One day on a gamergate discussion haterally thread, Drako stated that the dude she sucked off was probably desperate, being an obscure game reviewer and all. Curiously, I looked her up, but I didn't get a good look at her, because I was terrified someone would look over my shoulder for some reason and slammed the X button when somebody got within ten paces of me. From what I saw, she was actually pretty, and I told Drakoblare that.
Drakoblare was like "Well, okay, to each their own. Lol." and then I was like "She's kinda pretty, though. I mean, the piercing and emo hair are a bit of a throw-off, but... Are you sure we googled the same Zoe?" and then Drakilian was like "Jesus Sentinel, you blind or somefin?" Then I shrugged it off and let it go, thinking we just had different tastes, never really thought about it until now when I was re-watching old Jimquisition videos that got me thinking about gamergate again, and then that convo.
Weird cheekbones, bad taste in eyeliner... Negh...