Woot! Congrats Drak!
I have a new car too, actually. 2013 Honda Fit Sport in Midnight Plum. I've always been ambivalent about cars, but she's my fourth and she's perfect. I wanted a used Fit, and going through the dealership was amazing. I tried a white standard model & got a free lesson in driving stick (which gave me a whole new respect for that skill)... and then the sales guy kept me from talking myself into a car I didn't really want, and used their network to find my Pearl.
And YES, Pearl is a dorktastic name for a car. But 'Plum/Damson/Damascene' just didn't stick. So I've got a not-quite-black car named Pearl, and she's my shiny. I've been driving all over the place. Drove in the last snowstorm just to see how she'd handle.

Gas prices are CRAZY low right now, too. If I weren't so damn busy I'd take a road trip. How about you, got any crazy summer plans? You Canadians still get to escape school in the summer, right?