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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #150 on: July 12, 2016, 10:44:12 pm »

"Ah", Roland says, smiling, "but our interests are one and the same, are they not? To topple the Muslim empire, to achieve victory over the Palestinians, to profit from these crusades. In this we are agreed."

And much of the room seems to agree with him, even Tommaso begrudgingly nods his acceptance of this, "and is this not your desire? For this, this is our victory."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #151 on: July 13, 2016, 12:06:58 am »

Heldric decides that this is going too well for the skilled orator and finally feels it has come to the point of the day he has to say somthing. He moves slightly forward and calls out using his enchanted voice to lend an aid to his words, even if he lost this debate, his sire would be represented.

"Your victory?" He begins "You mean this rushed and Ill-planned attack by the humans on an enemy well prepared for the war? Where are the great armies lead by the western kings that rolled across the land in the earlier crusades?" A slight pause "They never came. Nobles sent small piecemeal militia and even they squabble about how few eachother sent against a united empire. So you say we must guide them to our 'United purposes' and claim the rewards? What rewards do you expect from the poor dust-ridden holy lands? This will be a short war ending in slaughter for both sides and no gains other than to weaken those who fight or happen to live near, lucky you live so very far away from the war and what it's fallout will do."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #152 on: July 13, 2016, 12:46:00 am »

"Wise words." Saladin says with a nod to Heldric.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 01:22:12 am by Daedalus »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #153 on: July 13, 2016, 09:22:43 pm »

A lesser speaker would have simply laughed at Heldric (as even now Lanzo did), or fixated on Saladin's support to attack the Byzantine delegation (from how Tommaso's eyes lit up at Saladin's proclamation Heldric has no doubt he plans to do so later). Roland does neither of these.

"The mortals may be lost, but we shall show them the way. Have we not lead them throughout history? We are their sheperds. But it is true, that our army is not fit to challenge the the full might of the muslim empire", Roland cedes.

"In fact, I would think that to take on an army of that magnitude, with all the power of their empire to back them up while we are alone, thousands of leagues from home with only a few battered Crusader “kingdoms” to aide us and hoping that it comes out in our good to land a ‘symbolic’ victory may be the closest thing to suicide this side of greeting the sun."

A few chuckles then, from members of the other delegations, while Tommaso fumes silently in the corner.

"This is why we must focus our efforts on Egypt, where the empire's hold is weak, where their armies are scattered, we shall not strike for the heart of the snake, but take it apart piece by piece!"

Roland resumes his momentum and continues questioning the others in the crowd, his skill in this matter is unquestionable.

"This one needs no magic," Sicilan remarks.

"Nope, just good old fashionned charisma and discourse," Octavius agrees.


When the debates are concluded, Roland approaches all three of conspiracy members personally.

"Well met, Heldric. This new arrival is prince Kiril, I believe? I have not been introduced to your dark friend there, welcome."

Roland gives a little bow in greeting to the three.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #154 on: July 13, 2016, 09:58:03 pm »

Saladin matches the mans bow. "Then let us remedy that."

Standing up straight again and looking directly into Rolands eyes "My name is Saladin Al Fatin, childer of Husayn Al Fatin, who'm is now sadly, deceased. I am the apprentice of the head of the Amr."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #155 on: July 13, 2016, 11:00:33 pm »

Heldric bows in return "you turned my points against the main war faction skillfully but at the least some of my point were heard for once."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #156 on: July 14, 2016, 12:01:57 am »

Saladin matches the mans bow. "Then let us remedy that."

Standing up straight again and looking directly into Rolands eyes "My name is Saladin Al Fatin, childer of Husayn Al Fatin, who'm is now sadly, deceased. I am the apprentice of the head of the Amr."

"Ah, i'm afraid your title means very little to me, I am sadly unfamiliar with your clan's titles, though that of your master sounds impressive indeed. I must say, I have a great deal of respect for one such as yourself showing up to an event like this; you must feel very uncomfortable in this city. If there's ever anything I can do to make your stay more pallatable, do not hesitate to ask."

Heldric bows in return "you turned my points against the main war faction skillfully but at the least some of my point were heard for once."

"Ah, but it was a pleasure to hear you speak for once! Your distaste for these matters is clear enough but I felt honoured when I saw that the notoriously silent head of the byzantine delegation chose to throw his weight into the debates", he says with a friendly smile to show that he's simply poking fun at the Nosferatu.

"You should speak more often, you raised some excellent points Heldric."

"And you, Kiril, perhaps we serve two of the same sides but you handle pressure very impressively, I hope to see more of you in the courts, yes?"
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 09:19:59 am by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #157 on: July 14, 2016, 12:46:16 am »

Saladin smiles at Rolands words about Al-Ashrad. "It is. He is the head of the scholar caste."

Did i say scholar caste? Meant Dur-An-Ki. Sorry for lying to you but that information is not for you.

"We all do what we must. I say the risk is not worth the reward. And thank you."  Like if.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #158 on: July 14, 2016, 10:14:54 pm »

Heldric smiles, he is used to being mocked in political circles but he simply pitied those who take the time to become good at it. They were no longer real hunters. Roland was also loosing the overall debate anyway.

"Well we all know full well I am not at home in these endless debates, I almost wish that we could dispense with it all, if I didn't know that it would lead to greater anarchy and death."
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 11:04:52 pm by Forge »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #159 on: July 14, 2016, 10:42:29 pm »

Kiril nods politely. 


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #160 on: July 16, 2016, 12:37:08 am »

Roland grins at the three, "It's been a pleasure to meet you all, really. If I may be excused, my sire Lanzo looks like he's on the verge of trying to start another riot", Roland says, bidding them farewell.

As the four spoke Kiril noticed Tommaso speaking with Lucita. He shot a finger toward them even as he gave them an evil look. Whatever he was saying he was not happy. Immediately after he stormed off, no doubt to be ready for his day-sleep.

Indeed, the sun will rise soon, and it is well enough time for the members of the Conspiracy to rest.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #161 on: July 16, 2016, 04:25:20 pm »

Heldric polietly bows "Thankyou for taking the time, it was nice to speak to you directly rather than through rhetoric." He waves his hand toward the stage.

Hen after he leaves "I guess it is time for me to retire as well, being around this many makes me tired and grumpy." Then remembering his companion "Present company excluded of course."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #162 on: July 16, 2016, 06:17:40 pm »

why is Tommaso angry with me?


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #163 on: July 17, 2016, 01:24:22 am »

"The pleasure was mine." Saladin replies.

Then with a look at Heldric "I know what you mean. And to think, this is what i would spend my time with. And my beautiful 9 wives." He smiles at the thought. "Good times."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #164 on: August 05, 2016, 03:48:38 pm »

8th of August, 1202; 11:00pm
Narses’ Chambers
The Domain of Narses
Prince of Venice

The first three hours of each night were given to the Cainites who called Venice their temporary home to hunt as they wished. The influx of humanity that came with the Crusaders had made feeding all but easy. Indeed a few Cainites had been reprimanded or worse for conducting blood orgies some weeks prior.

Tonight though, Anton was not in need of blood and as his compatriots were off hunting he came in search of his allies within the delegation an hour early, wanting to coordinate with them and learn if they had need of him.

He found Lucita waiting in one of the rooms. She seemed anxious to get started, juggling a knife between her fingers and flicking it up into the air in a strange dance of metal.

After exchanging greetings they settled in while the other delegates poured into Narses' chambers - including his fellow transylvanian princes and Saladin, though strangely enough, John the Butcher appears to be absent.

An hour later the Deliberations were to begin but von Sachsen and his childe were absent, though Aimery De Versey was present he did not possess the authority to speak for the Ventrue delegation in Von Saschen's absence.

As time passed people began to murmur. Soon rumors began to fly, had von Sachsen been murdered? Had he given up and gone home? Had he been called home by the High Lord?

A full hour past the time that they should have begun Tommaso stood and addressed the assembled cainites.

“It is clear to me now that these deliberations have ended. General von Sachsen has rescinded his challenge and we shall sail for…” – Tommaso’s roar was cut off by the sound of something massive banging on the large double doors that led from the hall.

The two doors slammed open with the force of a battering ram. On the other side of them stood Lanzo von Sachsen, his eyes were red with blood and rage. As he waded into the sea of undead they rushed to get out of his path, moved back as if by some invisible force. The General stepped up onto a table so that all could see him and bellowed for all to hear:

“Roland du Rocher is dead! Murdered in the hours before dawn in this night passed! His very blood turned unto ash!” – von Sachsen.

Tommaso’s face pales visibly as the assembly erupted into roars of accusation, rage and sorrow.

Aimery, Lucita and Tommaso all attempt to quiet the mob but to no avail. It was only after Guilelmo stood from his seat and demanded silence that things quieted.

“We shall have order within these chambers or I shall see the lot of you meet tomorrow’s sunrise! I have already dispatched men to bring the body to these chambers that it might be examined.” – Aliprando


8th of August, 1202; 11:49pm
Narses’ Chambers
The Domain of Narses
Prince of Venice

To assure the masses that politics would not be a factor in the investigation Guilelmo empowered each of the delegations to nominate one investigator to come with them. The investigator could, in turn, bring a single aide. He was sure to note however that only his findings carried any weight in the matter and that he could demand their departure at any time.

Lanzo demanded to be the Ventrue Faction’s Lead, while taking Aimery to act as his aide. The Lasombra nominated Anton and, as it would be impolite to name any other, he took Kiril as his aide. The Byzantines nominated Heldric, who has taken Anna Sgorina (as the other primary delegate) as his aide. The Ashirra Delegation was headed by a Lasombra called Khadijah Saadah, whom none of the conspiracy knew - yet Saladin was surprised to be approached by the man, who asked him to serve as his aide. Finally, Guilelmo nominated the necromancer Vendramino as his aide.

“I must warn you not to touch the body unless you ask first, for it has become very brittle in death and also that you ready yourself. For what you will see will be shocking.” – Guilelmo

When the doors into the little parlor were opened the entire assemblage let out a single sharp gasp. On the floor, in a pose of pain, lay Roland du Rocher. His skin was ashen and gray, putting to mind the Architect Zelios. In his mouth, nose and ears were the remnants of what appeared to be volcanic ash, but lacked the telltale sulfurous smell that would come with it. Most disturbing two of his fingers, the ring and pinky, on his right hand were missing, apparently broken off by the assailant.

Many cainites were visibly upset by the sight of the dead vampire, Von Saschen most so.

Vendramino walked widdershins around the body before approaching. With permission he took a bit of hair from its head and whispered Roland’s name. He felt his own soul stretch out in search of the spirit only to feel the dread sensation of oblivion. Roland du Rocher had left this plane.

It was Kiril who noticed the wound in the Ventrue’s neck.

“Do you smell that bitterness?”

From the door Steeple took a deep breath. He could indeed and he wasn’t the only one. Others in the crowd were nodding as well.

Guilelmo reached down with a probe and prodded at the wound. When the tool came back it had a thick dark pink resin on its tip. Lucita gasped as Guilelmo brought it to his nose.

The seneschal’s eyes narrowed.

“Roland du Rocher was killed with Bloodroot poison!” – Guilelmo

There is a murmur among the gallery. It seemed that none had heard of it, none but the coterie.

“If it is tempered properly Bloodroot is only of only a few naturally occurring toxins that can bring death to one of Caine’s childer. In its natural state it appears as a flower with broad white petals run through with crimson veins."

As he says this, Kiril feels as if he is... recalling this information.

Husayn knew.

“I have seen such a flower.” – Anna, hesitantly.

“where?” – von Sachsen

Guilelmo looked to Anna, who nodded and pointed out that she had seen a bouquet of such flowers in the possession of Kiril the night before.

A sudden noise then - and everyone is surprised to hear a groaning and stirring as a lump previously thought to be a rag moved. Sorceries and fell powers fill the air in sudden response to this presence but Aliprando quickly silences them, while moving forward and roughly tearing the canvasing off to reveal none other than John the Butcher, looking to have been savagely injured, a knife in his hand, appearing to be wildly disoriented.

A low murmur resumed among the crowd. Von Sachsen’s eyes grew dark.

“Murderer! All murderers! They planned his death with the help of that disgusting assassin! I demand that these murderers be taken into custody this instant!” Von Sachsen roared, the general's presence growing more fearsome by the second.

Guilelmo’s men moved in to detain each of the Transylvanian princes and their childer. Kiril was quick to declare the lunacy of the charge, stating, at the top of his lungs that he’d been ignorant of their nature until Anna and Carinus had told him. Anna quickly came to his defense, as what he was saying was true but she also admitted that it would be appropriate to sequester them.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 05:40:33 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #165 on: August 05, 2016, 04:58:38 pm »

Heldric sighs loudly and clearly let's himself be detained with no resistance "This is why I hate politics, first one delegation uses magic to influence the emotions of the listeners and now this." He says it loud enough to ensure the listeners all hear, might as well give everyone else something extra to think of.

"Sicilian, if I can ask you a favourite,  please find out for me what you can about the proceedings here as I am detained. Do not take risks as so.e here can detect you and return quickly."

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #166 on: August 05, 2016, 05:01:17 pm »

"This is silly! Why would we work with a man who backed peace? John is a fool, and has nothing to do with Kiril or I!"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #167 on: August 05, 2016, 05:19:27 pm »

"Ooh, sequestering at it's finest!" Steeple preened, hoping that they included him in their definition of the 'official' Transylvanian delegation.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #168 on: August 05, 2016, 10:30:58 pm »

That is acceptable. I will keep an eye on proceedings. What should I do when the necromancer tries to stop me?

Meanwhile, Octavius interjects - Should I contact Nicolo for you? It shouldn't be too hard to find them, I doubt they'll know to hide from me.


Steeple is, indeed, included as a suspect - being pulled aside and grouped up with the others. For a second he is afraid that Maximus will disregard his previous order and assault the ghouls to free Steeple (even though the skilled thaumaturge's blood magics would allow him to free himself easily enough - at least until more competent hunters were sent after him). Luckily it would appear that Maximus is showing restraint.

"It's probably a good thing that Maximus attacked Anton, really. At least Anton was willing to let it be, I doubt Narses would be so forgiving in regards to the death of his ghouls", Maurice comments idly.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #169 on: August 05, 2016, 11:39:29 pm »

"Oh yes, that was most fortunate," steeple replies to his prince, "now, if only I had a clue of what was going on..."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #170 on: August 05, 2016, 11:53:28 pm »

"Do not fight him and don't do anything overly suspicious. Once noticed return to me right away, if questioned and unable to return to me first you may admit you are my companion, they never said you were detained after all.  Octavius,  that would be appreciated but be careful of the wards that might have been put into effect.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #171 on: August 06, 2016, 05:18:33 am »

"Huh,  isn't this a plot-twist." Saladin says as he presumably gets taken away with the others.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #172 on: August 06, 2016, 07:51:07 am »

"That guy may look even more suspicious and untrustworthy than Kiril does! But he's hardly from Transylvania. I mean, just look at him! He's probably Irish (or worse)!" Steeple protests to Saladin's inclusion in the 'round-up'.



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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #173 on: August 06, 2016, 08:03:31 am »

"An assassin arriving on the same day as most of the Transylvanian princes, in the company of the suspected murderer, and kills one of the most compelling Ventrue war representatives?

I don't know Steepleton, it doesn't look good for any of us, much less him", Maurice comments, once no one at all answers Steeple's indignant cry.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #174 on: August 06, 2016, 10:30:41 am »

Saladin shrugs at the malkavians ranting.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #175 on: August 06, 2016, 11:25:20 am »

Steeple shrugs back even harder at Saladin and throws in an eyebrow raise, to up the ante!


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #176 on: August 06, 2016, 12:19:18 pm »

Saladin unintionally smiles at the Malkavians odd behaviour. He quickly hides it though.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #177 on: August 07, 2016, 07:32:19 pm »

9th of August, 1202; 1:24am
A Parlor
The Domain of Narses
Prince of Venice

It had been hours since they’d been brought to their ‘cell’ which was just as comfortably appointed as any other within the Prince’s chambers. Joseph had yet to finish railing, showing more wrath and animation than Anton had seen ever seen in the monk. He would not be jailed, he was an innocent man and would tear apart anyone who would dare call him murderer. Anton practiced his swordsmanship and spent some time doing pushups and even some time reading what little he could find that wasn’t blasphemy.

All of their weapons, regents and such have been confiscated. Steeple in particular is upset due to the lost of his blade, Eternal Thirst - and all of his ritual components. Heldric and Saladin are similarly distressed, having been deprived of any tool they have to contact their sires or enact ritual magic. Worse, the necromancer Vendramino, appears to have chased off Sicilan and Octavius both, for Heldric has received no word from either of his ghostly companions since being locked in the cell - indeed, the place feels barren to him, devoid of any spiritual presence.

Soon afterwards there were footsteps outside the door to the "cell". Then the lock turned.

The door opened and two ghouls entered, taking point to the left and right of the door.

“Lords, please forgive the length of the wait.” – Guilelmo

“We didn’t do it.” – Joseph

“I have little doubt, Master Joseph and Good news, too. Lord von Sachsen has charged you with breaking the Traditions of Caine and demands your blood be burned by the light of the sun, however his case is extremely weak and I doubt that you should worry as it’s likely to fail, but he has the backing of many powerful delegates and you are outsiders here, from the hoary realm beyond the mountains, which makes you truly exceptional scapegoats. Nevertheless, Prince Narses cannot let such charges, even charges that are patently false, go unheard.” – Guilelmo

Under guard Guilelmo led them through the now empty corridors to the doors that had been blocked by his chair before. With a swift jerk they opened into Narses' Audience chamber.

If anything the audience chamber was more beautiful and extravagant. The mosaics were inlayed with gold and porphyry statues stood in alcoves all around the chamber. The chamber itself was large enough to seat all of the cainites who attended the deliberations up to this point and still have a great deal of room.

Not far from where they stood sat the prince on a throne of walnut that was ornately decorated with gold, mother of pearl, ivory, colored wood and precious stones. The prince was well into his nineties when he was embraced and his crooked form was draped in crimson robes that immediately reminded Heldric and Anton of the robes of the Patriarch of Constantinople (at least, those he wore in the few depictions of the self-titled archangel). At his side was a golden crosier.

The Prince’s hand rose and the room grew silent, as if sound had become something alien to the assembly.

“Bring the accused forward.” – Narses, his voice high and lilted.

The group stepped forward, almost as if compelled.

Guilelmo stepped forward too, now dressed in the uniform of a magistrate.

“Those who accuse these men, step forward.” – Guilelmo

Von Sachsen stepped forward, Tommaso at his side. Immediately the audience began to whisper again; it was odd that the two rivals had found common ground - especially given two of the accused were Basilio's childer, and staunch supporters of the war.

“What is your evidence?” – Guilelmo

“They were in possession of the Blood Root that killed Roland du Rocher.” – Tommaso

"They were in the company of a kindred found with a bloodroot-poisonned blade at the scene of the crime." - Von Saschen

"They are in the company of an assassin." Tommaso

“Did either of you see these flowers?” – Narses

Tommaso looked to von Sachsen.

“No, my lord, we did not.” – von Sachsen

“Then on what grounds have these charges been brought forward?” – Narses

“We have witnesses.” – Lanzo, who turns to Anna Sgorina

The Byzantine stepped forward.

“Well?” – Narses

“Yes, my lord, I did see them with the flowers, but they were ignorant of their nature when I found them. When they learned of their nature they destroyed most of them.  I believe them to be innocent of these charges, my lord.” – Anna Sgorina

“I demand her opinion be stricken from the record, the low blood is obviously ignorant of the murderer’s motivation.” – von Sachsen.

“You saw nothing wrong with her testimony when this started, Patrician.” – Narses.

"The kindred found at the scene was who?" - Narses

"John the Butcher, another of the transylvanian princes. He was found savagely injured, presumably by Roland, at the scene. He carried with him a bloodroot-poisonned blade."

The necromancer Vendramino then steps forward, "There were no signs of combat on Roland's body. He was struck from behind and killed almost instantly. While the blade John possesses is indeed the murder weapon, his injuries and his disoriented state, as well as his lack of memory regarding the event, would suggest he was either compelled or framed."

"This is utter idiocy!" Lanzo shouts out, indignant, "The fool was found with the murder weapon at the scene of the crime, he clearly murdered Roland! He was seen with the flowers! He was with the assassin! They all were! They must die!"

"Hmm, yes, about that, what evidence do you have to implicate the Assamite Saladin in these matters?" - Narses

It's then that Heldric hears Sicilan's voice from behind him. His eyes immediately dart towards Vendramino, who looks at him carefully but says nothing.

"It's not good lad. They know you're all innocent, even Tommaso, but everyone wants you, the Butcher and the Assassin dead, the Prince wants Anton, Steeple and Kiril dead, Lanzo wants blood - any blood, and he'll take it any way he can. Aliprando, Anna, Lucita and that necromancer are all in your corner but there's nothing they can do more than they've already done - you're going to be scapegoated, left out in the sun unless you can find whoever really did this.

"The assassin arrived the same day as the death of my childe! His clan invented this poison, he was the agent who provided the poison necessary for the killing! He was even seen near the warehouse district with John before the murder of my childe." - Lanzo.

"Do you have witnesses to this?" - Narses

"Yes. Your own ghouls, my lord." - Tommaso

Two men dressed in the apparel of the city guard step forward and utter their agreement with Lanzo's statement - they had indeed seen a man matching Saladin's appearance and a man matching John's appearance near the warehouse district last night, when Roland was killed.

This was starting to look bad. Really bad.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 07:34:19 pm by Drakilian »

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #178 on: August 07, 2016, 08:09:36 pm »

Anton maintains his calm. Outbursts won't help.

"These claims are silly. Why would we bring the assassin here to implicate us? Are we such fools in the eyes of the court?" Anton asks. "And why would a prince himself attack Lord Ranzo when an assassin was so readily available? These charges are false."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #179 on: August 07, 2016, 08:23:12 pm »

Heldric sighs aloud again "I really do hate politics, this is why I didn't want involved in the first place. It is obvious you know we are innocent, that much is apparent to everyone here but we are a convenient scapegoat and you all get to clear some rivals from your paths." With a slight pause he looks at Lanzo "Don't you want the blood of the actual murderer rather than obvious scapegoats? If I was murdered here, Malechite would go to the ends of this world to ensure the guilty party paid rather than accept some politically chosen stand in."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #180 on: August 07, 2016, 08:35:20 pm »

"Scapegoating?" Steeple scoffed sarcastically, "And here I thought politicians and nobility were the bastion of integrity."

"At least grant us the opportunity to track down the real killer. After all, if he's willing to do this, he's willing to do that, as well as one or two of those..."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #181 on: August 08, 2016, 04:19:27 pm »

"On the contrary Steeple. The more noble you are, the backstabbyier it get'ss unfortunately." Saladin replies. "And please, do stop refering to me as some lowly hashashin. My name is Saladin Al Fatin, please, use it."

"Warehouse district? I have not been in the warehouse with this John. I do not stand the mans stupidity."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #182 on: August 08, 2016, 10:22:18 pm »

"As you wish Sal," Steeple nods to Saladin.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #183 on: August 08, 2016, 11:05:54 pm »

Anton maintains his calm. Outbursts won't help.

"These claims are silly. Why would we bring the assassin here to implicate us? Are we such fools in the eyes of the court?" Anton asks. "And why would a prince himself attack Lord Ranzo when an assassin was so readily available? These charges are false."

"And if you did? What fools do you think us for, to boldly murder my blood and then claim that your boldness is proof of your innocence!", Lanzo roars.

Heldric sighs aloud again "I really do hate politics, this is why I didn't want involved in the first place. It is obvious you know we are innocent, that much is apparent to everyone here but we are a convenient scapegoat and you all get to clear some rivals from your paths." With a slight pause he looks at Lanzo "Don't you want the blood of the actual murderer rather than obvious scapegoats? If I was murdered here, Malechite would go to the ends of this world to ensure the guilty party paid rather than accept some politically chosen stand in."

A wicked grin flashes across Lanzo's face, "If Malachite would act to acquire vengeance for his beloved assassin then he can deal with High Lord Hardestat! Perhaps it's well time for the Byzantine empire and it's mad Patriarch to fall!"

Chatter erupts in the room at the significance of such a statement in the presence of Narses - the strongest surviving rival to the Byzantine empire's ruling Cainites. Lanzo must truly be furious, and hot-headed indeed to make such dangerous threats.

"On the contrary Steeple. The more noble you are, the backstabbyier it get'ss unfortunately." Saladin replies. "And please, do stop refering to me as some lowly hashashin. My name is Saladin Al Fatin, please, use it."

"Warehouse district? I have not been in the warehouse with this John. I do not stand the mans stupidity."

Tommaso practically hisses at the assassin, "See how the filthy thing lies even now? You dare presume equal status? Your people are liars! Killers! Poisonners! Backstabbers! Murderers!

You would dare accuse the Prince's own of lying in front of the courtroom? You were seen!"

"Well, at least they own up to it", Maurice says, "Unlike the rest of this lot."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #184 on: August 09, 2016, 04:17:11 am »

"I have done no such thing." Saladin replies calmly. "You know aswell as i, that there are ways to make others see things. Even feel things that are not there. I am saying something like that most likely happend."

Could this man be more of an idiot.

"Equal? Why Yes, yes ofcourse."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #185 on: August 09, 2016, 08:18:41 am »

"This is a transparent and markedly lazy attempt at a frame up!" Steeple scoffs.

"There is risk, losing support for your cause, in acting too hastily over a matter such as this. Wash your hands of us, and you wash your hands of those who sent us, as their delegates."

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #186 on: August 09, 2016, 09:18:31 am »

"And if you did? What fools do you think us for, to boldly murder my blood and then claim that your boldness is proof of your innocence!", Lanzo roars.

"Why would we?" Anton asks.

"I have amicable relations with the Black Cross. I house them in my own domain. Why would I upset them in such a obvious set up?! This is madness."

"I have done no such thing." Saladin replies calmly. "You know aswell as i, that there are ways to make others see things. Even feel things that are not there. I am saying something like that most likely happend."

Could this man be more of an idiot.

"Equal? Why Yes, yes ofcourse."
"I claim no connection to this assassin. Whatever actions he commited or not are unrelated to us!"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #187 on: August 09, 2016, 03:12:44 pm »

Heldric scoffs at Lanzo openly, his grumpy ess reaching its limit

"You begin with those threats here of all places?" He waves his hand toward Narses in a respectful manner to indicate the only one here who could really be saying that"

Then turning to Tomosso "Your acting at least is still good, we were Seen though? Do you claim to have no idea about the abilities many here posess? Are you truely stupid enough to claim seeing one of our kind is any kind of evidence?"

Heldric burns a will point to take on the visage and mannerisms of Narces himself to make him as indistinguishable as possible then casts cloak the gathering on the real Narces and several lesser delegates surrounding Lanzo and Tomasso so they will vanish from sight at least temporarily, also burning a will for sucess.

"Do you see me now Tomasso?" he says in as close to Narces voice and manner as his ability enables him.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 03:36:22 pm by Forge »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #188 on: August 09, 2016, 09:06:39 pm »

Heldric achieves spectacular success in his obfuscation, achieving a perfect mimicry of Narses and making the Prince of Venice vanish from the assembly - aside from a very select few cainites in the crowd, most of the assembly is struck by sudden confusion. The confusion only furthers when Heldric mimics Narses' high, lilting voice when talking to Tomasso. The Lasombra is struck silent by the act.

After a while, Narses rises from his chair and speaks, breaking the obfuscation cast over him, though not the one Heldric cast on himself.

“That is enough of that.. As the Prince of Venice it falls to me to be objective in matters such as these. The death of one of our own is a vile act and a crime against Caine, the weight of the crime cannot truly be put into words. That the perpetrator of this crime must be brought to justice should go without saying, but justice must indeed be done. Now is not the time for easy answers and quick solutions.” – Narses

Von Sachsen nearly loses control of his beast at these words and even his roars were drowned out by the sound of the raging assemblage. It takes Guilelmo a few minutes to get the near rioting mob under control.

“I have no intention of allowing the accused to go free… yet. After all, while the evidence against them is circumstantial and weak at best it’s still the only evidence we have. The Malkavian, out of all those present, speaks the wisest. They shall have three nights to prove their innocence unequivocally; they do not need to bring the true killers, should they exist, to justice, though that certainly will work. Should they do so in the time allotted they shall go free, should they fail they shall go to the sun. And before anyone gets any ideas, should you leave my city I shall send my agents after you and should you by some dark miracle survive them then a blood-hunt shall be declared against you. There shall be no more deaths in my city; any who break my law will be treated with most harshly.” – Narses

Lanzo again howled in protest but was ignored by the Prince. When he came forward he was stopped short by Aliprando, who reminds him that the prince had spoken and the decision had been made.

Kiril and Steeple both notice the little smile that crosses Tommaso’s lips at the verdict.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #189 on: August 09, 2016, 09:25:45 pm »

Heldric immediatly releases his obsfucaion upon the princes command, the man might be an enemy and Heldric might be grumpy right now but he isn't suicidal.

Calming himself a little with the new news he speaks quietly "Three days or the sun, it seems we have to work quickly to avoid this." He says this aloud but both of his companion spirits will know he was partly thinking at them. They might well have useful abilities in finding out what happened.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #190 on: August 09, 2016, 10:34:17 pm »

Steeple bows to the wisdom of Narses, while raising an eyebrow ever so slightly at Tammoso.

'I wonder what his game is,' he thinks to Prince Maurice.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #191 on: August 09, 2016, 10:36:19 pm »

Anton nods.
"Thank you for your graciousness, Prince." Anton says, before turning to the group.

"We should discuss more in private, those who would frame us are conspiring now as well."

Anton then asks.
"Will the debate countinues during these three days?"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #192 on: August 13, 2016, 04:14:54 pm »

"Of course, we cannot halt the deliberations due to the urgent nature of the current situation. Now, you are dismissed", Narses says, waving his hand in a dismissive manner as if to accentuate his dismissal of the Conspiracy.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #193 on: August 15, 2016, 10:58:14 am »

Anton nods, before looking to the coiterie.

"I want to talk to Lucita and Anna. Not sure we can trust anyone else." Anton says.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #194 on: August 16, 2016, 07:06:08 pm »

John nods, only BARELY awake enough to have heard that, "Yeah...what the HELL was in that blood!?" He asks in an angry mutter.
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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #195 on: August 16, 2016, 08:10:56 pm »

"So..." Steeple asks the Prince before leaving, "I don't suppose we could just ask Roland du Rocher who did him in, could we?"

"I mean, it's practically what Calling the Restless Spirit was made for..."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #196 on: August 16, 2016, 08:12:57 pm »

Heldric looks across at the necromancer "I'm assuming talking to his spirit has been tried and failed?"

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #197 on: August 16, 2016, 11:55:27 pm »

"Would that even matter? He was killed in an instant. Any trained assassin would have never been seen."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #198 on: August 17, 2016, 01:27:13 pm »

"The knife saw who did it..." Steeple replied, using Wooden Tongues to try to ask it what it knew.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #199 on: August 23, 2016, 01:35:29 am »

John tries to use his senses to try and find clues, drowsy but willing to help.
"Heroes die, Heroism never shall." -Statue in King's Row
"Why are living weapons such ASSHOLES!?" -Roark
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