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Author Topic: People of Interest  (Read 12302 times)


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People of Interest
« on: September 22, 2013, 09:08:45 am »

The following are Important NPCs and other People of Interest in the Game.

Please do not comment in this thread - use the OOC for questions  :)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 01:25:49 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: People of Interest
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 01:30:04 am »

Important NPCs In Order of Hierarchy___

Samurai Caste (AKA Ruling Body)_

Emperor Tenno Go-Uda: DECEASED – Was the rightful Emperor of Nippon, until killed in the Chinese Invasion. Legend persists however, that he had a son spirited away before the fall of Edo – and that should the son ever be found, he would one day rise above the Chinese Oppressors to drive them from Nippon and take his rightful place on the Jade Throne.

Emperor Taiko T’ien Shinhan: Current (Chinese) Emperor of Nippon.

Imperial Magistrate Jiang Li Feng: The Emperor’s Female (Chinese) Imperial Magistrate over Daimyo Shinsen Hasekura.

Daimyo Shinsen Hasekura: The Daimyo of the Mutsu Province. Resides in Sendai and Edo – alternating every two years. Very old for a standing Daimyo and is rarely seen in public.

Daimyo Noriko Inari: The female Daimyo of the Dewa Province (West over the mountains from Sendai). Resides in the Fortress City of Yamagatu.

Chief Magistrate Noburu Saito: DECEASED – Was one of the Daimyo’s closest Advisors and Magistrate of Sendai; in charge of overseeing the policing of Sendai and the Mutsu Province.

Chief Magistrate Hie Yama-Uno: Now Magistrate of Sendai; in charge of overseeing the policing of Sendai and the Mutsu Province.

Exalted Patriarch Yukio Onishi: DECEASED – Was the High Priest of Sendai and Advisor to the Daimyo. Exalted Patriarch of the Temple of Five Gods in Sendai.

Grand Premier Kenji Nogachi: Wu-Jen of Sendai and Advisor to the Daimyo. Grand Premier of the Sendai Order of Arcanum (The Occult Community).

Exalted Patriarch Yasuo Sanjo: DECEASED – Was High Priest of Sendai and Advisor to the Daimyo. Exalted Patriarch of Sendai’s Shrine of the Ancestors. Highest Ranking member of Sendai’s Spiritual Community. Sacrificed self to save Sendai.

Exalted Patriarch Midori Onishi: New High-Priest of Sendai. Was the head of Sendai’s Temple of The Five Gods, but given the mantle of Exalted Patriarch of Sendai's Temple of the Ancestors by The Moon God Umani herself (as witnessed by Yuki and all the Senior Priests of Sendai's Spiritual Community). Is the Highest ranking member of Sendai’s Spiritual Community.

High-Priest Jobin Onishi: High-Priest of Sendai’s Temple of The Five Gods. Now the Second Highest ranking member of Sendai’s Spiritual Community. Assigned by his older brother Midori, upon Midori's transition from head of the Temple of Five Gods to Head of the Temple of The Ancestors.

Magistrate Mikio Amori: The female Magistrate in charge of the city of Morioka.

Magistrate Ho Kasamatsu: DECEASED - Was the Magistrate in charge of the City of Hirosaki.

Magistrate Rai Higoshi: New Magistrate in charge of the City of Hirosaki.

Second Magistrate Juro Saito: Brother and Steward to the now Deceased Chief Magistrate Noburu Saito. Now Magisterial Assistant to Chief Magistrate Hie Yama-Uno of Sendai.

General Kaori Meji: General of Sendai’s Army.

Master Overseer Kaito Nakamura: Chief Instructor of Sendai’s School of Martial Combat.

Headmistress Kimi Otaka: Headmistress of Sendai’s Horsemanship and Mounted Combat School.

All the Characters (at the Start of the Campaign)

Three most powerful Noble Families in Sendai_
  • Hasekura – Very few left actually…
  • Saito – Prolific
  • Onishi – Prolific
Noble Caste (non-Samurai)_

Headmistress Akiko Shirahata: Headmistress of Sendai’s Zen Archery School.

Headmistress Sakura Tekabe: Headmistress of Sendai’s College of Academia.

Headmaster Yoshi Senmatsu: Headmaster of Sendai’s Children’s Academy.

All the Characters’ Families
  • Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s); Shirahata (Killa’s)
  • Shiga (Drakilian’s); Kirigaya (Daedalus’s); Takemura (Aman’s)
  • Kuwabara (Tanstaafl's); Sugai (Fireplay’s) 
  • Tsukahara (Cool74's) Okamura (Daedalus’s); Hokusai (Aeon’s)

'Uncle' Kenjiro Yunikawa: Retired Wu-Jen of Sendai and Grand Premier Emeritus of the Sendai Order of Arcanum (The Occult Community). Is rumored to have arcane knowledge of 'The Chosen' - 'The Vessels'  - 'The Sacrifants' - and may know something about the manner in which Sakura the Wu-Jen died... TRAITOR!

Ninja Master Kai Shugyo: Outlaw Ninja Master based somewhere in the regions round about.

Nezumi Ninja Master Thorn: Outlaw Ninja Master of the Mountain Shadow Nezumi Clan.

Nezumi Shaman Split-Tooth: DECEASED – Was the brother of Thorn and Shaman Leader of the Mountain Shadow Nezumi Clan.

Kioko Kikuchi: So-Kitsune - the Spirit of a little girl killed by the nine-tailed fox demon, but she doesn't know that she is dead... Also appears to be from 700+ years into the future...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 10:18:30 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: People of Interest
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 10:30:01 am »

The Player Characters___

Yuki Shirahata (Killa’s Samurai-Ko Zen Archer)
Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Archer)
Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Scout)
Rai Tsukahara (Cool74's Ninja Infiltrator)
Lee Tae-Hyun (Aeon's Korean Rogue)
Kirito Kirigaya (Daedalus’s Emissary of The Five Gods) DECEASED
Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen) DECEASED
Yasuo Shiga (Drakilian’s Ancestor Worshipping Samurai Priest) DECEASED
Keitaro Hokusai (Aeon’s Samurai Warrior) DECEASED
Jie Hu Okamura (Daedalus's Halfblood Samurai) DECEASED
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 04:11:42 pm by BerkaZerka »
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