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Author Topic: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV  (Read 284874 times)

Not Aman

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2014, 08:08:01 pm »

"Roka, you want to take point and enter the house? We need to figure out what has happened as soon as possible."
 Miya lets go of Yuki and moves to whisper to Roka.

"Yup. You keep watch though." Roka says, nodding, and moving foward into the house, moving at a ridiculous speed with his Amaizing Celerity


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2014, 08:20:08 pm »

"Yup. You keep watch though." Roka says, nodding, and moving foward into the house, moving at a ridiculous speed with his Amaizing Celerity

Miya notches an arrow and follows a safe distance away from Roka into the house so she can still get out of the close quarters if needed. She also puts on the White Kabuki Mask and uses it to help search for any clues of what has happened or anything out of the ordinary/what she remembered from her last visit.
(Use Eye of the Eagle for this too.)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 08:21:47 pm by Fireplay »
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #52 on: May 23, 2014, 04:36:48 pm »

Finding nothing else in the front room, the investigation continued towards the rest of the house.

Cautiously moving through the home, everyone could see that there had been a terrible massacre recently. Blood was everywhere, splattered, smeared, and invariably in trails, leading to the headless bodies of three more servants – and each, as the first, having been ruthlessly stabbed to death before someone tediously sliced off their head.

Then to the back of the house, in the kitchen – where the evening meal had been in mid-preparation – a scene of horror. Amid the still cooking foodstuffs, someone has artistically arranged the dismembered body parts of the head cook, as if mockingly presenting them as part of the main course.

Further, the door exiting the kitchen stands open, leading out into the night air; while a trail of bloody footprints can be seen exiting through the door – and beyond, toward a small grove of cherry trees at the far side of the family garden out behind the Shirahata home.


Lee meanwhile, looked into the kitchen from the other side of the door, seeing the Samurai within and wisely making his presence known to avoid startling anyone and accidently getting his head removed by a jumpy Samurai.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #53 on: May 23, 2014, 04:46:34 pm »

Roka continues to move forward towards the cherry tree, as he sees the blood.

"Miya, hold on to Yuki." Roka states, making sure Yuki doesn't rush ahead.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 05:15:33 pm by Aman »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #54 on: May 23, 2014, 05:14:17 pm »

Yuki silently follows Roka.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #55 on: May 23, 2014, 05:21:01 pm »

Udo follows, not really sure what else he should do.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #56 on: May 23, 2014, 05:22:46 pm »

"Wow, this is grim." Is all Lee can muster to say as he looks around the blood caked kitchen.
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #57 on: May 23, 2014, 05:55:58 pm »

"An attack of this level of brutality and horror." Rai whispers as they move, "There is no way this was done by ordinary humans. I am highly sucpious of demon invovlment."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #58 on: May 23, 2014, 06:31:02 pm »

Lee having been reunited with the group responds to Rai. "Do you think maybe your gods are angry about this book ordeal involving your uncle?"
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #59 on: May 23, 2014, 07:45:29 pm »

Lee having been reunited with the group responds to Rai. "Do you think maybe your gods are angry about this book ordeal involving your uncle?"

Rai responds, "The gods wouldn't needlessly kill all these servents. Also the retribution would have happened awhile ago or if they knew we were back it would have been directed towards us."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #60 on: May 23, 2014, 08:11:58 pm »

"...Maybe it isn't over yet?"
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #61 on: May 24, 2014, 11:28:41 am »

Out in the cherry grove, the petals flitted across the ground in the soft night breeze. This really would be a pleasant place in other circumstances.

As the Samurai moved forward, the sound of a little girl whimpering and of someone speaking suddenly caught their attention, as a clearing came into view. Lying in repose together in the clearing was a beautiful young noble woman with impossibly long sable hair, dressed in royal attire befitting an emperoress and Yuki’s Mother, who currently lay with her head cradled against the woman’s bosom.

Little Kioko meanwhile, was wrapped head-to-toe in an extension of the noble woman’s hair and hung from a branches of nearby cherry tree – visibly terrified and crying.

To everyone’s shock, Lady Shirahata’s clothing was covered in gore and she held a bloody knife, clutched tightly in one hand – to the point that the knuckles of her hand had gone white from the pressure of her grip. Aside from the hand holding the knife however, she was quite relaxed, and with her other hand caressed the noble woman’s arm as the fiendish thing delicately feasted off a silver platter – a platter now containing only three of the four heads of the slain servants.

“It is too bad you had no living family here my love.” the noble woman spoke with a strange hollow sounding voice, “Family is so much sweeter and I so savor the bones of children. And yet you had this one, of my own children, here with you – yet I don’t remember ever catching her. Strange…”

“But you shall be a tasty dessert when I am finished with you, won’t you?”

“I will my beloved,” Yuki’s Mother replied – clearly under some bizarre form of mind control.

"Yes, and we'll make the little one watch, so she will know to despair and spread the poison of fear throughout this land, ha ha ha!"


Looking at the scene through her Sorcerer’s Sight, Yuki could see that her mother’s mind was wrapped up in both Mind Control and Mental Illusions, and that she had lost quite a bit of her spirit energy to some sort of vampristic effect. In all though, she could tell that her mother was completely under the power of the terrible thing she lay next to – Kitsune – the demon-corrupted spirit – the nine-tailed man-eating fox in human guise.

This was the beast that had (or would in the far future) kill Kioko – the seducer of unsuspecting men and women alike and meddler in the affairs of rulers and emperors. Powerful she was; radiating brilliant and corrupted spirit energy like a goddess.

And Udo, though he could not see through the woman’s disguise, could tell with his Spirit Sight that this was a powerful spirit of some sort, radiating a dark and unholy aura.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #62 on: May 24, 2014, 01:43:39 pm »

"Why are you here, Kitsune? Release my family!" Yuki angrily yells.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #63 on: May 24, 2014, 02:31:21 pm »

"What is this?" the Kitsune asks with an amused tone.

Then speaking to Yuki's mother she scolds "Shame on you for not telling me that you had living children. It was clever of you to hide it from me, but I do love the surprise all the same."

"Now be a doll and go fetch her head for me."

"As you wish my love," Yuki's mother replies and gets up with the knife to start advancing on Yuki...

Yuki meanwhile, suddenly goes rigged with fear - but can see that the Kitsune has grabbed her mind with some form of mental control. Then all of the other Samurai abruptly disappear from Yuki's sight and she finds herself completely alone in the cherry grove with no one but her crazed mother there - stalking toward her with the bloody knife.

The rest of the Samurai meanwhile, can see Yuki just standing there, but she seems unable to see or hear them...
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 02:42:11 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #64 on: May 24, 2014, 03:47:14 pm »

Lee without hestitation, and well the fact he has no connection with anyone here carefully lines up a spirit arrow embued with the Fire elemental barb, he then realizes that if he ducks behind cover, Udo should be big enough to hide him, that he can activate assassin's misdirecting attack, so he that is exactly what he does, he also burns a luck point to make sure he rolls a 10 or better to crit on the evul mind controlling entity...
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 03:58:42 pm by Aeon_spiral »
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #65 on: May 24, 2014, 04:49:15 pm »

Yuki bites her lip out of frustration with the current situation. She activates physical boast from her bow, then casts summon in order to try and get Yunikawa to arrive her to assist the samurai.

Yuki then spends a surge point in order to be able to dodge her mother's attack, unwilling to attack her.

"Mom, snap out of it! It's me, Yuki! Don't listen to that Kitsune, she's deceiving you!" She yells.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #66 on: May 24, 2014, 08:42:08 pm »

"Shit its a spirt  I can't fight that easily but I can stop her mother, " rai thinks to himself.

He surges to up his will power and uses his misytic chain to trip Yuki's mom.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #67 on: May 24, 2014, 09:09:10 pm »

Roka stays silent, as he slowly grows on strength, and spikes of ki grow over his hands, though he stares at the woman.

"Do not attack yet." Roka orders, and then looks at Miya.

"Grab Yuki and pull her away from her mother. Someone get Kioko out of that tree."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #68 on: May 24, 2014, 09:42:37 pm »

Wide-eyed, and confused once again by all the wacky things they've encountered in the past 2 weeks (10 years?), Udo holds put his Naginata as he barks, "Stay... Stay away from the Shirahata family you... Evil spirit!"

Using an improvised entangle (if possible with an additional surge), Udo tries to get Kioko out of the tree putting her on the ground.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #69 on: May 24, 2014, 11:11:00 pm »

"Do not attack yet." Roka orders, and then looks at Miya.
  "Grab Yuki and pull her away from her mother. Someone get Kioko out of that tree."

Miya seems to be drowned in memories as she begins to aim at the spirit. but upon hearing Roka's command she shakes it off and moves quickly over to Yuki; positioning herself between the two family members with the intent to allow no harm to either of them.

"Yuki, listen to me. We must get you to safety, we can not help your mother at this moment." She says this to Yuki as she pushes her backwards lightly.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #70 on: May 25, 2014, 01:11:50 pm »

Without hesitating (and to show his use to the Samurai), Lee fires his Spirit Fire Barb while using Assassin's Misdirecting Attack.

Everyone sees a fiery bolt fly out of the cherry trees from behind the Kitsune – to just miss her form – as the woman seemed to vanish away just before impact, to reform lying in repose with her head propped up on her hand, back on the branch of another cherry tree not too far away. Kioko meanwhile, still hung from the same branch she had before, still connected to the Kitsune by a long extension of her now wildly flicking head of hair.

Had this been an illusionary image? Uncanny Dodge? Or could the Kitsune teleport away at will?

The cherry tree that got hit with the bolt in the interim, burst into flames – lighting the grove with a bright flickering light.

“So assassins; I will make you pay for your trickery!” the Kitsune growls, “But first you will entertain me with your futile struggles ha ha ha!”

Yuki meanwhile, physically boosts herself and aligns fate and chance to summon Yunikawa – knowing that he’ll eventually come out here to the grove to find her – but not knowing if it will be soon enough to make a difference in their current situation.

As this goes on, Yuki’s mother lunges suddenly at Yuki and starts swinging the knife at her with surprising agility and quickness – though her face remains expressionless and detached as she does.

Unwilling to attack her own mother, Yuki just activates Uncanny Dodge and avoids all the blows – in spite of her body not quite moving right in its strange nightmare-like rigid state.

"Mom, snap out of it! It's me, Yuki! Don't listen to that Kitsune, she's deceiving you!" She yells.

Then a long chain flies out of nowhere and wraps around Lady Shirahata’s feet to yank tight and upend her.

Outside of Yuki’s Illusionary world meanwhile, Rai holds the other end of that chain.

For her part, Yuki’s Mother seems oblivious to the chain and struggles to crawl toward Yuki, still menacing with the knife.

Not far from Rai, Roka activates both Heavy Hitter and Ki Spikes and then directs Miya and the others – “Grab Yuki and pull her away from her mother. Someone get Kioko out of that tree.”

Miya seems to be drowned in memories as she begins to aim at the spirit. but upon hearing Roka's command, she shakes it off and moves quickly over to Yuki; positioning herself between the two family members with the intent to allow no harm to either of them.

"Yuki, listen to me. We must get you to safety,” she says; “we cannot help your mother at this moment."

Miya then pushes Yuki backwards lightly – to which Yuki sees an ugly Oni abruptly rise out of the ground in front of her, which begins shoving her backward toward a now open fire pit of brimstone directly behind her…

Udo then uses an improvised entangle to grow up the cherry tree’s roots out of the ground under Kioko to wrap around her and gently pull her down from the tree branch – the Kitsune’s hair meanwhile, does not let go and a sort of tug-of-war ensues between the two.

“Let’s make this more interesting,” the Kitsune then sneers from her elevated perch; and with a wave of her hand changes the world around all of the Samurai.


Lee suddenly finds himself thrust back in time and now standing in the midst of eight Chinese Raiders, right in the process of dragging his mother away from his family forever!

“Help me my son!” she cries as two of the vile men are manhandling her away.


Yuki’s world remains the same (an Oni shoving her towards a fiery pit and her mother trying to kill her), except that now, Kioko suddenly comes into view – hanging over a huge snake that abruptly slithers out from a hole and unhinges its jaws to begin swallowing the terrified girl from the feet up…


Rai is abruptly transported to the Court of the Daimyo in Sendai – facing the Daimyo and seven of his most elite Honor Guard.

“You have been found traitor to Sendai and the Emperor of Nippon!” The Daimyo accuses – “And now you die!”

With that, the heavily armed Samurai flood in to attack with their drawn swords, while the Daimyo transforms into a horrifying visage of dangling entrails from a floating severed head!


Roka meanwhile, now finds himself in the inner sanctum of the Naga Temple in the Spirit World, looking up at the naked body of the Wu-Jen Sakura – though Keitaro (thankfully) is nowhere to be seen.

Opening her eyes, Sakura pleads with Roka – “Only you can save me Roka…”

Compelled to move forward to reach for Sakura, Roka is stopped by Lilitu the Succubus.

“No Roka,” she says, “you are mine.”

Then Jenna and the other three Vampire Samurai-ko of Yunikawa appear and pull at Roka from another direction, “no, we want him!” they say.

“He is mine!” another voice joins in – and looking, Roka can see Yone also there in the chamber with the rest.

“Take me!” They all say in unison, falling over Roka seductively…


For Miya, she is suddenly transported to the bedchamber of the Daimyo – where she suddenly finds herself standing over the sleeping man in his bed. He is not aware of her presence and there are no guards in the room – just Miya and the sleeping fiend that ordered her family’s death and left her with the lifelong scars…


Lastly, Udo watches as the roots of his entangle begin to pull Kioko too hard – as she screams in pain and looks like she’s about to be torn in half!

Then they spring up under Udo and begin to wrap around his body and neck – threatening to not only immobilize him, but to choke the very life out of him as well!

That is also when he looks around and finds that the Kitsune and all of the other Samurai are gone – It’s just him and Kioko – and she’s about to die unless he does something fast!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 02:34:28 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2014, 01:29:34 pm »

"Agh!" Udo shouts, wincing. Using his hearthstone, he tries to get out of his own terrible predicament before immediately after trying to save Kioko with another improvised entangle, untangling her.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2014, 01:33:47 pm »

Lee looks astoished "what the hell!" He surges to fire off a shot of raining stars and then throws his bow aroun his neck and tries to pull out his fans and activate the tsunami wave to wash all the chinese away...

"No one is going to take my mother!" After casting the wave he will lunge for his mother and try to hold onto her
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2014, 01:45:49 pm »

Roka meanwhile, now finds himself in the inner sanctum of the Naga Temple in the Spirit World, looking up at the naked body of the Wu-Jen Sakura – though Keitaro (thankfully) is nowhere to be seen.

Opening her eyes, Sakura pleads with Roka – “Only you can save me Roka…”

Compelled to move forward to reach for Sakura, Roka is stopped by Lilitu the Succubus.

“No Roka,” she says, “you are mine.”

Then Jenna and the other three Vampire Samurai-ko of Yunikawa appear and pull at Roka from another direction, “no, we want him!” they say.

“He is mine!” another voice joins in – and looking, Roka can see Yone also there in the chamber with the rest.

“Take me!” They all say in unison, falling over Roka seductively…

Roka blinks a couple of times, looking around for a moment.

"... Uh, er..." Roka begins, confused, but, after looking at the women surrounding him, embraces the illusion.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #74 on: May 25, 2014, 04:48:38 pm »

For Miya, she is suddenly transported to the bedchamber of the Daimyo – where she suddenly finds herself standing over the sleeping man in his bed. He is not aware of her presence and there are no guards in the room – just Miya and the sleeping fiend that ordered her family’s death and left her with the lifelong scars…

 Miya is momentarily disoriented as she looks around before realizing where she is.
She looks down at the man who ruined her life and begins to embrace the growing fire of rage inside her. A dark and utterly bloodthirsty look begins creeping onto her face as she smiles at the victory.
She pulls out an arrow and aims at the man before noticing something very disturbing. A nagging feeling that something is wrong appears in Miya.

Miya can't remember how she got here...

With such an obvious gap in her memory she is at a loss to explain how she got here and this proves to be very distracting to somebody with a memory like her own. She lowers her bow as she racks her mind to find how she got here.

Eventually she is unable to find a reason and the 'most recent' memory that she has was when she was at Yuki's house standing between her and her mother while they were stuck in a... a Illusion.
 Seeing no reason not to check for Illusions in the Daimyo's room. Who knows, maybe he has some special illusions in place to catch somebody in the act of trying to kill him.
But that nagging feeling bothers her as she pulls the ruby out.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #75 on: May 25, 2014, 07:38:56 pm »

Realizing it's no use talking to her mother, Yuki spends a surge point to see through the illusion. After she can see what's really there, she uses killjoy ob the kitsune, followed by a karma drain. She then uses jinx to counter whatever the kitsune tries to do to counter her.

(Not that this will work lol)


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #76 on: May 25, 2014, 07:42:13 pm »

Rai knowing what they are facing figures this is all possibly an illusion caused by the fox spirit. Making sure he still keeps his hands clutched hoping he didn't let go of the chain so Yuki is not in danger. Since the attackers are not real they probably can't hurt him but an actual attack might be hidden by the illusion. Rai tries to surge to see past it as he calls out. "I know that Kitsume are use to meddling in the affairs of Nobles but to use illusions to hide yourself how cowardice. I am the last of the great line of Go-Uda. I can not allow myself to die to you measly spirit." He decides to dodge the attacks and use the chain that he knows is in between his hands to block attacks. (Defense defense.)
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #77 on: May 25, 2014, 09:33:28 pm »

In his nightmare, Udo surges to activate his heartstone of freedom and slips free of the roots trying to squeeze the life out of him.

He then uses entangle again, this time to pull directly at the long strands of hair wrapping Kioko, rather at her directly. The tactic seems to work and takes some pressure off the little girl – keeping her in one piece for the moment…

Then the ground abruptly opens up around Udo and he falls into a pit filled with attacking roots that grasp and lash at him from all directions for 5 Damage!

Then, for some reason, their touch causes his flesh to burn with a fiery pain for 22 more Damage (Luck for half) – following which, the ground closes up on him and crushes him for another 13 Damage (though his armor manages to soak some of it).

Then the most disturbing sound is heard – the scream of a little Kioko – as she is torn in half and killed – in spite of everything Udo did to try to save her!


Meanwhile, Lee surges to fire off a Rain of Shooting Stars and watches as the Chinese men around him are saturated with golden points of streaking light for 22 Damage Each! In his mind, they seem to scream out with a shrill cry.

Still all standing however, Lee pulls out his fans and activates the Tsunami Wave to wash all the Chinese away – causing an eight foot high, twelve foot wide, wave of saltwater that slams into half of them for 13 Stun Damage – pushing them back thirty five feet and knocking them prone in the process!

Then Surging again, he lunges for his mother and grabs her up, not letting go!


Roka, embracing his Illusion, lets the women begin to shower him with all their pleasures and things seem to be going quite well – until they start to become jealous of each other – pulling at Roka suddenly from every direction – inadvertently clawing and scratching him in the process for 9 damage.

Then things get really strange, when they begin biting at him and tearing his skin off in huge chunks with their teeth – causing 22 Damage (Luck for half)!

A moment later, they swarm over Roka and crush him under their unnaturally heavy bodies for another 13 Damage (though his armor soak most of it).

In the back of his mind, Roka hears a child scream out and die…


Rai meanwhile, tries to ignore the charging Samurai in his illusion, dodging most of their attacks but taking a total of 8 Damage from small nicks and cuts. As he boldly proclaims his birthright, the surrounding Samurai skewer him though the body from all sides for 22 Damage (Luck for half)!

As he learns that the illusion really can hurt him, the Pennagolan Daimyo wraps its entrails around Rai’s neck and chokes him for another 13 Damage…

In the back of his mind, Rai also hears a child scream out and die…


Realizing it's no use talking to her mother, Yuki spends a surge point to see through the illusion.

That’s when she sees that Udo has entangled her feet with roots (immobilizing her) and a Rain of Shooting Stars comes crashing down on her and the rest of the Samurai in the cherry grove – wounding everyone significantly! 22 Damage (Luck for half)

In horror, Yuki sees Kioko riddled with the glowing streaks of light – that tear into her and her little spirit familiar! Kioko and the little cloud creature cry out in a bloody shriek and then fade away into nothingness!

The Kitsune meanwhile, has flitted into another tree and laughs at the scene with wicked glee.

Appalled at what just happened, Yuki hits the Kitsune with Killjoy and Karma Drain – stealing 4 luck points from the vile fiend.

She then stands by to use Jinx on the monster the moment she tries anything.


As this all goes on, Miya in her own Illusion, pulls the ruby out and activates it to see what is illusionary and what is real.

She then sees all the Samurai still in the cherry grove with the Kitsune – just as Lee’s Rain of Shooting Stars pounds into everyone (including her for 22 Damage/Luck for half) – followed by a Tsunami Wave that hits Udo, Roka, and Rai.

Unfortunately, Miya also sees Kioko and the little spirit familiar destroyed by Lee’s attack and the laughing Kitsune sadistically observing the fiasco as it unfolds.

Lee then pounces on Yuki’s mother – holding her in a grapple – while Rai still has her feet wrapped in his chain.

Miya meanwhile, spends a Surge point and casts the Shared Illusions Spell that she got from Yunikawa; superimposing a vision of what is really going on inside each Samurai (and Lady Shirahata’s) minds.

The Samurai can now see both the illusions and what is really happening to them – seeing that Kioko is now gone and the Kitsune has yet to pay a cent for all the mayhem it has been causing…


OOC – On to the next Round...

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #78 on: May 25, 2014, 10:53:00 pm »

Roka roars loudly, attempting to throw off the women on him, and glares at the Noble-woman.

"I'm going to farking end you." He states, raising his fist, as he looks at his team.

"Drain her, Yuki And you, Udo. Hold her in place as I kill her." He orders simply, giving Yuki and Udo 2 surge points to act upon his order, and then, in a blink, moves at the Kitsune who is hopefully in Udo's grapple, slamming his Ki Spike at her, with a grievous injury attack.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #79 on: May 25, 2014, 10:54:26 pm »

"Kioko!" Udo yells out before Miya shows him the correct illusion. Shaking his head furiously and snarling at the Kitsune, he realizes that he accidentally entrapped Yuki, so he uses one of Roka's surges to release the plants. Suddenly, Udo entire body begins to change. Hair grows in more places than he'd like, bone structure becoming enlarged...

With a mighty roar, Giant Silverback Udo uses an additional surge point to take extra actions (since it would normally take a full round), trying to grab the Kitsune and slamming her into the ground, hopefully.

With Roka's other additional surge, Udo will make sure to act first.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 11:38:17 pm by Tanstaafl »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #80 on: May 25, 2014, 11:08:57 pm »

Rai seeing his companions go apeshit, one in a quite literal sense, he decides to avoid further conflict considering how wounded he is.

(Go defensive Defensive)
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #81 on: May 26, 2014, 11:41:28 am »

"KIOKO!" Yuki yells, as she watches her get torn apart by the lights. Anger and sadness sweep through her, as she watches her adopted sister killed in front of her. She looks at Lee, laying on her mother in front of her, and directs her anger at him.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? AND GET OFF OF MY MOTHER!" She yells. As she prepares to enact her vengeance on the Korean, Roka diverts her attention back to the Kitsune. Looking at the evil spirit, Yuki remembers that Kioko will be back, because she too is a spirit. Realizing it could be disastrous if she ignores the Kitsune now, she decides to delay her revenge on Lee.

"If you hurt her, I'll kill you." Yuki says as calmly as she can to the korean, before turning her attention to the Kistune.

Using the surges Roka gave her, she casts curse on the Kitsune, and does another karma drain. Yuki then lets out a cry of anger, before using rapid shot and mutli-shot to shoot 4 arrows at the Kitsune. She then uses all of her surges to continually shoot arrows at the Kitsune, still using multi-shot. She also uses luck points to jinx any move the Kitsune tries to make, and to enhance her shots. She uses her silver arrows to attack the Kitsune.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 12:53:20 pm by killa_robot »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #82 on: May 26, 2014, 02:16:39 pm »

Lee coming to his senses literally shoves Yuki's mom away from him and scoots backwards as fast as he can. "But, you, you, mom? Oh my god, what have I done!?" He cowers away still in shock. [Defensive, defensive]
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #83 on: May 26, 2014, 04:50:38 pm »

Moving quickly into the best possible position as she slips past anything in her path Miya aims at Kitsune with a fury in her eyes.

While she is moving she proceeds to attune her spirit to her arrows and bow, allowing her to generate arrows of a spiritual nature. She focuses on only attacking Kitsune.
Edit: Miya also 'accidently' positions herself to hit Roka and Udo in her attack.  ::) Jk

"You will die for the pain you have caused this family Demon!" Miya yells out in an angry voice.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 05:13:43 pm by Fireplay »
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #84 on: May 27, 2014, 07:19:08 pm »

Rai ducks for cover, while Lee cowers away from Lady Shirahata, realizing his grave mistake, and then takes up a defensive position – watching both the Kitusne and the clearly upset Samurai simultaneously.

Then the roots around Yuki fall away at Udo’s beckon, as Udo transforms into a twelve foot tall, eight foot wide at the shoulder, giant gorilla and charges the Kitsune in the cherry tree.

The Kitsune however, flits away again and appears next to Yuki and her mother.

“If none of you are willing to enjoy my little mind plays,” the Kitsune says brusquely, “then perhaps some ‘live theater’ is in order.”

The Kitsune then speaks a Word of Power at Yuki and her Mother.

The word takes physical form as it leaves the Kitsune’s mouth, literally becoming the symbol that was spoken – ‘annihilation’ in Old Realm – and expanding exponentially as it goes forth – slams into the ground with a thunderous clap. Dirt and rocks shower from a fifteen foot wide crater that is left after the impact.

Both Yuki and her mother surge to activate Uncanny Dodge – escaping the blast before it engulfs them – though Lady Shirahata is immediately Fatigued by the effort; having had no further luck or surge to spend after the Kitsune had drained it all.

Yuki, in far better shape than her mother, Curses the Kitsune and Karma Drains four more Luck Points from the monster. She then Surges to unload 10 silver arrows at it, while Miya joins in, activating Spirit Arrows and aiming a shot at the Kitsune’s eye.

Yuki releases two arrows and Jinxes the Kitsune when it flits away as it has been doing the entire time. The Kitsunes successfully relocates ten feet further back. Two more arrows pass through where the Kitsune was a moment before – and yet another Jinx is countered.

Then the third volley of arrows and Yuki’s Jinx finally sticks; the Kitsune’s eye widening in surprise when she does not disappear out of the way.

Both of Yuki’s silver arrows slam into the noble woman’s chest for 17 and 24 Damage – bright red blood splattering her royal attire. Miya meanwhile, looses her Spirit Arrow at the same moment, realizing that this could be her one and only chance.

She watches in marked satisfaction as her streaking arrow punches right through the Kitsune’s eye and lodges deep in her head for 19 damage straight to Wounds.

“Aaaaiiee!” the Kitsune shrieks in pain, reeling back from the blow.

Yuki meanwhile, continues to fire, landing two more arrows for 15 and 19 Damage, before the Kitsune realizes what is going on and uses Uncanny Dodge to slip Yuki’s last Jinx and then flits back to what it thinks is a safe position behind some trees a ways away where Yuki can’t see it.

There it transforms in a crackling display of lightning into her true form – a horse-sized sinewy fox with nine bushy tails – and snapping her jaws ravenously as she claws the arrows out of her eye and body.

Unknown to the Kitsune, Udo is within leaping distance and surges to spring across the grove at the massive demon-fox – crash-landing down on top of her for 18 Damage and catching her in a Hold.

“Now Roka now!” Udo yells – though what the Samurai actually hear is “RWOAWR, SNARL WROAWRRR!!!”

Covering the distance with Amazing Celerity, Roka streaks at the Kitsune and slams a Ki Spike into the foul beast’s chest with Grievous injury technique!

The Kitsune takes 21 AP damage as the ribs in its chest shatter under the blow!

“How dare you bloody my beautiful fur!” the Kitsune howls at Roka (apparently not considering all the damage Yuki had just done to her). “You I will watch – and when you have achieved happiness and peace in this life, I will come to you… And you shall slay your own children and feed them to me!”

With that, the Kitsune once again flits away into the night sky, much farther this time, climbing higher and higher into the night sky with each step – before vanishing away as its silhouette crosses the moon.

Yuki and Miya both take a few free shots at the retreating monster, but she seems to be well out of range before anything can actually threaten her.

With the Kitsune’s retreat, all her power over the Samurai suddenly lifts and the Illusions end.

Lady Shirahata puts her head in her hand and begins to weep…


OOC Combat is over


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #85 on: May 27, 2014, 07:54:30 pm »

Rai get out of the cover he was hiding behind and steps out clearly the most heavily wounded individual on the field as he sits down he says, "Good job everyone. Yuki you should probably confort your mother. Udo if you don't mind I need some assistance." *cough cough* As blood appears in his hand from the internal injuries he sustained in the fighting. Looking back up he says, "We should probably send the least injuryed person to get help as quickly as possible." Rai begins coughing up blood again. Clearly to tired for speaking.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #86 on: May 27, 2014, 08:01:56 pm »

Miya moves to quickly help Rai as best she can.

 "Don't speak much, it will only make you cough more blood. UDO! We need your help over here."
As soon as somebody else arrives to help Rai Miya will head out of the house to go find help.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #87 on: May 27, 2014, 08:14:55 pm »

Miya moves to quickly help Rai as best she can.

 "Don't speak much, it will only make you cough more blood. UDO! We need your help over here."
As soon as somebody else arrives to help Rai Miya will head out of the house to go find help.

Rai groans in pain and says, "I think I broke my everything. Please be careful where you touch."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #88 on: May 27, 2014, 08:18:42 pm »

"Didn't I just say not to speak?"
 Miya says with a mixture of annoyance and slight amusment.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #89 on: May 27, 2014, 08:25:59 pm »

Roka nods.

"Miya, head over and make sure the WuJen is stalled for the moment. Udo, drag Rai into the house, and take care of him there. Yuki, Lee, we need to talk, here." Roka states simply, looking at Lee, angrily.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #90 on: May 27, 2014, 08:32:06 pm »

"Didn't I just say not to speak?"
 Miya says with a mixture of annoyance and slight amusment.

Rai nods his head and mimics a zipping motion.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #91 on: May 27, 2014, 08:40:59 pm »

Mentally and physically eshausted, Yuki faints and falls to the ground, crying as she does.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #92 on: May 27, 2014, 09:35:35 pm »

Roka sighs as Yuki falls down, and shakes his head.

"This is bad." He mutters quietly to himself, as he moves over to Yuki, and nods.

"Don't worry, we'll find Kioko in the spirit world and get her back. I promise, Yuki." Roka says, comfortingly.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #93 on: May 27, 2014, 09:52:21 pm »

With the Kitsune gone, Udo relaxes slightly, shifting back to his naked human form. Glancing at the crying Shirahatas, he frowns. "It'll be okay, Yuki..."

Biting his lip, he goes on to patch up Rai (medical roll) and the others.

"Yo, Rai, do you want me to perform surgery on you or wait for Yunikawa?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #94 on: May 28, 2014, 12:43:07 am »

"I... My mother, she was there! I know I saw her! She was being dragged off by 8 Chinese men. I... I am so sorry. My god, I was only trying to save my mother. I didnt mean this!" Lee is still semi cowering and wondering what he is suppose to be doing right now. He truly is sincere in his apologies...
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #95 on: May 28, 2014, 08:43:14 am »

"Miya, head over and make sure the WuJen is stalled for the moment."

Miya nods and looks at Yuki to make sure she is being taken care of.
 "I'll do that right away."

She then moves to find and delay 'Uncle'. When/If she finds him she will ask him if it would be possible to get another shared spell like before, saying it proven very useful.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #96 on: May 28, 2014, 06:31:20 pm »

"I... My mother, she was there! I know I saw her! She was being dragged off by 8 Chinese men. I... I am so sorry. My god, I was only trying to save my mother. I didnt mean this!" Lee is still semi cowering and wondering what he is suppose to be doing right now. He truly is sincere in his apologies...

Roka doesn't look at Lee, beginning to move to the House.

"Ask forgiveness from the sister of the girl you killed." Roka simply states.

"And, err, Udo? Get some clothes." Roka adds, and then runs into the house and begins to clean up. (Amazing Celerity hopefully works.)


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #97 on: May 28, 2014, 06:52:13 pm »

Rai looks up at udo and says, "Could you put some clothes on?" rai procedes to groan and shifts his arm to the side and exposes a deep slash in his side. Feeling pretty numb at this point from all the pain goes, "Well theres your problem." as he giggles to himself.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #98 on: May 28, 2014, 07:00:03 pm »

Udo looks around and mutters, "Uhh, do I have spares..."

If his backpack carries some spares, he'd put those on, shrugging. "Rai, that gash is pretty bad. You sure you don't want me to patch that up with surgery?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2014, 01:32:26 am »

Udo looks around and mutters, "Uhh, do I have spares..."

If his backpack carries some spares, he'd put those on, shrugging. "Rai, that gash is pretty bad. You sure you don't want me to patch that up with surgery?"

Rai shakes his head and says, "I am sure that a pierst will be able to heal this more quickly then surgery."
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