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Messages - Drakilian

Pages: 1 ... 89 90 91 [92] 93 94 95 ... 103
Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:12:36 pm »
Looks good - quite a few freebies left to spend though.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:01:17 pm »
So many points.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:00:55 pm »
I mean, look at all of those points in Appearance.

Character Creation / Re: Daedalus fleshcrafter Tzimisce
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:56:14 am »
Oh, and if you start with at least Vicissitude 2, you can decide what your appearance is without having to spend freebies or attribute points on it (I mean, it lets you alter your appearance - you would basically look like whatever you wanted to look like)

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:55:15 am »
He's going to hate Anton then.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:34:33 am »
Only in Seth's fanfics  ;D

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:27:54 am »
Ahhh, okay. Sounds good.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:26:59 am »
I'd say the malkie XD

Probs Forge. Nosferatu can't exactly afford to be judgemental, what with their faces and everything.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:19:43 am »
So, final player list:

Sethaniel - Lasombra (Brother to Aman's Anton)

Aman - Lasombra (Anton, Ashen Knight)

Berka - Malkavian (With badass pet rock named Prince Maurice)

Daedalus - Tzimisce (Fleshcrafter)

Bo - Toreador (snobby bastard)

Forge - Nosferatu (Sneak Sneak)

No problematic combinations, which is good. Based on this you could be hired by a Tzimisce or a neutral faction (Prince of Budapest). I think i'll go with Tzimisce but i'll have to wait until I finish the Chronicle to see if it might be better to take something else.

Character Creation / Re: Daedalus fleshcrafter Tzimisce
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:41:56 am »
Woo! (I really wanted either a Tremere or a Tzimisce - them and the Lasombra are my favourite clans, it would have been a sin not to have a player as one).

You don't start off with a position of notable power (and keep in mind that a count right now is anyone who owns a village - yeah, you don't start off with much.  But trust me, you earn it through the chronicle, so it would be a waste anyway - just like investing in a haven).

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:49:05 am »
Herd Members -
Sebastian the Butler, Nadia the Maid, & Igor the Footman

Just a note on the footman - there's a general rule about how herd members are supposed to be relatively useless (compared to retainers and allies) other than for their blood (like cult members in Mage or Minions in Mythic Nippon), so i'll just warn you from now that you probably shouldn't rely on Igor for anything special.

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:47:21 am »
Character Quote: "That's Prince 'it's just a rock' Maurice to you bud!"

*Duly notes that Maurice shall be referred to and behave as a Prince.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:59:13 am »

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:50:20 am »

No Forge, you don't get to start as a 5th generation vampire. XD

(Besides, if you COULD start as that, you should have totally just spent the extra 2 freebies to become an invincible Blood God antediluvian.)

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:38:12 am »
Uh, Forge? Max starter for backgrounds is 5 XD

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:37:26 am »

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:21:28 am »
10 generation (as seen by the edits I made).

You can spend a max of 1 blood per round and have a blood pool of 13

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:16:23 am »
You might want to boost Willpower (right now it's at a three, which basically means anyone with Dominate can make you their bitch).

Or on generation (you have the highest generation so far, you'll have to diablerize a lot of vampires to get it up. And diablerie is frowned upon right now. Very frowned upon.)

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:43:05 am »
Oh yeah, soooo much. But you should be good since you already understand the basics (Attributes, Abilities, etc.)

Character Creation / Re: Bo's work in progress
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:37:09 am »
Oh, Bo, one thing: I see that you're looking at the attributes page for Mage, but it's worth noting that vampires can, unlike mages, soak Lethal damage.

Also, vampires, unlike mages, have their disciplines powered by their attributes and abilities (instead of Arete, you roll a combination like you would for a normal action). So you might want to coordinate your attributes with your Disciplines - Perception/Empathy for Auspex, Charisma/Appearance/Manipulation for Presence, etc.

Also, you might want to take a look at the Vampire Blood pool uses - Blood is very useful.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:05:24 am »
By the way, you have 2 unspent freebie points.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:02:57 am »
Think about it - your crocodile ghoul will look like a large mute man named andre, or he could invisibly sneak up on your enemies.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:58:54 pm »
Not necessarily. With the 5th one you could also conceal your loyal ghoul army to help you ;)

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:44:43 pm »
You're right about Obfuscate though, every level of Obfuscate is epic.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:41:45 pm »
Woah woah woah woah woah, you've got it aaaaaaallllllll wrong there.

Animalism 2 lets you actually call the animals to you (otherwise you have to find them, and animals hate vampires. And have sense about at the same level or better than yours. So you're never going to find them).

Animalism 3 is epic. You can make any mortal you affect with it completely and absolutely helpless.

Animalism 4 kinda sucks for the same reason Dominate 5 kinda sucks (unless paired with Obtenebration 5 or Viccissitude 5, which let you negate this), which is that if the body you're possessing is killed, you enter Torpor.

Animalism 5 is also generally very situational.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:35:27 pm »
You can increase it later with exp (especially with the drastically changed experience costs)


Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:33:31 pm »

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:41:47 pm »

Auspex is also a Toreador clan discipline, so Aman's strange insistence on it will also apply to you, no doubt.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:58:42 pm »
Goddamit forge I told you, retainer is for separate retainers, ally increases the strength of said retainer.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:07:53 pm »
Apparently someone who taunted Jesus on the way to the crucifixion and was cursed to wander for all of eternity.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:06:07 pm »
Who is the Wandering Jew?

No idea. Thought he was a jewish mythological figure, guess not XD

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:03:12 pm »
About 2/3rds of the way done with the vampire NPCs.

Okay, that's a lie, i'm about 2/3rds of the way done with the non-Tzimisce, non-Tremere NPCs. Tzimisce and Tremere both have two chapters all to themselves. It's a horrifying amount of editing.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:01:03 pm »
Animalism is great for you since it lets you have animal spies and allies (who are much more accepting of your appearance than people or other vampires). Which would, of course, be why the Nosferatu have it.

Most Nosferatu have previous injuries or scars massively enhanced and exaggerated in their embrace, you could factor that into your backstory. Like, say he was attacked by animals or brutally beaten and when he came back to life the damage was horribly disfiguring.

Would the ally be a retainer?

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 04, 2015, 07:28:35 pm »
(Mostly cuz i'm not giving any of you a choice)

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:45:40 pm »
You don't get to know. He automatically gets 1 point of potence though, and rest assured i'm putting everything else in Fortitude.

Change it positively or change it negatively?

Character Creation / Re: BZ's Malkavian Menace
« on: January 04, 2015, 05:34:18 pm »
Okay! That's the stat block. You can work over what weapons and items you have based on what's appropriate given your resources and the era. You can pretty much have your pick of what you want with your current wealth.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:47:20 pm »
Nah, your mentors are just fine, you guys just get wayyyyyyyy better haven options.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:12:40 pm »
Hey guys, when you get your merits/flaws do you mind posting the full description under said merit/flaw? I don't want to have to look for them.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:11:08 pm »
The Fark do you mean you're "literally taking these word-for-word?" I'm the one who's taking it at face value, you're justifying what a vampire might consider "much" time.  It literally says "Do not allow yourself to be distracted from your work."

It says that those on this path are only concerned with saving mortals through suffering.  It's not a path that lends itself to working with other Cainites towards a common goal.

I'm not justifying anything, time has less meaning for immortals, and taken literally (for a vampire, not for you, for a vampire) the meaning is the one I gave. It's there to ensure the follower of the path doesn't make their ultimate goal power, control over other Cainites, or invest solely in Cainite politics - their ultimate goal needs be the personal salvation of humans.

It does, haha. Because you can have those Cainites help you to that common goal, or through the influence/power you gain with those cainites you can more easily and effectively continue working on your ultimate goal. The entire point of the pinnacle of that path is that you keep your priorities in order.

I'm not ignoring Fark-all Seth.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:05:39 pm »
You, uh, you might not want to invest in havens just yet.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:42:17 pm »
You've already decided its perfect for Aman's character, so you're going to interpret it as however you want to make it fit.

The Fark do you mean interpretation? How else are you supposed to see this? I'm literally just taking these word-for-word here.

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:40:55 pm »
You've only spent 1 freebie point on allies, not 2

You can take as many flaws as you want but the max freebie points you get from it is 10

Character Creation / Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« on: January 04, 2015, 03:38:43 pm »
Woahwoahwoahwoahwoah, what's this about 4th generation I see?

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:26:21 pm »
And besides, time is relative when you're looking at vampires. Vampires are immortal. If they spend fourty years dealing with cainite affairs but spread that over two centuries working on redeeming corrupt humans by torturing them, they're fulfilling their path nicely.

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Transylvanian Chronicles OOC 1
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:22:31 pm »
Your original idea before Gorn was Charlie, no?

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:21:06 pm »
no, that's farther down the list.

Anything other Cainites are doing/ want you to do with them is a waste of time.  It's a distraction from your work, which is to redeem the souls of mortals through pain and suffering.

It's not a path that can work with others.

That's only the very highest level of the path (which is ridiculously hard to get to anyway).

And it doesn't say you can't spend time on cainite affairs. Just that you can't spend much time on them. It's perfect for his char.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:19:59 pm »
Oh yeah, was reading it 1-10, not 10-1.  Hmm

No, you were reading it right.

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 01:30:13 pm »

Character Creation / Re: Aman's Darkspawn Lasombra
« on: January 04, 2015, 01:27:03 pm »
I'll point your attention to the 9th commandment of that path

Vampire The Masquerade / Re: Calendar
« on: January 04, 2015, 01:15:17 pm »

- April 15

- The Coterie arrives at the city of Buda-Pest

- Steeple encounters Vassily Taltos and Anonymus the Chronicler in the House of the Red Hedgehog.

- The others involve themselves in the escape of a Revenant slave named Sherazhina, who Kiril soon claims.

- The coterie presents itself to Prince Vencel Rikard, welcoming Daniel to the fold.

- The coterie meets with their sires and Tiberu, blood-bound servant of their patron Radu. They are all offered princedoms in exchange for the construction of a fort over the Tihuta Pass, a task which they all eagerly agree to accomplish.

- The coterie spends the next two days planning to conquer their patron's land and ghoul entire villages, stealing from the prince of the city, almost killing each other and coming close to splitting up.

- April 28

- The coterie arrives at Klausenburg.

- The coterie is greeted by hostile locals. Brother Joseph questions the priest and hears legends of St Mitruu, the slayer of darkness.

- The coterie contemplates committing mass suicide/staying in the city during the day.

- The coterie leaves the city and gets out of Klausenburg.

- The coterie is ambushed by Mitruu, Prince of Napoca. Their caravans are set on fire and much of their company is killed.

- Myca Vykos' arrival causes the Prince of Napoca to flee, the characters join the generous Fiend - he happens to also be headed to Bistritz.

- Steeple makes the decision to ghoul the sole surviving member of his herd - Nadia, the maid.

May 6th

- The coterie finally arrives at Bistritz, meeting their patron for the first time.

- Radu is informed of the coterie's failure to keep the money he'd given them - generous as he is, the Count provides them all with some new funds and a wagon and sends them off to the Pass.

May 9th

- The coterie finally arrives at Tihuta Pass, and are greeted by Lucita and Anatole, two wanderers.

- Anatole, a prophet who believes his visions are warnings from God, informs the coterie that he is seeking important writings in the pass.

- While the others help him dig his way down the foundations, Steeple, using his strange magics, phases through the rubble and directly into the room they were looking for.

- After laboriously looking through the area, Steeple finds a hidden library and, within it, tablets written in an ancient, forgotten language.

- The others break through the rubble and join Steeple, Heldric continues searching and finds a golden translation key, they uncover the content of the tablets:

Thus, I set down my true visions that I may remember and keep to the path that I have chosen. Only I of us all shall know the truth and this shall be my shield and my spear. Most exalted shall I be in the time of the final days. Even the father shall quail before my might.

Let the lesser ones war one upon the other, each hearkening to the omens that I have foreseen. Fools, all! By my guile, they know not the actual signs, but merely shadows of the things that shall be.

Let the world tremble when I come in my might and majesty, for I shall rule above our father, above the mother who gave succor to our father, above the children of Seth, yea, even above God himself. Let the Reign of blood commence.

- The coterie makes copies of the tablets for themselves, and Steeple personally twists the key into an unusable mess. The tablets are sent with Anatole and Lucita to Count Radu.

5th of June

- The master Mason Zelios arrives at the pass and, with Sylvian, begins designing the fortress.

9th of June

- Having finished his work with the Fortress, Zelios prepares to leave.

- The coterie pays him - though with a little more than half their remaining funds. Indebted to the kindly mason, the cainites attempted to offer him the translation key instead - but Zelios warned them against such offers, the key was a very valuable secret.

16th of August

- The coterie has been plagued by attacks from a pack of fleshcrafted wolves and ambushes to their caravans for days, their workers have been rebellious and their efforts have grinded down to a halt.

- Anton, Heldric and Daniel split off from the group to go hunt down the wolf pack, and encounter and unknown Tzimisce woman who warns that her master would come for his stolen servant.

19th of August

- Steeple, Kiril, Sylvian and Lucien back at the pass are visited by Myca Vykos, who offers a large amount of money to help the coterie in exchange for one boon - a boon of any kind, that they would owe him.

- After they accept his offer, Vykos spends another few hours at the site before leaving for Constantinople.

- Anton, Heldric and Daniel return to find out the debt they have been put in.

29th of August

- The coterie finds the translation key put into Lucien's care to have been stolen. They investigate and find out nothing.

- Steeple cackles madly with glee to himself as he gets away with it.

28th of October

- With time to spare, the Coterie has finished their task and their sires and patrons have come to grant them their rewards.

- All members of the coterie partake of Radu's blood.

- Kiril is made seneschal of Sofia, Anton Prince of Kronstadt, Lucien Prince of Shaasburg, Daniel Prince of Muhlbach, Sylvian Prince of Temechburg and Heldric Prince of Balgraad.

- Steeple alone refuses to drink of his sire's blood, and the infuriated Vladivostok banishes Steeple from all his Domains, his clan, and threatens to ruin him.

- Radu offers Steeple Stewardship of Tihuta Pass, and Steeple gratefully accepts.

- The vampires and their sires retire to a makeshift Arena that Steeple had constructed (Vladivostok having departed), where a fleshcrafted Barabus (modified by Lucien) would be pitted against one of Daniel's creations.

- Barabus viciously cripples and kills Daniel's creation after having his throat ripped out.

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