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Author Topic: Specialist Ensio (Fireplay)  (Read 2319 times)


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  • Miya Sugai (Mythic Nippon)
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Specialist Ensio (Fireplay)
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:31:20 pm »

     Specialist Ensio. (She hasn't used her last name since she left home.)

Physical Description: 
     Ensio is the very definition of a sterotypical 'Paranormal Expert' with her fancy hi-tech cameras and sound catchers. She truly believes that her true love(which is a ghost) as lead her here after many years of searching. Finding out about a group planning to enter the building, she joins the group and awaits her chance to find her true lover inside the house.

 She wears a red vest over her tank-top and formal gray slacks along with her equipment. She says it makes her look more professional.

Might 3/4/4/4/4/5/6/8

Speed 2/3/4/4/4/5/6/8

Sanity 1/1/2/4/4/4/5/6

Knowledge 2/3/3/4/4/5/6/8

   Paranormal Research/History has been a big hobbie for Ensio since she was a little girl. Her first ghost sighting was when she was 7 years old and she knows it was a real ghost despite what her sister says about making it up to scare her. She has several Internet Blogs(all with different alias') detailing her adventures over the years and they constantly refer or mention each other. She also likes learning about dragons and believes they were once real as well.

Druidic Charm:  There's something comforting about this small piece of handmade jewelry.  Lose 1 Speed if you lose the charm.  If you drop the charm, it explodes in a flash of light, stunning all monsters in the room. EXPLODED

Bell: A brass bell that makes a resonant clang.  Lose 1 Sanity if you lose the bell.  Once during your turn after the haunt is revealed, you may attempt a Sanity roll to use the Bell.  5+: move any number of heroes 1 space closer to you.  0-4: the traitor can move any number of monsters 1 space closer to you.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 09:12:39 am by Sethaniel »
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”
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