Pikachu was my starter. Probably the best/rarest critter I'll ever find at this rate, which sucks because he has shittier stats than the non-easter-egg starters. Not that that matters, I'll have to drive 30 minutes to get to a gym and actually use my pokemon for anything anyway. I'm hoarding pidgeys in the vague hope that I'd be able to sell them or something for advancement in the game and/or trade them for pokemon I actually like, but for now all I have are these damn birds because that's all that spawns in areas of reliable connection in my entire neighborhood.
I have about ten of them now, and I hate them all. I would rather roast them alive with barbecue sauce and feed them to the homeless, but that would be too much gameplay for Pokemon Go. Gameplay is not a thing that happens, only an illusion of play created by ball-throwing and collecting 3-D stickers that you will rarely (possibly never) do anything with.
Granted, it's a fun egg-hunt simulator if you're really in a chipper mood and you don't know the area, but you're kind of limited to your yard if you don't have an accommodating data plan, and once you've gone to the same general area, you notice its tropes and spawn points, which immediately takes put the fun because now there's only about two working places to look for one kind of Farking crawly little bastard. Maybe two, if it's a particularly big/diverse yard, but I think our yard is above average in magnitude, even for rural areas, so I'm guessing most people'll find only one kind of bubble for one kind of thing in their general lifespace.
I sure wouldn't have kept a Pokemon game where I couldn't get past the first grass patch. Sure, I could blame it on me being a lazy bastard, but my entire area for miles around is the first grass partch, except things only twiddle about once every 5 hours or so unless you're spawn-camping the little bubble in which those ungodly brown sky-chickens are shat from the deepest bowels of Aztec Hell.
So, to answer Tim's question,
What kind of Jigglypuff doesn't have Sing?
A jigglypuff from Farking Pokemon Go.
(Actually, the first wild one I caught in a real pokemon game didn't have sing until I taught it to them. I instinct way knew this was wrong because it went against everything Smash had taught me. BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT THIS GAME SUCKS!)