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Author Topic: GAMEPLAY THREAD  (Read 75141 times)


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« Reply #50 on: March 04, 2014, 07:57:10 pm »

"Will we be safe in here? What's happening?" Lial asks

Lial will look to see if there are any more guards in sight...
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 12:57:57 am by Drakilian »


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« Reply #51 on: March 05, 2014, 12:24:13 am »

On the West Juan turns back and heads towards Aviur as she continues with the fires when they both start hearing noise coming from the East they are still 10 feet apart, nothing is yet visible (OOC: I paused you right as you both hear the noise)

Aviur's eyes go wide as she hears the noise. She quickly darts to the nearest flame and pulls a stick(one side on fire with the other still unburned.) before darting behind a tree large enough to hide her and the fire. If she can see Juan before the guards arrive then she will motion for him to hide.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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« Reply #52 on: March 05, 2014, 12:54:28 am »

Squirrel decides to wait a moment and see if they man inside the room finishes gearing up and leaves.  She also takes a moment to examine any latches on the window so she can figure out how to get in.


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« Reply #53 on: March 05, 2014, 09:09:23 am »

Juan, much like Aviur decides to hide when he hears the noise, and if he sees her do the go hide he will do some overly dramatic gestures as he readies a gun.

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« Reply #54 on: March 05, 2014, 09:28:31 am »

"Perfect." Karl whispers back, and gets himself into position. Once the guards get close by, (and he will hear it due to his tin), he'll signal Lan.


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« Reply #55 on: March 05, 2014, 07:10:21 pm »

Aviur and Juan both smoothly duck behind trees (Aviur holding a burning brand) and both signal eachother to hide before realising it and resuming getting prepared, Juan with his pistol ready and Aviur with her brand cluched like a bat. they start hearing more noises.

"It's here, hey this looks staged, everyone spread out!" they hear the noise from multiple people moving  and they can both work out that they are now being approached by multiple enimies in a line spred over about 20 feet. Both know they are in the path of the line.

The obligator turns back to Lial. "We will be completly safe here don't worry. Now I do still have some questions for you, follow me please." Lial is lead into the main building ground floor then to the right, they reach a large room with a dining table to the right and comfy chairs to the left, the obligator indicates the comfortable chairs, smiling again. Visible there are 2 guards already in the large room, 1 at the east window and 1 at the south window they do not have any visible metal. They are concentrating hard looking out the windows. the two original guards are 2 and 4 feet behind him respectively.

Tan also smoothly gets into position using the darkness and whatever cover he can to stay hidden, he percieves that the guards are returning their way, Lan also sees this since they are carrying torches. (OOC: They should be close next turn.)

Squirrel stays put and tries to listen to whats going on inside the window but finds she can't really make anything out. She does however hear commotion from directly below. On the grounds and the bushes she was just in. She sees its a simple latch window that shouldnt test her skills to open, the window is metal framed and metal hatchings around the panes of glass. she can't see the man without fully hanging down in front of the window again
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 09:42:12 pm by Forge »


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« Reply #56 on: March 05, 2014, 11:02:02 pm »

Aviur smirks as she prepares her pewter-burn, she throws out the burning stick on her left just before activating the burning process and running out towards whatever looks like the leader of the group on the right. If she manages to surprise them then she will punch or push the leader into the people next to him before attacking the closest person(that is not an ally) with just enough heat to sting them when she makes contact.

Hopefully Juan can take down anybody who runs for help or maybe the leader if the possibility arise. :P
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« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2014, 12:11:58 am »

Aw man, i hate this kind's of stuff.  He thinks for himself, as looks down at the pistol and contemplates on what to do next, then something suddenly hits him.

"No way i'm going to be a side-character in my own life..." He mumbles to himself before looking straight at Aviur "Stay hidden... or something" He says loudly enough for her to hear, but not the guards. Hopefully."

He then aims for one of the guards leg with his pistol, aims for another leg shot on another guard and runs like hell, to get away from them. "Bitches!" He shouts as he runs away from them.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 01:26:15 am by Daedalus »


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« Reply #58 on: March 06, 2014, 10:09:47 pm »

The obligator turns back to Lial. "We will be completly safe here don't worry. Now I do still have some questions for you, follow me please." Lial is lead into the main building ground floor then to the right, they reach a large room with a dining table to the right and comfy chairs to the left, the obligator indicates the comfortable chairs, smiling again. Visible there are 2 guards already in the large room, 1 at the east window and 1 at the south window they do not have any visible metal. They are concentrating hard looking out the windows. the two original guards are 2 and 4 feet behind him respectively.

Lial will wait for the Obligator to ask his first question.

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« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2014, 10:11:45 pm »

Almost here... Prepare.. Cool mind... Karl thinks to himself, mentally preparing himself.


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« Reply #60 on: March 06, 2014, 11:42:08 pm »

Squirrel looks down at the commotion below to find out what's going on, if it's distracting enough or won't give her away, she decides to swing over the ledge feet-first (from a back-roll off the edge)  Using her momentum & her steel pushing, she's going to push the window open and try to take out the man inside with a double kick.


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« Reply #61 on: March 07, 2014, 12:11:34 am »

In the Western woods many things happen at once.

Aviur tries to signal Juan to stay in cover which he doesn't see cos he is busy thinking and mumbling, she then throws her burning branch left and begins burning pewter and sprinting right. At this moment Juan tries to tell HER to stay hidden and spins out left taking two quick shots at the nearest men.

The enemies are spread out, Aviur sees only 1 to her right with one straight ahead and one close to the left, the others are further off left near Juan. Juan sees one straight ahead, 1 left, one close right and the others to the right near Aviur.

Juan's bullets land first, just as the men react, taking one man clean in the thigh and making him ragdoll to the ground. The second missfires, jamming the pistol. It will need fully reloaded and cocked before firing again. Aviur goes for the man right in front of her with pewter enhanced speed and agility and thumps him right in the chest. The little blast of heat works well and doesnt backfire but it doesnt matter much as the man does a backflip from her punch before landing out cold.

Juan has begun sprinting away shouting "Bitches" and he has two very insulted men in pursuit. One fires an arrow at him which leaves a gash on his side, just a deep flesh wound but it needs bound soonish. Aviur has men directly either side of her, one closing in fast with a staff on her right, and one in metal with a sword to her left.

Inside, the Obligator sits Lial in the comfy chair, the two guards take up spots behind him and to either side. "So tell me again who you are and why you appear unnanouced at our gates at this late hour." He again has a creepy smile on his face, Lial is beginning to suspect that that man may just be very creepy in a bald kind of way. Suddenly there is a crash from nearly right above them and everyone looks at the ceiling where a thump follows immediatly after the crash.

To the east the guards get close, in a few seconds their torchlight will completly reveal Karl and they are Just passing in front of Lan when he looses patience and panics running out in front of them and burning. Karl with his tin sees the sudden blur then sees two confused guards seem to freeze in place weapons half lifted with Lan a few feet away from them also seemingly frozen his hand is up with 3 fingers in the air. Tan swears audibly from inside the bush.

Squirrel looks down in time to see one of the suits taking out a coin and gets the immediate impression that they are dangerous mistlings, they are also already focused on the roof. Squirrel goes for a super awsome roll, swing, boost, take-down move on the guard in the window below her. To an outside observer it would be hard to tell if she failed horribly or suceeded. She swings down but looses her grip last second so that when she hits the window she isn't feet first, she is ass and side first, She frantically pushes on the frame and gutter with her steel which she does spectacularly boosting her at high speed right into the guards chest and head... Ass first and landing in a heap on top of him. Sadly this... unorthadox move takes its toll on her leaving her bruised but luckily has knocked the guard clean out. This made alot of noise... As she stands she suddenly sees a man in a suit fly up to the roof past the window where she had been a second go.

Karl is burning Tin and hears most of what happened to Squirrel, he also hears guards shouting "The roof! they're on the roof!"

OOC: Squirrel and Juan are now Hurt. Health Reminder: Your health will be described as 'full' 'hurt' 'bloodied' 'unconscious' or 'dead' so be carefull if you see bloodied ok? (yes ripped off BZ's system)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 12:31:08 am by Forge »


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« Reply #62 on: March 07, 2014, 12:28:19 am »

Inside, the Obligator sits Lial in the comfy chair, the two guards take up spots behind him and to either side. "So tell me again who you are and why you appear unnanouced at our gates at this late hour." He again has a creepy smile on his face, Lial is beginning to suspect that that man may just be very creepy in a bald kind of way. Suddenly there is a crash from nearly right above them and everyone looks at the ceiling where a thump follows immediatly after the crash.

Tsk, this is unfortunate. If I act now I might be put to a disadvantage... but if I continue playing the fool then the obligator will probably send more guards up to get Squirrel - and she'll be rather busy herself.

Well, I guess it's time to give a hearty "Fark you" to subtlety - we've all been discovered anyways.

Lial flares Brass, removing all suspicion from him, removing all hatred of him, removing all negative feelings of him (though leaving negative feelings towards everyone else). He eradicates any humanity from the subjects of his brass, he destroys whatever loyalty they feel to anyone save for him, he removes any love and friendship they may have with others. He leaves all the good for himself, and he leaves all the evil for the others. Lial also flares Duralinum, making everyone within the first floor love him and care for him unconditionally, to trust him blindly and feel an unbreakable, invaluable connection to him, like that of a faithful hound.

"Everyone you know save for me is a traitor, they are lying to you and want to kill you! You must protect yourself and me, slay them!" Lial shouts out, expanding his effect onto everyone within range of his voice - and sincerely hoping that Squirrel wouldn't be caught in the spell's effects.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 10:26:10 pm by Drakilian »


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« Reply #63 on: March 07, 2014, 04:07:26 am »

"'Tis but a scratch.!" Juan shouts with a smirk, remembering a very odd book he had read some time ago with black knight getting his arms and legs cut off but still insisting it was just a flesh wound, with a grunt of pain he continued to run while checking his would (The arrow cut across his side right below the ribs)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 02:43:43 pm by Forge »


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« Reply #64 on: March 07, 2014, 08:54:36 am »

Aviur ducks and rolls forward before swiping her leg in an arc at the man with the metal sword. If he falls she will immediately try and take down the other soldier before finishing the metal one, if not then she will roll to the side with the staff-man before reengaging battle with them.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”

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« Reply #65 on: March 07, 2014, 04:08:55 pm »

"Dammit LAN!" Karl mutters, angrily, and hops over, drawing strength and prepares to take down the guards


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« Reply #66 on: March 07, 2014, 10:40:39 pm »

"Well, that was...not cool at all" Squirrel thought, groaning and rubbing her bruised...pride. Unfortunately, she doesn't have any more time for self pity as she sees the misting go flying by towards the roof.  She dashes towards the partition into the 2nd floor study, stolen keys in hand (as they can be used to either knock out an attacker or *hopefully* open the wall safe.

OOC: It's pretty clear that they knew we were coming, so I'm going for speed over stealth. I've left my steel on so I can react quickly to any attacks.


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« Reply #67 on: March 08, 2014, 10:10:23 pm »

To the east Karl is fully prepared as the blur shimmers for a millisecond and vanishes, his tin lets him know the EXACT second it goes and the guards are about to speed up.

To the West Juan makes his quips as he runs and realises that his wound is a bleeder but he could easily heal it with normal burning of gold, just if he doesnt he is gonna be in trouble soon. A second arrow flashes past him into a tree missing by at least a good few inches. He can still hear someone coming after him fast.

Aviur moves in close and goes for the legs, sweeping the armoured mans leg clean out, the man reacts FAST and manages a light slash at Aviurs head as he falls, she manges to dodge but takes a small cut to her shoulder (OOC: not enough to slow her down, just a scratch.) the other man closes but not fast enough to attack. Aviur is now facing the two men, armoured down on his back and the other standing with staff ready to attack.

Inside Squirrel springs to her feet and with a burst of steel-running blasts into the room to find it empty. behind her she hears men shouting in the corridor outside the Study.

Downstairs Lial goes all out Flair burn on both metals and attempts to turn the men on eachother. The flairs works and he controls it well to affect most of the ground floor, just not completly to the West wall. His burns sooth away pretty much ALL emotion leaving only trace nice feelings towards him although they had little of that to begin, his other burn them makes them feel like he is their bestest buddy ever with added bro-mance. One of the guards behind him simply clutches his head then faints. The Obligator seems to know somthing is wrong before pandemonium takes over, the guards at the windows had guns which one promtly uses on the guard behind Lial taking him out with a shot to the chest. The other window guard, and the obligator are left screaming at eachother when two more guards burst from siderooms into the corridor outside the room.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 11:54:40 pm by Forge »


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« Reply #68 on: March 08, 2014, 10:18:35 pm »

Lial picks up the dead man's gun and then shoots the obligator in the back of the head. He will then take the Obligator's keys (C'mon, he has to have keys) and go to the office, leaving the chaos behind him. If the obligator has no keys, he will ignore the "Kill the obligator" part and just take the gun and leave. He does this all as quickly as possible.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 12:11:10 am by Drakilian »


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« Reply #69 on: March 09, 2014, 12:21:01 am »

After making sure they couldent see him, Juan will dive into a bush to hide in, to heal and fix his Gun.
If he cant, he will try to do it while running.


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« Reply #70 on: March 09, 2014, 02:30:45 pm »

Aviur moves in close and goes for the legs, sweeping the armoured mans leg clean out, the man reacts FAST and manages a light slash at Aviurs head as he falls, she manges to dodge but takes a small cut to her shoulder (OOC: not enough to slow her down, just a scratch.) the other man closes but not fast enough to attack. Aviur is now facing the two men, armoured down on his back and the other standing with staff ready to attack.

She quickly moves into a dodge as the other soldiers comes close enough to hit her. From that dodge she will try and grab the stick from him and take it. If she succeds then she will use the battle-staff against the mans head. If not she will make sure to knock the man in metal down to the ground again before trying to get his sword.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”

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« Reply #71 on: March 09, 2014, 02:35:32 pm »

Karl, as soon as the slow bubble is up, goes in and attempts to take out one guard completely, drawing strength from his storage. The other one, however, he won't aim to knock the foe out.


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« Reply #72 on: March 10, 2014, 11:56:39 pm »

Squirrel pushes against the metal on the door to the corridor to keep it shut (just in case someone decides to charge in), while trying the keys on the safe.
She mouths silently "crapcrapcrap - please work, please work, please work!"


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« Reply #73 on: March 11, 2014, 12:20:57 am »

OOC: Just cos I want to do everything in a different order today I reversed it..

Inside the room Squirrel keeps her steel going to push on the door but she hasn't braced herself so she can't push very hard, on the other hand she judges the size of they keys very well and is just wrenching the door to the safe open when the door to the corridor bursts open and a very off balance guard tumbles in and to the floor, there is one guard still standing behind him, both are dressed as hazekillers however the one still standing is holding a pistol.

Lials affect on the men holds as he grabs the gun and shoots the obligator, he i searching the dead man for keys, and JUST gets his hand on them when shouts erupt from the corridor to the west and a guard wearing metal is visible running towards the room Lial is in. the other guards in the corridor are still confused.

Karls speed and strength allow him clean punches to both mens heads but their armour protects them slightly, one is out cold and the other seems to be VERY dazed  but still kind of concious, he is also drooling a little. Lan shakes himself before turning to Karl "Well I'm glad you saw my signal with my fingers! now lets get some information out of this one before we are noticed."

In the trees to the West, Juan jumps headfirst into a bush and burns gold while trying to fix his gun. The gold begins working instantly to slow the bleeding and start to close the wound but it will take a little time to heal completly (1-2 more turns without a flair.) He also suceeds in fixing his gun and is just getting it reloaded when an arrow hits the ground near his leg, it seems he didnt shake off the archer yet.

Aviur JUST dodges a strike from the staff user, however as it flys past her face she grabs the end, spins around using her body against the middle of the staff and easily forcing it out of the mans hand. This also meant she was now spinning with a solid staff in hand which very neatly sends its previous owner flying into an unconcious/dead heap in a nearby bush (OOC: somce very nice rolls by Aviur there). Aviur is left nicely poised as the metal wearing man gets to his feet and takes a careful swordsman stance.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 12:30:39 am by Forge »


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« Reply #74 on: March 11, 2014, 12:28:23 am »

Lial shoots the guy in the face, nabs the keys, and then sneakily sneaks away from the conflict.

If the guard moves faster than Lial, Lial will soothe away aggression, loyalty and fear from the guard, and leave compassion, humanity and caring, so tht the guard would hesitate or be rendered mentally incapable of shooting. The duralinum Lial would burn probably would help with this matter as well.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 12:49:17 am by Drakilian »


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« Reply #75 on: March 11, 2014, 12:45:36 am »

Squirrel dives towards the prone guard's back (steelrunning) and uses his head/back as a brace to steel push the pistol back into it's owner's face (hopefully with enough force to knock him out).

OOC: not knowing if the hazekillers are using metal bullets or not, she tries pushing on both the pistol and the bullet, just in case the guard trying to get a round off.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 12:46:32 am by Forge »


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« Reply #76 on: March 11, 2014, 06:16:41 pm »

Juan nearly shouts another taunt at the guards, but stopping in the last second, realising it Would give up his position. He tries to spot the archer, aswell as the men that was running after him. When spotted he will try to shoot them. In the leg.

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« Reply #77 on: March 11, 2014, 09:29:57 pm »

Karl moves quickly to the man on the ground, and makes sure Lan stopped his bubble.

He then grabs the man, holding him in the air by the neck.

"Shout and you die." He sad, trying to intimidate him.


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« Reply #78 on: March 12, 2014, 09:25:53 pm »

In the West forest Juan looks out in time to see the archer with a loaded arrow scanning the bush he is in. He takes aim and fires before the archer notices his exact position but his shot only skims the archers leg and the archer falls behind a tree. Juan sees some blood but is pretty sure that the man isnt out of the fight yet. He cannot see the other guard that he was sure was following him.

Aviur moves in with some fast staff strikes against the armoured man, however the man deflects or defends all of the blows, Aviur quickly realises she is facing a pewter arm who is trained with a sword. She does however notice that his sword is denting slightly more than normal. She sees him smiling as he takes the offensive with short body thrusts.

To the east Karl shakes the man a bit as he warns him into silence, this seems partly uneccesary as the man is still clearly dazed and not overly sure of what is happening to him. On the plus side the intimidation is an automatic sucess as a result. Lan meanwhile tries to scale the wall to look over the top at whats going on in the grounds.

Inside the house Lial slides the keys into his cloak pocket as he fires off a round at the approaching armoured mans head, which he misses. a second shot however takes the man in the chest and the guard slumps to the ground. Lial tries to quickly sneak to the west side of the house but he notices that the guards he is currently passing in the corridor are recovering very quickly from his mental attack.

On the second floor Squirrel goes for a rather accrobatic attack on the guards who just burst into the room. She dives forward with a boost off the safe and lands on the guards back before releasing a strong push against the second mans gun. The push is extrodinarily sucesful and she surprises herself with her own strength as the mans gun smashes full up into his face and knocks him out cold with a very broken nose, the push also forces her weight onto the man below her knocking him head into the floor hard, he will be dazed for a moment or two. (Finally someone crit again, its been like 6 turns or so since a crit)

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« Reply #79 on: March 12, 2014, 09:28:33 pm »

"Good. Tell me where the books are kept. The important ones. Now." Karl says, angrily.


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« Reply #80 on: March 12, 2014, 09:30:10 pm »

"Good. Tell me where the books are kept. The important ones. Now." Karl says, angrily.
OOC: this isnt a full turns worth of action compared to the others sooo....

"What erm, books? you mean the gold?"


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« Reply #81 on: March 12, 2014, 09:32:48 pm »

In the West forest Juan looks out in time to see the archer with a loaded arrow scanning the bush he is in. He takes aim and fires before the archer notices his exact position but his shot only skims the archers leg and the archer falls behind a tree. Juan sees some blood but is pretty sure that the man isnt out of the fight yet. He cannot see the other guard that he was sure was following him.

Aviur moves in with some fast staff strikes against the armoured man, however the man deflects or defends all of the blows, Aviur quickly realises she is facing a pewter arm who is trained with a sword. She does however notice that his sword is denting slightly more than normal. She sees him smiling as he takes the offensive with short body thrusts.

To the east Karl shakes the man a bit as he warns him into silence, this seems partly uneccesary as the man is still clearly dazed and not overly sure of what is happening to him. On the plus side the intimidation is an automatic sucess as a result. Lan meanwhile tries to scale the wall to look over the top at whats going on in the grounds.

Inside the house Lial slides the keys into his cloak pocket as he fires off a round at the approaching armoured mans head, which he misses. a second shot however takes the man in the chest and the guard slumps to the ground. Lial tries to quickly sneak to the west side of the house but he notices that the guards he is currently passing in the corridor are recovering very quickly from his mental attack.

On the second floor Squirrel goes for a rather accrobatic attack on the guards who just burst into the room. She dives forward with a boost off the safe and lands on the guards back before releasing a strong push against the second mans gun. The push is extrodinarily sucesful and she surprises herself with her own strength as the mans gun smashes full up into his face and knocks him out cold with a very broken nose, the push also forces her weight onto the man below her knocking him head into the floor hard, he will be dazed for a moment or two. (Finally someone crit again, its been like 6 turns or so since a crit)

Lial excersices his brass and Duralinum the same way he had when he flared (though he doesn't flare it) in order to slow the recovery the guards were going through.

He also scoops up the guard who he had killed's gun, after all, the one he was using had a limited amount of shots left...

If any more guards begin following or chasing him, and he fails to outrun them, he will recommence firing at them, while finding cover.

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« Reply #82 on: March 12, 2014, 10:00:09 pm »

OOC: this isnt a full turns worth of action compared to the others sooo....

"What erm, books? you mean the gold?"

OOC: Muchos Gracias

Karl, on the dot, changes his plans.

"Yes, yes, the gold. The gold and the damn books recording your houses' shipments. Tell me, NOW."


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« Reply #83 on: March 12, 2014, 10:08:22 pm »

"I... I know nothing about any books, the obligator deals with all that stuff, we were just hired a couple days ago so that the house gold in the small basement would be safe."

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« Reply #84 on: March 12, 2014, 10:11:19 pm »

"I... I know nothing about any books, the obligator deals with all that stuff, we were just hired a couple days ago so that the house gold in the small basement would be safe."

".. Damn.. Where is the basement?" Karl asks, angrily.


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« Reply #85 on: March 12, 2014, 10:19:41 pm »

"I... I dunno... I think erm under the tower?" the man finally looses conciousness.

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« Reply #86 on: March 12, 2014, 10:29:49 pm »

Karl drops the unconscious man, and waits for LAN to report what's going on inside the grounds. Plans are to head on over there.


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« Reply #87 on: March 13, 2014, 11:51:09 pm »

Squirrel grins to herself thinking, "Finally something has gone my way!". She launches off the prone guard's head and back towards the safe, hoping to knock him out properly this time. Back at the safe, she finally gets to look at the contents inside, hoping to have found the book.


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« Reply #88 on: March 14, 2014, 10:19:47 pm »

Juan listens carefully for any sound that the man following him earlier is still around, if not he would try to get away from the now wounded archer by sprinting. If he did not hear the other man but he was still there he would try to shoot him in the leg too if he tried pursuing him again.


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« Reply #89 on: March 14, 2014, 10:41:14 pm »

In the West forest Juan looks out in time to see the archer with a loaded arrow scanning the bush he is in. He takes aim and fires before the archer notices his exact position but his shot only skims the archers leg and the archer falls behind a tree. Juan sees some blood but is pretty sure that the man isn't out of the fight yet. He cannot see the other guard that he was sure was following him.

Aviur moves in with some fast staff strikes against the armoured man, however the man deflects or defends all of the blows, Aviur quickly realises she is facing a pewter arm who is trained with a sword. She does however notice that his sword is denting slightly more than normal. She sees him smiling as he takes the offensive with short body thrusts.

Aviur moves to hit the sword off to the side and shortly after swing it up at the soldiers head. Hopefully she manages to make him back off/stumble for a moment so she can run backwards a small distance. Once she does that she will run with pewter-enhancement towards him; once she gets close she will swing the staff at his feet right before jumping up for a face-kick.
 If he loses his sword at this point she will grab onto his face and hair then melt his face/set it on fire. She will try to hold on as long as possible unless she is likely to be attacked by somebody else than him(or he manages to get his sword again.)
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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« Reply #90 on: March 15, 2014, 08:12:29 pm »

To the East, Karl drops the man and walks over to Lan who is struggling to see clearly over the wall due to his age and the walls height, Karl helps him and gets a hurried report. "Theres alot of them right over the wall, lots of torches and a mix of hazekillers and men in armour there. Far too many for us to try and take on alone, I could try and catch one in a bubble through the wall but I have no idea what help that would be."

To the West Juan remembers that he thought a  second man was after him and listens carefully to his surroundings, which is lucky because he quickly realises that someone is sneaking up fom behind him. He manages to locate and get a shot off at the man at quite close range which takes him in the thigh which guarantees he is out of the fight (so long as he isnt a gold feru) His shot gives away his position to the archer who again fires a shot but Juan is too fast for him and is already sprinting Nearly due north, parallel with the wall.

Aviur on the other hand is facing a bit more trouble, she tries to make the man stumble to give her some space but he easily counters her attacks and stays perfectly in form, it is becoming clear that he is not only a pewter arm but is well trained with his sword. Aviur does however manage to get some space and charges the man flashing her staff at his feet which he almost smugly side-steps and raises his sword for a counter strike. Luckily for Aviur this was a feintand she connects solidly with her knee directly to his face knocking him in a half backflip to land unconcious in front of her.

Inside on the ground floor Lial continuously burns his metals to try and keep the guards in the corridor with his dissorientated. He realises quite quickly that this isnt going to work for long at all and the guards are recovering. He does however reach the entrance to the study which has a very basic wooden door, sadly its locked.

Upstairs Squirrel blasts off the floored guards head/back to the slightly opened safe. She opens it the rest of the way and looks inside. She sees several small bags some documents and a small pile of books, she has no time to examine the books before hearing some cracking noise from the bedroom she entered from.


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« Reply #91 on: March 15, 2014, 08:33:22 pm »

Lial, being blessed with keys and the knowledge that you can open door locks with keys, uses the Obligator's keys to open the door lock.

If the keys don't work (or take too long), he will use another piece of knowledge he has been blessed with: He possesses not one but two guns, and door locks and hinges are not immune to gunshots. (If he fails he'll just shoot the door lock, if the door still doesn't open he'll shoot the hinges and break the door down like a raging bitch and enter.)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 03:34:42 pm by Drakilian »


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« Reply #92 on: March 16, 2014, 05:57:59 pm »

the archer shouldnt be able to follow... well fast anyway and i'm confident i got that other sneaky sneak guard in the leg.. i hope i didnt the artory in the thigh though, that will probarly kill him.. Oh well, i get to live another day, WEI! And with a excited little squel he merrily runs towards Aviur to see if she needs any help.


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« Reply #93 on: March 16, 2014, 06:28:57 pm »

Aviur on the other hand is facing a bit more trouble, she tries to make the man stumble to give her some space but he easily counters her attacks and stays perfectly in form, it is becoming clear that he is not only a pewter arm but is well trained with his sword. Aviur does however manage to get some space and charges the man flashing her staff at his feet which he almost smugly side-steps and raises his sword for a counter strike. Luckily for Aviur this was a feintand she connects solidly with her knee directly to his face knocking him in a half backflip to land unconcious in front of her.

OOC: Heh, Epic.
BIC: Landing with a thud to the ground she quickly checks for any soldiers nearby and if there are none then she will check the fallen soldiers for anything of interest/value. After that she will use the sword of the armored soldier to kill all the normal soldiers before tying up the armoured(now unarmored) soldier to a tree and gag him before beginning to search for Juan. She leaves all the interest/value stuff in a big pile unless it's like a letter or note or something like that. She will take that with her.

This is far to much fun, maybe Juan left some for me to fight... She thinks to herself as she continues looking.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”

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« Reply #94 on: March 18, 2014, 09:44:49 am »

"Ugh... We need to get in via a different route. See any windows we could get in?" Karl asks. If any are there, he'd try and climb up.


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« Reply #95 on: March 19, 2014, 10:10:30 pm »

Squirrel silently grumbles to herself, 'I'm never going to get 2 seconds alone with this bloody safe' and darts he hand in to pull put the small pile of books. She braces herself against the safe and steel pushes all the metal in the vicinity towards and out the bedroom window, hoping to catch the "visitor" unawares.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 10:33:01 pm by Gidgy »


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« Reply #96 on: March 19, 2014, 10:48:24 pm »

Lial in inside the mansion ground floor on the West side trying to get inside the study, he starts trying to fit keys when shouts start right beside him and he realises that the guards are now after him, and they are very close. He does however manage to match the key to the lock and get inside, slamming the door behind him but there is alreay banging on the outside.

Upstairs Squirrel grabs the small pile of books without checking what they are (due to having no time to go through them carefully, this makes her slightly encumbered but she can easliy drop them for combat) She blasts out a steel push while standing against the safe to cause all the metal around her to move away, theoretically firing any loose metal between her and the unknown noise towards the noise and its cause. She sees the affect work and can see the lines of many small metal object radiating out at speed untill the metal near the window seems to stop and she feels extra force pushing her into the safe for a few moments before it it just as suddenly released. She does hear a muffled noise as it happens but is unable to make out what it was, after the flying metal hits the floor she is unable to hear any more movement from the room.

To the East Lan turns to Karl, "There seem to be alot of windows on the ground floor which we could use for entry but this side of the compound is crawling with men. The only chance I see is from the West side." Around this time Karl manages to notice new light turning the corner, it also occurs to him that they are standing near the bodies of the two unconcious guards and didnt put the torches out so they are very very visible.

To the West Juan squeals with glee as he merrily runs in a loop back South towards where he left aviur. Sadly in his glee he does indeed trip on an exposed root and bash his nose into a tree. Not a serious injury but very embarrasing, there is no sign of the archer though.

Aviur scans the surroundings and seeing nothing she takes the mans sword and searches the rest of the normal soldiers before killing them. Her cursory search turns up nothing of interest and the hacking of survivors to death is pretty hasty causing a section of the sword to loose its edge badly when it hit some laqured wood. She then returns to the metal wearing guard and ties him up, resting him against a tree with a gag in place when a nice shiney shaft of wood appears in her right calf. She realises awfully quickly that it is indeed an arrow that has lodged itself there.


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« Reply #97 on: March 20, 2014, 12:18:50 am »

Well look at that, I guess there must be an archer nearby. She thinks to herself as she glances down at it.

Knowing better than to tear it out she quickly rolls to the side before hiding behind a tree from the direction the arrow came. She then tries to check to see how deep the arrow went and what kind of arrow it is.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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« Reply #98 on: March 20, 2014, 05:42:17 pm »

Lial quickly locks the door shut (not expecting it to hold in any way) and tries to take up a hidden position with some small cover for protection in the room. He will take out both of the guns and aim them directly at the door, and wait at that position. Once the guards begin entering, having broken down the door, he will wait for two guards to enter; at which point he will begin firing on the whole lot of them, using his cover and stealthy position as well as the chokepoint the guards would have put themselves into to his advantage.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 05:44:29 pm by Drakilian »


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« Reply #99 on: March 21, 2014, 07:58:07 am »

Son of a bitch and mother of a pigfaced gluttonous bastard! Juan thinks to himself, though that isnt even close to his actual words.. but pg13!

Either way, he continues to make his way towards Aviur, healing himself as he joggs there. Though he is on the lookout for the arcer, aswell as any other guard.
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