Ghosts And Haunts AbilitiesStr –; Agi (
C); Con –; Int (
C); Wis (
C); Pre (
C); Vitality –; Wounds –
SavesRef (
C); Fort –; Will (
C); Luck (
C); Surge (
MovementInit (
C); Move (Flight) 30 ft (Run 60)
AttacksThrow Object ♠ (
C)/(as appropriate by object)
Touch Heart ♠ (
C)/5L AP ♠
Combat SkillsDodge –; Feint –; Grapple –; Melee –; Ranged –; Target (
C); Throw –; Unarmed (
All Other Skills(
No Physical Skills; all Mental Skills As Creature)
EdgesExtraordinary Powers; Flight; Translucent; Immunities (acid, aging, cold, disease, fatigue, fire, normal physical damage, poison, pain, poison, pressure, radiation, starvation, suffocation); Incorporeal; Manifest (limited)
Spells and PowersLuck and Surge Options (see notes)
FlawsAnimal Antipathy; (
Plus Any Appropriate As Creature)
Equipment Normal Load –; Encumbered –; Limit –; Drag –
Notes Notation (
C) indicates ‘As Character’ – meaning whatever Stat the creature had while living.
Ghosts and Haunts are created by traumatic or magical deaths. A Ghost is created from a creature that had Luck and Surge Points in life, while a Haunt is one that was an Extra.
Both Ghosts and Haunts are naturally Invisible and Incorporeal; unable to interact at all with the physical world unless they first Manifest. A Manifested Ghost or Haunt is
translucent and can be seen and heard, but is still Incorporeal, having permanent partial concealment and the ability to move through or remain hidden in solid objects. As an incorporeal being, Ghosts and Haunts are not subject to physical harm of any kind.
Both Ghosts and Haunts can Manifest a number of times per week equal to their Charisma value, but only at night, and only for one minute per point of Charisma.
Haunts can do little else with Manifesting, except communicating with the living or haunting them by yelling, screaming, and taunting.
Ghosts however, have a few more options by spending Luck or Surge Points as described below.
- A Ghost can spend a Luck point to Manifest anywhere at anytime (day or night) – effectively teleporting instantly to the desired location regardless of distance.
- In addition, a Manifested Ghost can spend a Luck Point for Selective Invisibility – choosing who can see and hear it according to its own desires.
- A Point of Luck can be spent to allow a Ghost to cast any spell from one of its Focused Spheres of Magic (if it has any).
- A Point of Surge can be spent to allow a Ghost to ‘Throw’ some object at someone, using his Target skill in place of Throw.
- A Point of Surge can be spent to allow the Ghost to make an Unarmed attack, touching a victim’s heart. If successful, the victim takes 5L AP Damage (plus X-Roll), is Stunned, and must make a Will Save or become Panicked.
- A point of Surge can be spent to allow a Ghost to enter a Magic Ward, where once across the boundary, he is free to act as normal.
- Additionally, most of the standard applications of Luck and Surge can also be used by a Ghost (as appropriate).
Haunts cannot enter a Magic Ward, nor can Ghosts (except by spending a Surge Point). Dispel Magic destroys a Haunt, but only prevents a Ghost from Manifesting for one month. Mind Control also works against a Ghost or Haunt, but only while it is Manifested. A Ghost or Haunt can also be put to rest if avenged of any perceived wrongs or by Resurrecting the creature with Epic Magic.