Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, everyone!
what's your preference?
Tequila! I almost got the snot beat out of me for drinking half of some frat boy's tequila this year . . . thankfully I was sober enough to slide on out of there (I'm sort of in the same boat as you Drak; being 6'3", 240 lbs makes it pretty hard for me to get smashed).
Then most hard liquors, although I haven't had many of them (actually, despite the occasional celebratory binge, I don't usually drink all that much). Personally, I think beer tastes terrible and could never bring myself to drink it. I do have my hot chocolate with a shot of Brandy on Christmas Eve and Day, because I swear I'm not daytime drinking, just enjoying my winter!
You guys have any New Years resolutions?
. . . Get a girlfriend? More accurately channel my inner-Casanova going for a friend . . . who may or may not have a boyfriend already . . .
New Years resolutions never do work out . . .
Drink more
Well, maybe some do.