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Author Topic: Hunting Lee (Roka)  (Read 79080 times)


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #200 on: January 25, 2015, 12:30:05 pm »

Jor Thok nods and flies out of the chamber.

About two minutes later, he returns with seven more of the Bisan.

Two of them land and morph into the human forms of the Glen Mother and Elder Chuku Ra.

"I am impressed Roka of Sendai," the Glen Mother says, looking at the scene inside the chamber. "Only one before you has passed the Guardian, but never has it been defeated."

"Why do you hesitate to enter the Heart of Creation and fulfill the Prophecy?" Chuka Ra asks, noting the apparent regeneration of the Guardian as they stand there...

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #201 on: January 25, 2015, 12:37:33 pm »

"Well, when I got stuck here, we were in a middle of a dangerous fight, so I'd have rather spent time resting before returning in full force, but the main problem is that I don't know how to enter the heart." Roka says with a chuckle.

"Also, I was wondering if you elders know anything about the mark I have on me. Important information no one ever told us."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #202 on: January 25, 2015, 12:56:40 pm »

"To enter the Heart of Creation, as Prophesied," the Glen Mother replies, "you have but to touch it."

"As for rest," she continues, "the Great Tree would heal your wounds over a short time, but I fear that should you wait, you would once again face a fully restored Guardian as well."

Then answering Roka's other question, she continues - "The Mark of Massaki Dai-Oni is a spiritual line that connects you to 'someplace else' through the Heart of Creation. Perhaps it is a path to your destiny. A Child of Massaki Dai-Oni has the Mark, as do you, but also the physical form of the Father of Demons."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #203 on: January 25, 2015, 01:34:20 pm »

Roka nods.

"Then touch it I must. Thank you, Glen mother. One day, I may return here." Roka says.

"Goodbye, Li Li." Roka states, as he touches the magical daimond.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #204 on: January 25, 2015, 05:48:00 pm »

Touching the Heart of Creation, Roka’s entire world shatters around him in an instant!

He feels his physical body disintegrate into its atomic structure – becoming acutely aware of every particle of his being – their motions, order, and function when joined together to form the whole. They swirl around his consciousness as he seems to flow morpheus through the very strings of time and space.

As Roka drifts, he finds himself envisioning his entire existence – his mind filled not just with that of his mortal life – but of each life he has ever lived from his very first incarnation at the dawn of mankind. In a flash, he experiences every birth, every life, and every death of each generation of himself from the creation of man until the moment he had placed his hand on the Heart of Creation.

Then, as suddenly as the knowledge comes, it quickly fades – leaving him with only a few lasting impressions.

First, was that he had always lived honorably (for the most part) in each of his previous incarnations and was a choice spirit among the Ancestors. They had chosen him for some important purpose and were even now, doing what they could to help him along the way.

Second was that he had indeed been to that Naga Shrine in the Spirit World before (as he had felt upon first seeing it with the Samurai of Sendai) in at least two of his past lives.

In both cases, he was born and lived to the coming of age, before the Naga had come and secretly slain him. As he had seen with Sakura and Kaitaro’s death in his current life, his bodies had reformed in the Shrine, where they lived to the age of man and then died in suspended animation over the well. Then, only after that, he was once again received into the Celestial Palace of the Ancestors to await birth into a new mortal life.

And the final thing Roka was left with, was a sense that this life was different than all the rest. That he was now on the verge of eternal destruction – and not only his, but of all Creation.

For something drifted along with Roka – something not ordered or counted among what was his – yet a part of him like some cancerous ulcer. It was dark and sinister and as cold as the depths of hell. And it regarded Roka contemptuously, hating him with a palpable loathing.

And at this realization that Roka was not alone, Roka saw a future of himself towering over the entire world. He was filled with an intoxicating sense of omnipotence and reveled in his limitless cruelty as he reached down and wounded the earth – tearing open the land and releasing all manner of terrible Oni from the depths below.

But not satisfied there, he turned his attention to the Sun and Moon, and seeing how small and insignificant they were in comparison to his own might, he crushed them in each of his hands – plunging the dying world into an eternity of darkness.

The shock of seeing this snapped Roka out of wherever he was, and he wearily came to, lying on paving stones somewhere. He was whole again, but felt weird, his mind buzzing with chaos and unable to cope with all that he had seen and experienced.


Taking a moment to compose himself, Roka stood up and looked around. He was in Sendai again, standing outside the Chief Magistrate’s house – as a commotion inside caught his attention.

Someone yelled “poison!” and to one side of the house, the outer wall abruptly broke open.

Roka then saw himself inside the house for a moment – before that version of himself suddenly vanished – and then General Meji shoved Chief Magistrate Yama-Uno out the hole as a yellow gas began to seep out behind him.

Roka must have come back in time a few minutes, right as Jenna had teleported away with him after he had smashed open the wall.

“The Chief Magistrate! The General!” Roka hears behind him – and becomes aware of General Meji’s men still surrounding the house. He also remembers that Yuki’s mother, her student, his own daughter, and the Army Lieutenant are all still inside.

Then, atop the house, Roka sees a dark flash of movement springing silently onto the adjacent rooftops and away into the darkness of night…

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #205 on: January 25, 2015, 06:13:55 pm »

Roka pushes himself up, with pain screeching in his mind, and slowly limps towards the magistrate's home, clutching his head.

"GENERAL! LADY SHIRITAHARA! SAVE THEM! SAVE THE MAGISTRATE AND MY DAUGHTER!" Roka shouts, his normal inhibitions gone, revealing his daughters secret, but granting the General, (and Lady SHIRITAHARA) all the surgepoints he has, to save those inside.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #206 on: January 25, 2015, 07:07:55 pm »

The Chief Magistrate is saved from the poison gas, but everyone else inside is exposed as they scramble out. Fortunately, two of them are Feng-Shui Masters (one with Harmony) and Roka’ and General Meji’s Born Leader Surge Points don’t hurt.

Even so, the poison takes a nasty toll – blistering flesh and causing fluids to fill the lungs – not to mention contaminating everything it touches in contact poison.

General Meji spends 3 Luck and takes 10 Wounds in burns the back of his head neck and arms, but is tough enough to keep going. He drags the Chief magistrate away from the house to his men (who promptly surround him in a protective wall) and then removes his cloak and armor that has traces of poison still on it.

Lady Shirahata spends 4 Luck Points and takes 10 Wounds in blisters and burns to her back, which DISABLEs her. She then has to spend 3 Surge Points to get away and tear off her contaminated clothes.

Roka’s daughter Mai, spends 3 Luck Points and takes 10 Wounds of burns to her head, chest, and lungs, which DISABLEs her too. She also spends 3 Surge Points to get away and tear her own clothing off.

Lady Shirahata’s student is the last one to emerge – meaning the Lieutenant didn’t make it. Like Mai, he also spends 3 Luck, is burned horribly, DISABLED and has to spend 3 Surge to get far enough away to rip his poisoned clothing off.

“You! Ride for the Priests!” General Meji yells to one of his men – “We need a Water Elemental to clean up all this poison!

Then seeing Roka, the General adds with a huge smile – “Roka you maniac haha! You saved us! You saved the Chief Magistrate! You punched a hole in that wall so fast I didn’t even see you go through it!”

Then seeing the now naked women, the Genera orders two of his men to throw them down their cloaks to wrap up in. Then, sort of as an afterthought, he gives a wave to a third soldier – who then throws a cloak down for Shirihata’s student to cover himself too.

“General!” Lady Shirahata gasps, “Whoever did this to the Chief Magistrate is still out there!”

“Yes,” the General replies – quickly sobering up. “Anyone see anything? I certainly don’t think he would have stayed in the house…”
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 10:20:52 am by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #207 on: January 25, 2015, 07:11:57 pm »

Roka pants.
"I saw him run up... The... The rooftops... But I... I'm not in.... I couldn't chase after him." Roka says, clutching his head.

"I... I should have been more careful, General. I'm sorry."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #208 on: January 25, 2015, 07:56:30 pm »

"You did good Roka," the General says, "And the coward flees. There will be another chance to make him pay for this. Don't worry, we'll get him!"

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #209 on: January 25, 2015, 08:04:18 pm »

"You did good Roka," the General says, "And the coward flees. There will be another chance to make him pay for this. Don't worry, we'll get him!"
Roka nods.
"Yes general. I... I just can't think. The... The Korean is dangerous... He must be dealt with at once..." Roka states, before remembering something important.

"...And.. Akira Kuwabara... The liuetenant and his men.... They are all... All dead, general. The... The blue barrier... Don't send anymore inside... Sir," Roka mutters.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #210 on: January 26, 2015, 07:08:02 am »

The General frowns - "How..." he begins to say, but lets it drop.

"All right, thank you for the warning Roka," he says instead, "I would hate to lose more men to Yunikawa's treachery."


A few minutes later and a Water Elemental was on scene, clearing out the poison - first from the gathered Samurai and their clothing and then going inside the Chief Magistrate's home.

The Exalted Patriarch of the Temple of The Ancestors and the High-Priest of the Temple of Five Gods followed shortly after.

Burning Surge Points, they Healed the General, and Lady Shirihata, and were then completely out.

Roka's daughter and Lady Shirahata's student were carefully laid on litters to be taken up to the triage center at the Temple of The Ancestors.

"Don't worry about them," The Exalted Patriarch said, "We'll see that they are both Healed in the morning."

Then looking at Roka's burned and scorched body, the Exalted Patriarch added with a shake of his head - "Couldn't have waited till morning eh?"

Then giving a friendly laugh and patting Roka on the back - which was notably painful at this point - he said "Well, anyway, stop by in the morning and we'll fix you up too."
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 10:31:18 am by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #211 on: January 26, 2015, 09:05:57 am »

Roka grabs the Exalted Priest's arm.

"Exalted Priest, please heal the girl. I have an obligation to her." Roka states, powering the exalted priest with some surge.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #212 on: January 26, 2015, 09:53:56 am »

"Very well," the Exalted Patriarch replies, telling the litter carriers to wait.

He then uses Roka's Born Leader Surge, and Heals Mai, who jumps off the litter, wrapped in a cloak.

"Um, yeah... Thank you. I'll be going to find some clothes now..."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #213 on: January 26, 2015, 10:01:35 am »

At this point, the Water Elemental comes out of the Chief Magistrate's house.

"The house is cleansed," it reports, "Another poison was in the rear of the house and on the roof. It is neutralized."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #214 on: January 26, 2015, 10:05:08 am »

"I'll go in an do a last sweep," Lady Shirahata volunteers, looking at her lopan as she heads back to the house.

"He's gone north and west," she calls back to Roka.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #215 on: January 26, 2015, 10:15:14 am »

General Meji meanwhile, calls to the High-Priest of the Temple of Five Gods - "I'm sure you got one more of those in you for my friend Roka here," granting the man a Born Leader Surge.

"Oh, yes General," the man replies, and Heals Roka.

"It's OK, I'm good!" Lady Shirahata's student gasps out as he's carried away...

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #216 on: January 26, 2015, 11:08:53 am »

Roka bows to the Exalted Priest.
"Thank you." And then he turns to the General, and bows.
"Thank you, sir."
And then he turns to the Magistrate, and bows again.
"I am sorry, sir. The traitor has escaped. I will bring him to justice sir." Roka states, and then turns back to the General.

"Yukinawa is not in his palace. I doubt his army is there either." Roka states, groaning. He then turns to the Feng shui Archeress.
"Lady Shirihata, thank you for following me. I apologize for your student's harm. It should not have happened. I hope that if needed, you will assist me again. Here are your charms... One was used already."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #217 on: January 26, 2015, 11:48:52 am »

Lady Shirahata takes the charms back and looks at Roka with her lopan.

"You are welcome Roka; and I am up for taking this Lee fellow down, as soon as you are ready."

Then after a pause, she adds - "What happened to you? I saw you vanish from the wall. Then you are already outside when we exit? I would think nothing of you being able to teleport, but these burns you had were not from the gas."

Checking her lopan again, she continues, with some concern in her voice - "Roka, your Chi Aura is all messed up too. You are dangerously close to a psychotic break and I feel that your ability to make rational decisions right now is seriously compromised."

Then, as Lady Shirahata is talking, her lopan suddenly snaps in half and the sunstone at its center shatters - causing Yuki's mother to scream out in terroar and then fall over catatonic...

"What's wrong with Lady Shirahata?!?" General Meji asks in surprise.

The Exalted Patriarch and High-Priest hurry back over.

"She's not physically harmed," the Exalted Patriarch says, examining her.

"Something mental of psionic," the High-Priest says, picking up the two halves of the lopan.

Then turning to Roka, the all ask - "What happened? What did you see?"

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #218 on: January 26, 2015, 01:17:26 pm »

Roka gasps at Lady Shirahata's instant catatonic state, and instead of responding to the questions posed by everyone, quickly asks.

"Is she okay?! She'll be alright, right? I didn't return to have her die! I came back to save her!" Roka shouts, frantic.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #219 on: January 26, 2015, 03:31:41 pm »

"Roka; She's alive," the Exalted Patriarch says, "But something has caused her mind to snap. We'll see what we can do for her."

Then, having the Water Elemental lift her up, he commands: "Take her to the Temple."

Turning to Roka he says, "go home and get some rest - or come to the Temple and get some rest."

"In fact, we all need rest. We are all spent and there is nothing more to do tonight."

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #220 on: January 26, 2015, 05:43:27 pm »

Roka nods.
"Rest sounds good." He states. "Rest sounds really good."

"Probabiy gonna have to take you on the offer, Patriarch. My house is still destroyed, I think." Roka says, intending to sleep in the temple.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #221 on: January 30, 2015, 03:00:34 pm »

11th Day of Mid Summer 1303
A New Dawn

Roka awakes in the Temple of the Ancestors, not really remembering ever falling asleep. He still feels 'off' somehow, like part of him might have been left in the Heart of Creation - or worse - something more had come through with him.

Then remembering Lady Shirahata, he gets up to see that she is wrapped in a blanket on a futon along the opposite wall from him.

The Exalted Patriarch stands over her, dabbing her forehead with a cool wet cloth.

When he sees Roka, he sighs, "It's no use, whatever did this to her is magic beyond our own. We cannot bring her back, even with our most powerful Healing spells..."

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #222 on: January 30, 2015, 03:04:06 pm »

Roka eyes widen.
"What?! That's impossible, Exalted Patriarch! All she did was look at my aura! Practically nothing! There must be something?!" Roka shouts, turning white. He saves them! That's what was supposed to be, at least. He came back to save all of them, not to destroy Yuki's mom's brain!


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #223 on: January 30, 2015, 03:08:35 pm »

"I don't know, Roka," the Exalted Patriarch replies sadly, "It wasn't nothing. It destroyed not only her mind, but her lopan and sunstone. The sunstones are what allow the Feng-Shui Masters to alter even Fate itself. Whatever it was, it was beyond the power of mortal beings..."

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #224 on: January 30, 2015, 03:10:24 pm »

"Well, it certainly wasn't mortal, I think, but I went through the heart of creation and got out alive! She must be okay!" Roka shouys, exasperated


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #225 on: January 30, 2015, 03:16:30 pm »

At this point, the Exalted Patriarch holds up a hand and says, "It's Yuki Shirahata, she's sending thoughts..."

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #226 on: January 30, 2015, 03:17:36 pm »

"Oh Ancestors, tell her I'm sorry, Exalted Patriarch. I didn't know what would happen to her."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #227 on: January 30, 2015, 03:20:04 pm »

"It will work out Roka. We'll get this sorted."

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #228 on: January 30, 2015, 03:27:34 pm »

"It will work out Roka. We'll get this sorted."
"Of that I am sure, Exalted Patriarch. I would do anything to help her, even swear off women, if I thought it would help. But it is not that. I was leading her, Exalted one, and I failed her. That I can not accept. Her harm was my responsibility, no matter how bizzard or mystical the harm was." Roka says with conviction.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #229 on: January 30, 2015, 06:24:36 pm »

A Gate abruptly opens in the Room and Yuki walks in.

Yuki sees her mother unconscious and catatonic on the futon.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 06:27:45 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #230 on: January 30, 2015, 06:29:26 pm »

"Mother!" Yuki cries, rushing over to her. She then turns to Roka.

"What happened?"

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #231 on: January 31, 2015, 06:24:51 pm »

Roka looks down, shame flowing all over him.

"Your mother, she... She was using her Lopan to see what happened to me, and then... I don't know, she suddenly dropped. I didn't know that would happen... I'm... I'm sorry Yuki. I didn't know." Roka states.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #232 on: January 31, 2015, 06:49:32 pm »

"What do you mean what happened to you? What happened to you? What happened to Lee?"

Yuki asks, remembering her mother told them they were going to take care of Lee. She then pulls out her Lopan, to see if she can tell what happened to her mother.

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #233 on: January 31, 2015, 06:53:01 pm »

Roka blinks once he sees Yuki pull out her lopan, and quickly attempts to cover it with his hand.

"Yuki, please. Before you do anything, promise me you won't use your lopan on me. Until we figure out what happened. Alright? Swear it, please." Roka says hurriedly.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #234 on: January 31, 2015, 06:56:09 pm »

Looking at her mother's Aura meanwhile, Yuki sees that part of it is 'missing' - like her mother's very being has been stripped away or lost.

In a tragic way, it reminds Yuki of the warnings she learned about trying to manipulate time, using the Rewind spell. One's being could get lost in time and could take weeks to find its way back (if it ever did). It occurs to Yuki that she might be able to bring her mother back with a combination Feng-Shui Summon and Heal - but it would be a longshot...


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #235 on: January 31, 2015, 07:04:30 pm »

Deciding she has a better chance of helping her mother if she understands what happened, Yuki turns to Roka.

"Don't move."

She states, placing her hand on him and casting Postcognition, to see what happened to him while they were separated.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #236 on: January 31, 2015, 07:51:21 pm »

Yuki gets the whole incredible tale - from the time Roka and the party split; to the encounter with Lee; to the conversation at the Blue Wall with Jenna; to the three day ordeal in the Other Worldly Mountains and Glen with the Bisan; to the battle with the Blood Demon in the Heart of Creation; to being drawn in, separated into infinity, and drifting through time; to carrying something evil and sinister back with him; to saving the Chief Magistrate, General Meji, Yuki's Mom', Daughter, and Student; to Yuki's Mother seeing something inside Roka's time distorted aura with Sorcerer's Sight that she wasn't supposed to - which subsequently lashed out - banishing her mind into chaos...


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #237 on: January 31, 2015, 08:01:18 pm »

Finishing the spell, Yuki looks at Roka.

"We really need to find out what happened to you..."

She remarks, glancing at her Lopan.

"But first."

Yuki turns to her mother and takes a deep breath. She then proceeds to cast heal, along with her sorcerer's sight, summon and a surge, in order to return her mother's mind back to her body, hopefully healthy.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #238 on: January 31, 2015, 08:15:29 pm »

As Roka and the Exalted Patriarch look on, Yuki concentrates, pushing the limits of her abilities to mix Feng-Shui powers with Wu-Jen magic.

After some intense exertion, her spell is cast and she sees the missing portion of her mother's aura suddenly begin to fill back in.

Lady Shirahata then sits up, clutching her head - and turns pale when she sees Roka in the room with her.

"Roka!" she cries in alarm, "I saw it in your aura! It was the dismembered chest of some titanic god! Malevolent and cold and aware of me seeing it! It attacked me, drawing me into a dark void of nothingness."

Then turning to Yuki and calming down a bit, Lady Shirahata adds, "Then a comforting light found its way through that darkness and pulled me out. Thank you daughter. You saved me."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #239 on: January 31, 2015, 08:18:17 pm »

"What is it?" The Exalted Patriarch asks with great concern, looking back and forth between Roka and Yuki for some sort of explanation.

"What happened?"

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #240 on: January 31, 2015, 08:20:00 pm »

Roka's blood returns to his face, and he smiles.

"Yuki! You did it!" Roka shouys, ecstatic


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #241 on: January 31, 2015, 08:56:34 pm »

Yuki smiles brightly at her mother.

"Of course, ehehe!"

She replies with a laugh. She then brings her attention to the Exalted Patriarch. She explains Roka's journey to him, and asks if he understands what may have happened to Roka.

(She also will make an occult roll to try and figure it out herself, if that hasn't already occurred).



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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #242 on: February 01, 2015, 09:14:49 am »

Yuki is at a total loss as to what it could mean, her occult studies have not yet delved nearly that deep.

The Exalted Patriarch meanwhile, is only able to offer - "Traveling through the Heart of Creation must have opened Roka up to literally anything in all of Creation - all the Realms, the Physical, Spiritual, Underworld, and those of the Gods; they flow together through the Heart. There's no telling what it is that became a part of Roka during the journey."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #243 on: February 01, 2015, 12:09:56 pm »

As this goes one, Rai and Miya enter the room through Yuki's Gate.

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #244 on: February 01, 2015, 12:18:25 pm »

Yuki is at a total loss as to what it could mean, her occult studies have not yet delved nearly that deep.

The Exalted Patriarch meanwhile, is only able to offer - "Traveling through the Heart of Creation must have opened Roka up to literally anything in all of Creation - all the Realms, the Physical, Spiritual, Underworld, and those of the Gods; they flow together through the Heart. There's no telling what it is that became a part of Roka during the journey."

Roka nods his head, clueless about it all.
"Well, the binari said that the child of Masaki-Dai-Oni will enter the heart of creation and save the world of creation by betraying his father, or something like that. Maybe that's what I was doing? Saving the world accidentally?" Roka asks, shrugging.

"Certainly seems my style."


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #245 on: February 01, 2015, 12:27:22 pm »

"A child of Masaki-Dai-Oni?" the Exalted Patriarch repeats questioningly; "I've never heard of such a thing (other than in the context of all the Oni themselves that is).

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #246 on: February 01, 2015, 12:29:42 pm »

"Uh yeah, that's what the Binari said. And that the child has the physical form of the Masaki-Dai-Oni, along with his mark." Roka states.

"Oh, and they also said that I had the mark of the demon guy, but that I'm not the child." Roka adds.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 01:07:02 pm by Aman »


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #247 on: February 01, 2015, 01:09:02 pm »

"The Father of Demons?" The Exalted Patriarch points out to Roka, "Yes, he is a personification of Yang - or male."

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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #248 on: February 01, 2015, 01:09:32 pm »

"So who's the mom?" Roka asks.


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Re: Hunting Lee (Roka)
« Reply #249 on: February 01, 2015, 01:11:07 pm »

"A child of Masaki-Dai-Oni?" the Exalted Patriarch repeats questioningly; "I've never heard of such a thing (other than in the context of all the Oni themselves that is).

Yuki nods at the Exalted Patriarch.

"The Binari said Roka carries the Mark of the Masaki-Dai-Oni. When we spoke with Yunikawa before retrieving the book of secrets, he mentioned that Sakura and Keitaro had 'marks of divinity', that only a select few could see. He implied a few of us, including himself, had the same mark. He claimed to not know their purpose, but that the Book of secrets would reveal it."

She explains.

"He also..."

Yuki begins, pausing to glance at her mother.

"Looked into Kioko's memories while we stayed there, or so he claimed."

Suddenly, Yuki looks like she remembers something.

"The temple where all of our spiritual attunement lead to had a stone slab, it read that it was the Tomb of The Master of The Deep Earth".

She then looks at the Exalted Priest, as if expecting some sort of answer.
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