Nope... You may want to actually get some basic info first...
I have basic info. I've seen the game. You can make in-app purchases of smelly jelly, which I can only imagine Farks over people with less money, but I've never seen it used with other players within 3 square miles. And you can also purchase more balls, which allow you to keep playing the game, basically, because there's nothing else to do but catch shit when no one else plays.
Apparently, this is how it works, from my experience.
>Friend comes over, says PG is awesome.
>Spend an eternity waiting for connection with GPS.
>Play MTG.
>Finally starts, his phone needs to be recharged.
>Charge phone, continue doing other things.
>Walk outside. Follow vague non-directions because pokemon are supposedly in the area.
>Walk for an hour throughout massive rural landscape.
>Apparently Pidgey, my least favorite pokemon in all of ever, spawns in a corner of my yard once every 3 hours. Zubat, my other least favorite pokemon, lives in my neighbor's woods somewhere. Next time I go that way, I'll have to bring a flamethrower. Obnoxious bastards.
>Another hour. The only creature that was remotely interesting was a purple dildo snake.
>Spend another hour walking to town, because, my friend assures me, town is where all the Pokemons go!... Because Pokemon are the opposite of real animals, apparently!
>We are greeted by a long list of repettitive D-Listers in alleyways and streetcorners, not unlike town in real life.
>Friend has to go home now. It was an afternoon poorly wasted.
But, I guess, if you live in a city, or a settlement of reasonable bigness, shit will show up
in your house, judging from the amount of "Wait a tick, this isn't right..." vibes I've been getting from my friend. The number of pokemon per acre drops to ridiculous levels whenever there's free acres to run around in, and I could have infinitely more success playing
inside pokemon, and actually playing a game, rather than walking around in public poking this embarrassing app. (And it
is embarrassing, when you're the only ones doing it. I pity the fools in small towns who do this shit.) So, in my case, and probably the case of hundreds of other people, there's no point in having the game. The only thing you can do is incredibly slow, un-rewarding, and boring without money enhancements, and there's nothing you can do with these pokemon unless you go out, move to some building or other, and then challenge a bunch of people who've been at it longer than you to a battle. Not even directly, you just throw critters at the building, and any critters they've stuck to it will fight back, supposedly. How wonderful that the only gyms available are miles away. Woo hoo.