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Author Topic: New Flaws  (Read 29674 times)


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New Flaws
« on: December 20, 2009, 12:56:36 pm »

This thread is for folks to post their own Flaws ideas or suggestions.  In future printings of the book, we may even want to include a few of these (if they meet our standards of balance and are just too cool to pass up).

As A General Rule

  • Edges add a +2 bonus to one Skill, or a +1 bonus to three related Skills.  For combat Skills, Edges only add a +1.
  • Flaws add a –2 Penalty to three related Skills or a total number of Penalties around –6, or a –4 penalty to a single Skill.  Their negative impact as a Flaw has to outway the positive impact of an Edge, they need to be inconveniencing, or have a chance to impact a Session now and then.
Other combination/exceptions are possible – do/use what you want, it’s your game  :)



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Re: New Flaws
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 01:03:22 pm »

Also Included are some of the Flaws I have included with the Animal, Monster, and NPC Write-Ups.

These are the types of Flaws that go beyond what normal folks suffer, and are generally not available to Player Characters (unless specifically allowed by the GM for some reason – maybe your character is a cybernetically enhance parrot and needs the Flight Edge and Small Flaw – you never know ;) ).

I wanted to include them here however, so as to have them available for GMs in one easily accessible list.



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Re: New Flaws
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 01:27:48 pm »

Additional Penalties
This is a listing of Penalties not covered by other Flaws, to reflect things such as a horse’s inability to climb a rope or other unusual circumstances, based on the physical or mental characteristics of the creature.  Typically, these are Penalties to Skills like Balance, Climb, Escape, Hide, Jump, and Move Silently

Awkward Jumper
1/2 max jumping distances

Base Skills Only
Applicable combat skills and balance, climb, escape, jump, listen, move silently, search, & spot only

–8 hide

The creature’s Size is Colossal.  –8 Hide, +20 Move, +8 Intimidate

Crude Manipulation
Whatever passes for the creature’s hands (whether paws, claws, or tentacles), are not fit for fine-tuned or nimble manipulation.  -4 Open Locks, Sleight of Hand, & Surgery.
Note this Flaw only applies where the creature in question is even capable of using the Open Locks, Sleight of Hand, or Surgery Skills in the first place.

This Flaw represents an uncontrollable trigger that causes a specified action to occur, such as an Elemental’s habit of attacking imps and demons on sight

Fire Hazard
The creature is a walking fire hazard, due to heat, flames, or some other effect that causes flammables to ignite upon contact with the creature

Something about the creature's coloring or makeup stands out, giving it a –2 to -4 penalty to hide

The creature’s Size is Huge.  –6 Hide, +10 Move, +4 Intimidate



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Re: New Flaws
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 01:28:16 pm »

The creature is unable to interact with the physical world, being completely invisible, inaudible, and intangible

The creature’s Size is Large.  –4 Hide, +5 Move, +2 Intimidate

The creature is capable of moving only 1/2 its normal Carrying Capacity

The creature is known by nature to be either demonic, malicious, or just plain untrustworthy.  The creature suffers the following Penalties, except when interacting with others of the Malevolent Flaw: -2 Bluff, -2 Diplomacy, -4 Gather Info, +2 Intimidate.

Mostly Harmless
The creature has limited capacity to cause any serious injuries.  Do not add X-Damage to any of its natural attacks.

Nauseating Stench
Affects anyone within 5 Ft of the creature, unless they are holding their breath (Roll; Nausea/none).

No Get Up & Go
The creature cannot run and must spend Surge to make a Double Movement.

No Mental Capacity
The creature does not think and has very limited use of Mental Skills.  These are typical restricted to Listen, Spot, and Search Skills only

No Skills
The Creature has no Skills outside of Combat Skills and Escape

No Vitality
The Creature has no Vitality Points.  If it had a Hardness Value before becoming a creature, its old Hardness Value becomes its new Armor Value

The creature is easy to get the jump on.  –4 Initiative

« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 10:01:09 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: New Flaws
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2009, 01:28:48 pm »

The creature, generally due to size or some other weakness, only has half of the normal Vitality and Wound Points (round up).

Readily Identifiable
This is similar to the Distinctive Features Flaw but is more specific to the type or nature of the creature in question, which cannot be hidden.  I have used it for Readily Identifiable (as walking dead) and Readily Identifiable (as demon)

The character is considered an uncivilized and brutish outsider by ‘normal’ society.  The character cannot read anything beyond his native language and suffers a –2 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Info skills.
The creature is a little slow on the draw.  –2 Initiative

The creature’s Size is Small.  +4 Hide, –4 Jump, –10 Move

Snail's Pace
The creature's movement is taken in Minutes rather than Rounds.

The creature has an extra pungent odor of some kind, giving its presence away even before it is seen; Creatures Tracking by Scent get a +4 bonus to track a creature with this flaw.

The creature is more susceptible than usual to some kind of attack, such as a Vampire to a wooden stake and a called shot, or a Werewolf or Elemental’s aversion to silver.  For example, Susceptible (silver can physically harm all Elementals and causes armor piercing damage were applicable)

The creature’s Size is Tiny.  +8 Hide, –8 Jump, –10 Move, 1/2 Carrying Capacity



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Re: New Flaws
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2009, 01:30:20 pm »

Feel free to post your own  :)

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