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Author Topic: Explanatory links  (Read 15753 times)


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Explanatory links
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:16:35 pm »


List of clans (with excellent explanations regarding each).

**Baali, Blood Brothers, Gargoyles, Inconnus, Harbringers of Skulls, Salubri and Cappadocians are not available for play. Followers of Set and Assamites are not recommended, but acceptable.

Clans Tremere and Tzimisce have great emnity towards each other, be careful of this if another player has a Tzimisce or Tremere character.

Note that no Anarch or Antitribu factions exist as of yet.

As the Reference Desk is currently down, use this site for your clans instead:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 12:36:42 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Explanatory links
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2015, 05:18:27 pm »


(List of all in-game disciplines. All disciplines may be learnt in the game - common ones do not require training, but rare disciplines absolutely require a teacher for at least the first level. Clan disciplines are easiest to learn and require less experience.)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 12:35:55 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Explanatory links
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2015, 05:50:51 pm »


Paths are moral guidelines that vampires follow in order to keep themselves in check. High ratings in a path confer bonuses, low ratings confer penalties, and a rating of 0 means that your character turns feral and succumbs to the Beast, at which point the storyteller takes over your character and you are forced to make a new one.

Characters only have to follow the ethics of their path up to the level that is equal to their path rating. However, it is considered good roleplaying to follow them all regardless - and such players will be rewarded, often with higher path ratings. Any path that ensures you will betray your coterie is prohibited, and all path choices must be cleared with me beforehand. When you sin in your path (Break a rule equal to or less than your rating), you must roll conscience/conviction or lose a point in your path rating.

Paths replace Humanity wherever it is mentioned.

Path of Blood:
Path of Bones:
Path of Caine:
Path of Cathari:
Path of Death and Soul:
Path of Entelechy:
Path of Evil Revelations:
Path of Honourable Accord:
Path of Humanity (default path):
Path of Lilith:
Path of Metamorphosis:
Path of Night:
Path of Orion:
Path of Paradox:
Path of Power and the inner voice:
Path of Redemption:
Path of Self-Focus:
Path of Sutekh:
Path of the Feral Heart:
Path of the Hive:
Path of the Scorched Heart:
Path of Typhon:
Shariah El-sama:
Road of Chivalry:
Road of the Beast:
Road of Blood:
Road of Heaven:
Road of Humanity:
Road of Paradox:
Road of the Devil:
Road of Typhon:
Road of Kings:
Road of the Night:

Effects of Paths

* Vampires sleep unnaturally deeply and are loath to rise even if presented with danger. Vampires with higher Path scores rise earlier in the evening than vampires with lower Path scores. Also, if a Kindred is forced to act during the day, the maximum dice pool he may employ for any action equals his Path score.

* Paths also affects a character's Virtues. Whenever a certain Path is called into question, a player may not roll more dice for a Virtue than her character has dots in her Path. Obviously, as the character sinks ever more deeply into the arms of damnation, questions of morality and self-preservation mean less and less. As the Path depletes, the character creeps slowly toward the night when she loses all self-control.

* The length of time a Kindred spends in torpor relates directly to his Path score. A vampire with low Path remains in torpor for a longer time than a vampire with a higher Path score.

* Path determines how human a character appears and how easily she may pass for human among the populace. Vampires with low Path scores acquire unnatural and disturbing features like sunken eyes, perpetual snarls, and bestial countenances.

* If a character's Path score ever drops to zero, that persona is no longer suitable for use as a player's character. Completely controlled by his Beast, the character is a mindless force of unnature, and falls under the Storyteller's control.

Path scores fluctuate based upon the Hierarchy of Sin -- if a vampire accidentally or purposefully commits an act rates lower than her Path score, she must roll her Conscience/Conviction Trait to see whether she accepts the act (and thus loses a Path rating) or feels remorse and maintains her current level. Paths may be raised only by spending Experience Points on it or through good roleplaying.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 01:56:23 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Explanatory links
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2015, 06:11:56 pm »


Willpower measures a character's inner drive and competence at overcoming unfavorable odds. Unlike other Traits, Willpower has both a permanent "rating" and a temporary "pool." the rating is rolled or tested, while the pool is "spent." When a player spends a point of a character's Willpower, she should cross off the point from the Willpower pool (the squares), not the Willpower rating (the circles). The rating stays constant --- if a character needs to roll Willpower for some reason, she bases the roll on the permanent rating. The pool is used up during the story.

A character's Willpower pool will likely fluctuate a great deal during the course of a story or chronicle. It decreases by one point every time a player uses a Willpower Point to enable his character to do something extraordinary, like maintain self-control or gain an automatic success. Eventually, the character will have no Willpower left, and will no longer be able to exert the effort he once could. A character with no Willpower pool is exhausted mentally, physically, and spiritually, and will have great difficulty doing anything, as he can no longer muster the mettle to undertake an action or cause. Willpower Points can be regained during the course of a story, though players are advised to be careful and frugal with their characters' Willpower pools.

Like Humanity, the Willpower Trait is measured on a 1 - 10 scale rather than a 1 - 5 scale.

x Spineless
• Weak
• • Timid
• • • Unassertive
• • • • Diffident
• • • • • Certain
• • • • • • Confident
• • • • • • • Determined
• • • • • • • • Controlled
• • • • • • • • • Iron-willed
• • • • • • • • • • Unshakable

Spending Willpower

Willpower is one of the most active and important Traits. Because there are so many ways to expend, regain, and use Willpower, it fluctuates more than any other Trait (besides Blood Pool) in the game. Willpower is a very versatile Trait, so make sure you understand how to use it.

• A player may spend one of her character's Willpower Points to gain an automatic success on a single action. Only one point of Willpower may be used in a single turn in this manner, but the success is guaranteed and may not be canceled, even by botches. By using Willpower in this way, it's possible to succeed at a given action simply by concentrating. For extended rolls, these extra successes may make the critical difference between accomplishment and failure.

Note: You must declare that you're spending a Willpower Point before you make an actual roll for a character's action; you can't retroactively cancel a botch by spending a Willpower Point at the last minute. Also, the Storyteller may declare that a Willpower Point may not be spent on a given action.

• Sometimes, the Storyteller may rule that a character automatically takes some action based on instinct or urge -- for example, stepping back from a chasm or leaping away from a patch of sunlight filtering through a window. The Storyteller may allow a player to spend a Willpower Point and avoid taking this reactive maneuver. It should be noted that the instinct may return at the Storyteller's discretion; a player may need to spend multiple Willpower Points over the course of a few turns to stay on task. Sometimes the urge may be overcome by the force of the character's will; at other times, the character has no choice but to follow his instinct (i.e., the character runs out of Willpower Points or no longer wishes to expend them).

• A Willpower Point may be spent to prevent a derangement from manifesting, with the Storyteller's permission. Eventually, if enough Willpower Points are spent (as determined by the Storyteller), the derangement may be overcome and eliminated, as enough denial of the derangement remedies the aberration. Malkavians may never overcome their initial derangement, though Willpower may be spent to deny it for a short period of time.

* By spending a Willpower Point, wound penalties can be ignored for one turn. This allows a character to override pain and injury in order to take one last-ditch heroic (or villainous) action. However, an incapacitated or torpid character may not spend Willpower in this manner.

• Provided the vampire is not still being attacked after having been rendered to "dead" status, a vampire can spend 1 willpower point to hold death at bay for 1 round. No actions may be taken while in this state, the character will be as immobile and inactive as if he were incapacitated. This is to give the vampire a chance to wait to be saved. If no savior comes, the vampire is destroyed.

• Spending a point of Willpower will grant a bonus of 5 to a character's initiative roll. This expenditure allows the character to will himself into reacting faster than he normally does, the bonus could be vital in a surprise attack.

Regaining Willpower

Willpower may be recovered as well as spent. The following situations earn the character back a point or more of Willpower, though a character's Willpower pool may never exceed her Willpower rating. The only way to increase a character's Willpower rating is through Experience Point expenditure.

Generally, a character's Willpower pool may be replenished whenever the character fulfills a goal or has an opportunity to restore her self-confidence. Ultimately, specific instances of Willpower restoration are up to the Storyteller. For this reason, Storytellers are advised to be prudent in allowing characters to regain Willpower; its a powerful and versatile Trait, and permitting players to rely on it too much strips much of the challenge from a story.

• Characters' Willpower pools replenish fully at the end of a given story (and that's story, not session). The Storyteller may restrict this by requiring that the characters achieve (or partially achieve) a goal or otherwise boost their self-esteem. For example, if the story ends in a stalemate for the characters, who didn't destroy a powerful and corrupt elder, but did manage to obstruct his immediate plans, allow them to replenish their Willpower pools.

• (Storyteller's Option) Characters regain one Willpower Point each night when they first rise. This is easy on the bookkeeping, and allows a steady stream of Willpower replenishment (not to mention the fact that players are already writing on that part of the character sheet when they mark off their nightly blood consumption). By way of example, when the players rise for the evening in a communal haven, they all replenish a Willpower Point then and there.

• (Storyteller's Option) If a character attains some extraordinary goal or fulfills an outstanding objective, the Storyteller may reward her with a point of Willpower pool. For example, if a character manages to deter a team of vampire-hunters from her sire's haven, the Storyteller may award a Willpower Point to that character.

• (Storyteller's Option) If a character behaves in a manner that fulfills her Nature Archetype, the Storyteller may reward the character with one to three Willpower Points (as stated in the Archetype descriptions). For example, if a Rebel character rabidly opposes a powerful elder, and that elder is later revealed to be a Sabbat spy, that character may be given a point of Willpower.

Storytellers are encouraged to create their own systems or modify our systems to suit their troupe's style of play. Indeed, the manner in which a Storyteller allows, or refuses to allow, Willpower replenishment can determine the overall mood of the chronicle. A word of caution: Give Willpower rewards judiciously, as Willpower can destroy a story if the Storyteller lets the Trait fall to abuse.


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Re: Explanatory links
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2015, 04:05:42 pm »

While for Mage, this lists several possible combat and non-combat actions and the rolls used for them.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 10:57:38 am by Drakilian »
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