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Author Topic: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)  (Read 25251 times)


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Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« on: September 25, 2013, 01:51:47 pm »

Udo Kuwabara ~ (Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward) - 254 / 255 XP

Gender M; Age 22; Ht 5’9”; Wt 170 lbs; Stature Sturdy; Disposition Awkward, Sarcastic, Displaced; Distinctive Features: Nose, Crow's Peak, Sideburns, Two Bucklers

Mark of Maski-Dai-Oni: 10 ft tall; STR 6; Heavy Hitter; Cargo Carrier; Red skin; Orange fangs & claws; Black horns; Burning eyes; Malevolent

Str 4; Agi 2; Con 5 4; Int 4; Wis 3; Pre 2; Vitality (0) 37 36; Wounds (-2) 10 4 (Armor 10)
Str 8; Agi 4; Con 10 8; - - - Vitality (0) 46 44; Wounds (-2) 15 9 (Armor 10)
React 11; Endure 10 9; Will 12; Luck 5 4; Surge 6 4
Psychosis 6
React 13; Endure 15 13; - - -
Init 8*; Move 30 ft (Run 90; Leap 4 high/20 long)
Init 10*; Move 60 ft (Run 180; Leap 8 high/40 long)

Attacks (+4 Str; +2 Agi)
Unarmed Strike 17/4S; Grapple Moves 19+2X/4S; Gauntlet 19+2X/4S; Glorious Naginata of Demon Slaying 19+2X/8L (+5 AP Damage to Demons and Oni); Lance 17+2X/8L♠; Silver-Shod Tetsubo 16+2X/8SL; Staff 19+2X/5S; Club 19+2X/4S; Obsidian-Edged Club 19+2X/6SL; Sap 19+2X/4S♠; Whip 17+2X/0S♠ 15ft flat; Spear 19+2X/7L; Defiant SoulSteel Spiked Buckler 21/6L; Spear Thrown 5/7L♠/50x ft
Unarmed Strike 21/8S; Grapple Moves 23+2X/8S; Gauntlet 23+2X/8S; Glorious Naginata of Demon Slaying 23+2X/12L (+5 AP Damage to Demons and Oni); Lance 21+2X/12L♠; Silver-Shod Tetsubo 20+2X/12SL; Staff 23+2X/9S; Club 23+2X/8S; Obsidian-Edged Club 23+2X/10SL; Sap 23+2X/8S♠; Whip 21+2X/0S♠ 15ft flat; Spear 23+2X/11L; Defiant SoulSteel Spiked Buckler 25/10L; Spear Thrown 7/11L♠/50x ft

Combat Skills (+4 Str; +2 Agi)
Defense 14* (Dodge +0*; Parry +2) ~5
Ranged 5 (Shoot; Target; Throw)
Close Quarter 17 (Grapple +2; Melee +2; Unarmed) ~8

General Skills (+4 Str; +2 Agi)
Acrobatics 5 (Balance; Escape; Tumble)
Artistry 6 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 12 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim) ~5
Evaluate 6 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise)
Fabricate 7 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 5 (Bluff; Entertain; Feint; Intimidate; Taunt)
General Knowledge 7 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who)
Larceny 5 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Medic 14 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury) ~5
Outdoors 15 (Handle Animal +2; Ride; Survival +2; Track +2) ~7
Perception 11 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~5
Sabotage 10 (Disable Device; Trap Setting +2) ~3
Socialize 5 (Diplomacy; Interrogation; Gather Info)
Stealth 10 (Conceal; Disguise; Hide; Move Silently) ~4

Advanced Skills
Earth Sciences 12 (Geography +2; Geology; Meteorology) ~3
Life Sciences 10 (Biology; Medicine; Surgery +2) ~1
Occult Sciences 10 (Arcana; Occult; Spells) ~3
Political Sciences 8 (Economics; Law; Politics) ~1

Edges and Feats
Animal Affinity; Evasion; Rapid Strike; Sumo; Duelist; Explorer; Grappler; Hunter; Indomitable Spirit; Iron Will; Lightning Reflexes; Lucky; Physician; Naturalist; Rugged; Spirited; Surgeon; Toughness x2; Weapon Specialist

~Amazing Celerity; ~Animal Form; ~Brass Body Technique; ~Burden Sharing Trance; ~Celestial Armor; ~Celestial Blade; ~Chameleon’s Camouflage; ~Command Animal; ~Crashing Mirror Technique; ~Danger Sense; ~Dire Form; ~Disease Curing Ofuda; ~Elemental Ally; ~Entangle; ~Forest Ward; ~Grapple Master; ~Heroic Surge; ~Horse Calling Whistle; ~Iron Fist Style; ~Ki Master; ~Ki Reserves; ~Leave No Trace; ~Messenger; ~Multi Attack ; ~Poison Neutralizing Method; ~Precipitation; ~Push Steed; ~Readily Overlooked Campsite; ~Revitalizing Touch; ~Revitalizing Trance; ~Rustle Food & Water; ~Savage Blow; ~Sensory Enhancing Trance; ~Shrug Poison; or Disease ~Speak with Animals; ~Spirit Bonded Pet; ~Spirit Sight; ~Squirrels; ~Summon Kirin; ~Surefooted Guide; ~Suspended Animation; ~Temperature; ~Uncanny Dodge; ~Unshakeable Tracking; ~Valiant Sacrifice; ~Vengeful Counter Stance; ~Ward of The Earth; ~Weapons Master; ~Weather Set; ~Wind

Ego Signature (Headband); Obligation (Daimyo)

Equipment Normal Load 75; Encumbered 150; Limit 225; Drag 900 | Normal Load 300; Encumbered 600; Limit 900; Drag 3600
Manor House; Noble's Diet; Horse; Watch Dog; Falcon (Squirrel Snatcher); Family Mon Headband; Ranger Camouflage; Lamellar Armor; Mesh Armor w/ Gauntlets & Bucklers; Glorious Naginata of Demon Slaying; Silver-tipped Spear; Lance; Silver-shod Tetsubo; Staff; Club; Obsidian-Edged Clubs (3); Sap; Whip; Caltrops and More Caltrops and Then Some Backup Caltrops (just in case); Barrels of 200 Caltrops (2); Silver-Dipped Caltrops; Cold-Iron Caltrops; Large Pointy Rocks that could conceivably be used as Caltrops in a pinch; Giant 400 Pound Novelty Caltrops (10); Do-It-Yourself Basement Caltrop Foundry Kit; Ranger’s Kit (backpack, tent, canvas tarp 10x10ft, lantern-shuttered, net, rope 100 ft, grapple, signal whistle, spyglass, fishing kit, steel-jawed traps); Travel Pack (backpack, bedroll, candles, lantern, rations, tent, tinderbox); Manacles; Bottle; Waterproof Case; Healer’s Kit; Surgical Tools; Drugs (Imp weed (4), Waspwood Bark (4), Wulong Tea (4), Purge Root (4); Nightshade Essence (2)); Permit To Carry Arms; Emblems of Station; Traveling Papers

(Pittances 55; Goods 86; Assets 56; Riches 2)
  • Doshin Contact: Kaemon Okita (Thorough)
  • Heartstone of Freedom (Spend a Surge Point to automatically Crit any Escape Roll)
  • Golden Ki-Rin Apples (2)
  • Shinto-Blessed Silver Platter
  • Dray 'O 12 SquirrelsTM
  • Shark Teeth
  • Skunks (2); Badger; Falcon; Eagle Pair (2); Hedgehog; Fleas; Ticks; Lice...
  • Kirito's Pet Macaw Monkey
  • Emperor Shinhan's Tiger (Spirit Bonded)
  • 'Zorch Squirrel' Familiar
  • Tsunami Fighting Fans (Tsunami Wave 1/day RF; Fill the Sails AF 1/day LF; Feather Fall w/pair)
  • Defiant SoulSteel Spiked Buckler (+2 Defense; +2 Accuracy/2+L): Physical Boost a number of times per day equal to Presence; The visage of anyone slain by the wearer is permanently absorbed into the Soulsteel. Drawback: Wearer Gains a level of Fatigue afterwards
  • Quickening SoulSteel Buckler (+2 Defense): Restore Vitality 3/Day; Close Wounds 1/Day; Initiative a number of times per day equal to Presence Drawback: 10% Chance of Unmanifesting, each time Initiative is used
  • White Fire-Shrouded Great Bow: Double X Fire Damage; Wielder Immune to Fire; Target set Ablaze on Crit; Drawback: burns up regular ammo - requires special made iron arrows or Spirit Arrows
Blessing of The Ancestors: Ancestor's Rebuke
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 04:42:08 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Udo Kuwabara
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 01:52:06 pm »

Power and Edge Notes
Animal Affinity: Animals seem to like the character, cuddling up when friendly and hesitating to attack when hostile. The character is always the last target of choice when they do attack.

Evasion: The character has superior agility and grace when dodging attacks. He can use the Full Defense Action (Defend + Defend) without spending Surge Points during combat.

Indomitable Spirit: The character has extraordinary mental tenacity. Any time the character fails a Willpower Save, he gets a second Save on the next round to try again.

Rapid Strike: The character is lightning quick in close quarter combat. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack) when making Close Quarter attacks, without spending Surge Points during combat.

Sumo: Unlocks the following additional Grappling Attack Options
  • Joint Lock: MNT 10 or Crit Grapple Attack. On a successful Joint Lock, the target is Held (Pinned on a Crit) and takes the attacker's X-Roll in Damage every time he tries to break out, whether successful or not.
  • Sumo Slam: MNT 10 or Crit Grapple Attack. On a successful Sumo Slam, the target is picked up and thrown Prone, while the Sumo lands on top of him, causing both Damage and a Hold.
  • Momentum: The Sumo can Double the knockback distance of any Successful Bumrush Attack

Amazing Feats_
Amazing Celerity [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Scene]
The Amazing Celerity Feat causes an explosive speed in user. The effects allow for very quick gross motor movement, which doubles the user’s Normal Movement speed and grants an additional Defense Action each round.

Animal Form [1 Surge | 1 Minute | 1 Scene]
Being one with nature, Animal Form allows the user to spend a Surge Point and physically transform into any one of the following four forms: Snow Fox, Spider Monkey, Harp Seal, or Fruit Bat. Only the character’s body changes, not his clothing or equipment, and he loses the ability to speak, but not his intelligence or sense of ‘self’.

Brass Body Technique [1 Surge | Free Action | Instant]
The character can channel Ki Energy throughout his body to harden his skin like brass just before a wounding attack would land. This allows the character to counter all Wound Point loss from a single physical attack source in exchange for the Surge Point (Minimum Damage Option still applies). Brass Body Technique does not prevent Vitality Point Loss however.

Burden Sharing Trance: [1 Surge | 1 Minute | Instant]
By burning a Surge Point and taking a minute to meditate over another, Burden Sharing Trance allows the user to touch the target and transfer as many Vitality and/or Wound Points they choose, from themselves to the target.

Celestial Armor: [1 Surge| Full Action | 1 Scene]
This Amazing Feat allows the character to pray to the Ancestors so fervently at the eve of battle, that they actually heed his call and wrap his body in glorious radiating spirit armor – even overlaying existing armor if necessary. Celestial Armor offers an Armor Value of 15 with 5 AP Soak and no penalties and is considered to Radiate vs. Undead, Spirits, Demons, or Oni (Flat 6L Damage per Round when in Close Quarter).

Celestial Blade: [1 Surge| Full Round | 1 Scene]
By fervently petitioning the Ancestors, one can conjure a glorious blade of radiating spirit energy from their hand and use it as a they would a sword. The Celestial Blade is also imbued with Spirit Cutting and causes Double X-Damage to Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni attacked with it.

It is also possible to overlay the Celestial Blade over an existing bladed weapon, in the case where the character already has one and just needs the flow of spirit energy for the scene. In such a case, base damage is calculated from the better of the two weapons.

Chameleon’s Camouflage: [1 Surge | Full Round | 1 Scene]
By attuning oneself to the nature of their surroundings, one can paint their appearance with the colors of the background and become completely hidden from normal view as long as they do not move. When moving, they become discernible, but still get a +4 bonus to Stealth (Hide) rolls.

Command Animal: [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Command, up to 8 Hours]
By spending a Surge Point, the Forest Ward can give a simple command to any one animal that it will do its best to carry out. Sample commands could be ‘Attack until I say stop’, ‘Guard until we wake up, ‘Carry and follow’, ‘Fetch’, ‘Deliver’, ‘Dance’, etc. Note that commands need to be such that they can be carried out within no more than eight hours, as the Animal is freed from control after the duration.

Crashing Mirror Technique [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
This Amazing Feat causes a phantom mirror image attack to trace immediately after the successful strike of any Close Quarter (Melee or Unarmed) attack – in effect hitting the target twice with the same blow! When used, the target takes double the full damage of the attack mirrored.

Danger Sense: [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Scene]
The Danger Sense spell gives the Forest Ward advanced warning of any imminent danger to himself (like an ambush), although it doesn’t give him specific information about what the danger is or where it will originate. While in effect however, the Forest Ward gets a +2 bonus to Initiative and Reflex Saves, and cannot be caught Flat-Footed except on a Botched Initiative roll.

Dire Form: [2 Surge | Full Round | 1 Scene]
Summoning the more Primal Forces of the Earth, Dire Form allows the user to spend two Surge Points to instantly transform into any one of the following four forms: Dire Bear, Giant Silverback, Killer Whale, or Pteranodon. Only the character’s body changes, not his clothing or equipment, and he loses the ability to speak, but not his intelligence or sense of ‘self’.

Additionally, Dire Form also allows Animal Form to now be used in a Full Round rather than 1 Minute.

Disease Curing Ofuda: [1 Luck | 1 Day | Instant]
By spending a Luck Point, the medic is able to write the ward to any disease on a strip of parchment called an Ofuda. The Ofuda is then bound to the target’s forehead and after wearing it for 1 day – they will be free of all Disease.

Elemental Ally: [4 Surge | 1 Hour | 1 Scene]
This Amazing Feat allows the Forest Ward to summon an Elemental servant of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. Once summoned, the Elemental will remain to carryout tasks for 1 Scene (to a Max of 12 hours), or until destroyed, or hit with Dispel Magic.

Further, a Forest Ward can only have one Elemental in his service at any particular time, but can swap one out for another simply by recasting the AF. Since Elementals are not truly mortal, a particular Elemental can be resummoned over and over again, even after it has been physically destroyed, thus allowing the Forest Ward to develop a familiar relationship with one.

Note that Elementals always attack Imps and Demons on sight (to the exclusion of all else) until either one of them is destroyed.

Entangle: [1-6 Surge | 1 Action | Scene]
The Forest Ward can cause natural vegetation to reach out and entangle targets. This is handles as a Grapple Attack, based on the Amount of Surge Points put into it – as follows:
  • 1 Surge Point: Plants and grass entwine feet of target for a Grapple Trip and Hold (if Trip Successful) (Grapple TN = 5+WIS)
  • 2 Surge Point: Roots and vines entwine entire target for any Grapple Maneuver (Grapple TN = 7+WIS)
  • 3 Surge Point: Roots, vines, and even tree limbs entwine body for any Grapple or Sumo Maneuver (Grapple TN = 9+WIS)
  • 4 Surge Point: As above, but everything also sprouts huge thorns for +5 Auto Damage per Round (Grapple TN = 11+WIS)
  • 5 Surge Point: As above, but everything sprouts huge poisonous thorns for +5 Auto Damage per Round and a Poison Save (Endure/+5 AP Damage to Wounds/+5 Damage) on a successful Hold or Greater Maneuver (Grapple TN = 13+WIS)
  • 6 Surge Point: Target is swallowed into the earth and crushed for 20S 1/2 AP per Round Held (Grapple TN = 15+WIS)
Forest Ward: The Forest Ward represents the pinnacle of man’s ability to harmonize with Nature and is believed to be a gift granted to only a chosen few by the Earth God itself. As such, the Forest Ward Gains access to Forest Ward AFs and understands the flow and manipulation of Earth Energy – represented by an Earth Energy pool, equal to 1.5 times his own Surge Points (round down).

Earth Energy can be used in place of Surge Points for the sole purpose of powering Forest Ward AFs. Surge Points can still be used as well, though Earth Energy cannot be used the other way around (for normal Surge Point Options). Unlike normal Surge Points, Earth Energy is not restricted using just 1 per Round and fully refreshes on its own at the start of each day.

Grapple Master: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to disregard the MTN normally associated with advanced Grappling Maneuvers for a single Grapple attack, such as body slam, choke, disarm, and pin.

Heroic Surge: The character can explode with a burst of adrenalin, allowing him to spend as many of his Surge Points per round as he likes, without the usual one per round restriction.

Horse Calling Whistle: [1 Surge| Free Action | Instant]
This Amazing Feat allows the character to attune to one particular horse in such a way that he can call the mount to him from anywhere the animal might be within 1 mile of himself. Unless magically restrained, the mount will take a full round to gallop at enhanced speed to the character, arriving at the start of the round following the call. Ropes, shackles, cages, iron doors, high walls, or even hazardous terrain, are no impediment to the faithful steed – it simply bucking them off and galloping or leaping over them when necessary.

Iron Fist Style [1 Surge| 1 Action | 1 Scene]
By attuning one’s spirit to Earth, one can temporarily transform their closed fists and forearms into hardened iron. These then act like maces for the combat scene, allow the character to ignore damage from others that successfully parry him, use his own Close Quarter (Unarmed) to parry, and doing 2+SL Damage with a +0 Accuracy. One or both fists can be turned to iron with this feat; the toss up being the Two Weapon Bonus to Parry or being able to hold things in the other hand…

Ki Master: The Ki Master understands and manipulates the flow of Ki Energy present in the body to fuel all sorts of Amazing Feats. This is represented by a Ki Energy pool, equal to 1.5 times his own Surge Points (round down).

Ki Energy can be used in place of Surge Points for the sole purpose of powering Amazing Feats. Surge Points can still be used as well, though Ki Energy cannot be used the other way around (for normal Surge Point Options). Unlike Surge Points, Ki Energy fully refreshes on its own at the start of each day.

Leave No Trace: [1 Surge | Instant | 1 Scene]
Using Leave No Trace and a Surge Point, one can travel anywhere, across any terrain and leave no tracks for someone else to follow. When opposed by the Unshakable Tracking Feat however, it allows for an Outdoor (Track) roll to be made by the follower, instead of automatically succeeding/failing.

Messenger: [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Message]
Messenger allows the Forest Ward to summon a small animal of any type to deliver a message to anyone he knows the location of and that is within walking or flying distance of the summoned creature. Once the animal has been given the message, it then travels via natural means to the intended recipient – where it then repeats the message word for word in a human-like voice. Once the message has been passed, the animal reverts back to normal (which can prove interesting, if the animal is of a dangerous or aggressive type).

Multi Attack: The character can take two Close Quarter attacks per Attack Action, sacrificing accuracy for speed. Multi Attacks cannot Crit, suffer a -2 Penalty on each attack, and cannot be used with Called Shots or any other roll that requires a MTN to succeed.

Poison Neutralizing Method: [1 Surge | 1 Minute | Instant]
The Poison Neutralizing Method allows the user to channel a Surge Point into a target’s body by touch, in order to seek out and burn up any Poisons within.
Precipitation: [2 Surge | 1 Minute | Concentration]
Precipitation allows the Forest Ward to control the amount of water in the air and whether or not it rains, all within a two-mile radius. When cast, the Forest Ward sets the level of precipitation and can then maintain it for as long as he desires, through concentration. The various effects of the Precipitation spell are dependent on whether the temperature is above or below freezing as outlined below:

Temperature Above Freezing
  • None: The Forest Ward can instantly stop all precipitation in the area of effect.
  • Fog: The Forest Ward can create a thick fog, limiting visibility to as little as 20’ and granting everyone within sight of each other Partial Concealment.
  • Rain: The Forest Ward can cause a continuous but gentle rain in the area of effect, which can impose a Minor penalty (–2) to some Skill rolls (such as Listen and Spot).
  • Deluge: The Forest Ward can cause a furious and continual downpour in the area of effect, which can impose a Major penalty (–4) to some Skill rolls (such as Ranged, Thrown, Listen and Spot) and can cause minor flooding.
Temperature Below Freezing
  • None: The Forest Ward can instantly stop all precipitation in the area of effect.
  • Snow: The Forest Ward can cause a continuous but gentle snowfall in the area of effect, which can impose a Minor penalty (–2) to some Skill rolls (such as Drive and Spot).
  • Blizzard: The Forest Ward can whip up Blizzard (see Hazards in core rules) in the area of effect.
  • Ice Storm: The Forest Ward can cause a freezing rain that coats everything it touches in a thin layer of incredibly slick ice, imposing a Major penalty (–4) to some Skill rolls (such as Balance, Climb, Drive, Jump, Pilot, Ride, and Tumble).
Push Steed: [1 Surge | Instant | 1 Scene]
This Amazing Feat allows the character to triple the normal Movement and Jumping Distance of their mount for one scene, without the animal tiring in any way. At the GM’s discretion, it can also be used to get the animal to do something normally impossible – like galloping up and over a high wall with the rider, trampling down a closed portcullis, standing watch and giving a signal when a certain condition is met, etc…

Readily Overlooked Campsite: [1 Surge | 1 Hour | 1 Day]
By spending a Surge Point and attuning one’s camp site to the Earth, one can cause it to virtually disappear into the landscape and be hidden from sight by anyone not actually in it. This Feat even keeps a campfire’s rising smoke invisible from normal view and muffles the sounds of those within, to prevent easy detection by hearing. When opposed by the Eyes of the Eagle Feat, or a trail to the campsite is followed through the Unshakable Tracking Feat, it allows for a normal Perception (Search) roll to be made in order to try locating the hidden campsite.

It is also possible for someone (or something) to accidently stumble randomly into a hidden campsite. In such a case, whatever it is, is considered Ambushed for 1 Round (being momentarily Stunned and at the mercy of any guards or watchmen within the camp).

Revitalizing Trance: [1 Surge | 1 Minute | Instant]
Buy controlled breathing exercises, this Feat allows the user to restore 10 Vitality Points to himself as well as remove 1 level of normal Fatigue.
Revitalizing Touch: [1 Surge | 1 Minute | Instant]
By burning a Surge Point and placing the palm of the hand on another’s shoulder, Revitalizing Touch allows the user to restore 10 Vitality Points to the target.

Rustle Food & Water: [1 Surge | 10 Minutes | 1 Day’s Nutrition]
Each time this Amazing Feat is employed, it rustles up a day’s worth of food and drink from the area for one person. Whether a small spring, river, rain, or morning dew for water; or edible plants, bugs, or small critters for food – something will always be there for the character or company to get by on. The food itself can vary in actual taste, but the nutritional value will always be the same; enough to sustain one person for a day.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 07:25:05 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Udo Kuwabara
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 01:53:08 pm »

Savage Blow [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Close Quarter (Melee or Unarmed) attack.

Shrug Poison or Disease: [1 Surge | Free Action | Instant]
Buy burning a surge point, the character can effectively Crit a Save against any poison or disease without needing to roll.

Sensory Enhancing Trance: [1 Surge | 5 Minutes | 1 Scene]
By spending a Surge Point and entering a special trance, one can spend 5 minute to slowly increase one sense of their choice to remarkable levels for the duration of 1 Scene. The effects of this function exactly as those of the Heightened Senses Spell as follows:

  • Hearing: Increasing this sense gives one a +6 bonus to all Listen rolls, but makes him susceptible to loud noises and sound based attacks. Anytime the character is caught in an explosive based Area Attack, he must make an additional Endurance Save or be Stunned. The user also suffers a -4 penalty when making a Save against the Tone spell or other similar effects.
  • Sight: Increasing this sense gives one Night Vision and a +3 bonus to all Search and Spot rolls. It also makes him susceptible to any attacks specifically targeting sight, imposing a -4 penalty to any Saves rolled against such effects.
  • Smell: Increasing this sense allows one to identify objects and beings by smell (provided he is already familiar with them) and to identify those who have handled an object or been in a particular area within the last 8 hours. It also allows the user to identify poisons and other impurities in food or drink and to detect (or ‘see’) invisible gases in the air (allowing him and those he warns, to stay clear of poison gas clouds).
  • Touch: Increasing this sense allows one to tell the exact weight of any object he can lift and to unerringly determine whether an unconscious person is alive or dead. It also gives him a +6 bonus to all Open Locks rolls used against hard locks.
Speak with Animals: [1 Surge | Instant | 1 Scene]
The ability to communicate and interact with Animals based on the NPC Interaction Chart. Wild Animals always start off Unfriendly, but can be bumped to Indifferent with a simple offer of food. From there, roll as normal when trying to improve their Attitude. Most Animals have INT 1, but are able to easily relay information about things they have seen, heard, or experienced recently.

Spirit Bonded Pet: [1 Surge | 1 Day | 1 Animal]
This Amazing Feat allows the character to spiritually bond with any 1 animal, in such a way that the animal becomes a faithful companion creature – willing to obey, help, and protect its master. Wild animals that are Spirit Bonded immediately become Domesticated; and all animals gain the ability to understand human speech and communicate with their owner through verbal and semantic signals.

Spirit Sight: The character can see through the curtain that separates the realms at will, allowing him to notice any unmanifested spirits, demons, or oni within his line of sight.

Squirrels: You have a dray of twelve normal squirrels that follow you around and act as if they are trained, even though they are not. The squirrels respond to simple commands (Follow, Hide, Fetch, Deliver, Wait, Guard, Pester, Find Nuts, Etc...) and take care of their own feeding.

Normally, they just hang around and chitter at stuff, following the simple commands given to them, but a Surge Point can also be spent to make them attack something as a Swarm.

Additionally, the squirrel dray automatically regenerates some of its numbers once per day.

Summon Kirin : [1 Surge | Full Action | 1 Day]
Certain ‘blessed’ individuals can spend a Surge Point and fervently petition the Ancestors to send them a celestial steed from the heavens above. In answer to their call, the clouds part and a Kirin descends to faithfully serve them for 1 Day.

Surefooted Guide: [1 Surge | Instant | 1 Day]
By spending a Surge Point and using this Feat, the character can ignore (for himself, mounts, and those with him) all terrain penalties for one day of travel.

Suspended Animation: [1 Surge | 1 Minute | Maintained]
Suspended Animation allows the Forest Ward to shut down the functions of his body, enabling him to survive indefinitely without food, water, air, or warmth (and even in the vacuum of space). While in Suspended Animation, the Forest Ward appears as dead but is actually aware of his surroundings and the passage of time, allowing him to awaken instantly whenever he desires.

Temperature: [2 Surge | 1 Minute | Concentration]
Temperature allows the Forest Ward to instantly set the overall temperature within a two-mile radius and then maintain it for as long as he desires, through concentration. There are only three options when casting the Temperature spell: Hot, Temperate, and Cold. Temperate is considered the normal temperature range and is typically the default temperature setting of the game. Hot (above 90°) and Cold (below freezing) are the two extremes of the temperature range and impose penalties as detailed in the Hazards section (see Hot and Cold in core rules).

Uncanny Dodge: [1 Surge| Free Action | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to automatically Dodge any one attack, or area attack, even if the attack does not require a roll to hit. This includes both physical and mental attacks, such as those produced by spell effects, psionics, and feng-shui powers.

Unshakeable Tracking: [1 Surge | Instant | 1 Day]
Unshakeable Tracking allows the user to automatically follow any physical trail left by anyone or anything, less than a week old, from start to finish without losing it – regardless of the physical conditions of the trail. When used to counter Leave No Trace, it allows an Outdoor (Track) roll to be made instead of automatically succeeding/failing.

Valiant Sacrifice: [5 Vitality Points| Free Action | Instant]
Sacrifice 5 Vitality (or Wound) Points for +1 Surge Point (Only when at Zero Surge).

Vengeful Counter Stance [1 Surge| Add to Defense Actions | 1 Scene]
By spending a Surge Point and using Vengeful Counter Stance, one can preemptively use a Defense Action on a round-to-round basis to Counterattack all Close Quarter Attacks coming his way with Defense (Parry). Unlike normal Parry rolls, Vengeful Counter Stance can be used unarmed as well as armed, and any successful Parry in this case, does the weapon's normal Damage plus X-Roll as if a successful strike had been made with the weapon. Note that while these damaging Parries can Crit, they are not subject to other Edge or Amazing Feat enhancements.

Ward of The Earth: [1 Luck | Instant | 1 Day]
By spending a luck Point each day, the user of Ward of The Earth will never starve, or fail to find shelter, or be attacked by normal animals while out in the wilds. No matter the climate or terrain, some form of shelter, food, and drink will make itself available throughout the day to protect and sustain the character. Whether a small spring, rain, or morning dew for water; or edible plants, bugs, or small critters for food – something will always be there for the character to get by on. Furthermore, the character will always have an intuitive sense of which way to go to find the closest form of civilization no matter how far away it might be.

Weather Set: [6 Surge | 10 Minutes | Concentration]
Weather spell allows the Forest Ward to instantly set all aspects of the weather simultaneously (Precipitation, Temperature, and Wind) in a ten-mile radius, which then remain in effect for the next 24 hours. Once set, the weather conditions require no further concentration from the Forest Ward, although he may voluntarily end the spell at any time before its duration if desired, at which point all weather conditions return back to normal.

Weapons Master: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to make a single Armor Piercing Close Quarter (Melee) attack (or) disregard the MTN normally associated with Called Shots while making a single Melee attack.

Wind: [2-3 Surge | 1 Minute | Concentration]
Wind allows the Forest Ward to instantly set the overall direction and speed of the wind within a two-mile radius and then maintain it for as long as he desires, through concentration. Wind speed can be set to any of the following: Calm, Light Breeze, Steady Breeze, Windy, Gusty, Storm Winds, or (with an additional Surge) even Hurricane. See the Hazards section of core rules for the effects of high wind and how it effects the movement of fire and smoke.


Tsunami Wave: Creates an 8 ft high, 12 ft wide, wave of saltwater that slams into everything in a 50 ft Line – doing 5S + X-Roll Damage to all within and automatically knocking anything, without the Untippable AF, Back (5ft times X-Roll) & Prone in the process. Furthermore, the Tsunami Wave acts as an Engine of Destruction, doing Triple X-Roll Damage to all nonliving objects, including Golems and Animated Objects.

Fill the Sails: [1 Surge | Instant | 1 Scene]
This Amazing Feat allows one to triple the ship’s normal speed or to sail it at normal speed against the prevailing winds.

Feather Fall: As long as both fans are out at the time, the character can use them to gently spiral down to the ground from any height and suffer no harm.


Restore Vitality: Restore Vitality instantly restores 10 Vitality Points each time it is used and counters the Conditions of Fatigued, Exhausted, Unconscious, Nauseated, and the special Disabled status induced by Surgery.

Close Wounds: Close Wounds instantly restores a flat (no X-Roll) 5 Wound Points each time it is used, Stabilizing Dying characters and taking Disabled characters back to Wounded.

Initiative: Unlike other spells, the Initiative spell can be cast as a Free Action, but only once at the beginning of each combat.  If successful, the Hexslinger’s cannot be Stunned by an Ambush and does not roll Initiative as normal for the Combat, but instead starts on a ‘20’ in the First Wave, as if he had rolled a Crit (getting +1 Actions on the first round).

Physical Boost: Physical Boost allows the Hexslinger to double his STR, CON, DEX, and Base Movement for one Scene.  Vitality and Wound Points are recalculated from the new totals, but are lost (as Damage) when the effect wears off.


Blessing of The Ancestors_
Ancestor’s Rebuke [1 Surge | Add | Instant]
This feat allows the user to double the Total Damage of a single successful Attack against Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni.


The Kuwabara family's patriarch was a simple man, with a simple task. He was a samurai, and  was ever-loyal to his daimyo. Morio Kuwabara was a strong, educated man, he spent his time fathering his children and protecting Sendai. As a father, he spent his time home camping and training his elder son, Sen, to be a samurai too, hoping the life skills he'd learn would be enough for when he'd die. He gave Sen a headband to wear, with the family name encrusted on the top. As a warrior, he was skilled and proud, but when the Chinese invaded, he was one of the first to die.

Udo Kuwabara's needy mother soon remarried to a rich Chinese 'hero' named, "Shing Wu". Shing often physically abused Udo and his elder brother, Sen, and tried to prevent both of them from becoming samurai. He also tried consistently to throw away Sen's headband out, but Udo always made sure to find it. Udo and Sen Kuwabara tolerated his antics for 9 months, where Sen would secretly teach Udo to fight like a samurai, meanwhile learning sciences using stolen school text books. Convinced that Udo would need real training to become a true samurai, Sen convinced Udo to run away with him to the forest that he used to go to with his father. There, he taught Udo to fight, making make-shift weapons for him to use to hunt game. Fortunately for Udo, animals seemed to like him more than others, so trapping them was simple enough, and didn't require much of his clumsy finesse. Udo liked hunting, but he loved interacting with the animals, rather than straight off killing all of them. Sen also taught him how to heal wounds, stop poison, even perform surgery on wounded animals. Udo stayed there for many years, through warm and cold climates, to confronting many different animals. Udo spent all his days climbing trees, sparring, and (although it confused his brother) talking to animals. Nevertheless. Sen was impressed with young Kuwabara's improvement, and constantly praised him. Sen often warned him of the dangers of the outside world, and to be wary when the time came to go back.

Of course, good things don't last long, Sen caught a deadly fever and even Udo's medical talents weren't able to save him, he left his brother with the his last words, "See the rest of the world, and serve the daimyo like our father would... Bring Honor, to our name". He left him with a headband with 'Kuwabara' written at the top.
Udo, spent a month or so meditating, speaking to himself and consulting animal friends. At the end of 40 days and 40 nights, he got up, and left the forest.
He journeyed outside, thinking what he'll experience will be tough and scary, after all, he hasn't seen anyone but his brother in years. he joined the samurai school, where he got odd looks because of his bluntness, odd talking to himself habit, and crude humour. He never understood society, but he was never able to get it to understand him either, so he gave up. He continued studying life and earth sciences (probably in hopes he could return one day) and building his physical strength, never stopping to talk to another student who would likely insult his bad breath, or something ridiculous like that. Plus, he knew multiple schoolmates who were open lechers and thieves, it truly wasn't worth it to expose himself to that. Although he loved his brother, he wasn't sure what he meant by, "see the rest of the world," the rest of the world didn't seem to be worth seeing. Animals seemed to be a whole lot better friends, a whole lot let nasty. So he talked to himself (and at times to random passing animals,) laughed at his own jokes, and became a loner,

Now, Udo Kuwabara strives to give honor to his family name, and make sure everyone knows that that he did it. He also wishes to kill his bastard step-father who moved back to Edo, China, with his mother, but before he does this, he needs sanctify his family name. And last of all, he searches for a true, worthwhile friend, though this is the least if his priorities. Udo holds his father's headband proudly, and made several replicas to leave wherever he goes. 

Other Notes
-Odd humor
-Socially Awkward
-Talks to himself
-Seeks revenge on Chinese 'hero' Shing Wu, his step-father.
-Shing Wu coincidentally also killed Udo's father, Morio Kuwabara.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 07:25:27 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Udo Kuwabara
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2014, 02:34:50 pm »

Original Skill Levels_

Combat Skills
3 Defense
4 Close Quarter

General Skills
4 Athletics
5 Medic
5 Outdoors
4 Perception
3 Sabotage
3+1 Stealth

Advanced Skills
3 Earth Sciences
1 Life Sciences
1 Political Sciences

XP Bumps_
Physician Edge (4 XP)
Close Quarter: 4 to 5 (4 XP)
Grappler Edge (4 XP)
Hunter Edge (4 XP)
~Squirrel AF (4 XP)
Sumo Edge (4 XP)
Outdoors: 5 to 7 (16 XP)
~Grapple Master AF (4 XP)
~Burden Sharing Trance AF (4 XP)
~Speak to Animals AF (4 XP)
~Animal form AF (4 XP)
~Spirit Bonded Pet AF (4 XP)
Explorer Edge (4 XP)
Spirited Edge (4 XP)
Perception: 4 to 5 (4 XP)
~Forest Ward AF (4 XP)
~Dire Form AF (4 XP)
~Horse Calling Whistle AF (4 XP)
~Push Steed AF (^free)
~Disease Curing Ofuda AF (4 XP)
~Poison Neutralizing Method (4 XP)
~Shrug Poison or Disease AF (^free)
~Revitalizing Trance (4 XP)
~Revitalizing Touch AF (^free)
~Sensory enhancing Trance (4 XP)
~Spirit Sight (4 XP)
Buy Off Uncouth Flaw (4 XP)
~Heroic Surge AF (4 XP)
Occult Sciences: 0 to 3 (12XP)
Close Quarter: 5 to 8 (24XP)
~Elemental Ally AF (4XP)
~Summon Kirin AF (4XP)
~Weapons Master AF (4XP)
~Celestial Armor AF (4XP)
Athletics: 4 to 5 (4 XP)
Defense:  3 to 5 (8 XP)
Evasion Edge (4 XP)
Lightning Reflexes Edge (4 XP)
Rapid Strike Edge (4 XP)
~Celestial Blade AF (4 XP)
~Ki Master AF (4 XP)
~Multi Attack AF  (4 XP)
~Uncanny Dodge AF (4 XP)
~Valiant Sacrifice AF (4 XP)
Remove 4 Psychosis (2 XP)
Indomitable Spirit Edge (4 XP)
Iron Will Edge (4 XP)
Lucky Edge (4 XP)
Toughness Edge (4 XP)
~Amazing Celerity AF (4 XP)
~Brass Body Technique AF (4 XP)
~Crashing Mirror Technique AF (4 XP)
~Iron Fist Style AF (4 XP)
~Ki Reserves AF (4 XP)
~Savage Blow AF (4 XP)
~Vengeful Counter Stance AF (4 XP)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 07:07:12 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Scout)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2014, 12:23:26 pm »

Dire Bear Form: Str 9; Agi 4; Con 9; *; *; *; V 38-ish; W 19; Move 45 (405)

Giant Silverback Form: Str 8; Agi 3; Con 8; *; *; *; V 32-ish; W 18; Move 45 (360); Great Leap 90

Pteranodon Form: Str 7; Agi 5; Con 7; *; *; *; V 32-ish; W 17; Move 40 (280); Flight 560

Killer Whale Form: Str 10; Agi 2; Con 10; *; *; *; V 47-ish; W 25; Move 40 (400) Swim
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 06:46:05 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2015, 07:26:18 pm »



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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2015, 06:11:21 am »

Do the dire forms get the toughness boost?


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2015, 07:15:39 am »

Yeah, plus a few other AFs if you don't already have them (like Heavy Hitter, Cargo Carrier, etc...)


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2015, 08:16:09 am »

Malevolent (Flaw)
The creature is known by nature to be either demonic, malicious, or just plain untrustworthy.  The creature suffers the following Penalties, except when interacting with others of the Malevolent Flaw: -4 Socialize Skill, +4 Face (Intimidate).


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2015, 04:39:37 pm »

Udo picked up a moon-silver armor with Haste, with matching bracers that also have haste (mattering on what the number is based on).

If possible, can he also have picked up one starsteel (immunity to fire) gauntlet and one starmetal (immunity to cold) gauntlet as well.


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2015, 09:37:04 am »

Only Armor grants the Immunity, because it is 'full Body'


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2015, 09:39:09 am »

Soulsteel - +2 Bonus / Immunity to Fire / Manifest / Spirit Cutting
Oriculum - + 4 Bonus / Presence
Starmetal - +2 Bonus / Invisibility / Immunity to Cold
Moonsilver - +2 Bonus Initiative / Haste
Ancestral Jade - +1 Bonus / Healing / Regeneration


Armor _
Moonsilver - +4 Initiative; Haste 3/day

Moonsilver - +2 Bonus; Initiative 1/day



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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2015, 07:20:33 am »

10 ft tall; STR 6; Heavy Hitter; Cargo Carrier; red skin; orange fangs & claws; black horns; burning eyes; +5 Psychosis


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Re: Udo Kuwabara (Tanstaafl’s Samurai Ki Master Forest Ward)
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2015, 10:39:47 pm »

First things first, during the time-travelling part, Udo will give the two golden apples to his Father, telling him to plant them for the Kuwabara family in their estate or whatever. Maybe also a pat on the back or something without telling him who he is.
Changes before merging:
Udo would not be nearly as introverted or uncouth now that he was never forced to live in the forest-- in fact, due to a he was a bit of a skirt-chaser in his new youth, pre-change. Still, he has a fascination with nature, lore, and medicine, though he doesn't alienate others in his interests like before. He might have had more interest in something like Shamanism and the occult more than the original Udo, but is overall less ambitious than original Udo, simply following his father and brother's footsteps lackadaisically.
With the change, however, he'd mature sooner and realize that the dream of making Kuwabara a prestigious family is possible, and actively pursues to surpass those before him.
Goals after the merge:
  • Reunite with his friends of the adventure.
  • Befriend/tame the (false) dragons of Morioka; saving the sheep and using his achievements to bring fame and honor to his family. Amidst all this, he will look to marry someone of a high-ranking family and then miya becomes his mistress.
  • Achieve nigh immortality (immunity: aging)
  • Try to do something for Nippon using his mastery of the elements and godlike XP... Like defend the country or take charge of the nature reserves, I dunno. Something that would in general make the Kuwabara name much more notable. Or, maybe, at the very end of his long life become a herald for the gods or something...?
That good?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 10:42:48 pm by Tanstaafl »
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