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Author Topic: New Edges  (Read 48132 times)


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New Edges
« on: December 20, 2009, 12:56:12 pm »

This thread is for folks to post their own Edges ideas or suggestions.  In future printings of the book, we may even want to include a few of these (if they meet our standards of balance and are just too cool to pass up).

As A General Rule

  • Edges add a +2 bonus to one Skill, or a +1 bonus to three related Skills.  For combat Skills, Edges only add a +1.
  • Flaws add a –2 Penalty to three related Skills or a total number of Penalties around –6, or a –4 penalty to a single Skill.  Their negative impact as a Flaw has to outway the positive impact of an Edge, they need to be inconveniencing, or have a chance to impact a Session now and then.
Other combination/exceptions are possible – do/use what you want, it’s your game  :)



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 01:01:58 pm »

Also Included are some of the Edges I have included with the Animal, Monster, and NPC Write-Ups.

These are the types of Edges that go beyond what normal folks can do, and are generally not available to Player Characters (unless specifically allowed by the GM for some reason – maybe your character is a cybernetically enhance parrot and needs the Flight Edge and Small Flaw – you never know ;) ).

I wanted to include them here however, so as to have them available for GMs in one easily accessible list.



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 01:17:08 pm »

Allows movement through tiny spaces - does not need to make Escape rolls

Berserker [Savage Flaw]
The character can spend 1 Surge Point to enter a ferocious Rage for the duration of 1 combat Scene, gaining +4 STR & +4 CON (with associated bumps), and immunity to all Fear and Pain Effects.

Bull’s Eye (Uncanny Shot)
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Ranged attack.

Cargo Carrier
Allows the creature to move up to x5 Carrying Capacity

Chosen One (Lucky)
The character can spend a Luck Point to change any non Attack-based Extra Success (successful roll of ten or higher) into a Crit instead.

Combo Attack
One particular attack, if successful, allows an free roll with another combined attack - such as a free hold or pin roll with a successful bite

Crushing Grapple (Grapple Master)
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Grapple attack. 

Damage Resistant
Something about the creature's makeup, thick skin, or natural tenacity gives it an Armor Value of 5.

Can see without light

Dead Aim (Throwing Master)
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Throw attack.



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 01:17:38 pm »

Death Touch (Martial Arts Master)
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Unarmed attack.

Dermal Armor
The creature has armored plated, dragon scales, or otherwise incredibly tough skin.  This Edge gives the creature an Armor Value of 12-14.

Engine of Destruction
The creature does x3 X-Roll when attacking a nonliving object, including Golems and Animated Objects

Exceptional Item
This is an unusual item that is integral to the character or creature and has some unusual bonus (generally a single power or +2 bonus to a skill)

Exceptional Talent
This is an unusual ability or power that is integral to the character or creature, but is so singular, as to not warrant its own Edge Type.

Extraordinary Powers
The creature has the ability to use unusual or Hexslinging-like powers, which may or may not follow the same mechanics of use.  Exceptions to the normal mechanics should be listed with the Edge entry

Something about the character or integral equipment allows the character to fly.  It can be listed to show the Flight Movement (when different from the creatures normal Movement) or source of Flight.  For example Flight (30ft) or Flight (wings) - Flying Creatures do not need to make Balance, Climb, or Jump checks

The creature is only partially corporeal and hard to see, granting it permanent Partial Concealment.  The Ghostly Edge also imparts a +8 Bonus to Move Silently rolls.

Grapple Master (Grappler)
Spend a Surge Point to disregard the MTN normally associated with advanced Grappling Maneuvers for a single Grapple attack, such as body slam, choke, disarm, and pin.

Grim Reaper (Lucky)
The character can spend a Luck Point to change any Attack-based Extra Success (successful roll of ten or higher) into a Crit instead.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 08:36:05 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: New Edges
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2009, 01:18:23 pm »

The creature has an ability similar to the Feng-Shui power Harmony, but without the gatestone requirement

This edge allow an Extra to have Surge Points

Heavy Lifter
Allows the creature to move up to x10 Carrying Capacity

Heroic Surge
The character can explode with a burst of adrenalin, allowing him to spend as many of his Surge Points per round as he likes, without the usual one per round restriction.

Grants immunity to one or more of the following Hazards or Conditions –
  • Acid:  The creature cannot be harmed by acid.
  • Aging:  The creature does not age while the spell is maintained.
  • Berserk:  The creature cannot go Berserk.
  • Cold:  The creature cannot be harmed by cold.
  • Disease:  The creature is immune to all diseases.
  • Electricity:  The creature cannot be harmed by electricity.
  • Fatigue:  The creature is immune to the effects of normal Fatigue and does not require sleep (though he is still subject to the special Fatigue caused by using Surge without points and can still be KO’d or rendered unconscious as normal).
  • Fear:  The creature cannot be shaken or panicked.
  • Fire:  The creature cannot be harmed by heat or fire.
  • Light:  The creature cannot be blinded nor harmed by any light based attacks (including lasers).
  • Normal Physical Damage:  The creature cannot be harmed by normal physical damage, but will have some susceptibility or other means of being destroyed.
  • Pain:  The creature feels no pain and is immune to Wound Penalties, Stun, and Nausea.
  • Poison:  The creature is immune to all poisons.  
  • Pressure:  The creature is immune to extremely high and low pressure, allowing them to exist in the depths of the ocean or the vacuum of space – though immunity to pressure does not prevent suffocation in such places.
  • Radiation:  The creature cannot be harmed by radiation.
  • Sound:  The creature cannot be deafened nor harmed by any sonic based attacks.
  • Starvation:  The creature is immune to starvation and does not need to eat or drink while the spell is maintained.
  • Suffocation:  The creature is immune to suffocation and does not need to breath while the spell is maintained – though it only partially protects from the vacuum of space.  In the case where a creature trapped in a true vacuum is immune to suffocation but not pressure, he suffocates as normal, rather than as if he were in a vacuum (see Suffocation and Drowning and Space).

The creature is completely invisible with Permanent Full Concealment or invisible with Full Concealment under specific circumstances, such as (while in water), (while in fire), or (among vegetation)

This guy likes to jump.  Multiply normal Jumping Distance by two, including Extra distance.

This edge allow an Extra to have Luck Points

This Edge allows a Demon or Oni to cross through the barrier between the Physical and Spirit Worlds a number of times per day equal to its Presence.  In addition, it also allows certain Incorporeal creatures to become Ghostly and interact with the normal world in a limited degree, changing between Incorporeal and Ghostly or back again a number of times per day equal to its Presence.

Martial Arts Master (Martial Artist)
Spend a Surge Point to make a single Armor Piercing Unarmed attack (or) disregard the MTN normally associated with Called Shots while making a single Unarmed attack.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 09:59:29 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: New Edges
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2009, 01:21:06 pm »

Multi Attack (Rapid Strike)
The creature can take two attacks per Attack Action, sacrificing accuracy for speed.  Multi Attacks cannot Crit, suffer a -2 Penalty on each attack, and cannot be used with Called Shots or any other roll that requires a MTN to succeed. 

Multiples of Other Edges
Unlike Characters, some Creatures can take multiples of Edges normally restricted to being taken only once.  For Example, I have used Fast x10, Hard To Kill x2, Hard To Kill x3, Toughness x2, etc…

Nearly Invisible
The creature has Full Concealment when motionless and Partial Concealment when moving

Pack Mule
Allows the creature to move up to x2 Carrying Capacity

Something about the creature is poisonous – bite, claws, breath, etc

The character can debate, schmooze, and spin the truth with the worst of them.  +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, and Political Sciences.

Rabbits Foot
+1 Luck to Master

The creature has an ability similar to the Psychic or Hexslinging power Radiate, but can manifest it at will

Resilient Hide
Thick hide, bony plates, or a hardened carapace - Resilient Hide gives the creature an Armor Value of 8-10.

Savage Blow (Weapons Master)
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Melee attack.



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2009, 01:22:16 pm »

The character can feel the presence of supernatural energies when they are nearby, whether magic, demons, spirits, or psychic powers.  Only the proximity of these energies are felt, but not their precise location or nature (unless the Sensitive happens to be touching the source at the time).

Slips Through Water
The creature moves through water with a silent grace.  +6 Move Silently in water

Spider Climb
Allows normal movement and running across any surface of any plane capable of supporting the character’s weight - spider climbing creatures do not need to make balance or climb rolls

Spirit Sight (Occult Sciences 1)
The character can see through the curtain that separates the realms, allowing him to notice any unmanifested spirits, demons, or oni within his line of sight

Super Density
The creatures body mass is incredibly dense, like solid stone or iron.  This Edge gives the creature an Armor Value of 16-20.

+8 hide and move silently

This edge indicates the creature’s affinity or ability to move through water.  I have used to allow Full Movement in Water; Full Movement and Running speed while Swimming; and Full Movement while Swimming, but no Running

The creature has an ability similar to the Psychic or Hexslinging power Telepathy, but can manifest it at will.  I have also used this Edge but limited it in some way, noted as Telepathy (limited)

Throwing Master (Throwing Specialist)
Spend a Surge Point to make a single Armor Piercing Throw attack (or) disregard the MTN normally associated with Called Shots while making a single Throw attack.

Allows the creature to comprehend and speak all languages

« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 10:35:38 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: New Edges
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2009, 01:22:40 pm »

The creature's body is semi-transparent, granting a +4 bonus to Hide

Uncanny Dodge (Evasion)
Spend a Surge Point to automatically Dodge any one attack, or area attack, even if the attack does not require a roll to hit.  This includes both physical and mental attacks, such as those produced by spell effects, psionics, and feng-shui powers.

Uncanny Shot (Marksman)
Spend a Surge Point to make a single Armor Piercing Ranged attack (or) disregard the MTN normally associated with Called Shots while making a single Ranged attack.

Underwater Predator
+6 listen underwater

Underwater Tracking
The creature can track creatures underwater by scent, sonar, or some other ability.  +8 Track in water

Water Ambush
+6 hide underwater

Weapons Master (Weapons Specialist)
Spend a Surge Point to make a single Armor Piercing Melee attack (or) disregard the MTN normally associated with Called Shots while making a single Melee attack.



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2009, 01:30:35 pm »

Feel free to post your own  :)



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2010, 11:53:37 am »

Fey Mark (Fantasy Setting)

The character has received a tattoo of powdered silver on the inside of his or her wrist from the High Elf Court.  When presented, no Fey creature may harm the bearer of such a tattoo (though this does not apply to his unmarked friends or allies), unless the Fey Marked character makes some sort of attack first.  Fey creatures may however (at their discretion) demand that the Fey Marked character leave their territory immediately, which if refused also breaks the power of the Fey Mark.



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2011, 11:17:23 am »

Retributive Strike (Fantasy Setting)

The creature gets to make one final (free) attack when defeated or killed.



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Re: New Edges
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2011, 05:21:06 pm »

The GM is a cheater that is why this came about. Just throwing that out there.    LOL Just kidding, he gave away luck points to do so. :)


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Re: New Edges
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2011, 12:16:22 pm »

Yes, it's true - the Players whomped my Big Bad before I got even one attack roll, so I Cheated Like A Bastich™ and wrote in the Retributive Strike Edge right then and there - The players where like "Hey, did you just write that in?!?"  I said "Yep, and here's a Luck Point for everyone for your GM Cheating Like A Bastich™."

I rolled my dice...

And the victim Dodged...  :P




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Re: New Edges
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2011, 03:19:21 pm »

Yes, it's true - the Players whomped my Big Bad before I got even one attack roll, so I Cheated Like A Bastich™ and wrote in the Retributive Strike Edge right then and there - The players where like "Hey, did you just write that in?!?"  I said "Yep, and here's a Luck Point for everyone for your GM Cheating Like A Bastich™."

I rolled my dice...

And the victim Dodged...  :P



One of the hazards of having the game author run the game.  ;D
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Re: New Edges
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2011, 04:48:07 pm »

Indeed !!!!!  ;)
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