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Author Topic: Cleaning House  (Read 325959 times)


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #100 on: September 18, 2016, 09:13:01 am »

"You know," Sarapheen replies, "A materialized spirit on the castle grounds would certainly get Mama Kark's attention. She would likely go straight to it to grab it up for her collection..."

"Being that she has Wards, she will have Portal also, so beware."

"But... maybe you can use that to your advantage? Maybe lure her out of the castle to the back acreage for an ambush, before the mundane guards can close in to support her?"

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #101 on: September 18, 2016, 09:29:08 am »

"You know," Sarapheen replies, "A materialized spirit on the castle grounds would certainly get Mama Kark's attention. She would likely go straight to it to grab it up for her collection..."

"Being that she has Wards, she will have Portal also, so beware."

"But... maybe you can use that to your advantage? Maybe lure her out of the castle to the back acreage for an ambush, before the mundane guards can close in to support her?"

"Hmm... If we scheduled this at the right time, it would make this meeting easily finished. Imagine if we took out Mama Kark before the meeting even started! There'd be no doubt that we'd succeed."



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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #102 on: September 18, 2016, 10:24:52 am »

"If we aren't careful she might just portal back out, however. Beats, could you set up wards or would that be too conspicuous?"


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #103 on: September 18, 2016, 10:28:12 am »

"You could set up a ward after she arrived, before she knew what was going on," Sarapheen suggested.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #104 on: September 18, 2016, 10:42:15 am »

"This would be perfect then. If Mama Kark is dead before the meeting happens then we won't have to enter a warded castle and fight her in her own territory with all her demons."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #105 on: September 18, 2016, 10:44:40 am »

"Not quite," Sarapheen points out, "Mama Kark being destroyed, simply means that she relinquishes control of those Wards and Spirits."
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 10:47:06 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #106 on: September 18, 2016, 10:46:11 am »

"The shadow spirits would serve the thrall? They help her willingly?" Saint says, surprised


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #107 on: September 18, 2016, 10:49:44 am »

"If she gave them instructions, then they will continue to follow those instructions, until the duration of her spell wears off."

"Presuming no such instructions are in place, then no, the spirits and/or demons would be free to do what they wanted... which probably would not be something beneficial (or pleasant) to the thrall."
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 10:51:49 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #108 on: September 18, 2016, 10:53:24 am »

"Ah... It sounds tempting then, to simply kill Kark and let the demons kill the CEO once the spells wear off... but I dread what would happen to the mortal guardsmen."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #109 on: September 18, 2016, 11:15:34 am »

"And having realized that," Sarapheen notes, "now makes you responsible for the potential consequences."

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #110 on: September 18, 2016, 11:45:24 am »

"I can bind them, or at least banish them." Robor says.

"It sounds exciting."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #111 on: September 18, 2016, 01:43:47 pm »

"So after we kill Mama Kark, we will still have to fight her demons?", Saint asks.

"That's a shame. At least she won't be there to heal or help them."

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #112 on: September 18, 2016, 02:43:08 pm »

"Spirits are fickle. Any with malicious intentions will be easy to push away."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #113 on: September 18, 2016, 08:24:15 pm »

Beats considers for a moment "Even if she's stronger than me I can do an extended casting for a strong ward before the spirit is summoned, den as she shows up I slam it down behind her. Emend could be doing the same with a powerful Attack spell too like lightning fingers or somthin."

He grins as he thinks about Emend dressed like 'That guy from the Starwars movie'

"Once she's down her ward should fail too, I can portal us in to deal with the spirits and grab the deed."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #114 on: September 18, 2016, 08:34:50 pm »

"Portal us in? Have we scrapped the meeting? I think we'd be better off meeting the CEO personally, no?"


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #115 on: September 18, 2016, 08:38:48 pm »

"Portal us in? Have we scrapped the meeting? I think we'd be better off meeting the CEO personally, no?"

"Once her wards broke I can put you face to face if ya want." He says with a shrug "Scry it then portal to Scry location."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #116 on: September 18, 2016, 08:52:01 pm »

"Assuming we can dispose of her without him knowing, it's better if we proceed with the meeting like normal. It already provides us with a means to get in. Though that may be a handy way to get into the attic for the deed," Emend suggests.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #117 on: September 18, 2016, 08:52:30 pm »

"Once her wards broke I can put you face to face if ya want." He says with a shrug "Scry it then portal to Scry location."

"If the demons will continue to guard the castle then the wards will also still be running. However, I suppose it makes very little difference since she won't be alive to feel you scrying through the wards..."

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #118 on: September 19, 2016, 12:26:55 pm »

"If the demons will continue to guard the castle then the wards will also still be running. However, I suppose it makes very little difference since she won't be alive to feel you scrying through the wards..."
"She'll have made her demons attack if the wards are broken."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #119 on: September 19, 2016, 02:12:56 pm »

Beats considers for a moment "Even if she's stronger than me I can do an extended casting for a strong ward before the spirit is summoned, den as she shows up I slam it down behind her. Emend could be doing the same with a powerful Attack spell too like lightning fingers or somthin."

"You would have to be rather proficient in the time and/or fate Arcanum to pull something like that off," Sarapheen warned, "otherwise you will just draw her attention weaving powers, well before you can bring them together."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #120 on: September 19, 2016, 03:22:56 pm »

Saint considers for a second,

"Would it be prudent of me to deaden Beat's Aura, that he might weave magic inconspicuously?

Or am I already forced to use it on myself, for all the spells I will wrap myself in come the day of our attack?"


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #121 on: September 19, 2016, 06:17:32 pm »

"It may not be necessary," Sarapheen surmised; "As Mama Kark's resonance is with spirits and space."

"Summoning a spirit in the wooded acreage behind the house, might draw her focus as much as her attention. She may not even notice the tell-tale signatures of other active spells in the area - unless she's adept at prime too."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #122 on: September 19, 2016, 06:26:34 pm »

"Then I will hide Beats from Mama Kark for as long as necessary, that she may not escape us" Saint declares.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #123 on: September 19, 2016, 06:28:36 pm »

"And I'll not weave nothin extra till she appears, just have ta hit her hard the moment she appears." Beats agrees


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #124 on: September 20, 2016, 10:38:07 am »

"Everyone seems to agree about luring Mama Kark away from the castle," Sarapheen states, "But you have not decided on how to handle Jack Eaton Jr."

"I would think, keeping the dinner appointment is still your best option for getting easy access to him. He's likely greedy and prideful enough not to risk losing the potential business, even if his mad witch has inexplicably disappeared before hand."

"The fact that any demonic guards and/or spells of protection she cast would still be going, should ease his mind about her absence though."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #125 on: September 20, 2016, 10:48:39 am »

"I agree Sarapheen. The meeting should go as planned, we can deal with the guards and the demons later.

Everyone agreed? I have quite a bit of work ahead of me, if I may be excused", Saint says, as he makes to get up.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #126 on: September 20, 2016, 12:25:29 pm »

Beats nods and begins preparing to leave "good to go, gonna be a fun night."

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #127 on: September 20, 2016, 03:08:22 pm »

Robor grins.
"Hope Mama Kark's spirits are interesting." He says, turning on his heel to head off to prepare.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #128 on: September 20, 2016, 04:47:32 pm »

"Everyone seems to agree about luring Mama Kark away from the castle," Sarapheen states, "But you have not decided on how to handle Jack Eaton Jr."

"I would think, keeping the dinner appointment is still your best option for getting easy access to him. He's likely greedy and prideful enough not to risk losing the potential business, even if his mad witch has inexplicably disappeared before hand."

"The fact that any demonic guards and/or spells of protection she cast would still be going, should ease his mind about her absence though."

"I believe the briefcase of bees will be our method to get rid of him," Emend responds. "If everyone is fine with these plans, we'll meet up at the agreed time."


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #129 on: September 20, 2016, 04:57:24 pm »

High Oaks Castle, Great Falls Virginia; Monday October 17th 2016

Preparations for dealing with Mama Kark, in the woods overlooking the Potomac river, out behind the High Oaks Castle estate, began Saturday with the Saint collecting a massive swarm of hornets. He had found them in an old barn and used Control Base life to herd them into a briefcase.

Taking them home, he spent another three and a half hours Transferring Base Features - imbuing the hornet swarm with bullet-ant venom and a hard chitinous hide.

Early the following morning, Saint commenced the ritual Honing the Form, to increase his physical prowess, but the spell took way longer than he had anticipated, finally coming to fruition around 4:30 pm (just an hour and a half before their scheduled dinner meeting with Jack Eaton Jr.).

This meant they would have to deal with Mama Kark quickly, in order to clean up and make it back for the meeting on time.

Emend had also cast a ritual, starting Monday morning, to make two duffle bags invisible with the Invisible Object spell. After seven hours, he had succeeded; and the quorum's assault gear was divvied into the two of them.

Then, with things ready, Sarapheen cast Organic Shield on everyone and opened a Portal to the power-line access trail on the edge of the High oaks property.

Stepping out, everyone could see that the area was heavily wooded and quite undergrown. Tangles of briars,  patches of stinging nettles, and flourishing poison ivy promised to make travel anywhere off the trail a huge pain in the ass. As if to underscore the sentiment, a welcoming party of hungry mosquitoes and biting gnats immediately set to make diner of everyone the second they set foot on the old dirt trail.

Knowing that the portal spell had a chance of drawing the mad witch Mama Kark's attention all by itself, Robor wasted no time casting his spells.

Using his Fleshless Speech rote, Robor gazed around into the Twilight - the ghostly realm on the material side of the gauntlet. With luck, he could summon a spirit from there, much easier than having to actually find and bring one back across the gauntlet itself.

After a few minutes, Robor spotted something. It was a huge plant spirit of some kind, taking the shape of a roiling mass of sticky sundew pseudopods that sort of galumphed across the ground like a bizarre green and yellow starfish. It seemed a bit sluggish speed-wise, but was the only thing Robor saw in proximity.

Casting his Gather the Unseen Host rote, Robor then brought the strange spirit into the material world - where everyone could suddenly see it - as it lumbered side to side a moment in confusion.

All Robor had to do now, was gain control of the spirit, with the aptly named Control Spirit spell. Unfortunately, it took three attempts to finally reign the verdant beast in - all the while it hungrily chased Robor around some thick trees, trying to eat him. Additionally, it instilled Robor with a tremendous ravening hunger, and put the idea into his head that the sweet sticky dew at the ends of the beast's pseudopods would taste awesome.

In spite of his rather unimpressive willpower, Robot knew what happened to insects that fell into a sundew plant's sticky digestive juices, and was able to resist the temptation to give the sweet nectar a try.

At length, Robor finally managed to bring the monster under his control - at least for the next hour.

As everyone stood, suitably impressed at Robor's mighty display amusing attempts at plant wrangling, Robor abruptly noticed another spirit nearby. It was hazy and undefined, but looked small in stature - about the size of a demonic imp or young child. It currently hid behind some trees, peering around to observe the group...
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 07:29:53 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #130 on: September 20, 2016, 05:02:55 pm »

Saint, annoyed by the swarm of insects assaulting his senses, attempts a second casting of control base life on the mosquitoes and gnats in an attempt to have them stay away from the party (and hey, they might be some use against Mama Kark).
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 05:13:33 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #131 on: September 20, 2016, 05:53:53 pm »

The Saint's spell goes off successfully and the pests buzz off to hover a few yards away from everyone.

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #132 on: September 20, 2016, 06:43:32 pm »

Robor nods.
"Her demonic servant is here." He says simply. He beckons his spirit to bring back the imp.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #133 on: September 20, 2016, 07:26:58 pm »

The plant spirit lurches abruptly in the direction of the smaller entity - which startles silently and then turns to run away further into the woods.

While the small spirit doesn't seem very fast, it easily outruns the incredibly ponderous plant thing...

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #134 on: September 20, 2016, 07:41:48 pm »

"STOP." Commands Robor.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #135 on: September 20, 2016, 07:51:16 pm »

Beats just grins his face off at the entire display as he warms up some muscles and ensures his space based mage sight is active and ready to pick up the first sign of a portal appearing.

"Let's get ready!" He announces and stands half hidden behind a tree, trying to guess where she will appear "Might be late to say, but if shes scrying first were farked!" He says this grimly as if to offset his grin a moment ago


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #136 on: September 20, 2016, 08:13:29 pm »

"She will have to scry first, to come here and identify the plant spirit. Hopefully she comes with all her demons."

Some people might wonder at a sentence like that but Saint has no doubt that his fellow disciples will understand him.

Saint places his briefcase of magically enhanced hornets to his left and then sits against a tree.

If Robor had been able to open a breach in the Gauntlet perhaps they could have chased the imp down and slain it before the familiar could reach Kark, but it's too late now.

He sets his invisible bag to his right and carefully opens a flap, setting his hand very near his imbued sword but keeping the bag closed so that Mama kark wouldn't see he was reaching for a weapon in preparation of her coming.

Lord, give me strength for what is to come.

"We have very little time left before that imp reaches Kark. I suggest we prepare, and wait. There is no use in hiding, she will see us with her magicks."

As he sits, Saint closes his eyes and mouths the words of power for Sight and Space, magically expanding his vision so as to create a spatial map of the area. He wanted to see exactly where Kark would be when she showed up.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 10:30:01 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #137 on: September 21, 2016, 09:41:37 am »

"STOP." Commands Robor.

The plant monster rolls to a stop at Robor's command, while the other spirit continues on out of sight.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #138 on: September 21, 2016, 09:59:21 am »

Beats casts Spatial Awareness and monitors the surroundings, while the Saint's Spatial Map spell manifested successfully as well and he suddenly has an acute sense of everything physically around him.

Mama Kark meanwhile, from the dark recesses of her twisted lair - having felt a disturbance in her domain - pinpoints the location of Robor's manifested spirit and begins to Scry over it to get a look.

Beats senses the intrusion, but the plant spirit had lumbered far enough away from the group (chasing the smaller spirit off), that Mama Kark does not notice the presence of the Disciples in her cursory observation of the area.

Beats then feels a portal open and close not too far off.

A moment later, Saint became aware of a human and another large creature of some kind, entering the area near the plant spirit - about fifty yards into the woods from everyone, in the direction of High Oaks Castle.

Robor also senses the entrance of another spirit into the mix, though this one has a weird harrowing vibe to it, unlike any sort of spirit he has dealt with so far.

Due to the heavy underbrush however, no one can actually see anything farther than the Robor's plant spirit at the moment.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 02:32:42 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #139 on: September 21, 2016, 11:24:09 am »

Saint immediately sets the swarm of mosquitoes and gnats off after Kark, sending them to harass and hopefully distract the witch. He draws his sword from the bag.

"Beats, you see her?", he whispers, while gesturing to the others that the direction the swarm flies off to is where Kark will be.

"She brought something with her. Robor, bring your plant in, that she does not isolate it."

Saint then pops open the latch on the briefcase but keeps it closed, prepared to send out the Horner swarm if things got hairy.

Once Mama Kark is halfway to the plan monster he'll start circling around to try and get behind Mama Kark and the demon. Once she gets close enough to the plant spirit to begin her casting, Saint will wait for her to begin her chanting before charging forward and hacking at Kark with his sword, judging her to be most vulnerable at this moment. He will have the swarm he commands buzz angrily around her to produce distracting noise, the better to conceal him and Beats, and have the swarm turn hostile once he attacks her.

As he sneaks up on Kark he gently runs his thumb over the hilt of the sword, and activates the emotional urging spell, trying to lull Kark into a sense of confidence and obliviousness.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 04:09:33 pm by Drakilian »

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #140 on: September 21, 2016, 02:46:05 pm »

"It's a weird spirit. Havent seen one like it before." Robor says, picking up his blade.

"Her imp is gonna tell her that we're here. We need to attack now." Robor says, as he commands his spirit to return.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #141 on: September 21, 2016, 02:46:52 pm »

"Shes here" he says and points before immediatly setting out towards her, attempting to be quiet.

He plans on casting evil eye on her the moment he sees her followed by Ranged lethal blow, the actual Attack using the ranged lethal blows will be a body shot in the hopes that she misses a turn.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #142 on: September 21, 2016, 05:21:36 pm »

Emend casts Scales of Thought in preparation for the impending fight. He'll then be ready to use Rend the Weave in the event that Kark attempts to cast a spell when the fight begins.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #143 on: September 23, 2016, 11:01:19 pm »

The Saint's gnats and mosquito's swarm through the woods and into Mama Kark's face, as she uses her Crown of the Incarna rote to wrest control of the plant spirit from Robor. While the pests do distract the mad witch, her power is still great enough to override Robor's spell - though tenuously (Potency 1 Control).

Feeling another mage interfering with her domination of the spirit, Mama Kark then commands the Sklorch (for that was what it was called) to track back to the original master and destroy it. At the command, the plant spirit ripples angrily, turns its undulating bulk towards Robor, and begins a rather jaundiced charge in his direction. The massive tangle of sticky dew and ropey green tendrils manages all the speed of a brisk walk.

Disappointed by the plant spirit's pathetic display of sloth, Mama Kark looses her Cthonian Demon in the same direction - instructing it to devour any and all trespassers it might find. The Cthonian Demon hurries past the much slower plant spirit, casting Entropic Guard on itself, and bursts into sight of the disciples a moment later.

Know as The Worm Within the Marrow, the vile hell-spawn appears as a giant writhing maggot, bloated to the size of a large couch, with grinding mandibles surrounded by a ring of tiny round black eyes. The gaging stench of putrefying flesh clung to its rubbery hide, as stringy gray puss leaked from its underbelly to allow locomotion akin to the unholy union of a slug and sidewinder - it spastically wriggling itself forward with alarming speed.

Where its ooze fouled the ground, greasy fat dumpster flies began to issue forth - filling the air with a loud distracting buzz that began to make hearing one other somewhat difficult.

Robor stands ready with his sword, perhaps feeling it better to let the monsters come to him, rather than run straight for them. That, and he chews on whether to try to reclaim control over his plant spirit - or... dare he make such an attempt on the demon?

Still unable to see Mama Kark beyond the trees and two charging spirits, Beats estimates he can get his Far Strike rote off, before the demonic worm can coverer the distance between them. Uttering words of power and swinging both fists down with all his might, Beats feels his cesti connect with the hard ridge of bone around the giant maggot's bellowous maw - and it give way with a sharp crack under the thunderous blow.

Looking, everyone sees the worm demon's face plow abruptly into the dirt, in a spray of grey and yellow goo! It flips tail over teeth and shudders in pain a moment, before shaking it off and resuming its charge. Even so, Beats is pretty sure he's never hit anything as hard as he just nailed that ugly thing!

As this goes on, Emend casts Scales of Thought in preparation for the impending fight.

The Saint meanwhile, circles wide around the two sprits with his enhanced speed, and over to where he had sensed Mama Kark portal in.

In a small clearing, he sees no portal, but spots a fat disheveled woman waiting, and looking in the direction of the two spirits under her control. She wears a simple grey dress with a navy blue apron, looking somewhat like an old Amish woman, except for her log white hair, which is a wild tangled mess.

Blood seeps through a white bandage wrap on her left arm and she appeared to be without footwear - her bare feet gnarled, and hard enough in the sole, not to be bothered by the briars, stinging nettles, or poison ivy.

No wonder the disciples hadn't seen her when staking the castle out - she didn't fit the refined image of high society that Jack Eaton Jr. prized enough to sell his soul for.

Activating the Emotional Urging of his sword, Saint instilled a sense of confidence in the witch, though the obliviousness he had hoped for did not manifest.

It was unclear if Mama Kark knew of the Saint's presence yet, but she was still far enough away that some ground needed to be crossed before the sword itself could be brought to bear. With his enhanced speed however, a quick charge could be made, culminating in a stroke of the sword at the end.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #144 on: September 23, 2016, 11:21:29 pm »

Saint now orders the gnats to aggressively attack Mama Kark, the better to distract and annoy the witch (and perhaps even somehow break through whatever magical protections she no doubt has active).

Having seen the vicious beating that Beats just gave the demon worm, he is absolutely certain that his fellow disciples will be able to handle the creature themselves, and so refrains from summoning his hornets and risking them against the worm and the plant (which he believes would simply devour the swarm). It is just him and the witch now.

Lord, fill me with strength, for I face the devil and I find myself wanting

Taking a deep breath and steeling his will (spending one willpower to boost attack by 3 dice), Saint moves as quickly and quietly towards Kark as possible, hoping that the sword's spell and the distracting gnats would allow him to reach the witch before she could bring her magicks to bear.

Let her die now, Lord, for I fear her screams as much as I fear for my life.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 11:26:16 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #145 on: September 24, 2016, 01:01:01 am »

Beats lets out a bellow to accompany his knowledge that he had just smashed the giant maggots head into the dirt as hard as he had.

Leaving the complicated stuff to the others he decides that maggots need to be purged so begins concentrating on it, touching it might not be best though so he runs back to buy space before attempting the same spell again.


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #146 on: September 24, 2016, 11:00:46 am »

"Saint will probably need assistance with Kark," Emend thinks to himself, as he begins to circle around the spirits, while keeping them in range, towards Saint and Kark. If the Worm attempts to cast a spell, Emend will counter-spell (Rend the Weave) it. Otherwise, he'll launch a Mind arrow at the Worm.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 12:34:10 pm by killa_robot »

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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #147 on: September 24, 2016, 08:42:13 pm »

"I'm gonna go for the demon." Robor says, trying to exert control.

"Kill the witch." He tells the others, as he focuses on weaving his spiritual powers over the demon. There's no way that a desciple's strength can't control a demon, no?


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #148 on: September 25, 2016, 03:14:12 pm »

While Robor learns that yes, he is capable of controlling the demonic worm in the same manner that he had controlled the plant spirit, he quickly finds that doing so, while simultaneously wresting away the mad witch's own control is much much harder.

After a brief battle of wills with the unseen Mama Kark, Robor loses the contest, though he can tell that it was just barely.

Mama Kark retaliates, but not against Robor.

Having the Ballistic Targeting rote going, she is already aware of the Saint and uses her Breaking the Horse rote with a practiced expertise. As before, the biting gnats and mosquitoes pester the witch, distracting her from her words of power, but she soldiers through it with a wicked and gleeful determination.

Out-stretching her arms at the plant spirit Sklorch, Mama Kark ensorcells it with dark coruscating energies - causing it to discorporate in a sticky pop of gangrenous chlorophyll. She then swings her arms around toward the Saint, the energies following, as if a wrecking ball attached to the end of a long chain originating from the palms of her hands.

Before the Saint can do anything, the energies slam into him.

Expecting to be knocked over (or at the very least buffeted by the blow), the Saint is surprised to find he didn't even feel the ghostly contact at all.

He realizes why, a moment later, when the Skloch - now inside him - tries to exert control!

Shocked, the Saint focuses his will to not only resist the possession attempt, but to also expel the intruding spirit from his very being.

Gritting his teeth and invoking the name of divinity, the Saint finds the plant spirit incredibly tenacious in its resistance to leave, but manages to stand his ground and finds the Sklorch abruptly pushed out from within him to... somewhere else.

Robor meanwhile, still senses the presence of the plant spirit, only now, it has lost its physical manifestation and is back in Twilight.

"Marther Farking Cajiggers!" Mama Kark curses - seeing the Saint foiling her nasty plan for the moment. "Oh don't worry deary; It's not out of the fray yet, hahaha!"

As this goes on, the Cthonian worm continues its charge - straight for Beats. Arriving, it puckers its revolting face and squirts out a black oily substance akin to silly string. The filthy goop spatters over Beats' Cestus-covered hands and begins eating away at the Imbued Items!

Sensing that this is a spell effect (Destroy Object), Emend (who had been circling around to where he had seen the Saint go) uses his Rend the Weave rote to fray the magic that is empowering the goop to dissolve Beats' heaven-blessed weapons. The cesti are saved - only being slightly tarnished by the attack (and in need of a long scrubbing to get rid of the foul stench).

As this happens, Beats retreats back from the worm and hammers it again with Far Strike - pounding his fist deep into the worm's face orifice and causing shockwaves to ripple across the stunned creature's swollen bulk!

The giant maggot thrashes its head back in pain and opens the shattered remains of its mouth to roar in fiery rage!

Beats hears the harrowing sound, and for a split second, feels his heart skip a beat in primal terror. Something within him resists however, and he regains his composure - not being paralyzed with fear, as the worm had hoped.

Clearly, the bloated demon won't be able to take much more of this punishment and is getting desperate.

In the clearing meanwhile (which Emend can now see), the Saint takes a deep breath, steels his will, and charges through the thickets at the witch with his imbued sword.

"Let's see what you got sonny boy!' Mama Kark taunts, carefully watching the weapon and preparing to dodge.

Covering the distance, Saint swings a wide overhand arc - and misses, as the witch simply sidesteps the stroke. Not deterred, the Saint lets the swing continue downward, adjusts the arc slightly, and watches in satisfaction - as the point of the weapon stabs the mad witch in her bare foot.

"Hey!" Mama Kark yells at the onset of the now bleeding appendage, "Watch where you swing that thing! I don't want any of my blood splattered over there," she indicates the area behind her, "just yet anyway!"

She then grins at the Saint and asks, "And what the brikabrack are you supposed to be? The Spanish inquisition or something?!?"


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Re: Cleaning House
« Reply #149 on: September 25, 2016, 03:40:29 pm »

Damn it all! If she attempts another possession, I might not be able to resist this time. If it takes me my comrades are doomed...

Saint immediately commands the hornets to burst out from the briefcase and assault both Kark and himself, while also cancelling his spatial map spell. He has the gnats continue their distracting practices.

I can always cancel the order to attack me if i'm still in control by the time they reach us, but if I lose control, the spirit will not be able to countermand the order. Lord, let me kill this witch now, before I am stung to death by my own creations.

"Well I appear to be in the habit of killing witches!" Saint retorts as he pulls the sword out of Mama Kark's foot and makes a clumsy attempt at an uppercut.

Dammit, I didn't think this was the kind of fighting i'd be engaging in when Sarapheen offered to take me unto the path.

For a second, Saint considers throwing the sword into the area behind Kark, but having seen Emend moving closer with the Spatial map spell before he cancelled it, he knows that for now, he has backup if things go horribly horribly wrong. No reason to throw away his only weapon in a desperate gamble.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 04:09:10 pm by Drakilian »
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