The Dandy Desperado & Crew (On Venus)It has been an eventful month for the Dandy Desperado, with some turnover in the crew, and the acquisition of a new Scout ship to replace the Plan B.
The new Scout ship is hardly new – but it was sturdy and only costs Gilbert 100 writ a month – as he worked some computer magic to create a loan plan that allows him to pay off the 75,000,000writ used spacecraft (at zero percent interest) in only 750,000 instalments over the next 62,500 years.
Gilbert also secured himself a hover-round, through his medical insurance plan, to help the hefty man get around better. The idea to apply for one occurred to him, as he and Captain Montoya set spy cameras and concision grenades on the RC cars and some drones the Captain had picked up.
The two of them turned to each other and said “Wait, human sized!”
Surprisingly, Gilbert was immediately approved for one, without the need for any hacking games on his part.
As for the crew (with Simon Mayhem having left to join Cold Rock Johnson), the movie star Natalia Alishire realized how little she had in common with any of the rest of the team. That, and the fact that bounty hunting was literally dangerous work, made her begin to rethink staying on.
It was the package that the Desperado received from Cold Rock Johnson one day, that finally pushed her to make a decision – and she left with Ezekiel volunteering to go with her to watch her back.
The package incidentally, was the Venus Vacation Prize from the System’s Most Wanted Show, which Cold Rock had won for the video of ‘his recruits’ capturing Genny Putkoff.
A note attached, explained that Cold Rock had his own private casino on Venus already, and that the team really deserved the prize, having done all the work.
Taking advantage of the prize, the Desperado headed to Venus for the vacation of a lifetime – and to meet the new Feng-Shui Master that responded to the ad Captain Montoya had put out (being that the crew had lost both their Feng-Shui and Discord Masters in one blow).
The team is currently on the Floating Venus Vegas, on the last day of their two week vacation.
During their stay, they have had plenty of time to unwind and enjoy the many diversions Venus has to offer – including Butch winning a Sweg Tournament and coming home with a shiny new Space fighter!
And of course Gilbert blowing everything.
Everyone is in one of the casino’s many bars, waiting to meet the new Feng-Shui Master…