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Author Topic: Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper)  (Read 22989 times)


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Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper)
« on: September 25, 2013, 11:43:50 pm »

Miya Sugai (Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper) - 252 / 255 XP

Gender Female; Age 16; Ht 5’6”; Wt 150 lbs; Stature Fit; Disposition Bookish, Inquisitive, Vengeful; Distinctive Features: Large circular scar going from her wrist to her neck, ruby eye

Str 2; Agi 5; Con 3 2; Int 4; Wis 4; Pre 2; Vitality (0) 24 23; Wounds (-2) 8 5 (Armor 12; AP 5)
React 14; Endure 8 7; Will 13; Luck 5 4; Surge 7 6
Init 14; Move 40 ft (Run 80; Leap 2 high/10 long)

Unarmed Strike 5/2S; Grapple Moves 5/2S; Dagger 5/4L; Thrown Dagger 18/4L/20x ft; Greatbow 20+2X/5L♠/800x ft

Combat Skills
Defense 13 (Dodge +0*; Parry) ~5
Ranged 18 (Shoot +2; Target; Throw) ~8
Close Quarter 5 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed)

General Skills
Acrobatics 13 (Balance; Escape; Tumble) ~5
Artistry 7 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 10 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim) ~5
Evaluate 12 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise) ~5
Fabricate 7 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 5 (Bluff; Entertain; Feint; Intimidate; Taunt)
General Knowledge 14 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who) ~5
Larceny 12 (Forgery +2; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand) ~4
Medic 7 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
Outdoors 10 (Handle Animal; Ride; Survival; Track +2) ~3
Perception 14 (Listen; Search +3; Spot) ~7
Sabotage 7 (Disable Device +2; Trap Setting)
Socialize 6 (Diplomacy; Interrogation; Gather Info) ~1
Stealth 10 (Conceal; Disguise; Hide; Move Silently) ~3

Advanced Skills
Occult Sciences 9 (Arcana; Occult; Spells) ~1
Political Sciences 9 (Economics; Law; Politics) ~1

Edges and Feats
Evasion; Mobility; Rapid Shot; Sensitive; Sharpshooter; Speed Reader; Acute Vision; Archer; Concentration; Iron Will; Lightning Reflexes; Lucky; Marksman; Photographic Memory; Sniper; Spirited; Thorough; Toughness

~Combo x2; ~Amazing Celerity; ~Brass Body Technique; ~Break The Code; ~Bulls Eye; ~Celestial Bow; ~Elemental Barb; ~Erudite Insight; ~Eyes of the Eagle; ~Feather Stance; ~Flight Follows the Eye; ~Great Leap; ~Grievous Injury Technique; ~Heroic Surge; ~Iron Fist Style; ~Ki Master; ~Ki Reserves; ~Multi-Shot; ~One For Each; ~Rain of Shooting Stars; ~Spider Climb; ~Spirit Arrows; ~Spirit Sight; ~Though the Heart; ~Uncanny Dodge; ~Uncanny Shot; ~Valiant Sacrifice

Distinctive Features (Ugly Scar); Obligation (Daimyo); Vengeful

Equipment Normal Load 25; Encumbered 50; Limit 75; Drag 300
Manor House; Noble’s Diet; Horse; Noble Attire; Ranger’s Camouflage; Displacing Soulsteel Scale; Lamellar Armor; Mesh Armor & Buckler; Greatbow & Arrows; Daggers; Travel Pack (backpack, bedroll, candles, lantern, rations, tent, tinderbox); Fishing Kit (fish line, fish, hooks, lures); Signal Whistle; Thief’s Kit (caltrops, crowbar, cutters, grapple, lantern-shuttered, lock picks, rope); Permit to Carry Arms; Emblems of Station; Traveling Papers

(Pittances 50; Goods 75; Assets 53; Riches 2)

  • Doshin Contact: Kazuo Tarumi (Common Sense)
  • 2 Gold Luck Charms (1 Luck Point Each)
  • White Kabuki Mask (Heightened Senses 3/day)
  • Ruby Eye of Discernment (Detect Illusions 3/day - OR - At Will, if used to replace an eye...)
  • Knowledge of Ofuda (Protection From Disease; Protection From Spirits; Protection From Theft; and Sacred Ofuda)
  • Lightning Arrows: transform into a bolt of lightning as they are shot from the bow. They travel up to 1000 ft, Require a normal Attack roll to hit, and do 18L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll). (24 9)
  • Iron Warlord Mask (+8 Intimidate; Words of Power 1/Surge; Crit Attack 1/Surge)
  • Displacing Soulsteel Scale (Armor 12 (AP 5)/0/0): Jump 3/Day; Grants wearer Immunity to Fire; The visage of anyone slain by the wearer is permanently absorbed into the Soulsteel. Drawback: Wearer takes X2 Damage from Cold based Attacks.
  • White Fire-Shrouded Great Bow: Double X Fire Damage; Wielder Immune to Fire; Target set Ablaze on Crit; Drawback: burns up regular ammo - requires special made iron arrows or Spirit Arrows
  • Blessing of The Ancestors: Ancestor's Rebuke
Secret Theme Song: Sakura Sakura
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 10:38:26 am by BerkaZerka »
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”


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Re: Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper)
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 11:44:25 pm »

Power and Edge Notes
Acute Vision: The character has exceptionally keen eyesight. The character suffers no penalties in twilight conditions and can see as twilight in darkness.

Archer: The character is a skilled bowman.

Concentration: The character can razor focus his mind on a single task, shutting out all distractions. As long as he does nothing else, he suffers no penalties for environmental distractions while concentrating on the task at hand.

Evasion: The character has superior agility and grace when dodging attacks. He can use the Full Defense Action (Defend + Defend) without spending Surge Points during combat.

Marksman: The character knows how to hit at a distance.

Mobility: The character is skilled at dodging past opponents and can move through an opponent’s space when taking Move Actions.

Photographic Memory: The character can remember things seen and heard with near perfect detail.

Rapid Shot: The character has superior speed and grace attacking at distance. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack) when making Ranged attacks, without spending Surge Points during combat.

Sensitive: The character can feel the presence of supernatural energies when they are nearby, whether magic, demons, spirits, or psychic powers. Only the proximity of these energies are felt, but not their precise location or nature (unless the Sensitive happens to be touching the source at the time).

Sharpshooter: The character has a dead aim and suffers no penalties for Small or Tiny Size; opponents with Partial Cover; who are Prone; or when firing at or into opponents engaged in Close Quarter Combat (with the character or others). For targets of Miniscule Size the penalty is reduced to MTN 10 or Crit. Further, the user can also make Called Shots without first taking an Action to line up the shot.

Sniper: The character is skilled at making impossibly long shots. The character doubles the Range Increment of any weapon used to make a Ranged (Shoot) attack.

Speed Reader: The character can read text incredibly fast, tearing through a single page in about three seconds and a 200 page book in about ten minutes.

Amazing Feats_
Amazing Celerity: [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Scene]
The Amazing Celerity Feat causes an explosive speed in user. The effects allow for very quick gross motor movement, which doubles the user’s Normal Movement speed and grants an additional Defense Action each round.

Brass Body Technique [1 Surge | Free Action | Instant]
The character can channel Ki Energy throughout his body to harden his skin like brass just before a wounding attack would land. This allows the character to counter all Wound Point loss from a single physical attack source in exchange for the Surge Point (Minimum Damage Option still applies). Brass Body Technique does not prevent Vitality Point Loss however.

Break the Code: [1 Luck | Variable | Instant]
Break the Code allows the user to spot, analyze, and break hidden codes or cyphers in both written and verbal form. The time it takes to do so, depends on how long it would normally take to get through all the material in question. A simple message on a slip of paper might take 1 Action, while deciphering an entire book is going to take a while.

Bull’s Eye: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Ranged attack.

Celestial Bow: [1 Surge| Full Round | Instant]
By fervent appeal to the Ansestors, on can conjure up a radiating bow (or greatbow) of glorious energy, with enough Armor Piercing Spirit Arrows to last one combat scene. The Armor Piercing Spirit Arrows are also imbued with Spirit Cutting and do +5 Damage against Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni – and can be boosted (on a one for one basis) with the Elemental Barb Feat if desired.

It is also possible to overlay the Spirit Bow over an existing bow, in the case where the character already has a bow and just need the flow of spirit ammo for the scene.

The Combo AF allows the character to tie together previously employed Edges and AFs into single Combo Move that has no Surge or Luck Point Cost. The particular Edges and/or AFs strung together, must be ones that have already been used (and paid for) during the Combat Scene. The time it takes to execute any particular Combo is equal to the lengthiest component in the Combo itself - and only one Combo can be executed per day for each time this AF is taken.

Elemental Barb [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point as desired to infuse an arrow, bolt, or spear with elemental energy for one of the following effects:

  • Fire: Triple X-Damage & set target Ablaze
  • Water: Double All Damage to Vitality Points against Soft Targets (animals and personnel), but 1/2 Damage to Wound Points (a Crit on the Attack roll KO’s the target)
  • Air: +8 Accuracy & Crit on 10 or better
  • Earth: AP Attack & Double X-Damage on 10 or better
Flight Follows the Eye [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
By attuning one’s spirit to their Ranged attack, one can automatically hit with a Die Value of 10, anywhere within their line of sight, out to 10 times the Max Range of the Weapon – except when the opponent Crits on a Defense roll or uses Uncanny Dodge or Uncanny Parry.

Eyes of the Eagle: [1 Luck | Add | Instant]
Eyes of the Eagle allow the user to effectively Crit a Perception (Search or Spot) roll (without the need to actually roll) – yielding the best possible result given the circumstances.

Erudite Insight: [1 Luck | Free Action | Instant]
Spend a Luck Point to be able to use your General Knowledge TN for any Advanced Skill roll.

Feather Stance: [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Scene]
The character becomes almost weightless with perfect balance. When using Feather Stance, one’s Jump Distance is doubled, they can glide through the air at a 5:1 ratio, take no damage from falls of any height, and they can even run across water; but they are also much easier to move around and suffer a -4 Penalty to all Close Quarter (Grapple) rolls.

Flight Follows the Eye: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
By attuning one’s spirit to their Ranged attack, one can automatically hit with a Die Value of 10, anywhere within their line of sight, out to 10 times the Max Range of the Weapon – except when the opponent Crits on a Defense roll or uses Uncanny Dodge or Uncanny Parry.

Great Leap: [1 Surge | Move Action | Instant]
The character can leap vertically up to (10 ft x STR) High and five times that amount horizontally. He takes no damage from falls up to his vertically jumping height and half damage from any remaining.

Grievous Injury Technique: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
The character can spend a Surge Point to change any Attack-based Extra Success (successful roll of ten or higher) into a Crit instead.

Heroic Surge: The character can explode with a burst of adrenalin, allowing him to spend as many of his Surge Points per round as he likes, without the usual one per round restriction.

Iron Fist Style [1 Surge| 1 Action | 1 Scene]
By attuning one’s spirit to Earth, one can temporarily transform their closed fists and forearms into hardened iron. These then act like maces for the combat scene, allow the character to ignore damage from others that successfully parry him, use his own Close Quarter (Unarmed) to parry, and doing 2+SL Damage with a +0 Accuracy. One or both fists can be turned to iron with this feat; the toss up being the Two Weapon Bonus to Parry or being able to hold things in the other hand…

Ki Master: The Ki Master understands and manipulates the flow of Ki Energy present in the body to fuel all sorts of Amazing Feats. This is represented by a Ki Energy pool, equal to 1.5 times his own Surge Points (round down).

Ki Energy can be used in place of Surge Points for the sole purpose of powering Amazing Feats. Surge Points can still be used as well, though Ki Energy cannot be used the other way around (for normal Surge Point Options). Unlike Surge Points, Ki Energy fully refreshes on its own at the start of each day.

Multi Shot: The character can take two Ranged attacks per Attack Action, sacrificing accuracy for speed. Multi Shots cannot Crit, suffer a -2 Penalty on each attack, and cannot be used with Called Shots or any other roll that requires a MTN to succeed.

One For Each: [1 Surge| Full Round | Instant]
By attuning one’s spirit to their Ranged (shoot or throw) attack, one may keep shooting or throwing at additional targets beyond the first, in the same round, until out of ammo or a target is missed. Roll separately for each target.

Rain of Shooting Stars: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
By attuning one’s spirit to their Ranged attack, they can cause any projectile to shatter mid-flight into a thousand sparkling shards of spirit energy – saturating an area 30 ft in diameter. The attack is rolled as normal to get the Damage (and scatter on a miss) but is only avoidable when the opponent Crits on a Defense roll or uses Uncanny Dodge or Uncanny Parry. The projectile is destroyed by the use of this Feat. Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni take Double All Damage from this attack.

Spider Climb: [1 Surge | Move Action | 1 Round]
When tied to Movement for the Round, Spider Climb allows the character to move or run across the surface of any plane capable of supporting his weight. Further, while in effect, users do not need to make Acrobatics (Balance) or Athletics (Climb) rolls.

Spirit Arrows: [1 Surge| 1 Action | 1 Scene]
By attuning one’s spirit to their bow, one can conjure arrows of pure spirit with each draw of the string. Each Spirit Arrow is imbued with Spirit Cutting and does +5 Damage against Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni – but acts otherwise like a normal arrow.

Spirit Sight: The character can see through the curtain that separates the realms at will, allowing him to notice any unmanifested spirits, demons, or oni within his line of sight.

Through The Heart: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point with an Extra Success on a single Ranged attack to instantly Disable the Opponent.

Uncanny Dodge: [1 Surge| Free Action | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to automatically Dodge any one attack, or area attack, even if the attack does not require a roll to hit. This includes both physical and mental attacks, such as those produced by spell effects, psionics, and feng-shui powers.

Uncanny Shot [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to make a single Armor Piercing Ranged attack (or) disregard the MTN normally associated with Called Shots while making a single Ranged attack.

Valiant Sacrifice [5 Vitality Points| Free Action | Instant]
Sacrifice 5 Vitality (or Wound) Points for +1 Surge Point (Only when at Zero Surge).


Heightened Senses (Body; 5; S) Po
Heightened Senses allows the Hexslinger to greatly increase one of his normal senses for a Scene as follows:

Hearing: Increasing this sense gives the Hexslinger a +6 bonus to all Listen rolls, but makes him susceptible to loud noises and sound based attacks.  Anytime the character is caught in an explosive based Area Attack, he must make an additional Fortitude Save or be Stunned.  The Hexslinger also suffers a –4 penalty when making a Save against the Tone spell or other similar effects.

Sight: Increasing this sense gives the Hexslinger night vision and a +3 bonus to all Search and Spot rolls.  It also makes him susceptible to any attacks specifically targeting sight, imposing a –4 penalty to any Saves rolled against such effects.

Smell: Increasing this sense allows the Hexslinger to identify objects and beings by smell (provided he is already familiar with them) and to identify those who have handled an object or been in a particular area within the last 8 hours.  It also allows the Hexslinger to identify poisons and other impurities in food or drink and to detect (or ‘see’) invisible gases in the air (allowing him and those he warns, to stay clear of poison gas clouds).

Touch: Increasing this sense allows the Hexslinger to tell the exact weight of any object he can lift and to unerringly determine whether an unconscious person is alive or dead.  It also gives him a +6 bonus to all Open Locks rolls used against hard locks.


Words of Power
Your very words hold power to harm your enemies. Usable in one of two ways -
  • Area Effect, 100ft Cone - Speak boldly to do a number of points of AP Stun Damage equal to your Presence Score to any that can hear you. No roll to hit is needed.
  • Rolled Attack - Your words take physical Kanji form to slam into an enemy (whether they can hear you or not). Roll Face (Intimidate) to Hit, doing Presence + X-Roll AP Stun Damage.


Jump (Dimensional; 13♠; I/S*): Jump allows the Hexslinger to instantly move a limited distance without actually crossing the space in between – he simply blinks from one position to the other.  When using the Jump spell, the Hexslinger is limited in what he can take with him by his normal Carrying Capacity, up to Encumbered.  In addition, it is not possible to Jump into a position already occupied by another creature or object.  In the case where a Hexslinger attempts to do so, either inadvertently or by intention, the spell will automatically fail. 

When used with a Surge Point, Jump can be held active for a Combat Scene; meaning that it can be used without further casting during each Round, simply by spending a Move Action.

The distance a Hexslinger can Jump, is limited by his Wisdom Score, as noted on the table below. 

Wisdom Jump Distance
1-2| 100 ft
3-4| 300 ft
5-6| 1000 ft
7-8| 1 mile
9-10| 10 miles


Blessing of The Ancestors_
Ancestor’s Rebuke [1 Surge | Add | Instant]
This feat allows the user to double the Total Damage of a single successful Attack against Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 06:53:38 am by BerkaZerka »
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”


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Re: Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper)
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 11:45:03 pm »

From what Miya has read and heard about her father, she learned that he was a Captain in one of the armies lead by the Daimyo. He was greatly skilled in archery and preferred to know the men under his command directly, which is why he never reached a higher rank in the army.

Eventually, after the war, he was one of very few men to actually return to Sendai and retied to his Estate/Manor and lived a simple quiet life. His wife eventually bore him a daughter which he greeted with much festival. As she grew he made sure to teach her discipline and how to use a bow. He was surprised to find that while she disliked the training she was a prodigy at archery, she had incredible eyesight and knew how to hit targets from very far distances. Even when people tried to distract her from her training she seemed to be able to focus on only the task at hand.

Despite all this, she much enjoyed spending time in the small library/den. She learned how to read the huge tomes inside within a matter of days and could retell the simplest little details of the day a few weeks after its passing.
By her 13th birthday, she had grown accustomed to her station in life and did not expect to much to change. She was proven wrong when a large number of soldiers attacked the Manor without warning one night and killed her father, along with a large number of the servants. One of the soldiers found her cowering in a corner and after telling her that the Daimyo had sent them to punish her father, the soldier cut her in one fluid motion from the back of her wrist all the way across her shoulder up to the bottom on her neck. He left as she lay bleeding; likely presumed dead.

She was saved by a servant boy she had known most of her life. He was able to stitch the majority of the wound shut and slow the bleeding before more professional help arrived. Now today, she has a major dislike for the Daimyo and retains a somewhat obvious scar.
 Now despite that dark day she has offered herself up as a Samurai to the Daimyo. Whether or not this is to get revenge or serve loyally is still unkown.
Other Notes
  -Likes Cherry Blossoms.
  -Will sometimes jump into a groups conversation without invitation.
  -Likes to read almost anything.
  -Enjoys drawing maps of fictional places.
  -Dislikes sudden suprises.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 03:26:06 pm by Fireplay »
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”


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Re: Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper)
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2014, 04:08:52 pm »

Original Skill Levels_

Combat Skills
3 Defense
4 Ranged

General Skills
3 Acrobatics
4 Athletics
5 Evaluate
4 General Knowledge
1 Larceny
3 Outdoors
5 Perception
1 Socialize
3 Stealth

Advanced Skills
1 Political Sciences

XP Bumps_
Ranged: 4 to 6 (12 XP)
Rapid Shot Edge (4XP)
Larceny: 1 to 2 (4 XP)
Fast Edge (4XP)
Mobility Edge (4XP)
General Knowledge: 4 to 5 (4 XP)
Perception: 5 to 7 (16 XP)
~Erudite Insight AF (4XP)
~Eyes of the Eagle AF (4XP)
Sharpshooter Edge (4XP)
~Uncanny Shot AF (4XP)
Iron Will Edge (4 XP)
Thorough Edge (4 XP)
Ranged: 6 to 7 (8 XP)
~Flight Follows the Eye AF (4 XP)
~Multi-Shot AF (4 XP)
~One For Each AF (4 XP)
~Spirit Arrows AF (4 XP)
~Rain of Shooting Stars AF (4 XP)
~Break The Code AF (4 XP)
Spirited Edge (4 XP)
~Heroic Surge AF (4 XP)
Acrobatics: 3 to 5 (8 XP)
Athletics: 4 to 5 (4 XP)
Larceny: 2 to 4 (8 XP)
~Ki Master AF (4 XP)
~Feather Stance AF (4 XP)
~Great Leap AF (4XP)
~Amazing Celerity AF (4 XP)
~Spider Climb AF (4 XP)
~Bulls Eye AF (4 XP)
~Grievous Injury Technique AF (4 XP)
~Though the Heart AF (4 XP)
Defense: 3 to 5 (8 XP)
Ranged: 7 to 8 (8 XP)
Occult Sciences: 0 to 1 (4 XP)
Evasion Edge (4 XP)
Lightning Reflexes Edge (4 XP)
Sensitive Edge (4 XP)
~Spirit Sight AF (4 XP)
~Celestial Bow AF (4 XP)
~Uncanny Dodge AF(4 XP)
+1 Surge (8 XP)
Lucky Edge (4 XP)
Toughness Edge (4 XP)
~Combo AF x2 (8 XP)
~Ki Reserves AF (4 XP)
~Elemental Barb AF (4 XP)
~Iron Fist Style AF (4 XP)
~Brass Body Technique AF (4 XP)
~Valiant Sacrifice AF (4 XP)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 06:36:17 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper)
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2015, 06:54:24 am »



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Re: Miya Sugai (Fireplay’s Samurai-Ko Vengeful Ki Sniper)
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2015, 08:14:49 am »

Malevolent (Flaw)
The creature is known by nature to be either demonic, malicious, or just plain untrustworthy.  The creature suffers the following Penalties, except when interacting with others of the Malevolent Flaw: -4 Socialize Skill, +4 Face (Intimidate).
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