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Author Topic: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights  (Read 396633 times)


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #350 on: December 08, 2018, 09:28:00 am »

'Hmm... Smells distractiony up there,' Steeple thinks suspiciously. 'They want to draw us up there.'

Self satisfied in his master sluethery, Steeple flashes the others with a few random tactical hand signals, roughly translating to "fist - pointing - jazz hands - double fist" and then begins searching for a way into lower levels.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #351 on: December 08, 2018, 01:50:45 pm »

Ignoring the smell of blood, Steeple makes his way behind the tavern counter where he finds the entrance to the wine cellar. Pulling the hatch open, the smell of wine and unwashed flesh drifts up from the cellar. Descending a few steps down, his eyes manage to piece out a number of unconscious humans - the tavern owner and his staff.


Other than the dead bodies, Heldric finds no clues as to the assassin's presence.

While he does not know which specific room Aimery was guarding, as the guards were unable to draw their weapons and were likely near Aimery's room he tries the doors to the rooms around their bodies. The third one he tries is locked.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #352 on: December 08, 2018, 03:01:05 pm »

"I guess with no noise around, kicking a door in might not make a sound either" He thinks to himself, being somewhat unwilling to wait in case the assassin was killing right now but still being somewhat prudent he runs to the window and hand signals Andreas to circle round back. Heldric then runs back and summons his strength and lands as hard a blow as possible right beside the lock in the hopes of breaking the lock, and the door, open.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #353 on: December 08, 2018, 05:40:19 pm »

Anton looks at Brother Joseph in confusion and then fear. Magic. The assassin is near.
He summons nightshades into his cloak, and beckons for brother Joseph to follow the group up stairs to find Aimery's room


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #354 on: December 10, 2018, 10:19:45 am »

Joseph summons an obsidian sword and follows Anton up the stairs, followed quickly by Saladin. There they see one of the doors in the hallway receive a massive blow from some invisible force and loosen on its hinges.


Heldric kicks the door a second time, and on the third the latch behind it splinters and the door falls off its hinges to the ground.

Inside the room is a mess. Oil from an overturned inkpot has soaked into the floor, cuts on the ceiling and broken furniture speak as to the struggle that took place here. Faint dark splotches that Heldric can only assume are blood can be found on the open windowsill.

Other than a large amount of damaged property, the room is empty.

It’s nearly the fright of his unlife when Heldric notices the other members of his Conspiracy moving up behind him - in this environment the only senses he had left were touch and sight, and he only noticed Anton charging to the room when he was no more than two metres away.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #355 on: December 10, 2018, 05:14:03 pm »

Anton nods, assuming that the invisible force is Heldric. He draws his nightshades into words.

NOT HERE. OUTSIDE. He writes in the coiterie's common tongue, and summons his black wings. He'll head out the window, hoping to spot anything moving.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 07:28:11 am by Not Aman »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #356 on: December 10, 2018, 06:00:39 pm »

Down in the wine cellar, Steeple asks Prince Maurice about a quick snack.

'Fancy a nip of tavern wench about now, old bean?'


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #357 on: December 10, 2018, 06:04:38 pm »

Heldric scrawls and arrow pointing to the window then moves to it and climbs out and up to the roof, hoping to track their quarry with more of a birds eye view


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #358 on: December 12, 2018, 07:05:31 pm »

Setting a foot onto the windowsill and grabbing the shutter, Heldric drags himself out, suddenly hit by a rush of sensory information as he begins to pick up sound again. It’s a quiet night out but the contrast is still enough to disorient him - living beings are incapable of experiencing perfect silence because even in a perfect vaccum they can pick up their own heart beat and the blood flowing near their inner ear, as a dead man he didn’t even have so much as that, being in that perfectly silent tavern was maddening.

Digging his claws into the wood outside to anchor himself in place, Heldric scrambles up to the roof, leaving furrows in the wood as he climbs, making up for his lack of grace with sheer strength.

Looking down from the rooftop he just manages to catch sight of some shadows moving in the distance. There are too many for just the assassin and Aimery, there must be others in the alleys tonight. It's then that he catches one closer to his position and spots a familiar flash of white.


Anton arranges the nightshades in the shape of wings on his back, then takes a deep breath, exhaling thick, viscous shadow that he wills into the nightshades, granting them substance. Steeling his will, he forces himself to believe the wings are real and takes a running leap out the window, exiting the building with all the grace of a falling brick.

The rush of sound and air are only amplified as his soundless wings begin to flap, pushing him up in to the night sky. The alleys are too dark to see anything concrete but shadows hide nothing from a child of the abyss, and all it takes is a blink for the world to shine as white as snow in the sun. There are many people in the alleys of the city at night, but of particular interest are the two fighting their way down an alley none too far from the tavern, one of them pursuing the other as he engages in a fighting retreat.

Behind him Anton hears and then turns his head to see Joseph leaping onto the ground, tendrils stretching out before him to cushion his fall.


"Gladly! We'll need to stock up before we go to teach that big bastard a lesson. Not that we need anything more than a thought and a whim to crush him into the dirt he came from! It's just that it would be terrible to go thirsty before then, that would be horrific, a shame, a sham, an anagram! ".


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #359 on: December 12, 2018, 07:09:57 pm »

Heldric ensures once more that he is cloaked to the best of his ability then sets out over the rooftops, sprinting and jumping to try and get above the pair trying to move away from them


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #360 on: December 13, 2018, 05:12:52 pm »

Saladin sighs, casts readiness on himself and levitates after Anton. He was a lasombra after all, he shouldnt have any problem in the darkness.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #361 on: December 14, 2018, 10:15:00 am »

"A fight." He mutters, as a test for the sound field. He won't have noticed any real difference from the tavern to outdoors, except for the voices.

He beckons Brother Joseph and Saladin to follow as he flies towards the fighting duo.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #362 on: December 15, 2018, 10:33:04 am »

"Gladly! We'll need to stock up before we go to teach that big bastard a lesson. Not that we need anything more than a thought and a whim to crush him into the dirt he came from! It's just that it would be terrible to go thirsty before then, that would be horrific, a shame, a sham, an anagram! ".

"Saga has a manana hammer!" Steeple shouts, sinking fangs into a few of the tavern patrons to fill up - careful not to completely drain anyone (unless they seem a bit shady, in which case all bets are off!).

Once done, he'll go back to see what's taking everyone.

Presuming they all left, Steeple will head outside and attempt to signal Maximus to come down and help him find out where everyone went.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #363 on: December 15, 2018, 06:02:42 pm »

Anton, Heldric and Saladin all make their way towards the fight at varying speeds - Saladin being the slowest, not possessed of Heldric's strength and speed or the superior flying and maneuverability of Anton's wings.

That being said, as a mage he has no need to personally be present in a fight - from this distance he can see the two fighting. It would be a simple matter to reach out and snatch the knife from the assassin's hands mid-swing, or to hinder Aimery and ensure his death to the assassin's knife. The only thing stopping him is the thought that if he uses his magic against the assassin right now, he might just be responsible for the death of one of his own brothers.

Soon he feels the choice has been taken out of his hands, however, when he sees Andreas dashing into the fray. The beast of a Nosferatu roars as he charges the assassin, alerting him as to his presence. Both Aimery and the assassin turn to face their new foe, just in time to see Andreas punch the assassin in the chest with tremendous force - the Assamite goes flying into a solid brick wall.

It's unclear how much damage he took from that blow but anyone who knows of Andreas' prodigious strength would understand that even barehanded he is nothing that any vampire can underestimate.


Anton dives out of the sky and pulls out his wings as he's about to slam into the coblestone alleyway, dragging himself to a near sudden stop that, nonetheless, does not produce a blast of air as one might have hoped. Hovering overhead he sees a figure in all black, brown skin and eyes faintly visible through a slit in his face-wrappings. He lays crumpled against a solid brick all, a bloody knife at his feet.

Aimery is also nearby - now that Anton is closer he can see that Aimery's skin is covered in an assortment of white scales, and his eyes have gained a vertical slit reminiscent of a serpent. Some form of Protean?

"Thank god you arrived, the bastard was going to kill me! Filthy assassins really were in the city, I owe you both my life."

He turns to face the struggling assassin,

"We should capture him and give him to Narses if we can, there's no doubt your names will be cleared before long."


Following along the rooftops in leaps and bounds, Heldric is abo

Burning pain in the left side of his head. Jaw is broken when the force of the blow forces his head so far back right that the jaw catches on his own shoulder. Skin raw and torn from where he hit the ground and skidded along the cobblestones. Head feels like it's at an odd angle.

Unable to stifle his pained moans, Heldric lifts his head and notes it's at an angle. He feels something horrific burning its way through his brain and reaches for the handle of the blood-covered knife embedded in his temple. It slides out much easier than it might slide out of normal flesh, the acid on the blade loosening the area around it.

Looks like Kiril found him.

"Gods be damned, are you alright Heldric? One second you were about to leap down to join the others then the next you were flying sideways off the top of the building! Talk to me lad, can you still see or speak? From what I remember you shouldn't be too troubled by the acid eating through your brains."

Looking up at the voice Heldric sees Octavius standing at the top of the building that is now in between him the fighting, surprised and maybe even a bit worried.


Drinking his fill, Steeple finds himself a bit giggly after the fact - the people had been drinking before they were rendered unconscious.

Stepping back outside he signals for Maximus to present himself. The gargoyle dives out of a passing cloud and skillfully maneuvers himself gently into a kneeling position before Steeple, silent as stone and just as hard.

"Your will, master?"

After asking where everyone is, he responds - "They have gone to chase a man clad in black and a man with a snake's skin fighting in the alley - they left shortly after you entered the building the man with the snakeskin running from the man in black. One of the ugly ones took a mild blow to the head from something I couldn't quite see before he could get to the fight."

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #364 on: December 15, 2018, 08:30:26 pm »

"Quite." Anton says, looking at Aimery's snakey skin, and raises tendrils from his body to grab and bsqueeze the Assasin.
Rolandlf was involved with the setites... he thinks to himself.

"You did good, Andreas." He tells the brute. "Where is Heldric?"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #365 on: December 15, 2018, 10:48:14 pm »

"Good show son!" Steeple claps, genuinely proud of the gargoyle being so alert on the situation.

"Take me to Heldric, the uh, the 'Ugly one'," he directs.

"Oh, and I snagged a piece of tavern cheese for young Minimus."
« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 10:51:14 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #366 on: December 16, 2018, 02:09:13 pm »

Heldric shifts and stands quickly, Kiril had seen through his cloak easily enough... though he hadn't exactly been subtle either.

"Kiril is here, we need to join the others." he states then glances around. Since the rooftops were a problem he would take a shortcut. Heldric supports his broken neck with one hand and smashes through a window, planning to pass through the building and out the other side.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #367 on: December 16, 2018, 03:24:22 pm »

"I got him." Saladin said as he tries to grab the assassin with telekinesis before Anton could. No need to draw further attention to group.

With the assassin detained, it's time to see if he knew who it was.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 06:58:23 am by Daedalus »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #368 on: December 18, 2018, 01:19:29 pm »

Andreas looks to Anton and raises his arm to point in the general direction of the tavern/rooftops, when a black-feathered shaft sprouts from his belly. Annoyed, he looks down at the shaft and then collapses on the spot, unmoving as a corpse.

The injured assassin takes advantage of the moment to fling a second hidden, blood-covered knife at Anton, though Saladin casually alters the projectile’s trajectory and it ends up stuck in a wall.

“There’s more of them!” Aimery cries, lookng upwards in time to see a second bloody arrow streaking down toward him. He isn’t fast enough to stop it or evade, but Anton notes that when the arrow strikes him it slides off of the scales covering his body, grazing him but dealing no serious damage.

The arrow doesn’t spark when it hits the ground but splinters instead, it’s then that Anton notices the arrows are made of obsidian - not just the head, but the shaft and even the feathers.

Aimery curses and runs at the injured assassin, there’s a flicker of something and Anton sees blood pouring out of a gash at the assassin’s neck - though vampires do not normally bleed unless they desire it.

Aimery hisses and holds a hand up to his mouth as if he’s in pain.

Anton moves closer so that his tendrils can snatch the injured assassin only to have Saladin telekinetically pick him up and hold him middair, just above Anton’s reach, restrained in place.

The assassin does not resist, instead giving Saladin a hard look.


On the street, Heldric grimaces as garbled ginberish comes out of his broken jaw when he tries to answer Octavius. Repairing his jaw with a bit of blood, he repeats his sentence as he jumps shoulder first into wooden shutter of the pawnshop - only to find it had a metal frame supporting it, like in an effort to increase security. Summoning his inhuman strength he breaks through regarldess, though he makes no small amount of noise doing so.

Inside the shop he quickly locates a door leading to the back of the shop, and then a barred door that he quickly unbars, unlocking the alleyway to him.


Maximus picks Steeple up like a princess and leaps into the air, his powerful wings propelling them up into the sky. From there, with his enhanced senses, he has a clear view of the situation.

To one side of one of the buildings making the alleyway he sees a bit of property damage, where a metal framed wooden shutter was torn open and someone broke into the building.

In the alley, Saladin and Anton appear to have defeated and restrained the assassin, while Aimery appears to be cowering, looking for whatever cover he can find in the alley.

Looking closer at the rooftop, it seen becomes obvious why - there are over a dozen dark, cloaked and hooded figures surrounded the scene on the alley, each with black bows and a quiver filled with black feathered arrows.

One of them looks up and directly at Steeple and Maximus, his features indistinct under his hood (and perhaps a mask).

He raises an arm towards Steeple and all of a sudden Steeple thinks of Saladin, an assassin mage with telekinetic powers, or of the tremere mages he has worked with who have similar abilities.

“Brace yourself my boy!”


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #369 on: December 18, 2018, 05:56:54 pm »

Heldric quickly cloaks himself again and swings the door open and steps back out to the side so he is not framed in it as a target. Glancing out and seeing the mess in the street he swears a little then shouts "Inside! And bring Andrea's!" He moves to beside the nearest window in case enemies do as he did, ready to strike as he heals a little with blood"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #370 on: December 18, 2018, 06:52:56 pm »

Saladin levitates up into the air, above the rooftoops. Meeting the assassins gaze he Will try to tell him to wait for it.

If saladin sees all the other assassins, he'll try to tele blast around him to blast away as many as possible(while keeping the roofs intact if possible). As he  teleblasts he'll throw the assassin away from the group. Should any projectiles
fly for him he'll use telekinesis to block.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 07:10:59 pm by Daedalus »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #371 on: December 18, 2018, 07:33:31 pm »

"Assassins on the rooftops!" Steeple curses. "Watch out for their black arrows Maximus!"

Steeple then Teleports right behind the pointing assassins and plies his bone sword among them with celerity!

(Max str dex blood bump)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 08:49:53 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #372 on: December 18, 2018, 08:16:37 pm »

"Shit." Anton mutters. "Let's hide. Brother Joseph, spread the shadows. Aimery, I got you." He says, spreading darkness all over the three (him, aimery, and brother j), and lightly grasping Aimery with his tentacle.

"We're gonna have to swim off. Ill send my nightshades one way, and us the other." He tells Brother Joseph, as he lives with Aimery into the water, sending nightshades to run off in the other direction.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 09:49:24 pm by Not Aman »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #373 on: December 19, 2018, 11:13:44 am »

As Steeple makes the declaration, Maximus dives through te air, propelling himself forward and then folding his wings to his back, falling as quickly as possible to get within range of the assassin.

Gritting his teeth and waiting for the blow to come, Steeple is surprised when tendrils sprout from Maximus’ various nooks and crannies and begin to wrap around Steeple and Maximus’ wings both, locking them into the freefall.

Maximus struggles to bring his wings out and slow the fall but the tendrils destroy his normally fine control. Just before they hit the rooftop of the building the assassins are on Steeple mutters a word of power to free him from the grip of both the tendrils and Maximus, putting himself directly behind the assassin that raised its hand toward him.

“Nothing personnel kid” Prince Maurice mutters triumphantly.

As he does so, Maximus hits the roof and goes through it into the room below, sending up slat, tar and dust in a massive cloud and making enough noise to wake up the dead. His heart fills with worry at the thought of his servant’s condition after a fall from that height but there are more pressing issues at the moment.

Turning his attention to the assassin in front of him, Steeple is about to lay into him with his bonesword when he notices something rather dreadful - he can see through the assassin.

Casting his head about, he realized he can see through all the assassins. They’re all illusions. Shades. Shadows. Why are the Lasombra leading an ambush on them?

“The real one isn’t here! Be on your guard Steepleton, we might be in a lot of danger right now!”

Just as Maurice says this the shadow in front of Steeple dissolves into a a swirling vortex of shadows that assaults and clings to him, not dealing any damage but confusing his senses, blocking his sight and muting his hearing. (Nightshade debuff -2 dice to all rolls).

Wary of an incoming attack from an enemy he can’t see while his senses are muddled, Steeple leaps away from his current position down the hole made by Maximus’ collision with the rooftop. He notices a roof slate shatter on the other side of the alley as an arrow passes by where he had been standing.

He falls into the second floor of what appears to be a sewing shop, judging by the various instruments strewn about. He sees Maximus struggling to get up, his body covered in cuts and splinters, his rock hard skin raw and shredded. The tendrils sprouted from the folds of his wings are still lashing at him and constricting his wings. He seizes one and tries to snap it in two but it proves too resilient. As he tries to do so two other tendrils wrap themselves around both his arms and restrain him - no, more than that, they squeeze hard enough to bend and crush bone. Five of them altogether work in tandem to restrain and injure the gargoyle.

Steeple sees Minimus leap from the folds on Maximus’ wings and try to chew at one of the tendrils crushing Maximus’ arms, squeaking desperately as he sees his master being savaged by the dark power.

Even as he sees all this, it is only through the haze and chaos of a shadow glued to his eyes and ears.


Saladin, Anton and Heldric all hear a tremendous impact from the roof, as something enormous and heavy strikes it and crashes through the structure.

Floating upwards to see what happened, Saladin sees Steepleton leaping into a large crater in the roof of the building, while eleven dark, hooded and cloaked assassins with bows turn their attention to him.

Saladin concentrates on forming a a telekinetic shield around himself, only to find that no arrow is launched at him - though one of the assassin’s immediately dissolves into an insubstantial  mist that violently clings clings to and swirls around his eyes and ears, confusing his senses.

Immediately recognizing the power as being a part of obtenebration from his time with Kiril, Saladin understands that this is Husayn’s work - no other would know both Obtenebration and Quietus to this degree. As he watches through his mangled senses, he notices four shadows flit off in pursuit of Anton when he flies off with Aimery.

Anton, meanwhile, takes off into the air just as Joseph arrives at the scene, significanfly behind everyone else who had higher potence, celerity and the power of flight.

Aimery leaps up into Anton’s tendrils and holds onto one even as it holds onto him, while Joseph exhales a cloud of darkness that completely obscures the alleyway from the rooftop.

Heldric is left alone with Andreas’ body, and sighs in disappointmrnt at both himself and everyone else. He walks over to Andreas and drags him into cover, pulling the arrow out of his blood brother. Naturally, there is blood on the arrow. Letting it drip onto the ground, it does not sizzle like the dagger that had struck Heldric. It must be some other sort of poison.


Flying away from the alley, Anton swerves and zigzags in the air in anticipation of incoming arrows, though he cannot see or hear any if they are incoming he gets the distinct feeling that he is definitely being followed, which is only reinforced by the shadowy figures that he can feel gaining on him while he’s moving forward. Seeing the canal he dives for it, hitting the water like a rock and diving into the foul liquid, dragging the extremely unwilling Aimery with him into the wastewater that most of the canals consisted of.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 07:55:23 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #374 on: December 19, 2018, 12:27:42 pm »

Saladin looks to the shadowy figures darting after Anton.
"Shadows playings trick on my mind" he muttered.
And besides, Husayn would not end Anton, he put far to much effort into defending him earlier.

With a shrug he turns away and flies towards whereever he heard Helric from earlier.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 01:50:41 pm by Daedalus »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #375 on: December 19, 2018, 05:02:58 pm »

Worried that Maximus may not be able to see or hear him (and mistake him for a threat), Steeple reaches out and touches the gargoyle with his vessel of transference, infusing Maximus with Steeple's own blood. The gargoyle should recognize his master's sweet vitae, which will then allow Steeple to get close enough to try ripping some of the tendrils free with strength of the earth and potence.

"Get the shadow spawn Minimus! Git it!" Steeple cheers the little ghoul on!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 05:09:23 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #376 on: December 19, 2018, 06:02:26 pm »

Heldric cuts his wrist and feeds Andrea's a point of blood in case that helps then sizes up the huge dead weight before him, this wouldn't be easy.

Casting cloak the gathering he lifts him over his shoulders, relying on potency, and starts running with him. At first after Anton but then twisting and turning down alleyways back towards Mr. Whitey. (Planning on picking him up first then going for safety)

"Andrea's, if she are attacked you better wake up" he whispers


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #377 on: December 19, 2018, 08:44:32 pm »

Maximus writhes in pain pain as the bones in his arms begin to give - worse, his wings have been bent at impossible angles, the white of bone showing through torn skin. In a desperate attempt to save one of his arms, Maximus bites down on his own arm and seizes the tendril he’d tries to snap earlier with his fangs, gnawing on it until it dissipates - though after the tendril is gone his arm still hangs useless at his side, and he trips over again, falling to the ground thrashing.

Even knowing that he can regenerate the damage, Steeple cannot help but feel it’s a rather gruesome sight seeing his servant and professed son being crushed and mutilated in front of his eyes.

“Whoever did this is going to have hell to pay later”, Maurice fumes.

Judging a safe moment to have come, Steeple steps forward and gives Maximus a bit of extra blood. Invigorated by the incoming vitae, Maximus cries out - “Father, help me! Use the sword, I cannot destroy these blasted shadows! Cut me if you must! Please!”

Steeple grabs onto one of the tendrils and pulls with all his might, struggling with the ephemeral shadow - why the hell is something with no substance so absurdly strong?

After making a tremendous effort, he manages to tear one of the tendrils off one of Maximus’ wings, but the thing still writhes in his arms and without anchoring himself in place by holding onto a nearby wooden beam, it should be throwing steeple around like a toy - despite steeple’s strength, he still weighs very little, and the tendril is both strong enough to lift his body weight with ease and anchored to an extremely heavy target, Maximus.

Letting go of his anchor and drawing the bonesword, Steeple deftly destroys the tendril he was holding onto even as it flings him around - Eternal Thirst passes through the shadow as easily as it passed through flesh and bone.


Relaxing as he recognizes his master’s work and the deceit with the shadows, Saladin begins to float back down when the arrow hits his shoulder. From the burning sensation he can tell acidic blood was applied before hand.

Just as he begins to reapply his shield from surprise, he gasps and begins to cough up blood. His vision becomes obscured as blood begins to leak from his eyes. Even his mouth and ears begin to bleed profusely.

He finishes establishing the shield and blinks the shadows and blood out of his eyes when he feels something heavy come from above him. He can just barely make out something or someone pressing down on his from above. It’s not just the shadows and the blood obscuring his vision, he can tell that whatever it is, its form is extremely indistinct.

He makes a pushing and grabbing motion upwards, barely thinking, just wanting to get away, when the thing above him disappears and reappears directly on him, body pressed tightly against his.

“Sorry about this Salah, but you’re the most suspicious, so you’ll have to get it the worst.”

Kiril’s familiar voice echoes in Saladin’s ear even as he feels a burning sensation fill his belly. He pushes Kiril off of him, sending a telekinetic blast outwards that fractures the back wall of the pawnshop he’s facing - though Kiril has already teleported out of sight.

Drifting downwards, he’s struck by another coughing fit, as blood fills and then is violently ejected from his lungs. He recalls the third power of Quietus, which lets you cause severe and massive internal bleeding in anyone who you have touched within 24 hours. Recalling that it is a test of resilience, he boosts his stamina and goes to pull out the knife in his belly, only to find that there is no need, his belly was split open and the knife is on the alley floor, along with most of Saladin’s internal organs.

The shadows fill Saladin’s sight again, this time even thicker and stronger. Now he cannot see or hear anything. (Shroud debuff - +2 difficulty to all rolls, nightshade debuff,-2 dice to all rolls, 5 aggravated damage, 4 lethal damage).


After giving him a bit of blood Andreas begins to groan. Slapping him a couple of times doesn’t quite get him out of it so Heldric tosses his over his shoulder, at least relieved that Kiril didn’t kill him.

Stepping out with Andreas on his back Heldric and Joseph both see it when Kiril comes down from above the shroud, soon followed by a blood covered Saladin.

Kiril turns his attention to the two of them.

Well, one of them.

“Damn, didn’t think you’d be this slow. Was counting on you going off to save Anton from the four “assassins”.”

As he says this a torrent of shadow erupts from the shroud and swirls around Joseph, clinging to his skin and eyes and ears.

He doesn’t so much as glance at Heldric. Could it be he doesn’t see him? Or is he giving him a chance fo walk away without any further injury?

Even as this happens, Joseph brings the shroud above them down and fills the alleyway, obscuring Heldric’s sight and hearing, but also presumably Kiril’s.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 12:41:41 pm by Drakilian »

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #378 on: December 19, 2018, 09:14:46 pm »

Trudging through the sewer water, Anton drags Aimery and, once he feels safe, takes flight, keeping Aimery close.

"We should be far enough." He states, as they fly upwards, keeping care not to look into his eyes.

"What is your relationship to the setites, Aimery?" He questions.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 09:19:52 pm by Not Aman »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #379 on: December 19, 2018, 11:57:25 pm »

Assuming the arrow on Andrea's was poisoned, Heldric pulls it out of Andreas as he tosses him into the air above where Kiril was as a distraction, releasing Andreases shroud but not his own. Then staying low but moving fast (With auspex to increase senses) he dashes under to try and stab the poisoned arrow into Kiril while he is distracted by Andreas' large form seemingly 'leaping' at him.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #380 on: December 20, 2018, 09:01:35 am »

Saladin tries to scream in pain, but is only rewarded with more pain and blood for his effort.

I'm sure he wont kill us, or, well me atleast, but what can i do... to help my friends? Well, Heldric atleast, im sure the madman Will find a way to- his thoughtprocces was interrupted by Another coughing fit.

Saladin will begin to swear profusely in Arabic, coughing while blood flows from various points from his head and and gutted abdomen.

He begins to desperately try and pull the shadows away from him, first with only his arms, then with his mind. (He'll stop if it causes him to lose blood or entrails)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 09:35:02 am by Daedalus »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #381 on: December 20, 2018, 12:31:53 pm »

"Vengeance. Will be. OURS!" Steeple growls, in affermation of his Prince.

He then teleports to his son, hoping the shadow does not follow and carefully carves away at the tendrils holding Maximus.

"Regenerate your wounds, son!"

(Max out dex to avoid carving Maximus, slide blade into tendrils with flat against Maximus, then turn edge out to slice away from skin.)


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #382 on: December 21, 2018, 12:47:54 pm »

Steeple teleports to the other side of Maximus - removing the Nightshade clinging to him in the process -  where, with extreme care and Maximus staying as still as possible, he restrains the tendril on Maximus’ wing and subsequently destroys it. Any mishap there could have deprived  Maximus of one of his wings, and there could be no crueler fate for such a skilled flyer as him.

It is with relief that Steeple moves on to the other 2 tendrils, destroying them both in quick succession. He accidentally shaves off a bit of Maximus’ skin on his leg when removing the last one but his servant suffers the wound without complaint.

Maximus sits down and closes his eyes, and Steeple begins to see His servant’s wounds knit themselves back together - the impossibly bent wings beginning to straighten out, the torn and bloody skin closing back up unblemished, his fingers twitch as the bones in his arm are knit back together. In the spot where he cut Maximus with Eternal thirst a small mark not unlike a bruise remains. Minimus squeaks cheerfully and runs up Maximus’ body to nuzzle his neck supportively.

“This is the second time I have been brought low by a shadow sculptor. I must learn to fight these foes. They are very dangerous, especially when in flight.”

His voice drops low, “I never even saw this one. I was spotted first. I am sorry to have failed you so horrifically master.”

Steeple suspects it will take Maximus another 12 or so seconds (~2 rounds) to finish healing.


Unable to see or hear anything in the shroud that Joseph pulled down, Heldric nonetheless throws his irreplacable retainer, blood brother and servant like an expendable sack of potatoes where he had last seen the insane assassin. Rushing forward himself he stabs the air where Kiril had been but hits nothing, Kiril having presumably moved after the shroud was pulled down.

There’s a heavy impact on Heldric’s arm when Andreas hits it on the way down.

Frustrated, Heldric leaps up against the wall and digs his claws into the wall, anchoring himself above the shroud so that he can see.

From there he sees Joseph also pulling himself up the wall, tendrils digging into the gaps between the stone and mortar, insubstantial as they are they fit through even the smallest hole. He disappears over the side of the roof, but if Kiril has made an escape it’s doubtful Joseph will be able to catch him.

Looking around he can’t see the assassin that Saladin had restrained midair. Kiril presumably took him with him before leaving.


Saladin finds himself incapable of banishing the shadows using his telekinesis. They both have and do not have any sort of physical substance. Perhaps if he was able to apply enough telekinetic force to bend light itself he could do so, but such an epic application of force is beyond his ability to even imagine, let alone perform.

From his time with Kiril he knows that fire can burn away most all Lasombra shadows, save for the moths that a Lasomrba can create specifically to destroy fires, or the extremely high tier shadows that can be summoned by elders. He does not know how much Husayn’s possession has enhanced Kiril but he is certain that Kiril’s Obtenebration is no stronger than it was before, as Husayn would possess no knowledge of advanced Lasombra magic.

Calming himself as much as he can in the suffocating and oppressive darkness, he begins to heal his internal wounds. It would seem that Kiril is no longer using Dagon’s Call on him, or if he is he cannot overcome Saladin’s enhanced stamina.

He is able to stand and walk in the general direction of his spilled-out organs, where he feels them out by hand and then cleans them telekinetically befofe reinserting them into his body - it would be much more taxing to generate new organs than to re-attach these ones.

Still the process leaves him drained. He’ll need to go hunting or receive blood soon or lest he  risk frenzy.


Though Anton does not looks at Aimery, he can feel his freeze up at that mention, then hear him sigh in resignation.

“I suppose I couldn’t have hid it forever. Though I never expected you to be the one to find me out.”

Curiously, despite being “found out” Aimery does not sound at all panicked. Nor does he struggle or attack Anton.

“I am an agent of High Lord Hardestat, I was sent here along with General Von Sachsen to keep an eye on the proceedings and ensure that there was no interference from outside forces, the Setites in particular - as our attack is aimed on their homeland, we predicted an effort to stall and misguide the crusade. You might have notes my distinct silence during most of the debates, i’m not much of a talker, I was really just here to root out any of our enemies in Venice.

It would seem that whoever your master is set you to the same task, if you’ve managed to find my name while investigating the Setite presence I cannot doubt your skill as an investigator. I won’t ask your master’s name, only give my gratefulness that despite our different alleigances we can still work together against the real enemy.”
« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 12:56:08 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #383 on: December 21, 2018, 03:03:55 pm »

Hedlric decides that it is indeed a goood time to leave so grabs Andrea's, giving him another point of blood then cloaks them and sets off after safety. Stopping to get Mr. Whitey on the way.

The wierd arrow he stashes away in his cloak before leaving the shadows.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #384 on: December 21, 2018, 06:51:15 pm »

"It is water under the bridge," Steeple replies to Maximus; "and worth the trouble, if we learn something from it."

"But about these shadow workers... I know two of them. Anton is an honorable ally, but the other I don't trust, nor like for that matter. Kiril the hubristic dandy. He thinks he can handle that demon possessed brute that betrayed me. ha!"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #385 on: December 21, 2018, 08:54:04 pm »

Saladin will activate his auspex to try and see peoples auras. "One can always hope.." he said doubtfully to noone in particular.

Saladin would then check if he has anything to start a fire with to burn the shadows away
« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 08:56:29 pm by Daedalus »

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #386 on: December 23, 2018, 03:15:30 pm »


It would seem that whoever your master is set you to the same task, if you’ve managed to find my name while investigating the Setite presence I cannot doubt your skill as an investigator. I won’t ask your master’s name, only give my gratefulness that despite our different alleigances we can still work together against the real enemy.

Anton nods, refarining from looking at Aimery. Anton is a notable inquisitor. He excelled in finding the truth, and this will be a simple matter for one such as him.
"Yes, it was obvious that a hidden hand played in these deliberations." He says, careful not to play his hand. Hidden masters? All he knows is that Aimery's brother was a idoloater.

"I find it interesting that the Assasins are attacking the Venture clan." He says. "It seems more that they would appreciate a distraction in Egypt, where they lack influence."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #387 on: December 24, 2018, 07:26:12 pm »

“He was not present tonight either, was he?” Maximus asks regarding Kiril.

“The fiend must be plotting against you even now master. Him and the human monster who would threaten you. I beg of you master, send me to slay them both. The human isn’t worthy of feeding Eternal Thirst, black and foul as his blood must be.”


Though he tries, he cannot see any auras through the cloying darkness around him - he cannot tell if the reason for it is a lack of other beings present or an inability to see anything at all in the current circumstances.

Reaching into his pockets he pulls out a handful of ritual components  - a candle, some fragrant scented wood and the sending stone he uses to communicate with Al-Ashrad.

He telekinetically rubs the two pieces of wood together at a furious pace, striking the sensing stone against the nearby wall to shower sparks down on the wood, while dissolving the candle and pulling out the wick, mincing it into bits and spreading it out onto the spot where he wood was being ground together. After a couple minutes of this, he achieved a brief, minuscule flame that pushes back the cloying shadow around him maybe half an inch. Feeding the candle into the flame it grows to a distance of 3/4 of an inch. The nightshades are unswayed.

At this point he has, however, healed all of the internal damage - though his stomach won’t be repaired for a while.


Once he’s out of the shadows, Heldric feeds Andreas a bit more blood, after which his blood brother begins to stir in earnest.

It isn’t long before Mr Whitey finds them as well, the crocodile was not far from the fight and had been waiting close to the shrouded area for its masters to re-appear.

“Well, all things considered that actually went pretty well. Assuming Anton doesn’t lose Aimery,” Octavius comments.

“Though we probably have enough information to exhonerate ourselves at this point, just have to submit ourselves to Aliprando’s lie detection.”


Aimery shrugs, “We are their enemies. Our clans have been hostile or at war longer than the holy land has been contested. We plan to lead a raid into the heart of the muslim empire and perhaps even find and sunder Alamut. They don’t need much more of a reason to stop us do they?”


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #388 on: December 24, 2018, 08:10:24 pm »

 Well let us return to the relative safety for now. I doubt even Kiril will follow us into a guarded court". He sighs quietly "I miss my cave and the silence..." He again ensures they are cloaked and begins heading back with the hope that Anton has their new prisoner in tow


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #389 on: December 24, 2018, 10:12:34 pm »

"Yes, you may have a point about the bastard's foul blood," Steeple replies to Maximus. "I would not want to taint such a magnificent weapon with such gross impurities."

"As for Kiril, until it is proven his conspiracy in this, his station is still to be respected."

"We will deal with Barabus later. For now, we need to find Heldrick. When we get to were you saw him last, I'll track him to see where they went."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #390 on: December 26, 2018, 07:12:32 pm »

Saladin will then draw his ebony dagger and try cut them off. 'come on...


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #391 on: December 30, 2018, 04:14:31 am »

Aimery shrugs, “We are their enemies. Our clans have been hostile or at war longer than the holy land has been contested. We plan to lead a raid into the heart of the muslim empire and perhaps even find and sunder Alamut. They don’t need much more of a reason to stop us do they
Anton nods.
"Stop us, yes. But they seem to be only targeting the venture delegation." Anton says, his dark wings flapping in the wind.

"But no matter. We should be reaching the Court soon." He says.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #392 on: January 12, 2019, 06:13:53 pm »

Anton nods.
"Stop us, yes. But they seem to be only targeting the venture delegation." Anton says, his dark wings flapping in the wind.

"But no matter. We should be reaching the Court soon." He says.

Anton can feel Aimery nodding along pleasantly, "Yes, good, it's about time we clear your name isn't it? I'll be sure to testify about the attack, as well as your saving my unlife. I will forever be in your debt for the service you've provided me."


While Saladin fumbles with his knife trying to cut at insubstantial shadows, Joseph finally returns (having lost Kiril's tail).

He sucks back in the shroud that he had coated the alley with - as he does so, the nightshade that assaulted his senses also fades away, much to his relief.

Joseph looks to Saladin, "Are you alright? Looks like you took a pretty bad wound". He nods to Saladin's stomach, which the assassin was holding closed with his arms.


Maximus scoops Steeple up and leaps out of the hole in the ceiling from where he'd crashed in, flying down to the entrance of the pawn shop that Heldric had busted through - the building was directly adjacent to the seamstress' shop he had crashed into.

"Human guards will be here soon. Should I slay them for you master?"

"We are rather low on the necessities," Maurice comments.

"It would also make Narses pretty mad", He says, though he says it like it's a good thing more than a bad thing.


Heldric leaves the scene with his blood brother and pet in tow.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #393 on: January 13, 2019, 05:57:30 am »

Saladin stares incredulously at Joseph. "I've been stripped of my senses, had my own blood boil inside me, I've even been gutted like a pig, and you ask me if im alright?"

A dry, short pained laugh escapes Saladin. "I will be. But we need to leave. Soon this place will be swarming with humans."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #394 on: January 17, 2019, 03:23:33 pm »

"I don't see any further fighting," Stepple observes.

"That means the battle is over. I do hope we get a rematch though, that shadow trick was just plain cheating!"

"Ah well, let's head back and preapare to sneak out of the country, if things have not gone our way."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #395 on: January 17, 2019, 08:43:54 pm »

Heldric heads back as quietly as possible, planning to wait just within the courts protection where he can watch for the others return, especially Anton and the prisoner
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