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Author Topic: Enemies At The Gates  (Read 300105 times)


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Enemies At The Gates
« on: February 03, 2018, 03:16:09 pm »

High Oaks Castle; Saturday Evening, February 3rd 2018

The Sound of the buzzer indicated that Emend and UsdiYona's pizzas were finally ready to be brought out of the oven. There were four of them - one Emend had made, with all his favorite toppings, and three that UsdiYona had put together "funk-free" as she liked to say.

The bear-girl was certainly becoming quite the prolific cook, after having learned that 'human food' could be made with recipes and didn't just 'grow' pre-packaged (as she had previously thought).

As UsdiYona placed the pizzas on the counter to cool, one of Emend's security measures suddenly alerted to something at the front gate of the estate. Emend tapped his cell phone to bring up the camera by the gatehouse, seeing a single black limousine stopped in the snow swept drive.

The driver's dark tinted window rolled down to reveal a tall slim black gentleman in a dark tailored suit with a red driver's cap.

"Nicolette de Corday, Ambassador of Prince Augustus Coleridge of Washington DC, and one," he then spoke into the intercom, "request diplomatic audience with the Disciples of the Eastern States. Will you receive them under the assurance of peaceful parley?"

« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 06:11:15 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2018, 10:30:00 pm »

Not wanting to possibly have to deal with no backup, Emend sends a screenshot of the gentleman on his phone to the other disciples, and informs them that they have guests. He then brings his attention back to said guests.

"We will," he responds back. Emend will then cast Third Eye and Supernal Vision on himself, so he can get a better idea of the 'people' as they arrive. If these were indeed enemies and they were already aware of the disciple's residence, he would have to at least wait until the others were around before making any sort of hostile move.

"You want to be a part of this meeting too, Usdi?" He asks, turning to the bear-girl.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 09:39:49 pm »

"Why yes," UsdiYona replied; "I thought DC had a President, not a Prince."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2018, 08:14:14 pm »

Once the gate had opened, the limousine drove through and parked outside the currently closed portcullis. It would be a simple matter for Emend to remotely open the portcullis, after seeing who was going to get out of the vehicle.

The driver got out first of course, then went around to open the rear passenger door.

A stunningly gorgeous woman with long wavy platinum blond hair stepped out, dressed in a low-cut formal white pantsuit with silver accents and matching high heels. Aside from her unearthly beauty and regal poise, she didn't look anything but human.

Following her, was a huge black man with startling yellow eyes in an over-sized red and black striped zoot-suit, complete with feathered hat, long silver watch-chains, and saddle shoes. If he wasn't the size of a professional wrestler, one might envision him pimping girls out on the street in that outfit or something. His eyes though... something serial-killer in them - aside from their uncanny luminous glow.

As Emend and UsdiYona watched the arriving 'guests' on the cameras, they saw the large black man pull something out of the trunk of the limo. It was in a medium-sized hatbox and draped with a red satin cover. He held it out in front of him with both hands - it perhaps being a courtly gift or the like.

Once the two passengers were situated in front of the portcullis, the driver then closed the car doors and returned to the driver's seat to wait in the limousine.

It was now up to Emend to open the portcullis and go meet them. Normally, that would be done by bringing them in through the Armory, up the stairs through the Pub, and into the Drawing Room.

With his third eye and supernal vision active, Emend could tell that these were some kind of awakened beings, though their magic flowed in their blood specifically. The woman had some effect going to enhance her diplomacy, and another that suggested the power to read surface thoughts.

The large black man also had access to this 'blood magic' though he did not currently have any spells active.

What caught Emend's attention the most however, was a powerful eldritch magic, radiating from whatever was inside the draped hatbox. There was a discernable resonance of time associated with it, but the rest was a complete cipher - something Emend couldn't even begin to guess at.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2018, 10:58:45 pm »

"It looks like these are vampires," Emend tell Usdi.

"Well, better be off," he continues, heading out to meet them. He'll also activate One Mind, Two Thoughts. Perhaps if he's thinking about whatever newest recipes Usdi and him should make later on it will  prevent the woman from properly analyzing his true thoughts.

Emend gives a quick glance at Usdi, before deciding her thoughts are likely no issue.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2018, 05:39:12 pm »

"Eeeww, blah," UsdiYona replied, "Aren't they blood suckers? Gross!"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2018, 06:35:54 pm »

Emend and UsdiYona went out to the courtyard to raise the portcullis and receive their guests. The two vampires waited until it had been raised all the way, but stayed on their side.

"Greetings!" The platinum blond-haired woman spoke, exuding charm - "I am Nicolette de Corday and this is my manservant 'Friday'. May we come in?"

Emend had to wonder if this was a formality, a subtle trick to mislead them about their weaknesses, or they genuinely couldn't enter unless invited, like the legends of old.

UsdiYona meanwhile, could smell a strange scent on the two vampires with her extraordinary senses - like spoiled beef jerky. It left her both hungry and wanting to gag, all at the same time!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 06:37:54 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2018, 11:38:07 pm »

"Of course," Emend replied, motioning them forward.

"I am Emend, and this is... UsdiYona," he begins, resisting the urge to refer to her as their pet. "So, what brings you to our humble castle?"

As they speak, he'll lead them to the drawing room through the normal path.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2018, 07:18:44 pm »

"Emend; UsdiYona; A pleasure to meet you both," Nicolette replied with a nod. "I represent the head of a powerful and influential faction of DC's elite. We already know about you and the rest of the Disciples (and the Angel Sarapheen); so we thought it only fair that you should get to know us as well - to avoid any... future misunderstandings."

Arriving in the drawing room, everyone took a seat - Emend behind a large desk, while the two guests sat in button-back leather captains chairs (or at least the woman did). The huge black man more or less sat on the leading edge of his chair, being too big to actually get down into it. UsdiYona meanwhile, elected to hop up onto the thick stone ledge of one of the drawing room's two large window frames - looking much like a cat slinking into its favorite napping spot.

"Like the Disciples," Nicollete continued, "we Camarilla are a faction of Rule and Law. We at least have this in common with each other. I presume you already know that we are the undead. Vampires. But let that not trouble you. True, we must feed on human blood, but we do not kill our kine. Most actually find the experience quite enjoyable in fact. Nor do we go about flaunting our gifts. We seek to live a peaceful masquerade, hidden among humanity, and have strict laws and punishments for those of our order that break it."

"This brings me to the crux of our visit. There is another faction of vampires that do not follow the masquerade, but actively revile against it. These are the Sabbat. They believe themselves to be superior to humanity in every way, and embrace their monstrous natures wholeheartedly. They are enemies of Camarilla in every respect and we want to reiterate that this is not who we are."

"Our Prince, Augustus Coleridge of Washington DC, wishes to extend the olive branch of peace to the Disciples. He wants a truce between our two factions. You continue to do what it is you do - going after demons and their ilk - and the Camarilla will continue to go about the masquerade. We vampires are not demons after all - and in fact, both we and the Sabbat, monsters as they are, do not allow demon worship to any degree. We seek out and destroy any we find that practice it."

"We have heard through our sources however, that a cult of demon worshipping vampires, calling themselves Belials’ Brood, have recently infiltrated the DC area and seek to raise hell soon, in order to stir up trouble between us and you. We cannot let ourselves be manipulated like this - and should agree to work together to root out and destroy this common enemy."

"What say you?"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2018, 01:19:19 pm »

"If there are vampires that are worshiping demons they must be eradicated," he replies. "But how exactly are you proposing we work together?"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2018, 04:26:05 pm »

"Well, for one thing," Nicolette replied, "simply not killing all vampires just for being vampires, before finding out whether they are peaceful members of the Camarilla."

"It would be one thing to encounter the Sabbat, hanging victims from the ceiling to torture and drain them dry - Another to chance upon a Camarilla member feeding on a willing ghoul."

"As for members of Belial's Brood, you will have no trouble distinguishing them, as they are violent sadistic monsters who have long ago abandoned any shred of humanity that may have once been in them."

"We also came to warn you that Belial's Brood may try to target one of your Quorum, in retaliation for an incident that happened between them almost two years ago. Word on the street, is that they will make a move very soon."

"As a show of our willingness to forge a new alliance with you, in the face of such evil, Prince Augustus Coleridge would like to give you this gift."

At this point, the large black man stood, to set the covered hat box on Emend's desk, before sitting back down again.

"This is an enigmatic artifact from countless generations past. It's magic is beyond our kind to understand. Maybe it is something you can make use of - and, if not... well, it does make quite the conversation starter haha!"

Pulling the red silk off and opening the box, Emend saw a life-sized, anatomically correct, clear glass human heart. The glass had been dulled and scratched by age, but was still clear enough to see a small swarm of black houseflies sealed inside - still alive and crawling around.

"It's called 'The Heart of Flies', for obvious reasons," Nicollet pointed out.

Just then, Emend's cell alerted to an incoming text - thought to pull his phone out and check it right now, might be considered a bit rude in higher circles.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2018, 03:48:32 pm »

"You speak as though we're about to suddenly see a lot more of your kind," Emend replies with a chuckle.

"Very well. We'll accept the truce, and agree to work with you," he then looks at the glass heart, before bringing his attention back to Nicolette.

"We'll accept your gift as well. I should be able to identify its purpose with some time. As for who the Belial's Brood may be targeting, I can only say for sure it's not me. Hopefully the others return here before they make their move. In the meantime, do you have any suggestions as to where we can begin looking for the group?"

Emend will consider checking his phone, but ultimately decide against it for the time being.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2018, 04:43:55 pm »

"Yes, actually," Nicolette replied to Emend's question - "Belial's Brood tend to hide like cockroaches in dark damp places - only coming out to cause trouble and kill. We have reason to believe they have set up a haven in hidden portions of the city's unused rail tunnels."

"We don't go looking for them down there of course, because that's also the territory of this city's Sabbat vampires. We don't know what (if anything) the Sabbat are currently doing about the steady infiltration, but you can bet that it's all bad down there in those filthy sewers."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2018, 02:58:07 pm »

"Excellent," Emend replies, pleased they have a lead to go on. "Once I meet with the others we'll be able to begin investigating the sewers."

"Is there anything further you wish to discuss?"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2018, 09:22:43 pm »

"Emend, were is our manners?" UsdiYona asks. "We have guests."

To Nicolette, she then says, "We made pizzas, would you like some?"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2018, 09:36:54 pm »

"No thank you," Nicolette replied pleasantly to UsdiYona's offer - "we just ate."

Then turning back to Emend, she concluded with a smile, "We should be going. Here is my card, if you need to contact us again for any reason."

Nicolette and the black man stood; Nicolette handing Emend a small business card. It read "Nicolette de Corday; Linguistic Anthropology; Translations." and had her cell number on it.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2018, 11:57:34 pm »

Emend will thank Nicolette, then escort them back to the front gate. Once they have left, he'll check his phone to see what the message was that he received.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2018, 05:23:53 pm »

Checking his messages, Emend saw one from the Saint, about twenty minutes ago, that read "There was an explosion nearby, I'm going in with Miguel to investigate. Tell me if you need help."


(Continued From Payback's a Bitch)

A moment later, his security system alerted to someone moving it the attic space outside the attic laboratory.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 05:30:58 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2018, 05:41:20 pm »

"Well our guests just left, I guess Emend's still here alone then. I'll send him a message letting him know we're still here. We can see what they wanted. I'm following their car right now, see if I can find out where they're headed."

Killer keeps a bead on the driver. He wants to see where the car goes, for as long as he can follow it.

He also texts Emend - "Just arrived with Sarapheen. I've got an eye on the driver. I can probably puppet him from here if necessary. Should we fight or were they friendly?"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2018, 06:48:14 pm »

After the vampires leave, UsdiYona goes to get her pizzas and stops dead in her tracks. She suddenly realized what the vampires must have meant when they said they had 'just ate'.

A shiver goes up UsdiYona's spine.

"That gives a whole new meaning to people food! Gross."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2018, 10:02:18 pm »

"If we are to believe her, then their 'food' is very much still alive," Emend responds with a chuckle.

"Saint seems to be here with Sarapheen now, no word from Beats or Robor though. We should go see them and inform them of the current situation," he continues.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2018, 08:12:10 pm »

As the Saint (Killer) continued to scry the limousine, Sarapheen went down into the library to wait for Emend and UsdiYona. The Limousine meanwhile, looked like it was heading back towards DC.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2018, 08:32:54 pm »

Not wanting to waste time, Killer casts two spells - one, a combination casting of Finder (space 1) with elements of Life on the driver to keep track of his location no matter where he might go, and a second casting of Finder on some small, insignificant object on or inside the car - a pen, the ornamented hood, some accessory hanging off the mirror, etc, in case the tracking spell on the driver is noticed.

He joins Sarapheen right after.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2018, 05:39:38 pm »

Once everyone had arrived in the library, Sarapheen informed Emend and UsdiYona of the situation in DC.

"It looks like Beats and Robor were caught up in some kind of attack this evening, by extremists in the metro DC area. Apparently, they fought a suicide bomber away from a crowd, but were caught in the blast when the man's explosives went off."

"Both are currently in emergency surgery in the Georgetown University Hospital."

"I'd like for us to go there, once they are placed in a more private setting, and spirit them away - so that we can heal them here at the castle. Emend, we'll need you to erase any mention of their names and information from the hospital's system."

"The Saint, also suspects that there may be more to this than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We'll have him see what the dead have to say about the situation, while the rest of us keep a watch over Robor and Beats until they can be moved."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2018, 10:22:26 am »

"I don't want to jump to conclusions too fast, but they may have been vampires targeting one of the two," Emend replies. He then explains to them the meeting he just had with Nicolette, including how she stated one of them was likely being targeted.

"We can deal with them later though," he finishes. "For now we need to focus on recovering Beats and Robor and figuring out what happened to them.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2018, 05:31:07 pm »

"Oh," Sarapheen remarked; "Robor was attacked by a particularly vile sort of vampire, back when he was first chosen to be a disciple. If that's the sort of thing we are dealing with now, then Robor and Beats may still be in danger."

"It's even more of a reason, not to leave them helpless in the hospital."

Then to the Saint, she added, "Better hold off hitting the city morgue alone Saint. If they are vampires, then bullets will certainly not have killed them. They probably have someone working the night shift there, to revive them the moment they are brought in. It is even possible that they are only feigning death, while not even being in torpor at all."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2018, 05:47:47 pm »

"Well, I wouldn't be going alone. Miguel would be with me, and I imagine he could take over the mortician in charge of their care - if there is one. Maybe Emend should come too, they don't like fire right?

Anyway it makes it all the more important that we go there. If they are only feigning death we can turn the act into the real thing. Maybe capture some of them even.

I imagine I'll be able to distinguish their servants from normal humans, I should be able to remove them before they become an issue as well."

Clearing his throat, Killer then adds - "We should hurry, I don't want to give them any time to get away."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2018, 07:08:25 pm »

"Yeah, let's go get em!" UsdiYona says.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2018, 07:36:15 pm »

"Agreed," Sarapheen said, though it was unclear if she was replying to UsdiYona or the Saint (Killer).

"Saint, do you happen to know which morgue the attackers were taken to?"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2018, 07:45:46 pm »

"Hmm, I couldn't actually verify but i'd assume it was the station closest to the incident."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2018, 01:16:38 pm »

"Given the high profile nature of the attack, they would likely have been brought to the city morgue to help with the investigation," Emend says, correcting Saint. If he's able to, he'll then attempt to scry the location.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2018, 01:27:43 pm »

Scrying out the area, Emend found the city morgue to be a large seven story building, tucked unobtrusively between the Hyatt Place hotel and the Residence Inn by Marriot - being directly across the street from the NASA offices and behind the Federal Center SW Metro Station.

Looking around a bit, he noted activity in the back of the building, where coroners vans where currently unloading a number of bodybags and wheeling them into the facility.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 01:40:18 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2018, 10:07:38 pm »

"Well, shall we go then? I don't think i'll have any issues with anything or anyone they have at the station but it's your call Sarapheen."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2018, 10:35:07 am »

Sarapheen opened her own scrying window to check out the scene.

It appeared that the men unloading the bodies were taking them into a basement cooler area, where a single twenty-something Goth Chick was the only technician working. Once the five bodybags where signed in, the drivers all left.

"Huh..." Sarapheen remarked, "Yes, lets go."

"Saint, the girl is not to be harmed, but we'll need her restrained. I can't sense that she's involved in any way and may be an innocent, regardless of her peculiar appearance."

"Emend, you got the security cameras? We can portal into the hallway outside the lab and then get in through the security door with your forces."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2018, 12:35:53 pm »

"They're nothing I can't handle," Emend replies.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2018, 01:46:46 pm »

Before they go Killer casts Analyze Life on both the driver and the technician through a scrying window of his own.

Then, if the girl is clean he says to Miguel - "Once we're in possess the woman and remove her from the scene. Just walk into the bathroom or somewhere private and wait so that she doesn't interfere. I'll come by and put her to sleep when we've secured the area so you can leave."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2018, 07:11:57 pm »

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Washington DC; Saturday Evening, February 3rd 2018

As Sarapheen had pointed out, there was nothing unusual about the Goth-Girl. The driver of the limo on the other hand, read as human with some unusual supernatural vibes that the Saint (Killer) had never seen before. He was definitely more than human, but still mortal for the most part.

"As you wish," Miguel answered, regarding the plan to deal with the lab tech.

Sarapheen then waited for Emend to give a thumbs up on security and opened a portal into the empty hallway outside the door leading into the morgue. Everyone moved through the portal and readied themselves in the hall.

As the Goth-girl opened one of the stainless steel slab doors and wheeled a bodybag up to transfer it, Miguel went into the lab and slipped into her body, taking control.

"I'm in," Miguel said through the girl, turning to walk toward the security door, so that he could open it for the others waiting on the other side.

Out in the hallway, as everyone waited for Miguel to come to the door - a woman's startled cry, followed by a short scuffle, was suddenly heard from the other side.

Seconds later, Miguel came back through the wall, in his usual ghost form (visible to everyone but Emend). "Aiya!" Miguel said in his native Spanish; "I think I just died again! They tore out of their bags and jumped on me - I mean the girl. Three of them! I felt them drinking her blood clean out!"

A pair of bone-like claws then pierced through the edge of the steel security door - which groaned and began to buckle under a supernatural strength ripping it free!


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2018, 07:34:02 pm »

Killer cancels his two life sights to give himself more spells to work with.

To Miguel he says "If you can possess one of the vampires do so. If not go upstairs and take control of the driver who brought the bodies in then come down to assist us."

(If Life works on vampires):

Killer focuses on the bony claw reaching through the door and visualizes the flow of energy through all living things - a hundred thousand lines of electricity pulsing from the brain to various other parts of the body, lines pulling and moving each as if they were linked to a puppet's strings. He reaches out and severs them at the neck where they all cluster and extends lines of his own to fill the gap from his fingers as he speaks the enochian spell for puppetry (Flesh Puppet).

(If Life does not work)

Killer alters his body chemistry so as to gain the ability to excrete an extremely flammable and long burning liquid from his nose and mouth. He cancels the spell almost immediately after coating his sword with the substance.

He then scrapes his sword against the (I assume) concrete walls of the basement hallway (if not concrete ask Emend to ignite with lighter, tiled floor, etc), having the sparks ignite the coating on the blade. (Fantasia)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 07:58:09 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2018, 07:53:18 pm »

UsdiYona changes to bear form and waits to claw the heck out whatever comes through the door.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2018, 04:49:03 pm »

The Saint (Killer) found that he could not lock his life spell onto the undead creature coming through the door. He still had time to enact his backup plan however, belching up a viscous bile and coating his sword with it. It was not a pleasant sight for the rest of the team to behold - the priest drooling his belly heavings along the weapon's blade.

One spark later and the sword was flaming nicely.

"Get ready," Sarapheen said, holding her portal stone tight.

The steel security door then tore free from the frame - the three vampires on the other side, surprised to find the disciples standing there. They were nasty looking things, covered in the lab tech's blood, bullet holes, and an assortment of gang tattoos. They were not even Middle Eastern, but Latino - simply dressed to look the part.

One of the vampires had grown long calcified claws to rip open the door and had other bony spikes and spurs jutting through his flesh in various places, making him even less huggable than the other two. They on the other hand, looked only slightly less intimidating and bared fangs with a his - ready to spring at the nearest blood-bag.

Something about the sound, brought primal fears rising to the surface; and the disciples had to steel themselves, instinctively knowing they were prey, facing down their own predators.

UsdiYona meanwhile, activated her savage mauling gift with a fierce roar and swiped at the spikey vampire with both claws and a bite. The repulsive thing dodged back, deftly avoiding all three attacks.

Sarapheen then opened a portal behind her, to a remote spot over the pacific ocean, where it was early morning. Sunlight poured through - though the angle of the sun didn't align perfectly with the portal, meaning the light was indirect. Even so, it startled the vampires, who after a second of smoking and sizzling, all leapt backwards into the lab to get out of the radiance!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 04:52:09 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2018, 06:11:36 pm »

Killer runs forward, holding his flaming sword out slightly in front of him - as he does so he enacts a casting of Lizard Brain, exploiting their natural fear of fire and amplifying it.

Something told him if those things got their hands on him he was dead - call it a seasoned predator recognizing another - and he wanted to keep them away from him.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 06:21:35 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2018, 12:33:50 am »

"Stand back," Emend commanded, using a combination of Control Fire and Influence Fire to shoot jets of flame from Saint's sword at the vampires. If he's able too, he'll attempt to do so without setting off any nearby smoke detectors.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2018, 04:51:42 pm »

Emend willed a long gout of the fire encircling the Saint (Killer)'s blade to shoot out after one of the fleeing vampires. The intensity of the fire had been greatly intensified, and when it hit the sorry creature, it seared through its back like a burning laser!

The vampire, already suffering blood loss and a deep scorching from Sarapheen's light portal, burst into flames with a dreadful shriek! In a moment, the fire consumed it completely - as if it were naught but a burning wax figure.

The sudden conflagration caused a rising column of thick smoke and stringy black soot to set off the fire alarms and subsequent sprinkler system. While Emend had anticipated the possibility of this occurring, he was unable to prevent it. It would be a simple matter to override the system and shut everything off if he desired, though perhaps the vampires were the more pressing matter.

The Saint (Killer) meanwhile, reached out to tap into the primal fear of fire and triggered a terror frenzy in the other two vampires. It really didn't take that much, given the circumstances.

At the other side of the slab room was a large window, looking in from an adjacent corridor, where people would sometimes come to identify the dead. Next to that was another steel security door.

In a blind panic, the two vampires sprinted with remarkable speed towards the door - the presumably weaker vampire getting there first. Not being able to open it quickly enough for the bone-spiked vampire behind it, the weaker vampire suddenly found itself being heaved up and bodily thrown through the large glass window!

The bone-spiked vampire then jumped through the opening and took off up the hallway - while its less fortunate companion scrambled amid the shattered glass to get back to its feet.

As this happened, UsdiYona charged after - leaping through the window to land heavily on the prone vampire! She sunk both claws in as she came down - then clamped her wide bear jaws around its head and yanked back violently to completely tear it free! The vampire immediately went limp, leaving UsdiYona to spit out the disgusting mess.

"Padre," Miguel called to the Saint (Killer) - "I cannot get into their bodies. They are too... primeval."

Sarapheen meanwhile, left her portal opened and moved into the room to check on the lab tech. Unfortunately, the girl was well past revival.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2018, 06:01:46 pm »

Killer takes off after the vampire, knowing he won't be able to catch up to it but closing the distance for Emend.

"Emend, finish him!"

Alternatively, if Emend finds a way to root down the last vampire he will attempt to do the finishing himself


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2018, 09:19:38 pm »

'Blech!' UsdiYona thought as she spit the head out. 'Spoiled beef jerky and swamp water would be an upgrade from this insult to my tastebuds!'


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #45 on: February 22, 2018, 12:18:36 am »

Emend shoots Saint a short glare, wondering how he could have the audacity to order him around. He then quickly brings his attention back to the matter at hand.

"I have a better idea," he states, attempting to use Finder as a sympathetic spell on the shoes of the vampire. This one was clearly one of those they had to hunt down, and in his panic he would hopefully lead the disciples right to his hideout. Even if he didn't, they would at least of a chance at catching him later, something they would miss out on if they failed to kill him on their next strike.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #46 on: February 22, 2018, 05:11:07 pm »

Emend's finder spell successfully latched onto the vampire's footwear, even though Emend had only gotten a brief look at them during the initial confrontation. Doc Martin steel-toed boots to be exact. Funny how those sort of details stand out at the oddest times.

The Saint (Killer) and Miguel meanwhile, pursued after the fleeing vampire, but a burst of celerity opened a gap with no hope of closing. The vampire shot up stairs and through a security checkpoint at the main doors onto the street. He crashed right through the plate glass revolving doors and took off into the night.

The two security guards on duty had been talking with a gathering crowd of employees concerning the fire alarm currently going off, and were completely flummoxed by what just happened. Neither of them, nor the employees had seen any details, due to the vampire's blur of speed. All they knew, is that some maniac just ran through their front door and kept on going.

The guards radioed the incident in and went to inspect the damage, while the employees filed outside to wait for the fire marshal to come check the building.

It occurred to the Saint (Killer) that he might be stopped and questioned about his presence in the building, if he decided to head on through the small crowd.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 05:13:30 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #47 on: February 22, 2018, 05:25:05 pm »


Killer goes back downstairs and will hold his sword under the active sprinkler to put the fire out.

He'll also cast corpse mask on the girl and the vampires - changing cause of death for the girl to stabbing by those german knives the "terrorists" had been using, and changing the cause of death of the vampires to mass bullet wounds (as they had originally been). Hoping to make it seem like the bodies had just been displaced when the terrorists came to get the bodies of their fallen brothers back.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2018, 12:17:25 am »

With the vampire gone, Emend turns off the sprinkler system (after Saint removes the fire from his sword).

"We should go now," he states. "I cast finder on the boots of the one that got away, so we can find the location of the rest of his group."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2018, 08:33:43 pm »

UsdiYona changes back to her normal self and says, "Let's get the heck out of here. Our friends need us if these things are still after them."
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 08:52:01 pm by BerkaZerka »
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