So, I just finished re reading chapter 2 and the 8 chapter 2 associated threads. Got a pretty good idea of where we were. I might start to update this today, when I get home in about an hour, or more likely later tonight, after we talk a bit about the game.
So right now, reference desk is down. Rp portal was also taken down. There are a number of sites outside of those two but none of them are nearly as good as either of them were.
I have most of the books in either physical or pdf format but the problem is that looking powers up from individual books is a massive pain in the ass, as there are many variations of each ability, and there are many different options for discipline powers at 6 and up.
From now on I think any level ups will, until I can find another quality discipline list, will have to be you guys going out and searching for vampire powers, or asking me if something might be possible.
Also, I can just barely handle how long it takes to update character sheets and roll out large encounters. I’m considering just more or less deciding the majority of fights by averages or by ear, or by rule of cool - keeping in mind that I have been doing this for quite a bit of what has already been done and written, the exception being any conflict that might erupt between player characters and perhaps some special fights (for example if you guys fight an oncredibly important preplanned character like Gauthier). I trust each of you quite a bit of players and don’t believe that you would screw things up, and I trust that you guys also trust me to write as fun of a story as I can while operating under those rules. Re-reading the massive, almost novel length adventure that we’ve written together makes me certain that we can continue doing so under that format, if you guys are willing to do so.