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Author Topic: Player Resources  (Read 6850 times)


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Player Resources
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:39:29 pm »

This thread is for information, maps, etc gained during the game.


Using Luck and Surge___
As one of the most dynamic aspects of BHB system, Luck and Surge Points can be used to influence the outcome of the game in the following ways –

Luck Points can be spent for the following Luck Options:
  • Reduce a MTN by 4 (before or after the roll)
  • Add a +4 Bonus to the TN or Die Value (before or after the roll) – when adding to Die Value, you must be able to use the entire +4 Bonus without going over
  • Take a Faulty Success instead of rolling the die (only if rolling is an option)
  • Negate a Botch or an opponent’s Crit
  • Focused Effort (spend a Luck Point for an Extra Die to roll with any one roll)
  • Not As Bad As It Looks (take only 1/2 damage from a single attack; this Option cannot be used twice on the same attack to reduce damage to zero)
  • Lucky Break (for inspiration from the GM to help move the game along or for a plot twist in the character’s favor)
  • Escape Death (to Stabilize a Dying character and ignore further damage for the rest of the Scene)
Surge Points can be spent for the following Surge Options:
  • +2 STR for one round
  • +3 Damage on any 1 Attack
  • Take an Extra Action
  • Interrupt another’s Action (changes character’s Initiative Order for the combat)
  • Make back-to-back Attack or Defense Actions without the Rapid or Evasion Edges
  • Shake off Stunned Condition
  • Shake off KO’d or Unconscious Condition
  • Shake off one level of Fatigue
  • Shake off Intimidated, Shaken or Panicked Condition
  • Ignore Injury (take a Round while Disabled without going to Dying)
  • Defy Mental Control for 1 Action
  • Double Tap (Counter Escape Death Luck Option)
  • Stretch or Tweak an Edge, Amazing Feat, Spell, or Power

Both Luck and Surge can be spent each round as Free Actions.

Luck can be spent as many times per round as the player wants, though it is advised not to use up all your Luck in one round.

Surge can only be used once per round (except with the Heroic Surge Edge). Unlike Luck, Surge can also be used without spending Surge Points, at the cost of Fatiguing the character afterwards.

Recovering Luck And Surge
Luck and Surge Points refresh at the rate of 1 point of each per in-character day.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 07:50:49 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Player Resources
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 04:55:23 pm »

Who's Who_

Ash is one of four trainers who started out from Pallet Town to fulfill his dreams of becoming a great Pokémon Master.  He is determined, but his skills are lacking and he tends to get a big head easily, getting caught up in the moment and not thinking straight when going into battle, leaving him depending mostly on luck to win.  His favorite Pokémon is his first, Pikachu, who he usually calls on, even when Pikachu has a disadvantage.  He travels with Brock and Misty, two former Gym Leaders.  Though they fight often (especially Ash and Misty), they are a close-knit group and take care of each other.  Ash isn't very wise, but he has a big heart and will come through for his friends whenever there's trouble.

"That's right!  I hereby declare to the Pokémon of the world, I will be the greatest Pokémon trainer, the greatest Pokémon master, of ALL TIME!"

"Pokéball, go!"
Pikachu was Ash's first Pokémon and a temperamental one at that.  Pikachu wasn't too fond of Ash when they first met, but after Ash risked his life to save Pikachu from a flock of angry Spearows, Pikachu realized that Ash really cared (Ash isn't just Pikachu's trainer, but is also Pikachu's best friend).  Pikachu has spent time in a Pokéball only once, and that was enough.  Now Pikachu refuses to get inside a Pokéball, preferring instead to walk alongside Ash.  Like most other Pokémon, Pikachu can only say its name, which can lead to funny conversations between Pikachu and Ash, who actually seems to understand!  Pikachu makes friends easily with other Pokémon and helps Ash to understand them.  Pikachu once gave Team Rocket a big "shock" at the Viridian City Pokémon Center, and for some reason, the terrible trio has spend almost every episode thereafter plotting to steal Pikachu from Ash.  Luckily, they've never fully succeeded.

"Pii – Kaa – Chuu!”  (Zap!)
Misty was formerly one of the Gym Leaders in Cerulean City, along with her three older sisters.  She left home to become a Water Pokémon trainer, then met up with Ash when she fished him out of a river in Episode One.  He then proceeded to: A. Steal her bike, B. Wreck her bike, and C. Refuse to pay her for her bike.  Misty started following Ash around to get paid back, but they soon became friends.  Misty is fond of all her Pokémon, except the lumbering Psyduck, who pops out of its Pokéball at the most inappropriate times, usually during a battle.  Her most precious Pokémon, Tokepi, really belongs to Ash, but it prefers Misty instead, because she was the first thing it saw when it hatched.  Oh, and Misty really, really, really, hates Bug Type Pokémon.  One time Brock tried to fool her by tickling her with a piece of grass and telling her it was a bug.  She kicked him – HARD. 

(After Joe compliments Ash on his "Once-In-A-Lifetime Battle"): “DON'T try to copy it!  It was kind of a fluke!"
Brock is the oldest of the three main characters.  He used to be the Pewter City Gym Leader but quit after his father decided to come out of hiding.  Now he journeys with Ash and Misty on his quest to become the world's greatest Pokémon breeder.  Brock is an excellent cook and prepares all of the group's food.  He learned to be a good cook because he had to take care of his 10 brothers and sisters (who, by the way, all look like mini Brocks) until his dad came back.  Brock has a lot of strengths, but he does have one great weakness... he falls head over heels in love with every girl he sees (usually older girls, especially Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny), making him revert from his normally serious attitude into a blabbering idiot, until Misty drags him away, pulling on his ear.  Unfortunately for him, he is always rejected, but maybe someday he will find someone…  Although Brock does have some qualities about him that make him "interesting", he really cares about his Pokémon and his friends. 

Nurse Joy
Nurse Joy, like Officer Jenny, has many members of her family spread through out the world operating Pokémon Centers.  They are all nurses, they all look alike, and they are all named Joy.  Ash and company never get it, though.  Each time they meet a Nurse Joy, they have to ask her if she's related to the Nurse Joy they met previously.  And of course, each time, Brock falls head over heels in love.  Nurse Joy doesn't seem to mind, though.  Their personalities are more or less the same, all willing and able to help.  They also have Chansey assistants, whose caring attitudes make them perfect for hospital work.   

"This (fill in the blank) is in really bad shape!  How could you let it get like this?"
Officer Jenny
Officer Jenny has relatives all over the land, who look like her and are named Jenny as well.  Depending on the Jenny they encounter, Ash and the gang can find a helpful Jenny, a hostile Jenny, an overly suspicious Jenny, or a hyper Jenny.  Brock tends to fall in love with each one claiming each one is more beautiful than the others, even though they all look alike... The also all seem to have killer motorcycles.

(After Brock asks her out) "Sorry, but my next break's not until past your bedtime!"
Team Rocket (Jessie, James, and Meowth)
Jessie, James, and Meowth are members of Team Rocket, a shady organization trying to take over the world of Pokémon for its evil leader, Giovanni.  In their quest to capture Pikachu, they often dress up in silly disguises and have outrageous plots that always seem to backfire, sending them "blasting off again" back to square one.

Jessie is the more hotheaded member of Team Rocket and can easily be recognized by her ridiculously long hair.  She tends to be the more aggressive and brash than James, even having served a short time as the Viridian City Gym Leader. 

James is the more worrisome and cautious of the infamous duo, often wanting to give up rather than getting into danger.  He is also willing to dress up like a woman in order to get Pikachu... perhaps a little bit to willing...

Meowth is the mascot of Jessie and James's small team.  He used to be the pet of Giovanni, but was demoted in favor of a Persian.  Meowth is one of the few Pokémon that can speak; he learned to speak to impress a female Meowth but was rejected.  Meowth is the real brains behind the small group, coming up with complex plans to kidnap Pikachu, but he is always the one who gets pummeled whenever things go wrong.

Though they seem to have dedicated their lives to swipe Ash's Pokémon, Jessie and James have occasionally teamed up with the twerp to battle against a greater evil, mostly their own rivals, Butch and Cassidy.  Despite their constant arguing, the team always sticks together and are the best of friends.

Jessie: “My hair was my one true love.”
James: "Team Rocket always puts beauty before duty!"
Meowth: “I'm also humble and housebroken.”
Professor Oak
Professor Oak is the leading Pokémon expert in Pallet Town, and maybe the world.  He gave Ash his first Pokémon, Pikachu, and takes care of the Pokémon Ash doesn't currently carry.  He spends almost all day caring for a vast amount of Pokémon, but manages to take some time to perform research and to help Ash, who calls constantly.
Gary Oak
Professor Oak's grandson, and Ash's rival, Gary is snobbish and rude, and seems to always be one step ahead of Ash.  Gary also has a group of cheerleaders who follow him around and cheer him on.  One time, Brock tried to ask them out.  He said, "hey girls how'd you like to spend some time with me?" and they said, "Yes sir!  We'd like that!"  Then he got all depressed because they thought he was an old man.

(To Ash) “You were the fourth to leave home, but as a trainer, you're dead last!"


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Re: Player Resources
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2014, 04:56:10 pm »

 Nature of The Game_

Damage and Healing
Due to the nature of the Pokémon World, it is impossible for the Main Characters or Villains to be killed. That’s not saying one can’t be taken out of the game though; take enough of a beating and the rest of the game will be spent recovering at the hospital ala full-body-cast with ‘+ +’ for eyes (unless someone is lucky enough to have a Revive potion handy).

Further, to reflect the amazing ability of Cartoon Characters to take a mauling in one scene and be completely fresh and ready to go in the next, Damage heals at the following rates:

Vitality Points1 Per Minute
Wound Points1 Per Hour
Disabled8 Hours Rest
Dying1 Day

Condition Summary
The following are Conditions unique to the world of Pokémon

Condition_ Effects_ Cured By_
Burned-4 to all attack rollsRest PokéPower, Burn Heal, or Pokécenter
ConfusedRandom d6Rest PokéPower or End of Battle
FrozenOut of BattleRest PokéPower or End of Battle, FIR Dmg, Ice Heal
ParalyzedHelpless (May PSY) Rest PokéPower, Paralyze Heal, or End of Battle
PoisonedNo HealingRest PokéPower, Antidote, or Pokécenter
SleepingHelpless Awakening or End of Battle

Pokéballs hold Pokémon until they are released by their trainers to battle. Pokémon are invulnerable to harm while inside their Pokéballs and recover wounds at twice the normal rate.

Pokémarts are stores where one can buy all kinds of useful supplies for their Pokémon adventures. The following items are available in the Viridian City Pokémart:

Soda PopHeals 5 Damage100 pennies
PotionHeals 10 Damage300 pennies
Super PotionHeals 30 Damage700 pennies
ReviveResurrects to Full Wound Points1500 pennies
AntidoteCures Poison100 pennies
AwakeningWakes Sleeping250 pennies
Burn HealCures Burned250 pennies
Ice HealCures Frozen250 pennies
Paralysis HealCures Paralysis200 pennies
ElixerRestores One PokéPower300 pennies
PokéballCaptures Pokémon200 pennies
PokédollFools Pokémon1000 pennies
RepelRepels Pokémon260 pennies

Pokécenters are hospitals, staffed by the Nurse Joys of the world, where injured Pokémon can be healed for free.

Pokégyms are where Pokémon trainers go to battle other Pokémon trainers to improve their skill and earn badges.

You can have as many Pokémon out as for a battle as you like - though a Trainer-on-Trainer Battle usually follows a strict one out/one-on-one format. However, no matter how many Pokémon you actually have out during a battle, you can only directly control just one of them each Round.

Capturing a Wild Pokémon
Capturing a Wild Pokémon requires a Thrown Attack with a Pokéball. The Pokémon gets a Will Save to avoid getting trapped in the Pokéball, but the Difficulty of the Save gets harder as the Wild Pokémon sustains more damage. This is why most Pokémon trainers will have their Pokémon battle the Wild Pokémon before trying to capture them in a Pokéball. There is a catch however, should the damage a Wild Pokémon takes reduce it to less than Zero Wound Points, it will escape (read: reduced to a pile of steaming goo).

The Will Save Difficulties are as Follows:
Standard Pokéball+4 Will Save
Pokémon Banged Up A Bit+2 Will Save
Pokémon WoundedWill Save
Pokémon Frozen-2 Will Save
Pokémon Paralyzed-2 Will Save
Pokémon KO’d MTN 10 Will Save
Pokémon SleepingNo Save

Pokémon Types
You may have noticed that each Pokémon (as well as their PokéPowers) has a Type – true to the nature of the game, different Attack Types will be more or less effective against certain Pokémon Types. If you have played any of the Pokémon Gameboy games, then you’ll already be familiar with this. For those who haven’t, I’ll point this out as we go along – as there are too many combinations to just post a list (462 to be precise).

Pokémon in Pokéballs
Standard procedure is to carry your Pokémon in their Pokéballs and ‘throw them out’ during encounters. It takes a Single Action to toss out a Pokéball but the Pokémon inside must wait until the start of the next round to act. It is typically during this first round that trainers ‘talk the talk’ and ‘dis’ each other, as they throw out their Pokémon.

After a battle, the Pokémon are then recalled back into their Pokéballs. If necessary during a battle, it is a Single Action to recall a Pokémon.

You can only carry six Pokémon at a time, as extra Pokémon are teleported with their Pokéballs to Professor Oak’s lab for storage. You can swap out your current Pokémon for ones in storage by stopping at either a Pokémon Center or Professor Oak’s lab.

You may have noticed the ‘O’s preceding the names of each PokéPower such as ‘OOO’ before Pikachu’s Thunder Shock. These indicate the number of times the PokéPower may be used in any particular encounter or scene. Once used, all PokéPowers completely refresh at the end of the encounter or scene in which they were used.

Pokéthulu Monsters
Players will get Temporary Luck Points (Hurray!) for being the first to guess the name of the Pokéthulu monsters that appear in the game. Hint: The names are loose composites of the Pokémon and Cthulhu Creatures they most resemble.

Each character has a number of Wildcards in their gear. Wildcards can be used as any mundane item for one scene – like rope, lock picks, handcuffs, flashlights, etc.

Wildcards refresh at the end of the scene in which they are used, regardless of what is done with the item they represent during the scene.

Understanding Pikachu
Pikachu understands everyone, but only Ash, Misty, and Brock understand Pikachu. Whoever plays Pikachu should keep this in mind when trying to communicate to someone other than Ash, Misty, or Brock (Pikachu is really good at pantomiming).



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Re: Player Resources
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2014, 05:00:18 pm »

Regional Map


Pallet Town


Viridian City
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 05:07:10 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Player Resources
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2014, 03:14:44 pm »

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