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Author Topic: Loose Ends  (Read 413022 times)

Not Aman

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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #450 on: August 14, 2017, 02:28:25 pm »

Robor shakes his head, and sticks the shadowstone in his pocket. He'll figure out wjat to do with it afterwardss. First, the kids need to be allowed to pass on.

Robor begins to head over to the basement. On the way, he'll command the sklortch to finally go back into twilight


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #451 on: August 14, 2017, 06:46:48 pm »

Saijr hesitates for a moment before continuing, "Usdi, can you keep a secret?"

"Why certainly! I love secrets!" Usdiyona answers with excitement.


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #452 on: August 14, 2017, 09:19:00 pm »

Finding nothing of interest, Emend heads over to the library.


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #453 on: August 15, 2017, 12:35:23 am »

"I've... been losing time, recently. I think the things that I have been seeing have taken a toll on me. I forget things I shouldn't. I can't remember anything that's happened since we were in the flesh grove. I saw the thing summon fleshy trees to its aid and then... nothing. Could you tell me what has happened since then?

I only came out of the blackout when the Doll died on my sword in the attic.

I don't want to tell the others, it would just worry them. Nothing that can be done for it, I imagine. It must be something like that which aflicts Beats and Robor"
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 02:44:36 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #454 on: August 16, 2017, 01:53:30 pm »

Beats chills out by the pool for a while with his easy listening playlist on random before heading back ul to find the others.

Got to get our bodies switched back soon and go see to my kids he thinks as he slowly heads back


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #455 on: August 17, 2017, 08:04:43 pm »

UsdiYona's excitement fell to concern for her friend.

"Hmm, let's see, where do I begin?" she replied.

"I'm honored to keep your secret. Those tree monsters died and we got some treasure out of the stump thing. Nothing to eat of course. Then we went home and came back today."

"We got rid of a jabbering idiot spirit and Robor tamed that weird plant thing. Then y'all went to take care of the creepy doll kid, because I didn't want to see you naked."

"Plus Emend and I called dibs on these first two rooms."

"Any of this ring a bell?"


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #456 on: August 18, 2017, 12:16:46 am »

Saint smiles weakly.

"Maybe it'll come to me in a bit. Some of it does", he lies.

Saint is a terrible liar.

"Is Faith doing all right? I'm glad she has you there for her. I'll get you a pizza when we're back home. I might even show you how to make one, though I confess to being a mediocre cook at best."


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #457 on: August 18, 2017, 10:07:35 pm »

"She's OK," UsdiYona replies, "but sometimes she's scared to go to sleep with that lost spirit in the house."

"By the way, I love extra cheese and pepperoni! And no funky mushrooms!"

"There should be no fungus among us!"


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #458 on: August 18, 2017, 10:26:19 pm »

Startled, Saint asks - "What lost spirit?"


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #459 on: August 20, 2017, 12:09:09 pm »

"You know, that old Spaniard guy you've been toting around with you. You should see if he knows how to make tacos!"


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #460 on: August 20, 2017, 12:38:44 pm »

"I... ah, it would seem I do not remember him either. I think maybe I should talk to him too. Thank you Usdi."

With that, Saint - using his currently active clamor of the departed rote along with a scrying or spatial map spell, searches the castle for an "Old spanish ghost"


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #461 on: August 21, 2017, 04:13:08 pm »

The Saint did indeed locate a Spaniard ghost - quite readily as a mater of fact. He appeared to be loitering in the basement pool room; and was dressed like a conquistador, in pantaloons with a breastplate and helmet.

There seemed to be some kind of sympathic link between the two of them, which would explain why it was so easy to locate him immediately with almost no effort.

But that didn't do anything to explain why (or how) the Saint had apparently become the physical anchor to one of the departed.


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #462 on: August 21, 2017, 06:10:53 pm »

Saint heads down to the basement as fast as he can, doing his best to remain composed but occasionally bursting into a bit of a jog.

As soon as he gets to the basement he calls out to the ghost, extremely unsure as to how to approach the situation "Excuse me sir, please, can we talk?"


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #463 on: August 21, 2017, 07:57:15 pm »

"Yes Padre?" the ghost replied, with a quizzical look on his face. "You were right about the pool, its energies have filled me."


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #464 on: August 21, 2017, 10:03:54 pm »

"That is good to hear. I take it you were injured then?

I'm sorry, please, just give me a minute to explain."

Saint takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, then opens them before continuing.

"I'm afraid that I do not remember you. At all. I am a new disciple of the Lord, you see, and I think that the things that I have been seeing in his service have taken a tremendous toll on my mind. I have begun to lose time recently. I do not remember you. In fact, I do not remember anything that has happened in the last week. The last I remember was walking into the flesh grove and seeing that monstrous thing at its center scream.

I'm not sure if it's a personal failing or if it's a side effect of the powerful magicks that I use but it has happened twice now, and I am afraid of what I do during these times that I cannot remember.

Please, if you can, tell me about yourself. Anything about yourself. I know so little. How did the link between us come to pass?"


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #465 on: August 22, 2017, 02:18:16 pm »

"Aha, you jest with me Padre!" Miguel answered with a laugh, but then seeing that the Saint was serious, he put a hand to his chin.

"Hmm, you are not joking... I see..."

As the Spaniard spoke, the Saint realized that the words he was using were Spanish, but that the Saint could understand them and the same seemed to true for Miguel understanding English.

"Well then," Miguel continued with a regal bow, "Miguel de Díaz; Formerly Commissioned of Our Holy Roman Emperor, Charles the Fifth, to explore and settle the Bay of Saint Mary. Now in the service of The Saint and Disciples, until the Lord see-eth fit to forgive my many trespasses and receive my soul into Heaven."

"By that I understand, that you will know the time for such things and make it happen. I do not pretend to know the means by which you saved my soul from the fires of Hell, to secure me a place by your side in this holy work - but I am honored and grateful for the opportunity."
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 02:51:34 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #466 on: August 22, 2017, 08:50:33 pm »

Saint smiles then, "I am glad that even when not myself I could show kindness to a man willing to accept the Lord into his heart. It is a pleasure to meet you again, Miguel."

Then his smile fades, "However there is another matter of grave importance. As it seems you have been anchored to me, my daughter Faith has become aware of your presence and is frightened by you. I would ask that you stay as far away as possible when she is near, my daughter is not awakened to the wonders of the world and your presence could drive her to disbelief and insanity. I am not sure why I never touched on the subject with you before but there is nothing more important to me than her safety."


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #467 on: August 23, 2017, 10:31:01 am »

"Of course," Miguel bowed; "I will keep that in mind and only hope that nine rods distance will be enough."


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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #468 on: August 26, 2017, 10:04:24 am »

With no immediate threats presenting themselves, and Robor having sent the sklortch back into twilight, the disciples took the time to scour the rest of the castle and found that it was clear.

Curiously, the two ghost children in the attic spaces were gone – they having been put to rest with the destruction of Doll.

Upon heading back through the woods to retrieve Robor's van, the team discovered that the ghost child Kelsey was still anchored to the woods. Apparently there was going to be more to freeing her soul than just destroying the golem that had hijacked her likeness.

Robor also noted that the green glowing diamond reacted to proximity with the ghost girl – the light flaring brighter and the black entities inside growing frantic the closer it got to her.

Additionally, the verge the disciples had discovered was still opened – and a handful of minor shadow spirits had wandered out. The spirit puppy that Robor had given the ghost girl had managed to destroy or chase them all off – but Kelsey had been traumatized by them harassing her.

She described them as "black rats with ugly baby faces".

His heart moved for the girl, the Saint volunteered to remain on the property with Kelsey, until a means to set her soul free could be found – but UsdiYona pointed out that his own daughter Faith needed him too.

In exchange for the promise of both pizza making and tacos, UsdiYona agreed (or rather just took it upon herself) to remain with Kelsey, while the Saint and disciples returned to the Washington National Cathedral to wait for Sarapheen's return.

Of course, the Saint wouldn't just leave the two spirit girls to fend for themselves twenty-four-seven, deciding to come out for a few hours each day to check up on them and (of course) bring UsdiYona some form of junk food or another to snack on.



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Re: Loose Ends
« Reply #469 on: August 26, 2017, 01:07:01 pm »


The room was richly appointed; lavished with ornate paneling, dark-stained wood accents, columns of heavy-laden bookshelves, a stamped-tin tile ceiling, and a huge black desk facing the door. Ornate brass candle stands, with huge squat candles and fat ropy wicks, sat in each corner - unlit.

Blume and Blumenthal discussed paperwork piled on Mr. Blumenthal's desk.

"Just settle it," Mr. Blumenthal said, dragging a long puff off a fine cigar. "There's no point in fighting for the place with a forgery, no matter how good the document looks. It's not worth the accusation itself getting out and upsetting other clients."

"You are aware that Mr. Hardman is one of them now," Mr. Blume replied, "does this give you pause, seeing that he remembers our little 'offer'?"

"Mr. Hardman is worth keeping tabs on;" Mr. Blumenthal pointed out, motioning with the cigar, "And what better way, than to let them have the place. The hallow itself is too good for them to pass up, not to mention its longstanding history among the Chosen. They will be very easy to watch, when we know where they call home."

"It is a shame we lost him," Mr. Blume lamented; "His father was truly amazing and we had such high hopes for the son."

"The line is not yet lost," Mr. Blumenthal replied, "We are still playing the long-game. What is another twenty years to us? A drop of water in an endless ocean. Mr. Hartman will be long gone, by the time his son stands before us to make his own choice."


Returning home for the evening, Emend was met at the door by his live-in girlfriend Trucy, who wrapped her arms around his neck and excitedly drew him into a big kiss.

She had something in her hand; and when she finally drew back to show him, Emend could see that it was a home pregnancy test.

It took a moment, for his eyes to focus on the red 'plus' sign in the reader – then another few seconds for it to click in his brain 'what it all meant'.


Heading back to Morrow Wind's hallow on the Blackfoot Confederacy Indian Reservation, Saskatchewan Canada, Robor and Beats presented Robor's retrieved sword and gave an accounting of their mission to clear High Oaks Castle.

Satisfied that they were well on the right track, Morrow Wind agreed to bring them before the Archangel Benjamin to lift the adversity of having had their bodies swapped.

Opening the heavens and ascending up with Robor and Beats, Morrow Wind brought the two disciples to an alien dimension of strange sterile beauty. This was Elysium – a flat plane of perfectly polished, crystal clear glass, infinitely deep and containing the entirety of the physical universe within.

Robor and Beats were struck with its eternal depths and had a difficult time not losing their finite minds to the astonishing awe of its overwhelming glory.

Tearing themselves away from the marvelous sight beneath their feet, and looking forward, they saw a Greek-style white and rose colored temple standing before them. It was a large open affair with wide steps leading up to the cella.

Following Morrow Wind up, they met the Archangel Benjamin waiting there for them.

If anything ever met the classical interpretation of 'angel' it would be the Archangel Benjamin. He stood an imposing seven feet tall, had a radiant white robe, glowing golden halo, white feathered angel wings, the whole bit.

He was surrounded in a nimbus of white fire that stretched out like six additional wings and bleached his skin in such a way as to give his features a mirror-silver like appearance.

Without a word, Morrow Wind indicated that Robor and Beats wait where they were, while he went and stood before the archangel, relating the disciple's plight and subsequent efforts to right it.

The Archangel Benjamin listened, then in an unusual mode of communication, repeated it all back to Morrow Wind verbatim, before nodding and invoking white fire to rise up around the two disciples. It did not burn of course, but caused their souls to transpose back to their original bodies.

When it was done, Morrow Wind nodded to the Archangel Benjamin, who nodded back.

Morrow Wind then returned to the disciples near the steps, but was bidden to pause by the Archangel.

"You have a soul stone?" Morrow Wind then asked Robor, who reached into his jacket pocket (Beats currently wearing it now) to produce the green glowing diamond he had fished out of Doll's skull.

"Oh, yes, that's it," Morrow Wind replied, taking the gem and letting it go into the air, where more of the Archangel's holy fire surrounded it.

In the purifying fires, the inky black motes within instantly vanished and a soul was then separated out of the gem.

It was a portion of the girl Kelsey's soul and in a moment, the girl herself appeared in a flash of white, to stand next to it.

"Where am I?" she asked, as she and the missing part of her soul rejoined each other.

"You are safe now," Morrow Wind said to the child, "I will take you to be with your grandma and grandpa."

"But they died and went to heaven," Kelsey replied, a little confused.

"It will be all right child," Morrow Wind reassured her, "they are very excited to see you again."

Kelsey seemed satisfied with that answer and stood patiently, beside Morrow Wind.

"Thank you for the puppy," she then said to Beats, apparently not realizing that Robor and he had changed bodies.

"All is right, we can go now," Morrow Wind announced and directed the disciples to the stairs.

As they went, soft unspoken words abruptly entered Beat's mind – a message from the Archangel Benjamin.

A that name that he would need to know at some later point.

"Kajet Kajet"


Back in the woods at the High Oaks property, UsdiYona and the spirit puppy were sitting with the ghost girl Kelsey when the girl abruptly alerted – "I have to go now" – and stood up.

UsdiYona then saw a portal of light open above Kelsey.

Having seen this before, with other lost human spirits, she knew that it was how they 'went home' (wherever home was).

"Goodby Kelsey," UsdiYona waved, as the girl ascended into the light, "It was nice to meet you and be friends!"


The following Monday, Sarapheen returned, appearing in the Washington National Cathedral to meet with the Saint.

She seemed a bit sheepish of speaking about her destruction and reformation, but expressed pride at the disciple's ability to handle themselves in her absence. Especially given that she had intended to tell them about the verge and flesh grove after they had dealt with Jack Eaton Jr.

Apparently, the verge opens for two weeks every year, beginning a week before Halloween and finally closing a week after. During that time, the disciples would have to post guards at the verge to ensure that 'things' did not walk out of it into the physical world and (more importantly) that people didn't inadvertently walk in.

She then went on to explain that the flesh grove was too powerful for her and her own group to deal directly with and how impressed she was that the Saint had been able to save his team from being trapped therein.

She did seem a little put off however, by the Saint's new ghost companion Miguel, expressing that she was not sure of the wisdom that went into deciding upon that particular arrangement, but decided to leave it in the Saint's hands as he saw fit, warning him that he would be responsible for any unforeseen 'complications' such an agreement might ultimately entail.

For his part, Miguel simply promised not to be any trouble – piously bowing his head in the presence of a glorified angel of Heaven.


Eight Months later, ownership of the High Oaks Castle and Properties was officially turned over to Emend, and the disciples had free and lawful access to their own hallow and new base of operations!

After refurnishing the place and spending another thirty thousand dollars to repair all the sklortch damage, the place was fit once again for occupancy.

While there was a certain satisfaction to be had, in foiling the demonic plans that Blume and Blumenthal had for the place, as well as liberating it from their possession, an impending sense of doom hung in the air – like the calm before the storm.

Emend and the disciples had made powerful enemies and then embarrassed them with their victories. These slights would not go unanswered – but how and when would the forces of evil retaliate?

No matter.

The disciples would be ready for them.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 01:25:17 pm by BerkaZerka »
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