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Author Topic: Mythic Nippon Adventure V  (Read 159033 times)


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #100 on: December 20, 2014, 06:28:08 pm »

"Also, what happened to Mrs. Shirahata?" Udo asks of the nobleman. "And what of General Meji? Where's he now?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #101 on: December 20, 2014, 07:23:28 pm »

"The General and what are left of Sendai's Soldiers are up in the mountain pass to the west. They were on their way to Yunikawa's Citadel, but something in the pass has stopped them. At night you can see a blue corona over the mountains. Some kind of magical barrier."

"Lady Shirahata is probably at her archery school. She has taken in many there that have lost their homes."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #102 on: December 21, 2014, 08:38:46 pm »

Entering Sendai, the four Samurai and some of the Samurai that had supported them at the gate, made their way towards the ruins of the ancestral palace of the Daimyo, looking for Chief Magistrate Hie Yama-Uno – or whoever was left in charge.

It was not long, before they were spotted and contacted by a messenger, who directed them to the home of Hie Yama-Uno, the former Second Magistrate and now the new Chief Magistrate of Sendai.

There, they ran into Yuki (as she was coming down from the Temple of the Ancestors) – but before they could talk to her, everyone was ushered inside to be addressed by Juro Saito (Noburu’s brother and former Steward of Sendai), who was now wearing the official dress of Second Magistrate. Waiting at the head of the room upon a raised platform was Chief Magistrate Hie Yama-Uno.

“Welcome Samurai of Sendai,” Juro began – “It is most fortuitous that you have returned to Sendai from your unexpected disappearance.”

“We have much to discuss, but first you must know that Magistrate Saito is dead (and others). This is Chief Magistrate Hie Yama-Uno – You know him already of course, but now you also know his new station (and mine).”

“As of this moment, you are all officially instated as the Yoriki of Chief Magistrate Yama-Uno.”

“We will see to the rebuilding of Sendai, and do as much as we can to restore her, before our Daimyo and an emissary of the Shogunate arrives. Due to the emergency, the Daimyo has been ordered back to Sendai from Edo with the emissary of the Shogun, Imperial Magistrate Jiang Li Feng; who is coming with him to view the restoration of Sendai for herself.”

Second Magistrate Saito finished and bowed; then Chief Magistrate Yama-Uno spoke – “Good. Now that the formalities are satisfied, I bid you all relax.”

“I am not so hard a man as my predecessor, Magistrate Saito – and as long as you show proper respect, you may address my freely during our official meetings.”

“I’m sure that you have many questions.”

“And I do have one important question of my own to ask first – where were you in Sendai’s hour of need? I trust that there were extenuating circumstances for your absence; but your presence was sorely missed. You were last seen in Sendai with the traitor Yunikawa, just moments before the disaster – and had we not known of your unquestionable integrity, we might have suspected you were a part of Yunikawa’s attack.”

Here Chief Magistrate Yama-Uno gave pause – long enough for the Samurai to answer…


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #103 on: December 21, 2014, 08:54:37 pm »

Rai steps forward bows and says, "We were given a mission by The Exalted Patriarch Yasuo Sanjo to retrieve the bones of Sendai Army from the battlefield outside the village of Kurakawa." Rai's face shows wrath, "There we found out the army had been buried in a mass grave. We returned with the bones so the Priest could purify the remains. One of the many reasons we were doing this was because we needed to prove ourselves to the Ancestors in order to visit the Ancestral Palace. We had found a So-Kitsune who had somehow been brought from the future and we wanted to help her return to the Palace. Yunikawa knew the spell to take us to the Ancestral Palace, so after we recovered the bones we were called there to go to the Palace. That is where we were when Sendai was attacked and we were betrayed."

Rai pauses here and looks briefly at Yuki before refocusing on the Magistrate and says, "We were given a Mission by the Ancestors and I believe Yuki has already spoken to the Exalted Patriarch about it."
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 09:26:30 pm by cool74 »
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #104 on: December 21, 2014, 09:05:25 pm »

Roka nods, and allows the others to reply. He has much to think about. It's great that he is now returned to his proper station (if only for a short while until Sendai re-stabilizes), but the daimyo's visit will be a problem.

Rai and the priests will most likely consider this the perfect chance they have to actually taking out the Daimyo, which means that he must decide quickly which side he shall stand on. It's no longer an option to be indifferent, the war is begining, and if he does not warn his master, then he is effectively rebelling against his word.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #105 on: December 21, 2014, 10:19:40 pm »

Yuki nods to Rai when she's mentioned, but otherwise stays silent.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #106 on: December 22, 2014, 08:38:47 am »

"Is this true?" Chief Magistrate Yama-Uno asks, looking between Rai and Yuki. "You were given a mission by the Ancestors? What is it?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #107 on: December 22, 2014, 02:53:48 pm »

Rai nods and says. "The Chinese released Rokurokubi at that last battle and they, wearing human disguises, have penetrated Nipponese leadership. Yuki was given the Ritual of Seeing, which is the only way to see the yoki that are hidden, and was tasked to teach it to the prists. I am sure she has already done so. Next they assigned some of us to kill them. Finally they told all of us to return to the village of Kurakawa.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #108 on: December 22, 2014, 03:19:59 pm »

"Gah! What a horrifying thought!" the Chief Magistrate remarks with a frown.

"I'll have to get with the Priests then, to see if they root any out."

"In the meantime, Kurokawa will have to wait. I want you here for now, to help restore order to Sendai and to support General Meji in the event that Yunikawa tries to make another attack before the Army of Morioka arrives."

"Not to mention that the Daimyo and an Imperial Magistrate are going to arrive any day now..."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #109 on: December 22, 2014, 03:31:03 pm »

"But... The Ancestors... They said that the Daimyo is a demon as well." Udo mutters, finally speaking up. He doesn't stare at the Chief Magistrate, but rather looks down at his feet in thought.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #110 on: December 22, 2014, 07:47:41 pm »

Hearing what Udo just said, the new Chief Magistrate's face goes from confusion, to shock, to pure outrage.

"SILENCE!!!" He yells, drawing his wakisahi and pointing it at Udo – eliciting the response of four armed soldiers in the house who rush into the room, swords drawn.

Second Magistrate Saito meanwhile, lets a stern countenance cross his face, but stays where he is –
waiting to see what transpires next.

The soldiers, standing ready for anything, appear confused – perhaps having not heard what Udo uttered. Seeing this, Chief Magistrate Yama-Uno, grits his teeth and walks over to place the edge of his sword across Udo’s neck on one side, while leaning in to whisper angrily into Udo’s ear on the other.

“The Daimyo is the Daimyo, until he is not the Daimyo.”

Then stepping back slowly, he sheaths his shortsword and orders two of the soldiers – “Take Udo Kuwabara to the stockade.”

“The rest of you,” he adds, “conscript your Doshin, ten each, and begin organizing work parties immediately. Dismissed.”


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #111 on: December 22, 2014, 08:01:36 pm »

As Rai turns and sends to roka via thoughts and says, "That was a foolish thing to do. We will prove it to the Magistrate but until then we should meet with Second Magistrate Saito and tell him everything including who I am as the ancestors told us to."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #112 on: December 22, 2014, 09:08:14 pm »

Udo could probably summon a Kirin and leave in some sort of blaze of glory, but instead, he merely nods.

He continues to speak in a hushed tone, "O- Okay then. Be on your toes, uh, Magistrate Saito, I hope it all becomes clear to you soon. The Earth God must have chosen me for a reason, and I hope you get a Priest to verify what I said as soon as, ahem, possible."
He turns to view the soldiers directed to take him away. "Lead the, uh, the way then. I won't struggle unless you restrain, uh, myself though."

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #113 on: December 22, 2014, 09:10:24 pm »

Roka doesn't respond to Rai's send thoughts, and rather simply bows to the Magistrate.

"Thank you, honorable magistrate." He states, and begins to leave.

"Come Yoriki, we need to gather our Doshin. The day is short and we have much to do." Roka states.

After a bit, Roka returns the Send Thoughts.
"Udo will be out tonight. Don't do anything rash."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #114 on: December 22, 2014, 10:34:29 pm »

(OOC: Assuming this is possible)

Using a surge point (to go unnoticed), Yuki casts read mind on the Chief Magistrate to see how he feels about the situation.

She then casts Rewind to go back in time before Udo mentioned the Daiymo (though I'm not sure she chooses how far she can go back). She uses a surge point so Udo remembers what happened too, and as many luck points as needed for it to work.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #115 on: December 23, 2014, 06:56:14 am »

"Gah! What a horrifying thought!" the Chief Magistrate remarks with a frown (Yuki having rewound time back a few minutes after Udo’s unfortunate faux pas).

"I'll have to get with the Priests then, to see if they root any out."

"In the meantime, Kurokawa will have to wait. I want you here for now, to help restore order to Sendai and to support General Meji in the event that Yunikawa tries to make another attack before the Army of Morioka arrives."

"Not to mention that the Daimyo and an Imperial Magistrate are going to arrive any day now..."


As Udo heard this, he blinked in confusion. He must have somehow skipped backward in time a few minutes. To him, this had already happened. They were taking him to the stockade, for mentioning that the Daimyo was one of the demons they sought…

Yuki meanwhile, had read the Chief Magistrate’s surface thoughts before sending everyone back.

The Chief Magistrate was supremely insulted by what he considered tantamount to ‘death threats’ against the Daimyo by Udo.

Still, he harbored fears that the Samurai could be telling the truth about it, and intended to demand proof from the Priests of Sendai after the meeting.

Unfortunately, he had also made up his mind to keep Udo in the stockade until proof could either be supplied – or the Daimyo returned (at which point, had no proof been produced, he would have turned Udo over to the Daimyo and charged the Priests with conspiracy against the Daimyo)…
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 06:59:14 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #116 on: December 23, 2014, 12:56:28 pm »

Rai feels as if he had already heard this before and looks to Yuki casting send thoughts quietly (Surge)he asks, "Did something weird just happen?"  and he actual says to the Magistrate, "Who will be greatting the Daymio when he arrives? I would like to be able to welcome him back." 
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #117 on: December 23, 2014, 01:49:07 pm »

"As my Yoriki, you will (of course) all be there to properly receive the Daimyo and Imperial Magistrate when they arrive."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #118 on: December 23, 2014, 02:05:16 pm »

Rai feels as if he had already heard this before and looks to Yuki casting send thoughts quietly (Surge)he asks, "Did something weird just happen?"  and he actual says to the Magistrate, "Who will be greatting the Daymio when he arrives? I would like to be able to welcome him back."

Yuki looks at Rai then tilts her head slightly, her ears twitching as she does.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #119 on: December 23, 2014, 05:06:11 pm »

"As my Yoriki, you will (of course) all be there to properly receive the Daimyo and Imperial Magistrate when they arrive."

"We thank you, Magistrate. What of our Doshin?" Roka asks


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #120 on: December 23, 2014, 05:17:23 pm »

“You may conscript your Doshin - or re-instate any of your old ones (assuming they are still alive after the attack); Ten each, of course."

"Once you have done that, organizing work parties with them as soon as possible. No later than by tomorrow morning, at the latest.”

"Any questions?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #121 on: December 23, 2014, 11:23:10 pm »

Udo feels like he should say something about the demons to the Magistrate, but he remembers what happened from before so he refrains from spilling the beans. He could quite likely serve his country better outside of prison.

"Err, yeah. What exactly will we be doing?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #122 on: December 24, 2014, 06:08:23 am »

The Chief Magistrate raises an eyebrow at Udo's question, because the answer is self-evident.

"Clean up the rubble; rehouse the citizenry; keep order," he replies sternly.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #123 on: December 24, 2014, 08:22:18 am »

"Would we be allowed to begin forming militia in case of the Oni and Yunikawa's return? Perhaps having more soldiers of our side would turn such a battle to our favor."
 Miya asks.

(OOC: Totally don't believe myself. ;D I just want some meat shields.)
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #124 on: December 24, 2014, 08:41:10 am »

"We'll leave that to General Meji," Chief Magistrate Yama-Uno answers Miya.

"The General has already assembled what's left of Sendai's Army and positioned it west of the City. The Nobles have formed a watch in the city itself (which you will have to 'handle' yourselves as you see fit. They will insist on 'helping' to protect Sendai in its hour of need (and they should), but as my Yoriki, you are ultimately responsible for seeing to Sendai's safety now."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #125 on: December 24, 2014, 05:05:51 pm »

Yuki bows to the new magistrate and then leaves the room. Once she's outside of the building she casts Clairvoyance to see what the situation is like in Kurokawa.


Casting her spell, Yuki looks in on the Village of Kurokawa; seeing the small central square outside the Village Elders house.

It is immediately apparent that something is terribly wrong.

The entire square is filled with older male villagers (twenty five and over) – all fist-fighting each other in some kind of massive brawl. They look incredibly pissed at each other and give no rhyme nor reason to their attacks – punching, kicking, biting, choking, and throwing each other around with apparently random aggression toward whoever happens to be closest to them at any given moment.

Yuki also notices that there are no younger men, women, or children anywhere in sight – just the older men of the village.

Additionally, the surrounding houses all seem haphazardly left open and neglected – as if no one is actually living in them anymore…
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 03:49:15 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #126 on: December 24, 2014, 05:08:09 pm »

Roka simply bows to the Magistrate.

"Thank you, honorable magistrate." He states, and begins to leave.

"Come Yoriki, we need to gather our Doshin. The day is short and we have much to do." Roka states. Intent on setting up his Doshin, and then gathering his minions, and then finding Yone.


Heading outside, Roka sees Yuki with a 'far-off' look in her eyes (almost as if she is in some sort of a daze)...
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 03:52:00 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #127 on: December 24, 2014, 07:43:43 pm »

The Chief Magistrate raises an eyebrow at Udo's question, because the answer is self-evident.

"Clean up the rubble; rehouse the citizenry; keep order," he replies sternly.
"Hai!" Udo salutes, then bows. "If possible, however, I'd like to speak to the new High Priest of Sendai, if possible. Can I? After I set up my new doshin, of course."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #128 on: December 24, 2014, 07:55:35 pm »

The Chief Magistrate looks at Udo as if Udo is the dumbest moron in all of Nippon for some unknown reason.

"Just go do whatever it is you need to go do." He sighs - waving Udo off.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #129 on: December 24, 2014, 09:06:01 pm »

"Thank you, Chief Magistrate." Udo bows once more and leaves to get his doshin, and then to meet the High Priest.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #130 on: December 24, 2014, 09:59:27 pm »

"Thank you for your time." Rai says as he bows and leaves.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #131 on: December 25, 2014, 06:21:48 pm »

"Thank you Magistrate, I will gather my Doshin and see what I can do to help."
 Miya bows before leaving.

 Outside she finds Yuki apparently casting some sort of spell, so Miya waits nearby until Yuki is done doing whatever she usually does.
When she comes out of the spell Miya will ask her a question in a quiet tone.
         "Is it right for the gods and demons to manipulate us as pieces in their game?"
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #132 on: December 25, 2014, 06:46:52 pm »

Heading outside, Roka sees Yuki with a 'far-off' look in her eyes (almost as if she is in some sort of a daze)...

Roka waits patiently near Yuki (and now Miya) until she returns to the real world, and gives her a chance to explain. If she doesnt, he'll simply smile.

"I'll see you all later, alright? I have some Buisness to attend to." He states, and heads on. If Yuki saw/was told anything that needed to be said, she'd tell him. If not, it won't matter until later.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #133 on: December 25, 2014, 09:17:07 pm »

Yuki snaps back to reality and looks at Miya and Roka (and whoever else is there).

"It seems the village of Kurokawa in is trouble. We should head to my house so we can go to Kurokawa quickly."

She states.

"Hmm... probably? Do you disagree with one of the tasks we were given?"

Yuki asks Miya in response to her question.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #134 on: December 26, 2014, 12:49:39 am »

"Yuki, the daimyo will be in Sendai soon. We can not leave now! The trouble in kurokawa can wait, right?" Roka asks


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #135 on: December 26, 2014, 05:19:06 pm »

"Yuki, the daimyo will be in Sendai soon. We can not leave now! The trouble in kurokawa can wait, right?" Roka asks

"Probably... not? If you're concerned about the Daiymo arriving, someone can stay behind and let us know when he shows up, so we can come back."

Yuki replies.

"Because I know how to teleport now!"

She says triumphantly.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #136 on: December 27, 2014, 10:44:05 pm »

"You know how to teleport?" Roka asks.

"When did you even..." He begins, but then trails off. "Fine, we could do that. Um, think we could convince the head priest to warn us a few hours before the Daimyo arrives?"
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 10:59:01 pm by Aman »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #137 on: December 27, 2014, 11:03:45 pm »

"You know how to teleport?" Roka asks.

"When did you even..." He begins, but then trails off. "Fine, we could do that. Um, think we could convince the head priest to warn us a few hours before the Daimyo arrives?"

"I don't think they know the exact time the Daiymo will arrive back..."

Yuki replies.

"If you'd like we may be able to get them to alert me once the Daiymo arrives. Teleporting back won't take long, unless we get separated."

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #138 on: December 27, 2014, 11:42:55 pm »

"We probably won't be separated." Roka says with a grin.

"So, what's actually happening in Kurokawa?" Roka asks.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #139 on: December 28, 2014, 12:47:06 am »

"I just think they should keep their conflict out of the mortal world. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate their help in saving the world."
 Miya says to Yuki as a response before letting Roka and Yuki talk.

"If we are needed in Kurokawa then we should go as quickly as possible."
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #140 on: December 28, 2014, 02:35:47 pm »

Rai shakes his head and says, "We need to prove the Daymio is a Yoaki so that sendai stands with us. As much as I would like to help the village as soon as possible we need to be here to plan for Dayimo's arrival so that he doesn't have time to prepare. Also since they are working for the Chinese we can expect they know we killed that wu-jen in the village and will execute us."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #141 on: December 28, 2014, 03:04:10 pm »

Udo magically decides to be with the rest of the group to join in, "Do you think we should just split up? What exactly needs to be done in Kurokawa?"

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #142 on: December 28, 2014, 03:29:03 pm »

Rai shakes his head and says, "We need to prove the Daymio is a Yoaki so that sendai stands with us. As much as I would like to help the village as soon as possible we need to be here to plan for Dayimo's arrival so that he doesn't have time to prepare. Also since they are working for the Chinese we can expect they know we killed that wu-jen in the village and will execute us."

"We aremt doing anything Rai. The ancestors said that the priests must do that. We have an obligation to help the village. We go, and we will return when the daimyo arrives."

"Yuki, we need to have a priest ready to contact us, can you make sure that happens?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #143 on: December 28, 2014, 03:44:58 pm »

"We probably won't be separated." Roka says with a grin.

"So, what's actually happening in Kurokawa?" Roka asks.

"Fighting and a lack of people. I can go speak with the Exalted Patriarch Onishi and request he get in contact with me should the Daiymo arrive before we return."

Yuki replies.

"Stay if you want, Rai, but we were not tasked by the ancestors to prove anything about the Daiymo. The only reason we need to be here when he returns is to not cause suspicion."

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #144 on: December 28, 2014, 03:49:19 pm »

"Fighting and a lack of people. I can go speak with the Exalted Patriarch Onishi and request he get in contact with me should the Daiymo arrive before we return."

Yuki replies.
"That would be perfect Yuki. All of you, get your doshin, and arrange for them to work. I'll have my remaining students help out with the efforts while we are gone. When do you think we should leave  Yuki?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #145 on: December 28, 2014, 04:07:52 pm »

"That would be perfect Yuki. All of you, get your doshin, and arrange for them to work. I'll have my remaining students help out with the efforts while we are gone. When do you think we should leave  Yuki?"

"As soon as we can. I'll go to the priest, then instruct my Doshin, and I'll meet you all back at my home."

Yuki replies.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #146 on: December 28, 2014, 04:14:43 pm »

"Sounds good." Roka states.

"Yoriki, it's time to move out. Talk to whomever you need to, and let's go, the next time we will be in Sendai is when the Daimyo returns."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #147 on: December 28, 2014, 07:57:58 pm »

"I will go see to my Doshin then, hopefully they will have the (cough)common sense(cough) to start helping to rebuild Sendai already."

 Miya says after Roka.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #148 on: December 29, 2014, 12:51:19 pm »

"Yeah, I'll set up my doshin and maybe fit in a short conference with the High Priest before getting to your house, Yuki. I'll be sure to be uh, swift." Udo states, readying to leave.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure V
« Reply #149 on: December 29, 2014, 02:00:09 pm »

"As soon as we can. I'll go to the priest, then instruct my Doshin, and I'll meet you all back at my home."

Yuki replies.

Rai sighs and says, "How about we meet tonight. That gives us a day to set our affairs here in motion."
Ideals are peaceful; history is violent.
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