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Author Topic: Character Creation Guide  (Read 10438 times)


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Character Creation Guide
« on: January 03, 2015, 04:52:57 pm »

Vampire Template



Chronicle: Transylvanian Chronicles










Strength: XX; Dexterity: XX; Stamina: XX


Charisma: XX Manipulation: XX Appearance: XX


Perception: XX; Intelligence: XX; Wits: XX



Alertness: 0; Awareness; 0; Athletics: 0; Brawl: ; Dodge: 0; Empathy: 0; Expression: 0; Intimidation: 0; Leadership: 0; Streetwise: 0; Subterfuge: 0


Animal Ken: 0; Crafts: 0; Riding/Drive: 0; Etiquette: 0; Firearms: 0; Melee: 0; Performance: 0; Security: 0; Stealth: 0; Survival: 0


Academics: 0; Politics: 0; Finance: 0; Investigation: 0; Linguistics: 0; Medicine: 0; Occult: 0; Science: 0; Law: 0




Courage: XX

Conscience/Conviction: XX

Self-control/Instinct: XX




Allies: XX; Influence: XX; Mentor: XX; Resources: XX; Contacts: XX; Generation: XX; Herd: XX; Retainers: XX; Status: XX


(Leave this section of your character sheet blank. This part is here purely for my use. If you gain any enemies or adverse backgrounds during your in-game time, they will show up here.)



Permanent Willpower: XX

Temporary Willpower: XX


Full; No penalty; 10/10

Blood pool


Points per turn:

Merits and Flaws

Merit: XX Type: XX Cost: XX

Flaw: XX Type: XX Cost: XX










Weapon/Attack: XX Difficulty: XX Damage: XX Range: XX Rate: XX Clip: XX Conceal: XX
(More will be added as needed)

Class: XX Rating: XX Penalty: XX
Description: XX

Expanded backgrounds
(Here you provide descriptions of your background)

Allies: XX

Contacts: XX

Influence: XX

Herd: XX

Retainers: XX

Resources: XX

Status: XX

Other: XX


Gear (Carried): XX

Equipment (Owned): XX

Vehicles: XX

Feeding grounds: XX

Blood bonds/Vinculi

Bound to: XX (Rating: XX)


Location: XX

Description: XX


His story till now: XX

Goals/Destiny: XX

Why he is willing to join the cotterie (besides sire's request): XX

Connection to other characters: XX


Age: XX

Apparent Age: XX

Date of Birth: XX

Death: XX

Hair: XX

Eyes: XX

Race: XX

Nationality: XX

Height: XX

Weight: XX

Sex: XX

Physical description: XX


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Re: Character Creation Guide
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2015, 05:09:54 pm »

•Step one: Character Concept:

Choose concept (See concepts and terminology down below - a concept is what your character is supposed to embody, what you think he is and what he will be), Clan, Nature and Demeanor (See archetypes - a character's Nature is his true thoughts, his true behavior, his true, hidden personality. A character's demeanor is his social mask, the false personality he presents to the world.)

• Step Two: Select Attributes

Prioritize the three categories: Put 7 points into your primary category, 5 into your secondary, and 3 into your tertiary. Your character starts the process with one dot in each Attribute.
Rate Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina.
Rate Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance.
Rate Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits.

• Step Three: Select Abilities
Prioritize the three categories: Put 13 points into your primary category, 9 points into your secondary category, and 5 points into your tertiary category.
Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges. No Ability higher than 3 at this stage unless bought into a higher state with Freebie points.

• Step Four: Select Advantages
Choose Backgrounds, you will have 7 points to spend on the backgrounds listed.

• Step Five: Finishing Touches

Record Virtues, you will have 7 points to spend on the Virtues listed for your path (you start with 1 free dot in each Virtue).

Spend freebie points (You have 15 freebie points to spend, costs listed below). Choose Disciplines (You have 6 points to put into your disciplines - at least 3 of which must be distributed among your clan disciplines). Record permanent Willpower (a function of your courage before freebie point expenditures). Record your path rating (a function of your virtues other than courage added up together before freebie point expenditures).

Merits and Flaws may be taken to increase the number of freebie points available for spending. Up to 10 points worth of flaws may be taken for an additional 10 Freebie points. Flaws and Merits must be approved with the storyteller beforehand. You may take (if you so desire) more flaw points than necessary to reach the 10 point maximum, though you will not receive extra freebies.

Attribute: You may advance an attribute by 1 (Up to a maximum of 5, unless one possesses the legendary attribute merit, in which case you may raise the limit of a single attribute to 6) for the cost of 5 freebie points.

Freebie Point cost chart

Ability: You may advance an ability by 1 for every 2 freebie points spent.

Discipline: You may advance a discipline by 1 for every 7 freebie points spent.

Background: You receive one dot in any background for every freebie point spent.

Willpower: You receive 1 point of willpower for every freebie point spent.

Attribute: You may advance an attribute by 1 for every 5 freebie points spent.

Virtues: You may advance a Virtue by 1 for every 2 freebie points spent.

Path: You may advance your path rating by 1 for each freebie point spent.

Merits: Merits cost a number of freebie points equal to their rating.


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Re: Character Creation Guide
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2015, 05:12:07 pm »

Sample Concepts

• Criminal — jailbird, Mafioso, drug dealer, pimp, carjacker, thug, thief, fence
• Drifter — bum, smuggler, prostitute, junkie, pilgrim, biker, gambler
• Entertainer— musician, film star, artist, club kid, model
• Intellectual — writer, student, scientist, philosopher, social critic
• Investigator — detective, beat cop, government agent, private eye, witch-hunter
• Kid — child, runaway, outcast, urchin, ganger
• Nightlifer — clubgoer, skinhead, punk, barfly, raver, istance-abuser
• Outsider — urban primitive, refugee, minority, conspiracy theorist
• Politician — judge, public official, councilor, aide, speech-writer
• Professional — engineer, doctor, computer-programmer, lawyer, industrialist
• Reporter — journalist, news reporter, paparazzo, talkshow host
• Socialite — dilettante, host, playboy, sycophant, prominent spouse
• Soldier — bodyguard, enforcer, mercenary, soldier of fortune, Green Beret
• Worker — trucker, farmer, wage-earner, manservant, instruction laborer

Archetypes (Examples of Natures or demeanours to choose from)

• Architect — You want to leave a lasting legacy.
• Autocrat — You desire control.
• Bon Vivant— Pleasure and joy are your hallmark
• Bravo — Rule stems from strength.
• Caregiver — You are a wellspring of compassion.
• Celebrant — Some cause gives you passion.
• Child — You never grew up.
• Competitor — Always struggling for the top.
• Conformist — You are the heart of a group.
• Conniver — Why work when you can get others to work for you?
• Curmudgeon — Nothing's ever good enough, so you point that out often.
• Deviant— You defy conventions and "normalcy".
• Director — You take charge and bring order.
• Fanatic— A cause consumes you.
• Gallant — The lights shine brightest for you, the center of attention.
• Judge — Balance, truth and justice are your quest.
• Loner — You make your own way.
• Martyr — Through your sacrifice, others survive.
• Masochist — Only pain can teach you your limits.
• Monster— Vampirism is damnation, so bring Hell to Earth.
• Pedagogue — Knowledge is the fruit of wisdom, passed on to the worthy. • Penitent — Until you atone for your sins, you are unworthy of salvation.
• Perfectionist — Your accomplishments are never enough.
• Rebel — Rules? What rules?
• Rogue — You plan to be on top, by whatever means necessary.
• Survivor — Nothing can keep you down.
• Thrill -Seeker — Existence is best lived on the edge.
• Traditionalist —The old ways are good ways.
• Trickster — Laughter is the best medicine.
• Visionary — The world is greater than what everyone sees.


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Re: Character Creation Guide
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2015, 06:46:03 pm »


Characters in this coterie will have to be able to trust each other - the chronicle spans a planned 8 centuries and a lack of trust or a tendency to backstab will result in it's destruction before even the first century is done. Tremere/Tzimisce combinations are discouraged, though they will be allowed with the proper backstory. Similarly, Ventrue/Brujah combinations are also discouraged. Characters that aremade so that it is inevitable they will betray the cotterie will not be accepted. You are not going to be spies and traitors, you are a group of loyal friends who stick together even when different ideologies will threaten to split you apart through centuries of conflict - or maybe you just stick together because it is in your best and mutual interests to do so, whatever the case, you will have to trust one-another. The first chapter will focus primarily on building this trust, you are expected to make use of it.

Your sires must all be alive. No orphan Annies here, they are necessary for the beginning of the plot to the story. Other than this, your only limitation when constructing your background is the setting of the story.
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