"G-gangs... huh..." Gilbert replies with a nervous laugh, not enjoying the prospect of having to approach a gang alone.
"But yeah, science rules. I'm more into computer science myself, but I can respect the time and effort that must have gone into his work at LifeCylon. What branch of science was he into anyway? With the milk machine mentioned I would assume chemistry , but given that it's what they're using to frame him, it could be completely off. If he's helping middle schools then he's probably doing things involving potatoes and volcanoes, but neither of those are really high level fields of work - just entry points to get people interested. He could be more into biology of course, but I rather doubt that's the case. No one in biology is respectable after all... Of course if he really was in the biology field I take that back, as we already know Genny was, I mean is, a respectable man. Despite possibly working in a field no one respects. Then again, at least it's not like he works in geology, right? He'd be known as that creepy rock guy. Though I can relate to that a bit. Not the rock part, I wouldn't be seen within a mile of a geology center, I mean the creepy part. Spending all your days hacking int- I mean using computers for science stuff kind of makes people look down on you, you know? My uncle always thought I was gifted, so he kind of forced me into even, which is how I got to this size. Speaking of which, I can relate to the gang part as well. I... actually no, I probably shouldn't say. Uncle really wouldn't approve of something like that. I should just count my lucky stars they don't bother me as much as they used to, haha...ha...ha...yeah..."
Gilbert says, rambling on.
"Anyway, happen to know where his younger brother is? He may know what happened to Genny."