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Author Topic: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton  (Read 221806 times)


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #400 on: May 07, 2016, 09:07:01 pm »

Joseph struggles upright - what must be a terrifyingly painful effort given his condition - and he grabs Anton's hand, his grip weak as a kitten's.

"I should know better... I know you, I know how cold your heart is... but I beg you. Please, I beg you Anton. Don't do this. Not to me. Not now."

Something within Anton resonates with Joseph.

I was a most hated enemy, and you damned me in the worst possible way. I thought you did it because you hated me... but no, you're going to do it to your closest friend too, aren't you? You're doing to him what would hurt him most.

I thought Basilio was a demon. I wonder if he knows what he's raised.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #401 on: May 07, 2016, 09:13:59 pm »

"I don't do this because I wish to. I do this because I must." Anton says, forlorn, in reply to both.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #402 on: May 07, 2016, 09:22:21 pm »

Blood tears flow down Joseph's solid features, crystalline in Anton's Darksight.

"I did not deserve this."

He grips Anton's arm slightly harder.

"I did not deserve this," he whispers a second time.

But neither did you. Is that it? Is that why you are so cruel? God hurt you, so you hurt the world?

What arrogance.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #403 on: May 07, 2016, 09:26:45 pm »

"I know, brother. I know." Anton says softly.

I do not hurt the world, Gabor. I heal it's wounds. For god.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #404 on: May 07, 2016, 09:36:44 pm »

Joseph lets go of Anton, and slumps back into the bed. It seems he has nothing more to say. Perhaps not for a long time.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #405 on: May 07, 2016, 09:41:00 pm »

Anton nods, and heads over to Basilio.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #406 on: May 07, 2016, 10:52:41 pm »

On entering Basilio's quarters, Anton is greeted coldly by his sire.

"I see you are still alive. It's a shame, you so clearly want to die, yet death seems to elude you."

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #407 on: May 07, 2016, 11:06:45 pm »

On entering Basilio's quarters, Anton is greeted coldly by his sire.

"I see you are still alive. It's a shame, you so clearly want to die, yet death seems to elude you."
"I had no intention of dying, Basilio."


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #408 on: May 07, 2016, 11:14:44 pm »

"I didn't know you'd become so well-versed in deception. Can't be one of Gabor's traits, the man was insufferably honourable, if a twisted sort of honour."

He calls ME twisted? This... this murderer would mock me IN DEATH?

Anton's hand twitches and darkness coalesces into a blade in his hand.

Gabor's fury sends fire through his veins. Normally Anton would have an easier time resisting but... somehow, his beast just feels stronger. As if it's receiving assistance from something else. Or someone.

Words that are not his erupt from his mouth in a terrible scream.


In a terrible effort of will Anton opens his hand and drops his conjured blade. He forces Gabor back down but the effort leaves him on his knees, struggling from the pain of bending his fused joints.

Basilio doesn't say a word.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #409 on: May 07, 2016, 11:22:37 pm »

"Er, uh..." Anton says, clearly embarassed by the display.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #410 on: May 07, 2016, 11:31:57 pm »

"It's only going to get worse you know."

Gabor is repeating a mantra in Anton's head - nothing but the phrase "Iwillkillyou" again and again and again and again.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #411 on: May 07, 2016, 11:38:22 pm »

Anton nods.
"Eken has told me. I'll control him. I know control."


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #412 on: May 07, 2016, 11:55:25 pm »

Basilio lunges towards Anton, a hand seizing him by the neck and slamming him against the wall of the cabin - as he does this wings sprout from his back, his flesh turns black, his eyes turn red. Death and power flow off him in a wave, and the boards beneath his feet darken in his presence. His teeth remain a brilliant white that stands out starkly against his now all-black body.

"You know nothing".

Basilio's voice carries with it more power than any scream or command could have.

"You know nothing of control, of dominance, of destruction. Basilio lets Anton go and he falls to the ground - collapsing, unable to keep himself upright for his wounds. A tendril summoned from nowhere snaps Anton's head up.

"You are blind"

Anton's vision - darksight and all - is gone.

"You are deaf"

Anton's hearing goes as well.

You cannot move

At Basilio's mental command Anton's mutilated muscles go slack, and he finds himself no longer able to move.

This is dominance Anton. You are weak. Your will is weak. It's why you turned Joseph. It's why Gabor will destroy you.

Gabor's voice joins in then,

Oh, he searches for me now. He wants to find me. Perhaps he can weaken me if he does so - I wonder what he'll have to break inside of you if I hide myself well enough? He uses the Dacian's power to search your mind, do you know that Anton? A terrible risk for him.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #413 on: May 08, 2016, 12:15:14 am »

Anger, something rare to Anton, swells up.

"No, I do not have such failings. I am stronger then what you give me credit for. I killed Gabor in the flesh. I overcame his soul and his beast. Can you not beleive that I will defeat him once more?"


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #414 on: May 08, 2016, 12:22:31 am »

I don't believe you beat him the first time!

How do you not yet understand? He LET YOU KILL HIM!

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #415 on: May 08, 2016, 12:26:06 am »

What? Why?


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #416 on: May 08, 2016, 12:33:56 am »

A closed room, locked, solid, impenetrable.

A mental fantasm created by Basilio.

"He cannot hear us here. He has full control of your body right now, it's why I disabled you.

How could I raise such an arrogant childe? Gabor is centuries your elder, did you really believe you overcame him through sheer strength of will? He could have crushed you like an insect, from the moment you started fighting to the end. I didn't think of it till that temper tantrum, but it's obvious now.

He knew his days were numbered. He didn't have the strength to kill me then, certainly not now that i've struck a balance with the Dacian. He could have killed you but then i'd have just killed him in turn, nothing truly lost to me. But no, he didn't do that did he? He fought you, made every pretense to make the fight seem legitimate. He held back every step of the way, I promise you. Then he fought you again, in your mind, and again he let you win. Gabor's fury, his implacable strength of will, his stubborness - do you really think you could beat that? Of my two childer you are the weaker willed one, and even Kiril wouldn't have lasted a second against the fury that Gabor could unleash on him.

Gabor wants to use you. He let go of himself just now, his temper is legendary, but he revealed his hand. He wants to stay within you, learn what he can of me, and one day he will seize your body and use his mastery of the blade and your mastery over darkness to try and kill me once more. All gambled on the idea that I won't kill you because you're my childe."
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 12:38:48 am by Drakilian »

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #417 on: May 08, 2016, 12:42:12 am »

OOC: shitsnacks ha ha
Anton stays silent.


I understand, Basilio. Anton says, resigned.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #418 on: May 08, 2016, 12:57:40 am »

"It's a brilliant scheme. It's been made all the more infuriating by the fact that he is right.

There are counter measures that can be taken, but they must be taken right away. I'm going to show you how to fly, then i'm going to throw you into the Abyss. Boukephos is waiting for you in Kronstatd. I am unable to lock Gabor down without destroying your mind, but Boukephos might be able to weaken him for a time. I hope, at least.

It is called Wings of the Fallen, it harnesses the power of the most dangerous abyssal entities."

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #419 on: May 08, 2016, 01:00:47 am »

Anton nods.
"I appreciate this, Basilio."


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #420 on: May 08, 2016, 01:57:28 pm »

Anton jerks up as his vision, sight and hearing are restored to him, afrer a brief conflict of wills with Anton where he is sent retreating.

Another ruse?

He was protecting you! For a second I thought he would keep your consciousness alive and destroy everything else on your mind. Perhaps he didn't seem the risk worthy, or he was unable.

But now, where are we?"

Looking around, Anton cannot help but smile in warm relief.

The Abyss.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #421 on: May 08, 2016, 03:50:43 pm »

"The Abyss, Gabor."

Anton then begins the ritual to summon his dread wings. He needs to find boukephos.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #422 on: May 08, 2016, 09:25:34 pm »

Anton finds that he needs not summon darkness here, in this realm from where he draws his greatest power. Rather, it simply comes to him, coalescing on his person at the slightest whim. It is with ease that he commands the Abyss - but it is with unease that he notes the presence of... others. He can feel it, he is not alone here, there are other things that dwell in the depths of God's Prison.

He runs through the ritual that Basilio gave him, and he closes his eyes. Shades of large, powerful wings form on his back, and the shrouds give them substance. Then, on some impulse, he reaches out towards one of those unseen things in the shadows, and he plucks.

The wings on his back turn real as something's outraged scream shakes the Abyss. The darkness around the Lasombra grows excited, even as Anton feels the power of whatever being he robbed just now envelop him.

The ashen knight leaps into the air and flaps his wings. He goes soaring through the abyss, and in his darksight, he flies through a sky that glows as brighter than the sun on its hottest day, a sky filled with the glorious promise of the Lord.

He even feels Gabor settling in contentedly in the recesses of his mind during the idyllic flight.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #423 on: May 08, 2016, 09:40:10 pm »

Anton shakes away the bliss of the Abyss. He needs to find Boukephos, which means reaching his city.

Anton looks to the other fallen. Perhaps that is how he must find them.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #424 on: May 14, 2016, 06:45:04 pm »

Anton senses an infinite number of the beings in the darkness, each stirring at his presence. Only one actively seeks him out, a furious power coming off it - he surmises it is the one whose broken wings he stole.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #425 on: May 18, 2016, 07:08:41 pm »

All of a sudden, it feels like something grabs a hold of Anton, stopping him midflight. He struggles briefly, only to explode out into the chill night air over Castle Kronstadt, high over the city of the same name. Disoriented, he briefly loses control of his wings and starts to plummet to the ground - but he quickly gathers his senses and spreads out his ephemeral dark feathered wings and catches himself before he can hit the ground, the momentum from his fall carrying into an increasingly fast horizontal glide that ends up spending him back into the air.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #426 on: May 18, 2016, 09:21:33 pm »

Regaining his balance, Anton quickly flies down to the Church, his haven. He doesnt really know how to call for Boukephos, but either Disidrio will know, or Boukephos will sense him here.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #427 on: May 19, 2016, 03:25:00 pm »

Anton lands atop the church Steeple, and is unwittingly reminded of Steepleton. What is the mad mage up to nowadays?

He makes his way down and is almost about to open the church doors, when it occurs to him that whichever of his priests is handling the church right now might not react so kindly to his current demeanour.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #428 on: May 19, 2016, 06:13:02 pm »

OOC: man I was so confuse when you wrotw steeple, ha ha.

Anton wills away the wings, letting them dissapate backninto the shadows, as he heads inside.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #429 on: May 19, 2016, 09:47:22 pm »

Right as he lays a hand on the church door, he hears a snort and a shuffle - Fantoma, his most loyal and invisible steed! He hasn't seen or heard her in ages, what could possibly be causing her to stir now? The sound seems to come from the church's stables.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #430 on: May 19, 2016, 10:01:47 pm »

Anton furrows his brow. His horse is insanely ignorable. It must take something inordinately perceptive to even know to bother her.

Anton heads to the stables, preparing to draw out his beast to speak to the Horse should it ne meccesary.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #431 on: May 20, 2016, 12:38:24 pm »

On entering the stables, Anton sees a short man wearing a plain robe, his head shaved bare, pale olive skin.. He gently strokes Fantoma's mane and the ghoul horse shifts again, nuzzling the man affectionately. Anton is astonished - while he hasn't seen her in a very long time, Fantoma was never affectionate to strangers, and tended to terrify them.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #432 on: May 21, 2016, 12:56:19 pm »

"She's a good horse." He says, looking to the man. He's clearly a kindred or a ghoul, but he does not seem to be one of the Black Cross.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #433 on: May 21, 2016, 06:27:20 pm »

"She is, if a vicious one. It's a shame you spend so little time with it."

Fantoma snorts affirmatively. The man seems to be unfazed by Anton's intimidating nature.

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #434 on: May 21, 2016, 07:52:07 pm »

"She was a gift from my sire. For some seemingly supernatural reason, I fail to keep her in mind, like I had then." Anton replies.

"There are others who I also seem to be unable to remember. Would you please remind me of your identity?"


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #435 on: May 21, 2016, 07:57:23 pm »

Boukephos raises an eyebrow, turning to look at Anton for the first time he can remember.

"Should I be insulted my own great-great grandchilde does not remember me?"

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #436 on: May 21, 2016, 08:03:16 pm »

Anton internally breathes a sigh of relief. If it wasn't boukephos, then it'd probably be an assasimite assasin.

"I apologize, Lord Boukephos, but your appearance seemed blocked from my mind. It is good to have the honor of seeing you once more."


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #437 on: May 21, 2016, 08:09:39 pm »

Boukephos makes a dismissive gesture, "Don't be ridiculous, i'm your blood, not your Lord."

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #438 on: May 21, 2016, 08:20:40 pm »

Anton nods.
"It's a term of respect, Boukephos, but of course."

"Have you enjoyed Kronstadt (close enough?)? I was proud that you decided to stay here."


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #439 on: May 21, 2016, 08:31:38 pm »

Boukephos shakes his head, "It is a term of subjugation. Respect is wordless. It has been a stay like any other, Jurgen's knights in that Teutonic Hold keep trying to send little spies into this church to find out what has happened to you, do you know that? I've even taken your guise and negotiated in your place for them several times. They are unsettled by something - nay, excited would perhaps be a better descriptor."

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #440 on: May 21, 2016, 08:39:29 pm »

"Really?" Anton asks, astonished. It's only been a month. "I am thankful, of course, though I thought Desidrio was taking charge here." Anton says.

"Yes, Basilio told me that Jurgen shall be invading Transylvania in a century or so. It seems off that they'd be already excited for that, however." Anton states.

Anton doesnt even bother to wonder how Boukephos could take his form. The elder is of immense power probably. Having a few levels of obfuscate would not be difficult for him.


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #441 on: May 21, 2016, 08:44:06 pm »

"It is not my concern," Boukephos shrugs.

"Simply something I noticed. They have offered their knights to help guard the city walls in case of danger in an attempt to covertly seize control of your military capabilities, you told them you would think about it."

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #442 on: May 21, 2016, 08:55:11 pm »

Anton nods.
"I'll have to arrange a meeting with Lucita soon, I suppose." Anton states.

"May I ask you a question, Boukephos? Before we get to what brought me here?"


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #443 on: May 21, 2016, 09:00:33 pm »


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #444 on: May 21, 2016, 09:09:09 pm »

"You clearly beleive differently from me as to the purpose of us, the cursed."

"The Lord has cursed us for a reason, clearly. The Heresy claim it's a blessing. Basilio beleives it to be no different then the mortal goal. What do you see it as?"


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #445 on: May 21, 2016, 09:26:33 pm »

"Our condition? It is a byproduct of the curse given Caine by God. Caine grew lonely in his eternal exile and sought to create eternal companions and loved ones with whom to spend the rest of his unendable existence with. Those friends and lovers grew lonely in turn and created their own children from those they loved and cherished and respected the most as mortals. Those children fought amongst each other and grew hungry for power, and they created their own brood in turn and slew their fathers and mothers with the help of those children. Our father, Lasombra, was among them, though I was not alive when he did his wicked deed - for our father never made a single childe who he deemed worth keeping until Montano, and thereafter myself and Gratiano, and some few others. Caine was furious at the death of his children, and he smote each of his traitorous grandchilder with a terrible curse that can be felt through the blood to this day.

You wish to know what I think about our curse, Anton? It isn't God who cursed us. God cursed Caine. Then Caine cursed his lover, and his friend, to heal his heart. Then they cursed our founders, to heal their hearts. Then those founders cursed me, to further their ambitions. I cursed my children out of respect, and a desire to see them not die. My children embraced for a variety of reasons. Basilio embraced you out of pragmatism, and came to find love. That is what the curse is, not some directive of the Lord, but a product of our weakness. Something that was given to you by your sire and your sire alone, for selfish reasons - yes, even the curse I passed on myself. That same power, to curse someone to your own fate - it lies in your hands as well.

But you should know that, shouldn't you? You embraced Joseph for the most selfish reason of all, the same reason Caine first passed on his curse."

A pause then, "Forgive me, I shouldn't have intruded. Your guilt lies close to the surface of your mind."
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 09:28:05 pm by Drakilian »

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #446 on: May 21, 2016, 09:51:22 pm »

"Do not apologize." Anton says, shaking his head. "I know my failings, it does not hurt to hear them."

"But thank you, for that. It is... something to think about. I would love to discuss this further, but... The time is late. Sunrise is in but a short while." Anton says. He is then silent for a moment.

"I am here, of course, to ask you for assistance with the soul of Gabor. I do not want to be the cause of my sire's death, Boukephos."


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #447 on: May 21, 2016, 10:29:39 pm »

A pause then, "Have you spoken to Basilio about his Diablerie of the Dacian?"

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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #448 on: May 21, 2016, 10:32:29 pm »

"Yes." Anton replies silently, knowing to what Boukephos is referring too. The methuselah did not think well of dialblerie, at all.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 10:56:37 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: The Knight's Foul Deed - Anton
« Reply #449 on: May 21, 2016, 10:57:00 pm »

"Then you know that he and his sire came to me, and they begged me to save him."
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