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Author Topic: Enemies At The Gates  (Read 300102 times)


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #150 on: March 18, 2018, 09:32:12 am »

With life sight, the Saint (Killer) could detect six humans about two hundred feet below, along with menagerie of rats rooting around a large open area.

With their forces, Emend and Beats could see that the power in the electrical cables came from a main line below the street and headed down a hundred plus feet to a third-rail system. A few leads tapped into the third-rail, here and there, to apparently power a sparse few electric lightbulbs.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #151 on: March 18, 2018, 09:34:54 am »

<So, are the vampires skilled in controlling spirits? What are their abilities?> He asks the shadows.

<Who can say?> the shadow spirits answered, <They made a pact; and we carry out our part of it. What more is there to know?>


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #152 on: March 18, 2018, 11:15:51 am »

"Into the darkness we go then," Emend remarks, heading forward down the staircase.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #153 on: March 18, 2018, 11:26:43 am »

"Six people below, they might be servants, sacrifices, those people Beats saw earlier - be careful."

For a second Killer was going to cast a spell to give himself and Robor a cat's eyes but he realizes he has too many spells active, so he just follows Emend down the stairs.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #154 on: March 18, 2018, 04:18:24 pm »

Beats follows, keeping an eye our for danger and tryig to thing of good ways to deal with Vampires that doesn't garner too much paradox .

As he moves he tries out Augery to try and gain an advantage. Concentrating on Emend, who is in the lead, Beats reaches up to his tiny hourglass earing piercing and questions "Will Emend get ambushed on the subway platform?"
« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 08:33:20 pm by Forge »

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #155 on: March 19, 2018, 07:56:26 pm »

"sooooo any chance I can borrow a phone? Mines at 4 percent..."


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #156 on: March 19, 2018, 08:58:06 pm »

Beats' augury suggested that Emend would not be ambushed on the subway platform.

The stairs went down a hundred and fifty feet, opening into an old subway platform with a high vaulted ceiling. At the very bottom of the steps was a huge pentagram, painted in dried human blood - being too large to step over or go around. At each of the pentagram's five points, was a huge squat candle - glossy blackish-red with bits of a woody substance throughout and a fat ropy wick. Flames licked up from each of them and burned with an oily sputter, sending ripples of bitter-smelling smoke into the air.

There was no mistaking for Emend - these were the same type of candles that had irritated his sinuses, back when he had first visited Blume and Blumenthal's office in... was it twilight or the shadow maybe?

The gauntlet was also very thin at the center of the pentagram; and Robor could see dozens of minor spirits lurking about in twilight, though nothing (as of yet) that would give them any more trouble than perhaps a case of the goosebumps.

Miguel waited for the Saint (Killer) on the stairs, this side of the pentagram.

Beyond the pentagram was the subway platform, tagged in the same black, red, and bronze satanic graffiti that had adorned the corridor above. Someone had set up sofas and a coffee table at one end of the platform, along with a few shaded lamps that gave the space far too little light. The lamps were plugged into long extension cords that ran across the platform and dropped down to the tracks, where someone had tied them into the (still live) third rail.

A dark alcove, visible in the dim light (and which Robor had failed to see on his first visit), lead off the platform to a set of public restrooms.

Resting on the trash-strewn tracks at the far end of the platform was single derelict subway car, eerily illuminated by a red light on the back of the car. Emend could sense that the source of the vampire's ward emanated from within. Beyond the subway car itself, was a yawning tunnel, through which the tracks continued into deeper darkness.

Two emaciated men lay on thin futons by the subway car, among a collection of discarded heroin needles  - apparently handcuffed to the car itself.

The vampire from the city morgue and four rough-looking men, dressed like club bouncers, appeared to be sleeping on the sofas - though the Saint (Killer) could read no life signs from any of them. He did however, confirm the mortality of the two men cuffed to the subway car and also detected the presence of four more humans in the restrooms off the platform.

Robor's attention meanwhile, was drawn to the toxic industrial demon, that watched from twilight, under a pile of illegally dumped chemical barrels along the outer wall of the tunnel. Thankfully, not as powerful as the Internet Prince, but still quite formidable and certainly dangerous if it chose to manifest.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #157 on: March 19, 2018, 09:17:55 pm »

Killer looks to Emend and puts his finger to his lips then motions to the rest of the group, hoping he would get the message (and not ignore it this time).


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #158 on: March 19, 2018, 09:47:54 pm »

Emend, not sure what Saint's plan is, decides to ignore him until he explains further.

"Beats, mind setting up a ban here to prevent other humans from passing through? Wouldn't want those up stairs helping when we least expect it," Emend whispers to Beats.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #159 on: March 19, 2018, 09:54:02 pm »

Annoyed again, killer rolls his eyes and whispers, "there are five vampires on that couch can you create a sound bubble so that we don't wake them up and get killed?"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #160 on: March 19, 2018, 10:03:43 pm »

Beats doesn't hear Emend because he immediatly scrys above the ground to get a good view of the angle of the Sun. The moment he knows what angle it is, he plans to open the largest portal he can in the air above the sleeping Vampires burning mana for sucesses, his plan, to angle the portal in the air to match the angle of the Sun above so it falls directly on them all.

"I'm bringin da Sun." is all he says aloud
« Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 10:07:47 pm by Forge »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #161 on: March 19, 2018, 10:04:15 pm »

With Saint's intention now clear, Emend attempts to control the sound around the so that they can not be heard by the vampires.

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #162 on: March 20, 2018, 07:41:53 am »

"There's a really strong demon nearby." Robor whispers.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #163 on: March 20, 2018, 05:52:50 pm »

Still in bear form, UsdiYona jumps across the pentagram and prepares to roast her some vampire fiends!


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #164 on: March 20, 2018, 06:49:55 pm »

Beats failed to open a portal on the first try, which gave Emend a chance to put his sound bubble in place, before Beats' second attempt succeeded. Good thing too, as the chamber was suddenly flooded in blinding sunlight - and immediately, the vampires asleep on the couches burst into flames. They awoke shrieking in a crazed frenzy - conveniently silenced by Emend's spell.

The four fledgling vampires didn't last long enough to even attempt escape - the skin simply charring from their bones, leaving scorched skeletons to clatter to the floor. The vampire from the morgue meanwhile, used his amazing fortitude to remain whole - at least long enough to spring toward the restrooms like a fire-trailing comet!

UsdiYona tried to get him with her fire breath, but she was too far away at that point, and the vampire moved significantly faster than she did. Before anyone could react, the vampire had dove into the still darkened restrooms beyond the alcove.

The Industrial Waste Demon meanwhile, remained unmoving in twilight - but one of the barrels of toxic sludge abruptly burst open - spewing a strange glowing blue liquid all over the tracks. To Emend's forces sight, the substance was alive with energy - atomic partials flying off it in every direction and filling the area with deadly radiation!

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #165 on: March 20, 2018, 08:50:31 pm »

Robor instinctively kicks away at the pentagram candles, and attempts to scrap away the pentagram. The Decsciples do not need more demons.

Afterwards, he'll direct the shadows to follow the vampires and enervate the vampires inside, as he raises his ring to begin draining the demon's Essence with Sacramental Chain.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #166 on: March 20, 2018, 09:55:36 pm »

"Miguel, I can't see the demon but if you can go after it!"

Killer backs away and thinks to himself for a second.

"Beats, your spell will not protect us from the radiation, but my life shield should. I'm going to have to release the spell keeping your eye intact in order to cast it."

With that, he releases the regeneration spell on Beats' eye and casts organic resilience on the whole party.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #167 on: March 21, 2018, 12:14:48 am »

Seeing Saint handling the goop, whatever it is, beats pepares to use forces to direct as much charge as posible feom he live rail to the first enemy he sees taking agressive action


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #168 on: March 21, 2018, 08:21:28 am »

"Come on. The last one is getting away," Emend says, walking towards the bathrooms.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #169 on: March 23, 2018, 07:26:17 pm »

UsdiYona steps sideways to go join Miguel against the demon hiding in twilight.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #170 on: March 24, 2018, 02:36:15 pm »

Beats reached out with forces to tap the high voltage rail, waiting for the opportunity to use it against an enemy. As for the moment however, none were making themselves known.

The Saint (Killer)'s organic resilience spell successfully reinforced everyone against the radiation - at least at this distance...

UsdiYona, then disappeared from everyone (but Robor)'s sight and joined Miguel in twilight.

The two of them approached the industrial waste demon and it roused to defend itself from them - towering up at least three times their height! Its form was roughly humanoid, being made up of broken concrete, scraps of machinery, and asphalt, all bound around a two cubic yard block of glass slag and wrapped together in thick bands of rusted rebar.

It raised up the equivalent of an arm - a large bulldozer blade in its hand, wielded like a giant clever!

Undeterred, UsdiYona launched into the monster, activating savage mauling! She was a flurry of claws and teeth - ripping some of the rebar out of the concrete and scoring long furrows in the surface of the glass slag!

The thing was literally hard as a rock however, and as UsdiYona spit out a mouthful of crushed asphalt, one of her teeth went with it!

In return, the industrial waste demon brushed UsdiYona off (like so much as a piece of lint) and smashed her into the spirit-ground with the bulldozer blade across the back. UsdiYona gave an involuntary yelp - as her spine spider-fractured under the impact.

A primal rage began to glaze UsdiYona's eyes, obscuring the pain of the nearly mortal blow.

Miguel meanwhile, swung mightily with his halberd, which he had begun to refer to as the 'soul blade'.

It bounced off the side of the demon's hip in a clash of sparks - leaving a small dent.

In the physical world, Robor's shades stretched away across the floor to follow the morgue vampire into the restrooms at the other end of the subway platform.

This, while Robor attempted to siphon essence from the industrial waste demon - but he could not overcome its resistance to his magic.

As Emend followed the shades in the direction of the restrooms, some screams and fitful pleas for mercy abruptly echoed out of the darkened alcove.



« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 05:40:51 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #171 on: March 24, 2018, 05:13:58 pm »

Noting how Robor and Miguel seem to be struggling, he backs up, keeping his distance from Robor, and repeatedly mumbles the words for a healing blessing. He waits for the inevitable horrific injuries to begin, keeping track of all the disciples. If any leave his sight he'll keep up Sense life on them (sacrificing his spirit sight) and proceed to heal them if he judges that they are in a critical state.

If we can't deal with that demon we need to leave. Now.

He anticipates Emend (and soon Beats) to be walking into a trap and for Robor to take a serious beating from the invisible demon.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #172 on: March 24, 2018, 05:23:01 pm »

"Is dere a demon again? Someone drag it where I can see it already dammit!" Beats calls angrily.

He gives up on the rail and instead begins casting a spell to entangle the next big threat he can see (or get the location of) Using suspension.

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #173 on: March 24, 2018, 07:00:30 pm »

Robor nods.
"Spirit of filth! To the Material Realm!" Robor commands, dragging it in with Greater Spirit summon, and then he runs off to follow Emend. Someone needs to be with him when he approaches the vampires.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 07:07:41 pm by Not Aman »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #174 on: March 24, 2018, 07:02:38 pm »

Deciding he needs to help the screams of those in need, Emend begins to run towards the bathroom.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #175 on: March 24, 2018, 08:36:32 pm »

"I think we better cry 'uncle' for a bit," UsdiYona spirit talks to Miguel. "That really friggin hurt!"

She then heads over to the Saint and steps sideways to materialize next to him, howling in pain.

'Help! I just got bitch-slapped by a demonic walking parking lot!' she thinks to the Saint.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 05:37:57 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #176 on: March 25, 2018, 06:56:31 pm »

In twilight, Miguel continued to strike at the lumbering titan - his halberd chipping off some chunks, but hardly seeming to slow the giant brute down in any way.

It was about to level Miguel back, with its bulldozer blade, but Robor's spell abruptly caught its attention and it hesitated.

In the physical world meanwhile, the Saint reached out toward UsdiYona's mangled back and restored the majority of it back to normal.

For UsdiYona, it was instant relief; and she spun back around to see what the giant demon was doing, ready to get back into the melee.

Robor's greater summoning struggled against the strength of the demon, but making it a matter of will, Robor finally managed to force the thing to manifest in the physical world.

<"I am not sorry to see it go,"> Miguel remarked to himself in relief; once again alone in twilight.

Beats meanwhile, caught the towering thing in his suspension spell - trapping it in place next to its pile of illegally dumped chemical barrels.

The thing was quite intimidating, now that Beats could see it. He almost wished he still couldn't.

In rage at the indignity of being summoned by Robor, who didn't even have the decency to stick around afterwards for the traditional 'bartering for his soul, etc, etc, etc... the industrial waste demon used its influence to fling one of the rusting barrels of toxic sludge at Robor, as he ran across the platform toward the restrooms.

The twenty-five gallon drum flew over Robor's head to crash into the wall beside him - crumpling the side of the rusting barrel with a loud crash - but miraculously failing to break it open.

As the apparently reinforced barrel fell to the floor, Robor could make out a peeling label in both Chinese and English - "DANGER! Hydrocyanic Acid."

At the entrance to the restrooms, Emend could see Robor's shadows moving into the darkness, where they instantly blended in and disappeared from sight. There was no light beyond the entry and it was now deathly quiet within.

The stink of human blood filled the air and Emend got the feeling that he was staring into the den of a cornered animal.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #177 on: March 25, 2018, 07:56:07 pm »

Killer looks to the monstrous thing in front of him and then to Usdi.

"If I kill it first you have to make your own dinner for the week."

Killer runs at the monster and tries to jump off its massive arms to strike at its chest and head.

(Burning willpower on attack roll).


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #178 on: March 25, 2018, 08:35:00 pm »

Depending on his suspension Beats Also charges in at the monstrosity, casting knife fist before making a boxing combo of blows against it.

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #179 on: March 25, 2018, 09:38:32 pm »

Robor hurries to catch up to Emend, brandishing his sword, as he looks to make sure his shadows are still under his control.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #180 on: March 26, 2018, 03:26:35 pm »

"Humph!" UsdiYona grunts at the Saint.

'He'll be cooking for me for a week when I kill it first!' UsdiYona thinks to herself, charging forward to do some more Savage mauling.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #181 on: March 26, 2018, 06:19:45 pm »

With the demon now visible and barreling towards him, Emend decides he should focus his attention on it first.

"I guess they need me for everything," he thinks to himself, casting his Mind Arrows rote on the demon.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 06:21:16 pm by killa_robot »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #182 on: March 26, 2018, 09:57:04 pm »

As Beats, UsdiYona, and the Saint (Killer) closed in on the industrial waste demon, they could feel an unusual energy emanating from the area. The radiation from the glowing blue ooze - which the colossal fiend now stood in - rapidly grew more intense the closer they got.

Beats stopped, knowing that he would have to tread through the ooze to attack the demon - which was completely unnecessary, as he could hit it from range for the same effect (if he just took the time to set up the right spells first).

Even here, as the Saint and Usdiyona pressed on farther, Beats could tell the radiation was eating through the organic resilience the Saint had given everyone.

Oblivious to the danger, UsdiYona splashed right on through, to tear back into the demon.

She slammed into the glass-slag center of the foe with her claws, putting a nice fracture down the middle and then pulled out a massive rusted gear of some kind with her teeth. As she did, the fur began falling off her forelegs and paws, though she failed to notice until the blisters started to well up. Something was hurting her - something bad!

The Saint (Killer) knew enough not to walk through radioactive waste, and leapt over it onto the demon itself - using the stony bulk of its leg to propel himself up high enough to jam the point of his flaming sword into the analog of a face. It was hard to tell if it was actually hurting the monster, but the action did elicit a response.

The demon shot a hand out and clenched it around the Saint (Killer), squeezing like a hydraulic press. Had it not been for the organic resilience, the Saint (Killer) was sure his eyes would have popped from his skull. The intent of the demon was not to crush the priest however, but to throw him across the subway platform - which it did, sending the Saint (Killer) flying seventy-five feet, into the graffiti covered wall near the stairs.

The impact was again absorbed by the spells protecting the Saint (Killer), but it certainly didn't feel good; and a rib (or two) had cracked in the process. The Saint could also feel an irritation on his skin and looking, noticed small blisters beginning to form. It seemed the radioactive goo was quite potent after all.

In twilight, Miquel wondered if it was possible to possess a demon.

<"Well, who will ever know, if it is never tried?"> he asked himself rhetorically, trying to go into the demon's form.

It was a short trip however, as the demon's psyche immediately overwhelmed Miguel's and kicked him out on his ass.

<"Ah, there's that,"> he said, getting back up; <"Perhaps I should start with something smaller next time.">

Over near the restrooms meanwhile, Robor caught up to Emend, and could feel that the shadows were still under his sway - though he could not tell what they were doing in there.

Then abruptly, a loud crack split across the ceiling - and a chunk of concrete fell out of it directly above the two disciples! The demon was using its influence over entropy to bring down that portion of the subway tunnel!

Robor and Emend dove out of the way of the initial collapse - but in a matter of seconds, the entire area in front of the restrooms was going to cave in! They had only two options... dive blindly into the pitch black restrooms, or sprint toward the subway car and hope they could outrun gravity!

Emend, confident that he could both run for his life and concentrate at the same time, shot out mind arrows at the industrial waste demon - only to be disappointed by its level of resistance.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #183 on: March 27, 2018, 09:21:08 am »

Seeing the issues affecting the others Beats falls back a couple of feet then begins using his old favourite combitnating. Having activated knife fist he begins Using ranged blows at the Demon


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #184 on: March 27, 2018, 02:02:33 pm »

Killer looks at the situation briefly, and starts thinking

I can save Emend and Robor or I can destroy the demon's armour.

There is a chance that the death spell will not weaken its body due to its nature, but if it is the demon wearing the body as armour as I suspect then a destruction spell should weaken it enough for Usdi to finish the thing off. I'll be stuck making dinner for her for the next week. Admittedly this changes nothing. Emend and Robor will be stuck in the restrooms, but Beats can either create a portal in or create a portal under the rubble to teleport it away. Alternatively I could destroy the rubble with a destruction casting. They might be killed by the vampire(s?) inside while under total darkness, especially if the one who ran in is turning the surviving people right now.

If I harden the shadows under the ceiling I might be able to stop it from collapsing long enough for them to destroy the demon and get out from under the ceiling. We can kill the demon and go in in force. But if the demon has not been injured thus far due to its armoured body then whoever it next attacks - most likely Usdi - might be killed.

Well, I can't save them from everything. If one of them dies so be it.

Killer extends his prayer beads towards Emend and Robor, and mutters in enochian - "Be saved by the shadow of death looming over you."

He uses Summon Shadows (Death 3) to harden the shadows in the area into the shape of support beams, that they might (even if temporarily) keep the roof from collapsing. He expends a willpower point on the casting.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #185 on: March 27, 2018, 07:52:44 pm »

"Damn demon," Emend remarks, before jumping into the totally safe restroom.

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #186 on: March 28, 2018, 11:16:34 am »

Robor rushes into the bathroom, brandishing his blade menacingly towards anything.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #187 on: March 28, 2018, 08:37:49 pm »

Inspired by the thought of more free dinners for a week, UsdiYona gets a surge of energy and continues the mauling, trying to rip the demon to shreds!


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #188 on: March 29, 2018, 09:37:41 pm »

Beats lashed out with his telekinetic strike, rocking the demons head back. A satisfying chunk of concrete broke free from the blow - tumpling to the ground with a heavy thud.

UsdiYona plied her attack, headless of the radiation, as it continued to ravage her body.

Her teeth tore away the rebar and banding holding the central mass of glass-slag in place, as she pulled mightily with her claws! A sharp crack pierced the air, and the massive lump split completely in two - the front half sliding out of the demon's body and crashing into the slick of radioactive goo at its feet.

Severely wounded, the lumbering titan stumbled backwards, swinging the great bulldozer blade like a tennis racket - trying to serve UsdiYona into the wall. The bear girl ducked under the huge blade - glad that the demon had missed!

She had her mind set on winning those free dinners by thunder! Demonic walking parking lots be damned! She could even imagine the cooking now - and it smelled delicious!

Wait a minute... that smell was coming from her! UsdiYona's skin was literally beginning to cook in all the radiation!

As this battle raged on, the Saint (Killer) created a bridgework of hardened shadow across the underside of the collapsing ceiling. It held in place almost a full three seconds, before the tons and tons of stone and rubble above it broke through!

Emend and Robor darted into the restrooms, before half of the subway platform disappeared under the cave-in - sealing them inside.

With his aura perception going, Emend could see three active entities in the darkness. The first - coming right for him - was pale mottled orange (indicating frightened and confused vampire?); the second, was pale red and black (the morgue vampire, hateful and angry); the third, also a vampire, was a hypnotic, swirling of colors with heavy violet accents (psychotic and excited).

In the tiny amount of light given off by Robor's phone, both he and Emend could see two vampires leaping out of the darkness at them!

The first was covered in blood and looked like a young partygoer - but now scantily dressed in leather bondage gear. It looked like he had recently been chained up too, as short shackle leads hung from the spiked cuffs around his neck and wrists.

"REEE!!! BLOOD!!!" he shrieked - clutching Emend in a tight embrace and sinking his long canines into Emend's neck.

Blood left Emend's body through the wound at an alarming rate - though the body control the Saint (Killer) had given him, provided a measure of resistance. Even so, the loss was staggering; and while Emend imagined that it should have felt painful at the least, he found it quite the opposite. The strange sensation was actually quite enjoyable - way more intense than the sexual climax he could get with Trucy.

Maybe the Camarilla vampire Nicolette was telling the truth about how some were actually willing to allow vampires to bite them.

Then an errant thought struck - 'Wait... this is a guy making me feel this way... Ack!'

"Bitch! I told you not to bite da sun-bloods!" a pimp-sounding voice cackled from the darker recesses of the restroom. "Dats whatchu get, haha!"

The vampire holding Emend abruptly gaged and then spewed up some of Emend's blood. Releasing Emend, it fell backwards in apparent shock - its veins starting to glow with a golden hue, as they broke out into a filigree of phosphoric lines all over the creature.

The morgue vampire meanwhile, refrained from trying to bite Robor, and simply raked him across the face with his long bone-like claws. Robor could feel the skin of his face tear away from the skull - under his cheeks and around his mouth! He let out an involuntary cry, but it sounded wrong; and he found his jaw hanging off one side - completely dislocated and severed in multiple places!

Fighting for his life, Robor swung his imbued sword at the vampire - lopping off part of the creature's scalp! The beast hissed angrily at Robor - clearly not going to let it stop him.

Then Emend felt some kind of mental assault - assailing his psyche - as if it was trying to rapidly unravel his mental stability. He resisted a hundred sudden and irrational impulses that coruscated through his mind in an instant - noting that the attack had come from the psychotic vampire hiding further back in the restroom.

The vampire that had taken his blood meanwhile, collapsed onto the floor and burst into flame and cinders - briefly illuminating the area, before being reduced to a pile of charred earth.

The restroom was spattered in blood everywhere, while the bodies of three exsanguinated male party-goers (in more bondage gear) hung by their wrists from chains attached to the ceiling. A forth, empty set of chains, would have been where the vampire that bit Emend had been turned. The poor bastards.

Lurking in the farthest stall, barley visible in the flickering light of the corpse-fire, was a black-leather-and-zipper clad gimp, with a wide-brimmed leopard-skin hat and matching cape. He held a ridiculously long black leather dildo with nails hammered into the 'business' end.

It could be none other than 'Pimp Master McHoe' himself.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #189 on: March 29, 2018, 10:48:23 pm »

"Beats, open a portal and get them out of there! They won't survive a second in a dark enclosed space with a vampire like that! Usdi, finish off the demon yourself and i'll make you dinner for two weeks!"

Killer reaches out towards the two using the Sense Life spell he'd cast earlier. Focusing on their life signatures (presumably the very very badly injured life signatures), he spends a willpower point on a healing spell directed towards both of them.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #190 on: March 29, 2018, 11:08:56 pm »

Hearing Saint shout, Beats turns to see the collapsing rubble having fully trapped his friends. As much as he would like to get a cheapshot in on the demon again, allies come first.

Beats quickly casts portal directly under the sunlight portal he already had open, aiming to open a gate to inside the restroom area and lock it to only allow deciples entry.

"Usi, finish it or get outa dere fast! It can't move from dat spot yet!"
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 12:04:01 pm by Forge »

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #191 on: March 30, 2018, 06:09:53 am »

"Shadows! Possess these monstrosities!" Robor shouts, granting his shadow s the power to posses in one fell swoop, using his willpower to pass the power to all of them.

From there, he'll attack the avmpires that he failed to turn to his side


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #192 on: March 30, 2018, 08:43:27 am »

Emend uses control fire and influence fire to shoot a stream of fire (using his lighter) at whichever vampires Robor doesn't control.

In addition, he'll set the corpses above him on fire as well so they don't have to deal with more vampires (assuming they are corpses).
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 08:45:45 am by killa_robot »


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #193 on: March 30, 2018, 05:53:14 pm »

"Sorry demon," UsdiYona says; "I must finish you now.I can't be late for dinner!"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #194 on: March 31, 2018, 11:36:54 am »

Beats opened a second portal, aligned with his first, into the restrooms directly behind Emend and Beats. The casting threatened to warp with paradox, but Beats managed to absorb the backlash and contain it.

In the restrooms, indirect sunlight flooded in through the portal, much to the horror of the vampires within - fully illuminating the filthy sty. Stall doors were torn off their hinges (or hanging at broken angles), while the sinks and toilets had all been smashed - littering porcelain among the soupy trash that floated in an inch of foul standing water. Once polished metal mirrors, on the wall, were blood-smeared and cloudy and the old-school handle-to-floor style urinals all had a collection of human skulls stacked up in them.

"Mother Farker! Not Again! - EEEERRRGH!!!" the morgue vampire cursed, trying to shield his eyes from the light. He once again burst into flames - his arm crumbling away into ash, as the rest of him threatened to follow.

The gimp-pimp meanwhile, retreated into a stall, out of the light. It was unclear if the light had hurt him, but he could be heard complaining about it from within. "Man, dis shit be cramping my style cool! Damn bitches! Don't make me come out dere an pimp-slap ya fools!"

As they took in the scene, Emend and Robor felt a sudden wave of healing magic wash over them - courtesy of the Saint (Killer). Emend immediately felt less anemic, while Robor's jaw and face completely reformed themselves - leaving only a slight scar on the side of Robor's chin to remind him of the incident.

For his part, Robor empowered the shadow spirits to possess the living, directing them to the vampires. All four of them went into the gimp-pimp, as none of them felt like experiencing 'death by fire'.

"Getchu da fark out my head!" the vampire in the stall was heard to say. "No? Den eat it! Eat it all bitches! Haha haha!!!"

Emend could feel another psychic power being used, when Robor's control of the shadows suddenly broke, and they all flew out of the stall and across the ceiling in weird spiraling stretches.

Emend could guess that the spirits had suddenly been driven mad; and the fact that they continued to spiral out of control - until disappearing back into twilight - seemed to back up his theory.

Taking his lighter, Emend then enhanced the flame to douse the morgue vampire in even more fire. It was enough to finally finish it off - the monster collapsing to the floor and combusting into a pile of hot cinders.

Out in the rail tunnel meanwhile, UsdiYona slammed all her strength against the other half of the giant lump of glass-slag, still secured in the center of the industrial waste demon. The chunk shattered the rest of the way under the powerful blow and almost immediately following, the massive pile of scrap came tumbling down!

The entire thing then disincorporated, leaving UsdiYona standing alone near the tracks - most of her hair falling out and severe burns on all of her legs and underside.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #195 on: March 31, 2018, 11:52:53 am »

Killer turns his attention to Usdi and casts another healing spell on her:

"Get out of that sludge while you still can Usdi!"


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #196 on: March 31, 2018, 01:07:57 pm »

Seeing things out here under control "Usi get outs dere before it burns ya more!" He shouts before stepping through the portal to the restroom.

"Dey all dead in here?" he asks as he takes in the scene, then hearing the mumbling in one stall he picks up the nearest heavy object (Piece of rubble?) and throws it hard at the stall wall to try and break it to allow light in.

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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #197 on: April 08, 2018, 12:20:51 am »

"It's been fun, Pimpmaster McHoe." Robor says, as he raises his iron ring, focuses his powers on the toilet stall.

"Gaze through the Mountains." He mutters, allowing the sunlight to pass through the stall


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #198 on: April 08, 2018, 09:33:59 am »

"I'll assume Saint is behind my sudden recovery," Emend thinks to himself. He then turns to Robor and continues to think. "And what part of this was fun?"

With the pimp now hiding, Emend decides to be on the defensive and let the others deal the finishing blow. He'll use Rend the Weave if McHoe tries to do anything, otherwise he'll use his control fire and influence fire combo to deal with any other surprises.


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Re: Enemies At The Gates
« Reply #199 on: April 08, 2018, 10:53:24 am »

Moving through the portal, Beats picked up a large piece of broken porcelain and threw it at the far stall. It smashed into it with a loud crash, but failed to do any damage to it.

Robor meanwhile, activated his gaze through the mountain rote and turned the entire row of bathroom stalls abruptly transparent - allowing the sunlight to flood in on the cowering gimp-pimp vampire in the last one.

"Aw Hell No!" Pimp Master McHoe complained, as he began to sizzle audibly. "Dis shit ain't gona impress da bitches! Damn!!!"

Moments later, his wide-brimmed leopard skin hat and cape went up in flames, and he was quickly immolated (right there, in his gimp suit). The now burning leathers, collapsed into the nasty water covering the floor, to continue smoldering with a foul-smelling stench.

As this went on, Emend stood at the ready, but the restrooms offered no further surprises.

Out on the remaining half of the subway platform, the Saint (Killer) healed UsdiYona of her burns, as she finally moved off the tracks and back onto the platform. UsdiYona continued to feel a painful burning however, and the Saint (Killer) realized that he would have to cast purify bodies on her, in order to purge her of the radiation poisoning she had picked up from exposure to the radioactive sludge.

Come to think of it, the Saint (Killer) would need to cast it on himself too. Apparently, he had also gotten close enough to the sludge (not physically touching it aside) to receive a lethal dose as well.

In twilight meanwhile, Miguel went over the subway car, noting that the two men handcuffed outside the car had no souls. Or at least he assumed so, as they appeared dull and almost two-dimensional, compared to what everyone else looked like, from his ethereal vantage point. As he observed them, they up and expired, from exposure to the radiation they were receiving. His theory seemed to be confirmed, when no spirits rose up out of the now dead corpses, and no 'tunnel of light' appeared for them to head off into.

Back in the restrooms, Beats felt a sudden blip on his spatial awareness, as something nearby opened a bridge between dimensional boundaries. Robor felt it too - and identified it as someone (or something) creating a spirit road.

It was happening back in the old subway car out on the tracks...
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 11:33:57 am by BerkaZerka »
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