince of Budapest). Radu is part of the Transylvanian Prince faction, Vencel is independant (not part of Ventrue interests).

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:57:39 pm »
They are completely useless other than for blood. Think of cult members in mage - they provide you with a service (the cult gives you automatic successes on magic rolls, the herd gives you blood) and they pretty much suck at everything else. look at Berka's thread for examples.

Retainers are ghouls, but troubled ones. They are bound to you but they are not perfect. If you spend ally points to make retainer/ally ghouls, then they increase in usefulness. If it gets strong enough, you can even have another vampire bound to you.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:56:00 pm »
That's everything i'll put on the Tzimisce (for now, I haven't finished the chapter, too busy transcribing).

Resources / Tzimisce Setting Info
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:55:24 pm »
Tzimisce's Childer

Tzimisce are not just the most numerous Cainites in Transylvania — they are arguably the most diverse as well. Between 20 and 30 members of this profane clan stake out their territory at any given time in 12th-century Transylvania. This is surprising — or indicative of the clan's current straits — for most Fiends are quite reluctant to Embrace new childer. Breeding revenants is far more efficacious. After revenant families have been dominated and exploited for centuries, their children are born with an inherent loyalty to their masters, which removes the need for the whole messy enterprise of gradually raising and educating a vampiric childe.

An entire estate of revenants can slave away in the shadow of a voivode's fortress for generations. This makes them promising candidates for the Embrace. However, a revenant servant typically does not receive his baptism of blood until it is evident that he desperately requires the Dark Gift. Defeating the most treacherous of their masters' foes sometimes requires enhanced powers and vampiric ingenuity. Only when this added edge is required is the servant buried alive to await rebirth.

Even more telling on the Tzimisce populace is the shocking warfare conducted between knezi (lesser landholders) and rival voivodes. Arrogant and power-hungry, voivodes make and break alliances as their passions seize them. Transylvanian knezi, in particular, are extremely territorial —- each considers himself to be the rightful master of his lands. Feudal Tzimisce typically enlist few allies, generally relying on Oath-bound childer, horrific creations and legions of fleshcrafted servants. War is brutal and primitive in Transylvania.

Their treatment of their mortal "serfs" is overly brutal as well, contrary to what the Fiends may believe. Tzimisce have always considered their human subjects to be little more than cattle. While the Fiends harbor a conceit that the mortals would perish without them, humans have begun to revolt against their hidden masters. Likewise, many Transylvanian Cainites ofother clans have come to believe that the prosperous Teutonic Ventrue, arrogant and insufferable as they are, would be preferable to the ruthless autocracy of the Tzimisce.

Frankly, the Tzimisce care tittle for such plotting. They are more concerned with stronger enemies — in particular, the Usurper Tremere. Where the Tzimisce are numerous but divisive, the Tremere are fewyet unified. The Usurpers exploit their fanatic loyalty, innovative magics, and bestial Gargoyles as they stage an overwhelming assault on the Fiends. The increasing tide ofbattle has necessitated a strengthening of the Tzimisce feudal system. Tzimisce lords have become more assertive in their rights to exploit the mortal populace of their domains as decade follows bloody decade. Despite appearances, however, the feudal system they created was not fully in place until the eighth century. Prior to those dark times, the most prosperous Fiends were more contemplative and introspective in nature.

The Metamorphosists

The earliest Tzimisce of Transylvania were spiritualists who practiced secret rituals. They meditated on the true nature of abomination in darkness, having long abandoned the ways of humans (a lesser race that seemed quite alien to them). The Fiends enacted their rites in stone sanctums, and the most elaborate temples were entrances to twisted labyrinthine shrines beneath the earth. These "Black Churches" are still extant in many portions of Transylvania and are a testament to the horrors of the past.

By day, the dark priests' servants would construct stone buildings above the soil. By night, massive multi-armed things would burrow tunnels beneath the ground. Vampire artisans completed what their servants began within these darkened shrines. Safe from the rays of the sun, master craftsmen erected asymmetrical stone walls. Sacrificial victims were crafted into walls of flesh in more elaborate temples. The Cathedral of Flesh near the Red Tower Pass is an excellent example of this aesthetic.

The ceremonies suited the environments well in which they were staged. Long before the cult of the Nailed God, long before warrior tribes invoked the names of Dagon and Baal, the most accomplished Tzimisce attempted to transcend the limitations of mortal clay. Reworking the structure of their bodies, they reshaped themselves to conform to their visions — or nightmares — of perfection. Those who were most impressive became objects of worship, and servile ghouls carved their likenesses into statues, which were later venerated as images of pagan gods.

Metamorphosists adopted more subtle methods of practicing their idolatry and defending their territories as the clan advanced. Constructing shrines beneath the earth was too primitive, a habit too similar to the ways of the Nosferatu. Elaborate stone churches served as cathedrals for Metamorphosist worship, and after monastic orders began to spread further into Transylvania, defiled Christian churches proved especially useful to the fiendish priests. In civilized portions of the Voivodate, Black Churches have since been reclaimed by the Christians, who generally remain unaware of what lurks beneath their surface. Although Christian services are practiced in these places, the land surrounding them is difficult to consecrate.

Some of the lesser shrines have fallen into disrepair, and the most primitive ones have been abandoned by the Tzimisce entirely. Other horrid things have taken the Fiends' place; Cults of sluagh, exiled Lupines who have succumbed to the madness of the Black Spiral, and escaped szlachta war ghouls all spawn in such places.

Rituals take the form of demented sorceries for more modern Metamorphosists. Dependence on a feudal estate is not so essential to them. They revile the primitivists who insist on using caves and churches. The most civilized seek out alchemical and mystical laboratories. Such sorcerers might control a small gathering ground resonant with tainted vis or other magical energies. Many are deeply obsessed with mystical pursuits, insisting that their studies are motivated by pure intellect.

In their modest domains, these Fiends avidly pursue insight, collecting vast libraries ofknowledge and amassing occult lore. The morality of humans means nothing to them, except as a limitation to be overcome. Other mystics quest in search of knowledge. As of late, more Tzimisce mystics have begun traveling from tirsa to tirsa to further their studies. Exchanging blood or favors for their services, they have become quite useful to the feudal lords of the clan. While their fanaticism garners them a certain degree of respect from any knezi they encounter, only a fool would fully trust them. Trust, after all, is a human weakness.

Mystics have a strong sense of where the land is tainted and they know the names of the spirits that corrupt the earth — the true names invoked by those who seek power. Calling to the ancient spirits of the soil, they can help or hinder the lords ruling over a domain. Crops wither and die at their bidding. The cattle and sheep of the fields give tainted milk and meat. Children and animals are born with hideous deformities. Thus, they command respect from the lords they encounter. Therefore, as times change and the Black Churches crumble, Metamorphosists evolve as well; one can expect no less from them.

Kupala's Night

The pagan ways are the old ways of the Earth, and sometimes Christians fear them with good reason. Just as there is light in the world, there is darkness, and during the festival of Kupala's Night, the force of darkness is undeniably strong. Tzimisce mystics and feudal lords often travel to the knezates of other respected rulers at this time, setting aside their feuds long enough to commune with the ancient spirits of corruption: the kupala. These spirits are the offspring of an ancient Slavic god of the same name — although Kupala's influence will be broken long before the 20th century, he is a force to be reckoned with in the 12th century.

Mortal pagans practice Kupala's Night on June 22nd. They also revere Kupala as a benevolent god. Tzimisce, of course, know both suppositions for the lies they are. The true rituals of Kupala's Night are performed on a different night each year. Only Tzimisce astrologers can discern the most efficacious day for performing the violent ceremony. The veil between the land offlesh and the realm ofspirit is easierto rend on this night, and those who revere the old ways can see the very taint of the earth. Horrible apparitions infect the land, and where the soil has been corrupted, the hideousforms ofthe kupala can be seen by moonlight. They thrash and gibber, contorting their bodies into impossible displays of physiological degeneration.

The land and the ruler are one, and so the Transylvanian Tzimisce show their reverence for the land by sharing their blood with each other and the earth. With the assistance of mystics, participants enact an ancient rite involving the sharing of blood, A silver cup containing the vitae of all in the ceremony
is passed around to be consumed and the last few drops are poured on the ground. This not only demonstrates their alliance, but it also fortifies them for the task at hand. The screams of the kupala stop as terror seizes the spirits.

Then the slaying begins. Vengeful Tzimisce distend their bodies and sharpen bloody claws. The spirits cry for mercy, yet none is given. Freely killing the maddening evil in the soil, the Fiends purify the land in obeisance to their ancient pact to protect it. Their fervor escalates into all-consuming frenzy much too often, and nothing in the vicinity is safe. By dawn, the madness fades and the evil of Kupala is weakened once again.

Hospitality is extended to guests who assisted in the reaving the following night. The truce between collaborators lasts long enough for travelers to return to their fiefdoms. in a week or two, the fierce fighting for control of the land renews, but by then, the greatest of the clan's enemies has been grievously wounded.

(On Kupala's Night, the Gauntlet in areas infected by
the kupala drops to 2. Tzimisce koldun enact a Level Five
Thaumaturgy or Koldunic Sorcery (see Libellus Sanguinis 1 :
Masters of the State] ritual allowing the Tzimisce to enter the
Penumbra and battle the spirits.)


More sophisticated Tzimisce disdain the primitive activities of the Metamomhosists. Why cower and creep in ancient crumbling temples like damned Nosferatu? Leave the caves to the lesser races — there's a world to be conquered. The churches and alchemical laboratories of the most advanced Metamorphosists are intriguing, to say the least, but there are more sacred (and profane) tasks to pursue. The feudal lords see their goal in unlife as far more noble: They protect and enrich the land itself.

By the dawn of the seventh century, Tzimisce nobles developed an extensive aristocracy throughout the Voivodate of Transylvania. By custom, the most esteemed Tzimisce voivode gained exclusive privileges over the human ruler of the region. Wherever a fortress could be built and maintained, a voivode would declare himself the master of the land and all who lived there. Lesser rulers maintained autonomy over smaller regions, still insisting on absolute rule and hunting rights. These overlords took the name of "knezi." In some regions, the Fiends employed different names for their rulers (as is the case in the territories of the margraves), but overall, the rulers of the largest fiefdoms saw themselves as princes.

As the seventh century gave way to the eighth, traditional territories were defined, and the names of dieir tirsas were established. This arrogant claim to land fostered the ferocious dispute between die Tzimisce and their Lupine antagonists, the Shadow Lords. The migration of tribes, which persisted long after the adoption of feudalism,was halted by the formation of the tirsas. The werewolves then unified to reassert their hunting rights.

By the account of the Tzimisce, humans followed the example oftheir masters. The boundaries of their domains (that is, knezates and tirsas) were far more open to dispute in the early nights. Even established territories could be challenged by upstart would-he voivodes. When two princes declared war, terrible battles were waged by moonlight. Trial by War was an accepted practice. War ghouls and belligerent revenants settled the disputes of their masters. Thus, the local peasants learned the tradition of barring all doors and windows at sundown and not venturing forth until the crowing of the cock at dawn.

Epic stories of territorial disputes have become matters of family pride over the last two centuries. In the 12th century, voivodes often keep small armies or the means to produce one in case of dispute. Like chivalrous knights in their honorable duels, they often define the parameters and "weapons" of a Trial by War beforehand. Smaller trials might require the destruction of one creature, while larger battles might mandate the decimation of an army, or even the voivode himself.

The strengthening of the revenant families also increased the dependence on fiefdoms. Breeding an entire family of revenant ghouls can take centuries, and once a family estate has been established, it becomes a valuable resource to those who maintain it. Many families have become extended enough that they serve several knezi, though a family's inbred loyalty to its lord and master prevents many members from leaving the shadow of the ancestral castle.
While the Tzimisce itself is exceedingly divisive, there is still a measure of respect between voivodes and knezi. The prince of a tirsa must also have the support of the voivode. He is nothing without his master's notice. He must swear fealty to his ruler. In exchange for his rights over the land, he must be willing to muster troops in times of war. There are additional conditions as well, such as the exquisite hospitality one knez extends to another and a knez's need to acquiesce to the will ofhis voivode in settling disputes.

There is also a pact between the ruler and his land. Some vampires say that if the mortals of a fiefdom suffer, the pact is fulfilled. Others say that as the taint of corruption in the land grows stronger, the countenance of the voivode grows darker. Eitherway, an undeniable bond exists between a Tzimisce and his domain. If a Tzimisce travels abroad, he must bring with him a small sample of the soil from his fiefdom. While he rests by day, he will thus be closer to the essence of the land he has pledged to protect. If he does not, he will grow restless and slowly weaken.

While the voivodes grow in power, some neonates realize that times are changing. Just as the Christian West threatens the dark places of the Earth, many peasants are on the verge of revolting against their unseen masters as they accept the religion of the Nailed God. Likewise, some young Fiends do not seek positions of feudal responsibility. These Cainite failures become bitter prophets of doom, insisting that the nights of the voivodes are near their end. They roam the dark woods in packs, preying on anything they can catch, inflicting their hatred on anything they can destroy, and hiding from the voivodes' justice.

Packs display curiously strong bonds of loyalty, and some have been known to form communal bonds of blood during the festival of Kupala's Night. Many packs have begun to pervert the rituals of this night, reserving their greatest atrocities and displays of rebellion for it against their elder. The worst of the packs speak Kupala's name in reverence, and perhaps one night they will spread their corruption to the rest of the clan. They reject the old ways and revile the old traditions.

This is an insult of the worst kind, as tradition is paramount to the elders. Despite the dissent of the embittered young, many of the beliefs of the 12th century will persevere into the 19th and 20th. The land lives or dies by the devotion of its protectors. The soil must be preserved at all costs, and the Tzimisce consider themselves the rightful defenders of the lands beyond the forest.

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:46:10 pm »
Business savyness.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:37:54 pm »
So, I hate to say this but i'm going to have to post more setting info since a lot of this stuff on the Tzimisce is too important to leave out. Keep in mind that your characters won't know much about this (except for D's char, who will know most of it), especially the stuff about Kupala.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:36:39 pm »
Steve the german guy is a perfectly normal name for a Methuselah Tzimisce that dwells in the Cathedral of Flesh!

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:34:50 pm »
Steps of the path:

10. Maurice is Love. Maurice is Life

9. You must always hear the words spoken by Prince Maurice.

8. You must bathe Prince Maurice daily.

7. You must spend 1 hour every night polishing Maurice.

6. You must leave Maurice out in the sun during the daylight, so that he can stay warm.

5. Prince Maurice requires blood sacrifice once a week. He must drink the blood of at least one human.

4. You must always request permission from Prince Maurice to feed.

3. Prince Maurice must never be separated from his true love, that pebble you passed by the other day.

2. Prince Maurice must be sung a lullaby every dawn before the sun rises.

1. Prince Maurice requires regular conversation.

(Nah, but actually you really do have to pick a path, unfortunately. If you can make a good enough one I'll accept it)

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:16:52 pm »
Finished the Non-Tzimisce, Non-Tremere NPCS!

On to the Tzimisce.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:15:45 pm »
Nope, no specific Malkavian path.

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:14:28 pm »
It's a specialty of crafts. Just put Crafts (painting) XX

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:12:21 pm »

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:11:11 pm »
Also, is Dracula going to make a cameo? Does he ever exist in the old WoD?

Dracula (Vlad the Impaler, Son of the Dragon) appears in the chronicle. One of the chronicle books is called "Son of the Dragon", I haven't read it yet but I assume that the entire thing is just a bunch of Dracula badassness with you guys involved somewhere.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:33:38 pm »
Nah, since it's a ghoul it's accustomed to vampires.

But, like, literally every single other animal will attack or run away from him. Even if you summon animals using "Beckoning call", they'll be terrifed of him and want to run away until he calms them down with Animalism.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:32:27 pm »
Don't you worry about that Berka.

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:12:16 pm »
Ooh, i've got the perfect sire for you. Only Toreador character so far too, but you suit her tastes perfectly.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 05, 2015, 04:52:59 pm »
Note that enchanting voice will NOT lower the difficulty of Dominate or Presence rolls. I thought you replaced that with something else, by the way?

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 04:52:19 pm »
Celerity doesn't rely on anything, it just gives you more actions (you get as many actions as your celerity rating after spending a blood point at the beginning of the round). Yes, in case you're wondering, that's what the elder Assamite is currently using to Fark you, Nazario and Damus all simultaneously.

Character Creation / Re: Daedalus fleshcrafter Tzimisce
« on: January 05, 2015, 04:50:06 pm »
Do i need to take the another discipline merit to add Koldunic sorcery? I'm unsure as that merit regards other clans disciplines and not your own clans.

You can't have Koldunic Sorcery and Vicissitude as clan disciplines at the same time. If you take the additional Discipline Merit, then you can. Otherwise you can still have both, but one will not be a clan discipline and will thus cost you more exp.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:50:08 pm »
What, you think village guards here have arming swords and nice plate mail armour? This is transylvania dark ages in World of Darkness. YOU are the village guard. You protect your mortals. And if not you, then a bunch of volunteer farmers with pitch forks.

If you want good weapons then poney up the $$$, not getting it any other way.

Though really, with your ghoul, you don't need good weapons. He deals more damage with his bare hands than than you would with a Greatsword.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 02:44:41 pm »
Bitch please, have you seen your Resources? You get one dagger, and nothing more.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:56:00 pm »
1pt Ally/Retainer


A battlehorse black as the darkest night trained to ride into even the worst of battles, Kickassia was a gift from Basilio to his Childe as a replacement for the Ashen knight's older, inferior horse from his templar days, who could no longer stand the sight of her master when he returned to her a vampire. She is fierce and willful.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:26:05 pm »

How could he be that old? XD (and in the gehenna supplements he gets his ass handed to him by Lilith)

Lilith is older than he is. She also taught him how to use Blood Magic.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:21:19 pm »
You'll need "graft life to life" (Vicissitude 6), otherwise you'd have to take the flesh and bones for his wings from his own actual flesh and bones, which are limited in supply. You could do it but at the cost of Heldric's physical attribute points.

After you get that though, wings for everybody!

Aside from maybe the Antediluvian!

Nope, Caine cursed ALL the antediluvians before the flood, their combined strength was nothing to him. I think Absimillard when to the Eldest to try and have his curse removed but he failed.

It's worth noting that the Blood Gods are more powerful than your current characters in proportions around equal to how much more powerful Caine is than them. Caine is 302 000 years old, the Antediluvians are around 12 000 each.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:16:34 pm »
Completely and absolutely unable to alter a Nosferatu's appearance (any attempt will simply fail. No Tzimisce is powerful enough to undo the curse Caine placed on Absimilliard and all his childer).

You'll need "graft life to life" (Vicissitude 6), otherwise you'd have to take the flesh and bones for his wings from his own actual flesh and bones, which are limited in supply. You could do it but at the cost of Heldric's physical attribute points.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:12:02 pm »
4pt Ally/Retainer

Andreas Drakovich

Heldric and Andreas were embraced on the same day, by the same sire - a moderately influential Nosferatu who possessed holdings in Hungary. Andreas and Heldric were intended to compete for their sire's attention - the competition was supposed to make them strive to each be more effective childer.

In truth, the result was far from what the sire expected - while Heldric stuck to the typical path of discretion followed by most Nosferatu, Andreas made absolutely no attempt whatsoever to conceal his nature. Consumed by the incredible strength that he gained and trained so lovingly, Andreas tormented the villagers under his sire's control and became such a nuisance that he managed to make the villagers rise up against the sire. While he and his childer were away on business, they burned down the haven, killed their ghouls and drove the Nosferatu off. The sire eventually retook his holdings, but his rage at Andreas did not fade.

Rather than killing his childe, Andreas' sire ripped open his skull and bit off his tongue, rendering him mute. He forced Andreas to take a Blood Oath to Heldric, and, as he was so fond of being a profoundly aggravating and indiscreet ass, he was to never learn any of the arts of Obfuscate. The discipline is unavailable to him, even should Heldric command him to attempt to learn it, as Heldric's sire placed Dominating commands within his mind to stop him from training the power so inherent to the Nosferatu.

Andreas has since taken up conversation with animal companions, finding them to be the only ones he can reliably communicate with. He speaks through them to other Kindred with Animalism.

Andreas also has an epic mastery of Potence, capable of amazing feats of strength.

Due to years of continuously taking Heldric's sickly blood and being in close proximity to the Nosferatu, he has also inherited his Domitor's Contagiousness.

He is notably unstealthy.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:10:27 pm »
Nope, no mages, only vamps and garou. Get those thoughts out of your head.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:49:48 pm »
Oh - not that your Nosferatu can even have a mortal servant. His contagion would end up killing them.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:49:10 pm »
So the malkavian's business-savy father is a fat rabbi?

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:37:07 pm »
Yeah, he has a lot of Potence, but that's part of what got him into shit with your sire. You'll see soon, i'll have everything done quickly enough.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:33:56 pm »
Oh no, no sneakiness for this guy.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:27:53 pm »
No ghoul old and powerful enough to be a 4pt ally/retainer would be the servant of a Neonate, unless a Methuselah gave you their favourite ghoul. So if you do this you'll have a blood bonded vamp (also a Nosferatu - the backstory I have made up is that your sire embraced both of you, but the other displeased him and so as punishment he took the blood oath to you and serves as your eternal slave.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:21:24 pm »
So, you're going to give yourself a four point ally/retainer?

At that point I can't make him a ghoul, he would be too weak by virtue of being mortal.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:15:44 pm »
As we all know, appearance works the same way as generation. Lower is better.

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