Daedalus was the Shantyman! It was his job to sing songs in order to keep morale and working rythm up. Therefore, he was awarded frijoles for every post that involved singing and rhyming!... Unfortunately, he seemed to be more of a morale detriment than anything, and was unjustly murdered before he could post again. He has been assigned to the fate of trailing behind Sethaniel with 2 FRIJOLES!
Sethaniel was the captain, and you see, once you get attacked by sushi monsters in some uncharted part of the ocean, you may start to feel a bit burnt out about this whole 'pirate captain' thing. Burnt out as he was, he planned on becoming a stand-up comedian when he reached land, and earned bonus frijoles for every post with puns in it!... Dedicated as he was, it was just too damn difficult to keep up with all those other posts. He has earned a grand-ass total of 6 FRIJOLES!
Berkazerka was secretly a Ninja, who had taken refuge as aboard the ship ever since the Pirate-Ninja wars of 1713. He earned Frijoles for every reference to Japan he could make, and through his fluent use of Engrish, puns, and a possible Naruto reference, he earned a grand total of 8 FRIJOLES!
Aeon Spiral was (not so) secretly a viking cleverly disguised as a pirate this entire time! He earned a frijole in every post where his viking heritage was referenced, and would have earned 10 points for every person he converted to paganism. After careful counting, he only managed 10 FRIJOLES, but is still well on his way to Feng-shui master!
Aman was secretly a time-traveler, who earned Frijoles for every anachronistic statement he made... This future knowledge did prove suspicious, but he managed to earn 12 FRIJOLES by flaunting scientific and cultural literacy beyond his time!
Playa had 28 FRIJOLES, if my fingers count right... The cannons left him partially deaf, so he had to yell in order to hear himself better. Which, in hindsight, isn't quite as difficult as all the shit everyone else was tasked with, but last time I tried it, it didn't seem so overpowered. That might've been because everyone instantly lynched Deadalus when he had it, but still!
We could have a loud debate about whose posts should be worth more or less since I forgot to balance it out with multiple-frijoles-per-post-type dealios.