Hi all!
I've used all the downtime to work on my Legacy of Dracula's Castle game on CYS - it might crack a million words by the end (already a quarter of the way there)!
As Lady Z said, we're looking at moving to the mountains and going full hillbilly haha!
We always wanted our own little slice of privacy, and love cabin camping, but now it's time to own our own little retreat (only we'll just be there full time lol)!
I also want to have signs posted along the lines of 'Trespassers Will Be Shot', but that actually say 'Trespassers Will Be Subject To Redneck Justice'
Once we move, I will be opening a full time Fitness Gym - using Station Drills, like they do with the 9 Rounds business model.
I also went ahead and renewed the BHB domain for a couple of more years, so the site will still be here for another decade, which should be enough time to actually get back to it and breath renewed like into it again haha!
Anyway, miss you guys and our awesome adventures!
Take care and keep checking in now and again! We'll Be Back!