what's your preference?
Vodka! It tastes the least worst going down and can be downed in absurd amounts with relative ease.
Gin is second.
Non-spiced rum is third, spiced rum is down with whiskey.
Fark all forms of whiskey. On top of tasting like shit it makes me aggressive.
This is for hard liquors, which I drink predominantly because being 200 pounds and heavily muscled (Aman can attest to my physical state if my pic isn't enough) makes getting shitfaced drunk really hard sometimes. Last time it took me a full bottle over the course of 5 hours and I didn't even lose any memories or anything!
If I have to drink sociably, peach shnapps almost manages to hide the vile taste of alcohol.
I hate beer, but that's mostly because I hate all carbonated beverages. I would actually prefer "flat" beer.