The fire elemental cocks it's ethereal head at Steeple, and then condenses briefly into a white-hot ball of flame - Steeple gets the impression of a spring coiling up. It launches itself through the entrance and hits the ground hard, spreading out as if it had splattered against the hard earth. The elemental rushes across the ground, the fire leaving a trail of scorched earth in it's wake. A few soldiers point and wave their weapons, most definitely not pleased at the sight before them. A few let loose some arrows, which go harmlessly through the elemental's ethereal body.
The fire reaches the carriage and engulfs it into flame entirely, setting every inch of the thing alight.
"Ohhhhhhh that's naaaaaaasty", Maurice says. Steeple soon sees what he means. The elemental, having set the carriage alight, now moves from the carriage and physically engulfs the Vozhd, which had plodded along rather mindlessly till now. The thing lets out an earth shaking roar, driven mad by the pain and fire and fear, immediately charges forward, pulling the carriage ahead of the host. The elemental drops from the vozhd and turns to Steeple, waving at him in the form of a man from the distance, and then fading back to it's own realm.
The vozhd, rushing blindly forward, trying ever so stupidly to escape the flames that have captured it, ends up slamming into the main gate of the temple (bared and sealed shut by time and ruin). It's there that Steeple realizes why these are called siege ghouls - no ram could have hit that wall. Ear as hard as the vozhd did, meaty, sizzling flesh and mistake slams into the wall so hard as to crack the stone. The Koldun's flaming carriage slams into the back of the vozhd, pulled forward by the momentum of the ghoul's charge, and breaks on the vozhd' snack, sending a figure Steeple cannot identify flying out, shrouded in the burning hood of the vehicle.
The vozhd rears back and slams it's two arms against the gate wall in frustration, again and again and again, the temple shakes each time and Steeple feels the gate begin to give away as surely as he senses the new structural weaknesses forming around him. If the place weren't so solidly built of stone it would be in rather great danger of collapse. Finally the gate breaks open and the vozhd roars, just as a chilling wind overtakes the valley. The flames die down and the vozhd drops and flails wildly in the dirt, seemingly under some greater degree of control. It eventually manages to put the fires on itself out but Steeple sees that it was at no small cost, it must be in terrible pain. Currently the thing is simply a mass of quivering, raw burns that ooze with the wetness of an open sore. Fresh burns.
Of the Koldun, there is no sign.